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        검색결과 20

        2024.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This qualitative study explores how foreign non-native English speaking teachers (FNNESTs) perceive themselves as English educators and how they exert agency to be better perceived as professionals. Given the close relationship between teacher identity and its implications for educational outcomes, this study is based on Norton’s (2008) perspective on identity, which posits identity as dynamic, contradictory, and constantly changing across time and place. The data collection process included four semistructured interviews with two FNNESTs and four interactions on social networking sites. According to the results, the identities of FNNESTs were shaped through their initial language learning experiences, exposure to critically oriented scholarship in graduate school, their future anticipations, and mostly through their agency in the immediate professional context in which they currently teach. That is, four unique identities and one common identity were identified among the participants. In summary, FFNESTs do not perceive themselves as lacking but rather value their diverse language skills and past experiences as language learners.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During the global health emergency, like the COVID-19 pandemic, people attend to organizations dedicated to international well-being. This paper aims to identify the construction of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) multiple identities attested in four identity processes: indexicality, local-occasioning, positioning, and dialogism. Identifying the organization’s identities can foster identity processes and help to understand the relationality of identities. Qualitative data from the WHO director-general’s media remarks on COVID-19 were collected and analyzed using a corpus analysis tool, AntConc. The tool allowed an investigation of word frequency, sentence structure patterns, and the use of keywords in sentences. This analysis revealed that the WHO has negotiated and presented several identities in COVID-19 situations. The results suggest that although factors such as audience and situations affect identity change, these negotiated identities are still coherent with the organization’s original identity.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the influence of self-identity on sustainable consumer behavior in the context of air traveling and the moderating effect of advertisement addressing these identities. Drawing on the flyers’ dilemma, the identity-based motivation theory and cognitive dissonance theory hypotheses are tested by the means of a scenario-based online experiment.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In an increasingly globalized world, consumers are continuously exposed to global products in their domestic markets. As a result, companies are seeking ways to adapt their business in order to target the global consumer segment, which is favorably disposed to global market offerings (Papadopoulos & Martin Martin, 2011). Research on conceptualizing consumers’ positive dispositions towards global products is burgeoning, with a number of researchers focusing on the role of global/local consumer identities (i.e. Tu, Khare, & Zhang, 2012). Global identity implies that a person identifies with the entire human kind and feels as a resident of the entire world (Cannon & Yaprak, 2002), and consequently has a more positive view toward globalization and shows more interest into global events (Guo, 2013). Local identity, on the contrary, derives from the overall awareness of belonging to a community that shares the same national values and cultural norms (Thompson, 2001). Empirical evidence shows that global and local identities positively influence the evaluations and willingness to purchase global and local brands, respectively (Verlegh, 2007; Zhang & Khare, 2009). Despite the growing academic focus on consumers’ location-based identities (i.e. global/local) and their impact on consumer decision making, research on this topic is mainly focusing on tangible products, ignoring how digitalization has transformed the international marketing landscape. Drawing on social identity theory and the existing literature with regards to how global/local identity is influencing consumers’ disposition towards global products, this paper considers the case of global digital products. In particular, we aim to investigate whether global and local consumer identities influence the usage of two of the most famous global Social Network Sites (SNSs), namely Facebook and Instagram. Combining existing literature on global consumer culture and marketing of SNSs, we develop and empirically test a set of hypotheses with two samples of Facebook and Instagram users from Austria and Thailand. The choice of these specific countries allows us to explore whether consumers with global or local identities behave similarly in marketplaces characterized by completely different settings regarding the availability and use of SNSs.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ryoo, Hye-Kyung. 2017. “Discourse Analysis of Microteaching: Dynamic Identities and Situational Frames”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 165~196. The present paper is based on a discourse analysis of Microteaching speech events of Korean pre-service training students taking a teacher training course in college. The purpose of this study is to look closely into what really is going on in the discourse of microteaching events in terms of the participants' identity enactment and framing of situations. Fifteen pre-service training students' microteaching lessons were video-taped and transcribed to examine detailed discourse features. The results of the qualitative analysis of the discourse revealed frequent dynamic shifting and enactments of identities in momentary situational frames. The participants in the present study were able to act on diverse situational frames by orienting to locally-managed situated identities.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With a recognition of a profound effect that teacher identity has in students’ language learning, the present study explores how teacher identity, especially that of native speaking (NS) and nonnative speaking (NNS) teacher in EFL context, shapes the teacher-student interaction and influences students’ learning differently. Data was gathered through classroom observations and video recordings of teacher-student interaction of a total of six hours of class sessions. The data comes from the interactions of three nonnative Korean teachers, one native speaker, and six university students in Korean EFL co-teaching classroom. To analyze the data, the method of discourse analysis was used. The findings show that the native teacher acted as an interaction provoker who stimulated classroom discussion and also an expert of both target language and culture. On the other hand, nonnative teachers acted as an activity guider by helping student understand the classroom activities. As sharing L1 and the same culture, nonnative teachers were flexible with the language choice of the students and understood the difficulties they had in the class. The study further draws attention to the pedagogical implications regarding the co-teaching of native and nonnative teacher in EFL classroom.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The special law for making Jeju a free international city was implemented in 2001 to develop Jeju an important hub for international tourism. Jeju has been changed into a free international city attracting many foreign tourists, so English has been an important communication tool in Jeju. Also, Jeju has provided top quality English education by attracting world-prestigious international schools to enhance English education competitiveness. However, little attention has been paid on non-linguistic outcomes including English learners' identities changes occurred in the English learning experiences. This study proves that it is important to consider the influence of language learning on learners’ identities changes in the English learning process. The contradictory individual learner’s identity shows that teachers and educational institutions should not only train students’ language skills, but also be aware that L2 learning is closely connected to learners’ identity construction.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper examines the co-creation of human brands identities exemplified by celebrities in a stakeholder-actor approach. By bringing together the theoretical web of service-dominant logic, stakeholder theory, actor-network theory, and consumer culture theory, we argue that human brand identities are co-created by multiple stakeholder-actors that have resources and incentives in the activities that make a up an enterprise of a human brand, including the celebrities themselves, consumer-fans, and business entities. By utilizing an observational, archival netnographic data from popular social media channels, four exemplars of celebrity identities from the Philippines demonstrate the co-creation of human brands. Findings illustrate key stakeholder-actors’ participations, production and consumption, and integrations of resources and incentives in the co-creation process as articulated in social media. The co-creation process happens through sociological translations codes namely: social construction and negotiation of identities, parasocialization, influence projection, legitimization, and utilization of human brand identities. These dynamics of human brand identity advance a stakeholder-actor paradigm of service co-creation that is adaptive to the predominant consumer culture and human ideals that surround the celebrity. Implications and future research on celebrity brand marketing management are discussed.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The literature on co-creation of stakeholder and brand identities draws from (and reflects) a focus on cultures with dominant independent selves. However, this type of co-creation in a global context requires understanding of how cultural differences can simultaneously shape identity development and co-construction, from both a brand and a multiple stakeholder point of view. Processes involved in such a reciprocal co-creation of identity, as well as outcomes, are likely to differ across cultures, especially in the way brands, consumers, and, by extension, other stakeholders use one another in their respective identity construction processes. This study offers a first-of-its-kind conceptual framework, together with a set of propositions, that unpacks how cultural differences might affect such reciprocal co-creation processes. Drawing from this framework, the study advances both the cross-cultural and the co-creation literature by (1) offering several overlooked theoretical, managerial, and methodological implications and (2) highlighting important but currently under-developed avenues that future research could apply to more complex, multiple brand–stakeholder relationships.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        헬레니즘시대의 알렉산드리아는 그리스와 이집트 및 지중해 전역의 다양한 출신의 성원들의 문화가 공존하는 공간이었다. 본 연구는 프톨레마이오스 왕조의 집권기 동안의 알렉산드리아의 문화적 정체성을 그리스화와 현지화 정책을 통해서 고찰하고 흑인과 난쟁이, 꼽추를 재현한 소형 조형물에 투영된 다문화적 성격을 보이고자 한다. 흑인과 난쟁이, 꼽추는 왕족과 상류 그리스인들 의 유흥과 소비문화에서 노예나 광대로 참여했던 사회적 소수자이다. 이들의 조형물은 상류문화 를 동경한 비그리스인 중간계층의 시민들에 의해 소유되었을 것으로 여겨지는데, 그 소유자는 자 신이 그리스적 상류 문화의 주체가 아니라는 사실과 노예나 광대와 같은 소수자와도 구분되는 존 재라는 사실을 인지함으로써 도시 내 자신의 문화적 정체성을 규정했던 것으로 보인다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fashion brands are influenced by multiple identities. Even though, for example, the brand name might still be associated with one or more creative founders (Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Hermès, Adidas, Joop) the brand image, and moreover the overall brand reputation are influenced by many different identities. For instance, a specific product identity (e.g., Gucci’s Bamboo Bag), the identity of the city or country of origin (Florence, Italy), the identities of well-known key customers as brand ambassadors (Sophia Loren, Vanessa Redgrave, Lady Diana, Naomi Watts etc.). Of course, also fashion brands who are not directly associated with the name of creative founders are composed of the effects of several identities. In the case of e.g. Nike especially successful athletes (Steve Prefontaine, Michael Jordan etc.), specific sports and sport events, and product lines tailor-made for them did help to build a strong brand reputation. All in all, it seems to be expedient to understand fashion brands as more of less complex systems composed of several identities. To deal in more detail with such “brand systems” is becoming particularly important against the background of several strategic challenges – e.g., when fashion brands are growing older and the creative founders lose their specific gravitational power, when in the process of internationalization new countries gain more and more importance who’s citizens might not have a strong access to the existing brand reputation drivers, or simply when in the context of the growing global competition the fashion brand needs to be “refreshed”. Against the background of cultural differences, or even - as within countries - lifestyle differences between different groups of customers, it can also be quite possibly that very different reputation drivers account for the success of a brand. Thus, it is necessary to identify, in different contexts, the relevant reputation drivers, and to analyze which interplay of those drivers might be particularly promising. Is it the creative founder, the corporate heritage, the country and/or city of origin, a special designer, a specific corporate culture, an outstanding product design, attractive key customers etc.? Which combination of such identity factors leads to what kind of success (e.g., brand loyalty, brand trust, price premium)? Will, for instance, heritage especially lead to brand trust, whereas an outstanding product design and specifically attractive key customers create the readiness for a higher price premium? And, is it necessary to create sub-brands to especially highlight specific identities in the process of building a brand system (e.g., the sub-branding of a Michael Jordan product line in the case of Nike)? Or is sufficient to only communicate an alignment with the brand (e.g., ads showing Naomi Watts wearing a Gucci Bamboo Handbag)? In other words, which kind of brand system, and which kind of brand communications has to be designed to attract specific target groups and to sustain competitive advantages? The present contribution aims to present a conceptual framework for analyzing “brand systems” in the fashion industry. Concomitantly, an approach of measuring such brand systems will be presented. Furthermore, a concept for analyzing the impact of several sub-identities on the development of the overall brand reputation and brand success against the background of existing contingencies will be outlined. With the introduction and discussion of such a conceptual framework it especially is intended to initiate the launching of an international research project which attempts to find an answer basically to the following question: Which via an integrated branding and brand systems communication carefully crafted composition of sub-identities might be how successful under what kind of situational conditions?
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study delves into the temporary English teachers’ identities through at their reflective journals and interviews, grounded on Norton’s (2000, 2013) and Wenger’s (1998) conceptions of identity. In taking second/foreign language teacher education course at a TESOL MA program, 16 teachers’ reflective journals and interviews were analyzed qualitatively for emergent themes, in terms of the three modes of belonging in identity formation (Wenger, 1998). The analysis revealed that the participants represented the identities of the controller, the diverse teaching program participant. the teaching activity sharer, the negative future dreamer, and the language expert. Moreover, most of the participants, as non-regular teachers, concerned themselves about their future career as part-timer. To empower non-regular teachers’ voices, this study discussed and suggested how to strengthen temporary teachers’ identity for their professional development.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee, Hyemin. 2014. Drama of Resistance, Resistance of Drama: Linguistic Practices, Discourses, and Identities in a South Korean Political Podcast Naneun Ggomsuda. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(2), 111-134. This paper attempts to demonstrate how speakers' identities are shaped, negotiated, and performed through linguistic practices in a South Korean political podcast called, Naneun Ggomsuda. Focusing on the linkage between linguistic practices and identity performances, I employ two meaningful metaphors embedded in Naneun Ggomsuda, ‘resistant’ and ‘theatrical,’ and explore intersections among these metaphors and linguistic practices, discursive features, and speakers' identities. Within the resistant and theatrical fields of discourse, speakers actively apply speaking strategies to achieve their goals, which include their identity making process strongly interconnected to their resistant and theatrical linguistic practices. Two kinds of identities, resistant identity and theatrical identity, are the focus, and these identities are not only shaped and performed through speakers' linguistic interactions, but also collided and negotiated by both speakers and audiences in and out of the talk show. While many previous studies have focused on Naneun Ggomsuda as an ‘alternative media,’ this paper reveals that Naneun Ggomsuda can actually be a fruitful venue for the academic investigation of linguistic practices and identity making processes. (171)
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Park Hyu-yong. 2013. Critical analysis of contrasting identities and styles of anti- and pro-multicultural discourses in Korea. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 21(3). In a multicultural society, social discourses composed of diverse voices, identities, and subjectivities collide and naturally create tensions. Adopting Rogers' (2004) methodological approach to critical discourse analysis and Castells' (2004) categorization of identity - legitimizing, project, and resistanceas a conceptual framework, this paper analyzes the discourses between antiand pro-multiculturalist sides in Korea. This paper surveys and analyzes the discourses hosted in cyber space, such as internet agora, portal site cafes, and personal blogs, which are the outlets of common people's voices and identities regarding multiculturalism. The concrete research questions of this paper are as follows: i) how are anti- and pro-multiculturalist voices and rationales categorized?; ii) what are the types of identities in anti- and pro-multiculturalist discourses, and how do they conflict; and iii) what styles do anti- and pro-multiculturalists bear in their own discourses? This paper argues that multicultural discourses in Korea are conjugated by diverse conflicting voices of people with different standpoints and beliefs on a multicultural society. This paper also stresses that the government or academia should monitor the voices, rationales, and attitudes of both sides to establish clear directions for future multicultural policies and legislation. (190 words)
        2011.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper explores the dynamic construction of expert and novice identities in language-exchange conversations between Korean students learning English and American students learning Korean. Drawing on recent view on identity as performance (Butler, 1990), this study employs video- and audio-recordings of language-exchange interactions to examine the dialogic interaction between three language-exchange pairs. Adopting a conversation analytic perspective, the study examines whether and how participants of language-exchange interactions orient to their assumed roles as peer-teacher and peer-learner during language-exchange through micro-analysis of the interaction. The findings demonstrate that participant roles as linguistic expert and novice are not invoked in language-exchange interactions unless they arc treated as relevant in the interaction; rather than foregrounded by the situational arrangements of language-exchange, the expert-novice relationship in language-exchange dialogues is interactionally constituted by the local practices of the participants. Data analysis also shows that the construction of expert and novice identities in language-exchange interaction is a jointly constructed achievement and that participant roles as language expert and novice arc not given but ‘achieved’ as language-exchange participants ratify or reject the identity their partners display in the course of unfolding interaction.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article illustrates the complicated process of language socialization and literacy development with identity reformulations that Korean students face while learning English in U.S. schools. With providing a detailed and broad picture of second language literacy development across time, the article presents two research-based studies conducted at the elementary and secondary levels respectively. Despite the constant growth of the Korean population in the USA for decades, few research studies have examined the ways that newly arrived Korean students engage in language learning and literacy practice along with changes in life, language, literacy, and culture. The presented studies employed ethnographic data gathering methods and utilized methods of constant comparison, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis. The first study focuses on literate identities of second grade Korean students in the English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. The second study explores how Korean adolescents engage in school writing practice and how they negotiate their identities in and with writing through a case study.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated how adult second language learners negotiate their social, relational identities in real-life communicative interactions within professional, institutional social settings. Based on the sociocultural approach to identity formation (e.g., Lantolf & Pavlenko, 2001; Penuel & Wertsch, 1995), this study examined five Korean graduate students’ experiences with and perspectives regarding their real-life communicative interactions within U.S. academe. The study findings suggested the importance of English learners’ enactment of positive, relational identities in enhancing their agency in order to actively participate in English communicative practices and continue to improve their English proficiency. Pedagogical implications for enhancing Korean students’ agency in learning English were also discussed.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료