
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study examined the receptive and productive knowledge of collocations of second language (L2) and heritage speakers of Korean and also investigated the influence of phrasal frequency, exposure to Korean, and phonological short-term memory (PSTM). Seventeen L2 learners and 14 heritage speakers of Korean were tested on 30 Korean noun-verb collocations, which varied in phrasal frequency, using an acceptability judgment task and a collocation completion test. The results showed that both L2 and heritage speakers demonstrated considerable receptive knowledge of Korean collocations while productive knowledge was more limited for both groups. The mixed-effects modelling results of four independent variables of interest (i.e., phrasal frequency, exposure via media, academic use, and PSTM) showed that phrasal frequency was the only significant predictor of receptive knowledge of collocations for both L2 and heritage speakers; none of the four factors had a significant impact on productive knowledge of collocations for either group. These data are discussed in relation to previous studies on collocation development of L2 learners and heritage speakers.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국어 동사 유의어 具有와 擁有를 중국어 말뭉치자료 BCC와 CCL의 통계를 활용하여 결합관계를 분석하였다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 具有의 주어는 사람과 사물 모두 사용이 가능한 반면, 擁有의 주어는 사람 위주이며, 국가, 정부, 시 등과 자주 결합한다. 具有의 목적어는 주로 성격, 성질, 속성 관련 명사이고, 擁有의 목적어는 구체적 명사 및 사람, 추상명사와도 결합된다. 具有의 목적어에는 사람이 올 수 없는 반면 擁有의 목적어에는 사람이 올 수 있다. 둘째, 정도부사와 부정부사와의 결합 을 살펴본 결과는 ‘不’은 具有 및 擁有와 결합되며, ‘沒有’와 ‘沒’의 경우 具有보다 擁有와의 결합비율이 높았다. 정도부사 ‘最’와 具有의 결합 비율이 가장 높았고, 擁有는 정도부사와의 결합이 이루어지지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 두 유의어의 동태조사와의 결합을 살펴본 결과는 모두 ‘了’와의 결합비율이 높았다. ‘擁有+過’는 결합되지만 ‘具有+過’는 결합되지 않았다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the effects of collocation task types on Korean high school students' collocation learning and learning attitudes. A total of 118 Korean high school students participated in the experiment, and they were divided into four groups: control group, receptive treatment group, productive treatment group and combination treatment group. In order to investigate the effects of collocation task types on students' English proficiency, each group of students was classified into a high proficiency group and a low proficiency group. The students took a pre-test before the experiment and a post-test after the experiment. After the post-test, the post-questionnaire survey was conducted to examine the students' learning attitudes. The results of the study were as follows: (1) The three types of collocation tasks were effective in learning receptive and productive collocations; (2) in the delayed retention test, it was revealed that the effect of the three types of collocation tasks on both receptive and productive collocation learning lasted; and (3) the result of post-questionnaire survey showed that learning collocation through collocation tasks had positive influence on most students in terms of raising their interest and increasing their self-confidence.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Utterly in Their Collocation Patterns and Stand-Alone Use. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(2), 91-110. This paper analyzes the maximizers absolutely and utterly in discourse, focusing especially on their collocation patterns and stand-alone use. I have elucidated the connection between their combinations in their dependent use and stand-alone use. This study connects the manners of stand-alone use of absolutely and utterly to their collocation patterns in dependent use. Absolutely strongly tends to collocate with positive lexical items, and frequently with an affirmative token, thus absolutely appears in stand-alone use, often as a response token, whereas utterly never occurs in independent use. The stand-alone form tends to be a better fit for interactive pragmatic roles, such as turn initiation, which is used to respond to a prior speaker, absolute acknowledgment, agreement, pre-closing signal, solidarity, and the floor-holding and bridging devices. The larger relevance of this study is to understand the impact of language use, and analyze these words' collocations and stand-alone use. (169)
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined whether explicit or implicit teaching is more efficient in improving Korean middle school students’ English verb−noun collocation knowledge. Forty Korean EFL middle school students participated in the study and they were assigned to either the explicit instruction or implicit instruction group. The participants’ English verb−noun collocation knowledge was measured through pre-, immediate post-, and delayed post-tests over the 5- week experimental period, and a survey of participants’ opinions on the instruction they received was carried out. The results showed that the students who received the explicit collocation instruction displayed better learning outcomes, suggesting the immediate influence of the explicit instruction, and more importantly the sustained initial advantage. That is, the explicit group students did retain the target items significantly better than the implicit group students. The responses from the two groups also indicated the positive effects of the explicit collocation instruction. The explicit group students were mostly satisfied with the instruction and showed increased confidence in acquiring English collocations while the implicit students did not. This study provides L2 teachers with valuable information on how to teach L2 collocation more effectively.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the relationship of collocations to reading and writing skills. Eighty-six Korean university students were given a collocation knowledge test, followed by a reading test; both lexical and grammatical collocations in the collocation test were extracted from the passages in the reading test. Subsequently, the students were given a writing test, and its topic was related to the content of the reading passages; both lexical and grammatical collocations appearing in their compositions were counted based on the classification criteria provided in The BBI Combinatory Dictionaty of English. The findings are as follows. There were no significant correlations between the students' co llocation knowledge and reading ski ll s. However, a significant correlation was found between writing quality and col location use. Good and poor readers were simil ar on average in both grammatical and lexical co llocations, which corroborates the nonsignificant relationship between reading and collocation knowledge. In contrast, good and poor writers showed significant differences in the use of both grammatical and lexical collocations, thus substantiating the significant correlation between writing quality and collocation use. The group difference was more pronounced in grammatical collocations. Across good and poor writers, lexical collocations were used much less than grammatical collocations. Taken together, these results support a need for EFL writers to learn both grammatical and lexical coll ocations to improve writing quality. The results also caution not to overgeneral ize the influence of co ll ocation knowledge on reading performance . •
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the changing status of vocabulary, the notion of vocabulary has been broadened from single words to multi-word expressions or units. Many lexicologists focus on vocabulary rather than grammar, and maintain that these lexical units or collocations are the most powerful force in comprehension and production of language. Little action research, however, has been performed to identify the best practices and to aid students in learning English in a real classroom. Collocational approaches to vocabulary acquisition view the basic premise of language learning as noticing and acquiring multi-word units like individual words. Focusing on this concept, this research presents practical collocation teaching methods, beginning with a brief definition, the pedagogical implications, and the most commonly occurring collocations. It suggests eight collocation- teaching methods, to be directly used in classroom activities. Finally, implementation of the suggestions presented here will produce more meaningful and effective vocabulary learning activities so that the EFL learners acquire knowledge of the English language more communicatively.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has focused on the two factors. The first things has investigated the way the Korean L2 learners apply the pattern of ‘adverb+ verb collocation’ in English to their ‘opinion paragraph writing’ on the topic sentences, with the focus on two factors: meta-discourse perspective on the genre of paragraphs and the writers’ strategies for selecting particular collocation types. Second element with the findings of the first step has suggested the effective writing methods for the Korean L2 learners. From 15th October to 2nd November, 2018, the researchers had examined the L2 learners’ topic sentences shown as in the their first drafts, to identify the attitude (I agree), engagement (consider) markers or self-mentions (I, We) and boosters (completely, fully, strongly, etc.) in meta-discourse resources which were founded on the types of essays. We had proposed that the learners would produce proper English ‘adverb+verb’ collocations based on the semantic features for verbs and adverbs in English and Korean with the feedback comments. Secondly, the researchers had reanalyzed the learners’ final products which have been focused on the learners’ self-correction for the deviant English-Korean collocations or non-collocation in English. The researchers had found out some pedagogical implications which had suggested for learning the suitable English collocation usage based on the findings of the study. The major thing has shown that the learners would depend on the meta-discourse resources in the process of accepting the academic writing styles or genre. Another implication of the findings is that the new insights into the development of L2 ‘adverb+verb’ collocational competence should be based on the nature of teaching methods that stress input-based or refrain from explicit vocabulary teaching.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to explore the different collocations in English communication verbs, such as say and tell through a corpus-based analysis. Although the verbs say and tell are synonymous, they select different DP objects such as say a prayer or tell a lie. So those differences are explained in terms of collocation. In order to understand the difference of collocational patterns between the verbs say and tell, I attempted to verify them by reading and examining a corpus. The analysis should be useful in understanding collocation since it is based on empirical data. The results show that say is collocated with DPs whose semantic properties have such specific linguistic content as anything, word, hello, hey, hi, etc. that agrees with the semantic field of say. Meanwhile, tell is collocated with the DPs whose semantic properties have the specific linguistic content of facts or information like story, truth, difference, tale, etc. that agrees with the semantic field of tell. This study shows that the semantic properties of nominal objects which are selected by the verb say or tell play an important role in understanding collocationally synonymous as well as different.
        2010.03 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한국어교육 현장에서 연어를 이용한 어휘교육은 한국어 학습자가 자연스러운 한국어를 구사할 수 있도록 정확성과 유창성을 높여줄 수 있다. 그러나 연어는 어휘 간 결합관계의 예측 불가능성과 비대칭성으로 인해 상세한 분석과 기술이 요구되며 반드시 외국인 학습자들에게 효과적으로 제시되어야 한다. 그리하여 학습자가 단순히 연어를 암기식으로 학습하는 것이 아니라 그어휘가 성립되는 관계를 이해하여 한국어의 유창성을 향상시키는데 도모해야 할 것이다. 본고에서는 한국어 학습자의 효율적인 연어 학습을 위해 어휘 사이의 의미관계, 특히 연어 관계의 체계적인 기술을 가능하게 하는 장치인 멜축(Mel'čuk)의 어휘함수를 활용하여 연어의 구성요소들이 맺는 어휘적 의미 관계를 중심으로 기술하는데 기초적 자료가 되는 것에 의의를 두고자 한다.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        자유수면 흐름의 모의를 위한 유한요소모형이 동수역학적 흐름방정식과 collocation 유한요소법에 의해 모의하였다. collocation 기법은 Hermite 다항식을 가진 접합점에서 적용이 되며, 메크릭스 방정식은 skyline 기법에 의해 해석하였다. 본 연구 모형은 마찰이 없는 수평수로에서의 정상도수, 비선형 표면전파 그리고 댐 파괴해석에 적용하였다. 계산결과 Bubnov-Galerkin 과 Petrov-Galerkin 기법과 비교하였다. 실제하