본 연구는 임상간호사의 간호전문직관과 임상의사결정능력 간의 관계에서 비판적 사고성향과 핵심간호술 수행자신감의 이중매개효과를 검증하여 임상의사결정능력 향상을 위한 기초자료로 활용하기 위해 실시한 서술적 조사연구이다. 연구대상자는 일 지역의 종합병원 임상간호사 173명이며, 2023년 9월 15일~10월 13일까지 자료수집을 하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS/AMOS 23.0 프로그램을 이용하여 연구변인들 간의 인과적 관계 분석과 부트스트래핑 추정방식으로 매개효과를 검증하였으며, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, hierarchical regression을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 임 상간호사의 간호전문직관, 임상의사결정능력, 비판적 사고성향과 핵심간호술 수행자신감 간의 인과모형의 적합성은 타당하게 성립하였다. 둘째, 간호전문직관에서 임상의사결정능력에 대한 영향관계에서 비판적 사 고성향은 부분매개효과를 나타냈다. 셋째, 이중매개효과를 검증한 결과, 비판적 사고성향의 간접효과가 비 판적 사고성향과 핵심간호술 수행자신감의 간접효과보다 크게 나타나 이중매개효과보다는 단일매개 효과 가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 임상간호사들의 높은 간호전문직관의 함양은 임상의사결정능력을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 특히, 비판적 사고성향을 강화시키는 것이 더 효율적임을 검증하였다.
본 연구는 온라인 플랫폼을 활용한 건강사정 학습 프로그램이 간호 대학생의 문제해결과정, 비 판적 사고 성향, 수업참여도 및 수업몰입도에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위한 단일집단 사전사후설계 (one-group pretest-posttest design)를 적용한 원시실험연구(pre-experimental research)이다. 연구 대상자 는 C북도 G군 소재 J대학교 건강사정 및 실습 교과목을 수강하는 간호학과 2학년 학생 52명을 대상으로 온라인 플랫폼을 활용한 건강사정 학습 프로그램 참여 전‧후 자료를 수집하였다. 분석한 결과, 문제해결과 정(t=-2.569, p=.013), 비판적 사고 성향(t=-5.363, p<.001), 수업참여도(t=-4.429, p<.001), 수업몰입도 (t=-3.747, p<.001)가 프로그램 참여 전‧후 통계적으로 유의하게 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 건강사정 수업 시 간호 대학생들의 문제해결과정, 비판적 사고 성향, 수업참여도, 수업몰입도 향상을 위해서 온라인 플랫폼을 활용한 학습 프로그램을 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
This study investigated the effects of complex problem-solving activities involving children’s literature on students’ critical thinking dispositions and English production. Thirty-one sixth-grade students were given lessons over a seven-week period. Various types of data were analyzed qualitatively, and the results of a critical thinking disposition test were analyzed quantitatively. Results were as follows: First, the critical thinking dispositions test revealed positive changes in open-mindedness, independence, objectivity, and inquisitiveness. The highest score was found for open-mindedness. The largest increase in score was for independence and objectivity. Second, changes in critical thinking dispositions enriched children’s English production. Open-mindedness helped with spoken language production as it encouraged students to share their opinions freely. Independence was mainly expressed in writing form in which students could question and evaluate the text. Greater objectivity was applied to spoken and written language production as the subjects were able to recognize the importance of evidence. Inquisitiveness affected children’s writing as it drove them to write down the results of their own research.
본 연구는 간호대학생의 문제해결능력, 자기주도 학습능력, 비판적 사고성향 간의 관련성을 파 악하고 문제해결능력에 대한 영향요인을 확인하기 위한 서술적 조사연구이다. 연구대상자는 G도와 C도에 소재하는 2개 대학 간호대학생 226명이었고 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 조사하였다. 수집된 자료는 기술 통계, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's 상관관계 분석 및 다중회귀분석을 이용하여 분석하였다. 간호대학생의 문 제해결능력의 영향요인을 확인하기 위해 다중회귀분석 결과, 비판적 사고성향(β= .490, p< .001)과 자기 주도 학습능력(β= .355, p< .001)이 영향요인으로 나타났다. 회귀모형의 적합도에 대한 F 통계량은 183.523(p< .001)으로 유의하였고, 설명력은 61.9%인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 간호대학생의 문제해결능 력 향상을 위해서는 비판적 사고성향과 자기주도 학습능력이 향상될 수 있도록 다양한 교수학습방법을 접 목해야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 간호대학생의 문제해결능력을 향상시키기 위한 교육프로그램을 개발하는데 기초자료로 유용하게 활용될 것이다.
본 연구는 간호대학생의 비판적 사고, 셀프리더십과 학습 몰입 정도를 파악하고, 학습 몰입에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 시도 되었다. 연구 대상자는 D 광역시, G 광역시에 소재한 2개 간호학과 2학년 학생 196명을 대상으로 하였으며, 2018년 11월 26일부터 12월 7일까지 자료수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 21.0 프로그램을 사용하여 기술 통계, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson 상관계수, 다중회귀분석으로 분석하였다. 연구결과 일반적 특성에 따른 학습 몰입은 학교 성적, 전공 만족도, 대인관계에 따라 유의한 차이를 보였고, 학습 몰입은 셀프리더십(r=.738, p<.001)과 유의한 양의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 학습 몰입에 영향을 미치는 요인은 학교 성적(β=-.212, p=.011), 전공 만족도(β=.248, p=.001), 셀프리더십(β=.598, p<.001)으로 나타났으며, 학습 몰입에 대한 이들 변인의 설명력은 58%로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로 간호대학생의 학습 몰입을 향상시키기 위해서는 전공 만족도와 셀프리더십을 증진시킬 수 있는 프로그램 개발이 필요할 것으로 생각한다.
Purpose: This study examined the effects of simulation-based education for high-risk maternity on evaluating problem-solving process, self-leadership, critical thinking disposition, and selfefficacy of nursing students. Method: This study was a one-group pretest-postest test design with 81 junior nursing students as participants. Data were collected from September 4 to December 11, 2019, after students completed their simulation practice class. Students completed a survey on their problem-solving process, self-leadership, critical thinking disposition, and self-efficacy at the beginning and end of the class. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients using the SPSS WIN 21.0 program. Results: Students’ problem-solving process (t=-7.06, p<.001), self-leadership (t=-3.08, p=.003), critical thinking disposition (t=-2.12, p=.037), and self-efficacy (t=-6.01, p<.001) showed significant improvement after the simulation-based education for high-risk maternity. There was a positive relation between problem-solving process and self-leadership (r=.52, p<.001), critical thinking disposition (r=.39, p<.001), and self-efficacy (r=.53, p<.001). Conclusion: There is a need to supplement the limitations of clinical practice education by providing a simulation-based education environment similar to a hospital since the experience of clinical practice alone is not sufficient to improve students' knowledge and skills. Results of this study may be used as a basic data for efficiently performing simulation-based education on high-risk maternity.
Purpose: This study is examined the effects of simulation practice education with problem-based learning methods on nursing students' learning attitudes, learning satisfaction, critical thinking disposition, and problem-solving ability. Method: A quasi-experiment single group pretest-posttest design was adopted. Simulation education was conducted by utilizing problem-based learning methods to teach the following topics to nursing students enrolled in 4th grade in S city: respiratory, circulatory, and nervous system. The experiment was conducted for 12 weeks, from September to December, 2019. Paired t-test and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient were used to analyze the collected data. Results: Learning attitude and problem-solving ability showed significant differences in the experiment. Among the sub-areas of problem-solving ability, there were significant differences in the following: problem recognition (p<.001), information gathering (p<.001), confident thinking disposition (p<.001), acceptance to carry out an adventure (p<.001), evaluation (p=.027), and feedback (p<.001). In addition, learning attitude showed significant positive correlations with learning satisfaction, critical thinking disposition, and problem-solving ability. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that, it is necessary to develop a variety of iterative studies and simulation scenarios to confirm the effectiveness of simulation training.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of learner-directed debriefing based on the clinical judgement model (LDCJM) on nursing students’ critical thinking disposition, selfdirected learning, problem-solving ability, and debriefing experience after simulation. Method: This study used a quasi-experimental design with 38 sophomore nursing students from one university. They were divided into an experimental group (n=20) and a control group (n=18). Collected data were analyzed by the Chi-square, the Mann-Whitney U-test, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test using the WIN SPSS 22.0 program. Results: The experimental group that had participated in the LDCJM indicated significantly higher self-directed learning (U=23.50, p<.001), problem-solving ability (U=94.50 p=.011), and debriefing experience (U=87.00, p=.006) when compared to the control group. Conclusion: The results indicate that LDCJM is an effective learning strategy to improve self-directed learning, problem-solving ability, and debriefing experience. Further study is needed to identify the effects of various debriefing skills.
본 연구는 간호 대학생을 대상으로 시나리오를 통한 건강사정 실습교육이 의사소통 능력, 비판적 사고 성향 및 학업성취에 미치는 효과를 보기 위한 비동등성 대조군 사전-사후 설계의 유사실험 연구이다. C북도 G군 소재 J대학교와 G도 P시 소재 P대학교에서 건강사정 교과목을 수강하는 간호학과 2학년 학생을 대상으로 실험군 35명, 대조군 34명에게 각각 시나리오를 통한 실습교육과 전통적 실습교육 수행 전ㆍ후로 자료를 수집하였다. 연구결과, 시나리오를 통한 건강사정 실습교육을 받은 실험군이 전통적 실습 교육을 받은 대조군보다 의사소통 능력(t=2,797, p=.007), 비판적 사고 성향(t=2,406, p=.019), 정보수집능력(t=2,977, p=.004), 문제인식능력(t=3.584, p=.001)이 통계적으로 유의미하게 높아졌다. 그러므로 간호 학생들의 의사소통 능력, 비판적 사고 성향, 정보수집능력 및 문제인식능력 향상을 위해 건강사정 수업 시 시나리오를 통한 실습교육프로그램을 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effects of simulation-based learning on the
critical thinking disposition, communication confidence, and performance confidence in
nursing care for children with fever. Method: A one-group pre- and post-test design was
used. A total of 59 nursing students participated. Results: The results of this study showed
that the effectiveness of simulation-based learning showed statistically significant improvement
in critical thinking disposition, communication confidence and performance confidence.
Conclusion: The findings indicate that simulation-based learning in the nursing care of
children with fever may be an effective teaching-learning method for nursing students.
본 연구는 간호학생의 간호수행능력 관련요인을 파악하여 간호수행능력 증진을 위한 학부과정의 교육 방안을 마련하는데 기여하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 일 대학 간호학과의 4학년 학생 227명이었다. 대상자의 일반적 특성, 비판적 사고성향, 핵심기본간호술 성취도에 따른 간호수행능력은 independent t-test, pearson’s correlation coefficient를 실시하였고, 간호수행능력에 영향을 미치는 요인을 확인하기 위해 Linear regression을 시행하였다. 연구결과, 간호학생의 간호수행능력에는 비판적 사고성향의 지적공정성과 핵심기본간호술 난이도 중 및 하의 성취도가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 모두 점수가 높을수록 간호수행능력이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 간호학생의 지적공정성과 핵심기본간호술 성취도를 높이는 한편 난이도 상의 성취도를 높이는 교육프로그램의 마련이 필요하다.
Purpose: This study was tried to identify the effects of simulation practice education on the clinical competence, critical thinking disposition and self-confidence of nursing process in new graduated nurses. Methods: This study was one group pre-post test design, participants are 50 new graduated nurses with less than 3 month of working experience. The simulation practice education applied the first semester of the third grade, over 15 weeks with 1 credit per 2 hours per week by two instructors with four scenarios. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients using the SPSS WIN 21.0 program. Result: There was a significant difference simulation practice education on the clinical competence and critical thinking disposition in the new graduated nurses. There was a correlation between clinical competence and critical thinking disposition. Conclusion: New nurses' capacity can be strengthened by applying simulation practice education that improve the clinical performance by enhance the critical thinking Disposition.
The purpose of the study is to investigate whether critical thinking skills can be fostered through a college English course. Approximately eighty female Korean students taking a basic freshman mandatory reading course participated in the study. The researcher taught them critical reading skills along with other reading comprehension skills and provided them with Korean local context in the given topic. The students critically read two units of the required textbook and attended presentations of high school students with minority cultural backgrounds. The students submitted four online reports about multiculturalism, and they were analyzed using a thematic analysis. The results revealed that even students with relatively low English proficiency could enhance their critical thinking skills by practicing critical reading. Also, additional information about local contexts not only compensated for a culturally limited text but also facilitated the development of critical thinking. The findings indicate that teaching critical thinking is feasible in an English language course despite limited environments. Yet, more studies are required to generalize the findings.
본 연구는 학습자 중심 수업이 비판적 사고 전략의 향상에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 수행 되었다. 이를 위해 서울, 충청도 소재 4년제 사립대학교의 3학년 학생 260명을 대상으로 플립드 러닝 (flipped learning)을 기반으로 한 학습자 중심 수업 설계를 16주에 걸쳐 적용하였다. 이를 위하여 비판 적 사고 전략 검사의 확인적 요인분석을 실시하였고, 수업 전과 후의 비판적 사고 전략의 수준의 차이를 분석하였다. 또한 수업 전의 비판적 사고 전략 수준에 따라서 수업 후에 변화의 양상이 어떠한가를 알아 보기 위해 상ㆍ하 집단(25%, 75%)으로 분류하고, 이들의 차이를 분석하였다. 연구결과를 살펴보면 첫째, 비판적 사고 전략 검사는 대학생의 비판적 사고 전략을 측정하기에 적합한 요인구조를 가졌음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 학습자 중심 수업은 비판적 사고 전략의 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 가장 높은 차원인 비판적 반성 전략의 경우 수업 적용 전에 비해 가장 큰 향상 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 수업 전의 비판적 사고 수준이 낮은 집단이 수업 후의 비판적 사고향상의 폭이 더 크게 나타나 하위집단일수록 학습자 중심 수업이 효과적이라는 선행연구 결과와 일치하는 결과를 확인하였 다. 이러한 연구 결과는 몇 가지의 제한점에도 불구하고 비판적 사고의 향상을 위해서는 학습자의 활동 과 개별학습, 협업, 소통이 중시되는 학습자 중심 수업을 충분히 고려할 필요가 있음을 시사하였고, 학습 수준에 따라 학습자 중심 수업을 어떻게 활용할 것인가에 대한 자료를 제공하였다는 측면에서 의의 가 있었다.
Purpose: This study was tried to identify the effects of problem-based learning integrated with simulation education on the critical thinking disposition, problem-solving process and self-confidence of nursing process in nursing students.
Methods: This study was one group pre-post test design, participants are 47 senior nursing students. We developed the simulation practice by applying problem based learning taking 2 hours per session, once per week for 15 weeks. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients using the SPSS WIN 18.0 program.
Result: There was a significant difference simulation practice by applying problem based learning on the critical thinking disposition, problem-solving process and self-confidence of nursing process of nursing students. There was a correlation between each other variables.
Conclusion: Therefore, suggest that the repeated studies to verify the effects of simulation practice by applying problem based learning.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of simulation-based education for nursing students.
Methods: One group pre-post test of quasi-experimental design was used. Forty-four nursing students participated in the study. The instruments used for this study were critical thinking disposition scales and problem solving process scales, clinical competency scales. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 18.0 program with descriptive statistics, paried-test.
Results: There were significant increases in critical thinking(t=5.958, p<.001), problem solving process(t=3.331, p=.002) and nursing clinical(t=2.226 p=.031).
Conclusion: In conclusion, the simulation-based education program was effective in contributing towards the development of critical thinking, problem solving process and clinical competence. Further study is needed to develop of clinical based learning modules and determine the effect of simulation method, learning times, team size on learrning.
본 연구는 탐구학습과 과정중심 쓰기 통합수업 모형을 적용하여 비판적·창의적 사고 능력을 신장시키는 데 그 목적이 있다. 지금까지 널리 활용되어 온 기존의 읽기 지도 모형들은 쓰기 과정과의 연계가 부족하다는 한계점을 내포하고 있다. 이러한 한계점을 극복하기 위하여, 현재까지 개발된 읽기 지도 모형 중 가장 학습자 중심의 읽기 교수·학습 모형이며, 읽기 과정과 쓰기 과정을 통합한 모형인 ‘Neo-SQ3R’ 모형을 적용하여, 실험반을 대상으로 사전․·사후 설문조사와 학생 소감문을 통해 모형 투입 전후의 비판적·창의적 사고능력에 대한 학습자 체감 정도를 검증하였다. 모형 투입 전·후 텍스트 재구성 여부 및 창의적 재구성 여부를 통해 비판적․창의적 사고능력 신장 정도를 검증한 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 탐구학습과 과정중심쓰기 모형을 적용한 문학 수업을 통해 비판적·창의적 사고능력이 신장되었다. 둘째, 읽기와 쓰기 과정을 통합한 교수․학습을 통해 총체적 국어사용능력이 신장되었다. 셋째, 학습자 중심의 읽기 교수․학습을 통해 자기주도적이고 적극적인 독자가 되었다.
The paper’s proposition is that Mexican public universities potentiate social oriented activity for gsed purposes while agents in Knowledge and Innovation Networking. But they must comply with the structural restrictions of communicative action. The aim is to present communication principles for Knowledge and Innovation Networking (KIN) that promotes Green Sustainable Economic Development (gsed) in Latin American societies, characterized by heterogeneous cultural traits and varied levels of economic and political development, within countries themselves and between them. Prime gsed issues are the preservation of natural resources considering their use and enjoyment by the coming generations, the right to material progress of developing countries as well as the obligation of developed economies to reduce their energy consumption (raw energy and processed commodities). However, the validity of any gsed model is questionable unless it is coherent in terms of what gsed is considered both locally and globally, thus the relevance of networking for knowledge and innovation (see Hidalgo 2011), integrated with regional, national and international innovation systems. How can Knowledge and Innovation Networking (kin) increase university participation in the promotion of gsed? This is a question that this paper aims to answer and provide some strategies to increase participation and contribution to gsed. Knowledge and innovation networks are environments for participation of key social groups where concurrence protocols ease both lawfulness and transparency regarding market issues (global, regional and local) and sustainable development. On-line kin interactions implementation are insufficient for gsed, but will provide participants (state, business, universities and individuals) favorable environments for coordinated actions that represent added value to each and all participants with a reduced hierarchical control because the overall purpose is redefinition of gsed principles that meaningful taking into consideration each participant’s condition.
This paper intends to examine the significance of the “Minjoong Misool(People's art)” of the 1980s emerged in Korea in its social, cultural, and art historical context. This paper also aims to provide an analysis of the meaning and form of the individual artist's works, which have been overlooked under the dominant discourse that has emphasized their political role as a collective group. In particular, this paper scrutinizes the work of “Critical Realists” by examining the way in which they perceived Korean society in the early 1980s and visualized their experiences of the period. The figurative art newly emerged in the early 1980s challenged the formalist Modernism, which was adopted into Korea and translated into monochrome paintings and the work of the conversative academicism of the 1970s. The figurative art encouraged a social communication and moreover it intended to criticize the conflicts in the political, economical, and social domains in Korea. The targets of its critique include the unavoidable results of the unprecedented development of economy, various social phenomena of the post-industrial society, and the growth of the commercialized kitsch culture. Along with Shin, Hak-chul's work that incorporates collage technique since the 1980s, the work of some members of “Reality and Utterance” and “Im- sul-nyun” exemplify their critical interests in disclosing the false dream of wealth and happiness by both referring to and drawing on the utopian fantasy manipulated and distributed by mass media and commercial advertisements. This paper pays particular attention to Nouvelle Figuration emerged in France and Europe during the 1960s, which is comparable to the new figurative art emerged in Korea during the 1980s. Nouvelle Figuration criticized the autonomy in art isolated itself from political and social reality after WWII, in particular the indifference of Informel and abstract art as well as American abstract art. Moreover it became rather politicized around May of 1968. Given that French Nouvelle Figuration was introduced in Korea in 1982 and made a significant contribution to the formation of figurative art in Korea, it should be noted that the new figurative art emerged in the 1980s in Korea cannot be categorized merely in relation to People's Art. This paper intends to critically redress the notion that People's art was formed in the particular political, economical, and cultural context of Korea independent of the contemporary artistic practices outside Korea. It will provide a critical examination and analysis of the content and form of the new figurative art, from which People's Art was germinated, in the global context.