
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 191

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study introduces and experimentally validates a novel approach that combines Instruction fine-tuning and Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) fine-tuning to optimize the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs). These models have become revolutionary tools in natural language processing, showing remarkable performance across diverse application areas. However, optimizing their performance for specific domains necessitates fine-tuning of the base models (FMs), which is often limited by challenges such as data complexity and resource costs. The proposed approach aims to overcome these limitations by enhancing the performance of LLMs, particularly in the analysis precision and efficiency of national Research and Development (R&D) data. The study provides theoretical foundations and technical implementations of Instruction fine-tuning and LoRA fine-tuning. Through rigorous experimental validation, it is demonstrated that the proposed method significantly improves the precision and efficiency of data analysis, outperforming traditional fine-tuning methods. This enhancement is not only beneficial for national R&D data but also suggests potential applicability in various other data-centric domains, such as medical data analysis, financial forecasting, and educational assessments. The findings highlight the method's broad utility and significant contribution to advancing data analysis techniques in specialized knowledge domains, offering new possibilities for leveraging LLMs in complex and resource- intensive tasks. This research underscores the transformative potential of combining Instruction fine-tuning with LoRA fine-tuning to achieve superior performance in diverse applications, paving the way for more efficient and effective utilization of LLMs in both academic and industrial settings.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated primary teachers’ knowledge of pronunciation instruction, and its manifestation in classroom practices in Korean EFL contexts. To this end, the questionnaire data collected from 47 teachers were quantitatively analyzed. The emerging themes from 5 teachers’ interviews were qualitatively analyzed, based on content analysis. Findings revealed that they had an appropriate knowledge base of pronunciation teaching, equipped with the better understanding of content knowledge (CK), followed by pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and technical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). No statistically significant difference was found in teachers’ knowledge between males and females, and also between the 4 groups with different teaching experience. They manifested their knowledge mainly acquired from the past course lectures into classroom practices, employing controlled and free practices such as listening and repeating, shadowing, songs, chants, games, and role play, including different types of corrective feedback. Most notably, they integrated role play effectively into classroom practices to improve young learners’ pronunciation in interestprovoking and enjoyable ways.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        불안은 주의 시스템의 균형을 깨트려 목표 지향 시스템보다 자극 주도 시스템을 우선하게 만드는 것으로 알려져 있으나, 자기 교시는 자기 조절의 효과로 목표 지향적 행동을 유도하게 한다. 본 연구는 가상현실 환경에서 현직 조종사를 대상으로 기상 및 자기 교시 조건이 조종사에게 발생하는 불안과 비행 과제의 수행에 미치는 영향을 검증 하였다. 기상 조건은 시계비행 기상 상황과 악기상 상황으로 구분하였고 자기 교시의 수행 여부를 달리하여 비행 과제를 수행하게 하였다. 실험 결과 악기상 상황에서 불안과 심박수가 더 높고 비행 과제의 수행도가 더 낮은 것으로 나타났으나, 자기 교시를 수행하는 조건에서는 불안과 심박수가 더 낮고 비행 과제의 수행도가 더 높은 것으로 나타 났다. 이 결과는 불안의 영향으로 비행에 어려움을 겪어 사고로 연결될 가능성이 증가할 수 있으나, 자기 교시에 의한 비행 수행의 향상으로 사고로 연결될 가능성이 감소할 수 있음을 시사한다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examined the effects of online English-medium instruction (EMI) on high school students’ performing English face threatening speech acts, by assessing indirect expressions and token agreement (agreement plus but). Participants completed an English placement test and English pretest and posttest through a Google survey. English proficiency, required for study participation was measured using the English placement test. An English pretest and posttest measured English pragmatic performance. The students were given approximately four weeks to complete eight online lectures. The experimental group completed eight online lectures which taught five face threatening speech acts, based on formal situations in the United States. The control group completed eight online lectures about worldwide cultures. The experimental group showed a significant improvement in the English posttest compared with the control group, based on improvements observed in the use of indirect expressions and token agreement. A difference between groups using indirect expressions was observed in an unfamiliar person scenario but not in a familiar person scenario.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the status of the field application of the Science II career electives with the application of the 2015 revised curriculum up to the 3rd year of high school. This study focused on examining high school science teachers’ perceptions of the student-participatory class and process-centered assessment in Science II subjects, which are career-intensive high school science electives. A total of 192 science teachers responded to the survey questionnaire, and 12 teachers participated in interviews. In the in-depth interviews conducted to supplement the survey results, questions were asked about changes in the overall class, the status of student-participatory classes, and changes in the assessment of Science II subjects due to the emphasis on process-centered assessment. The main research results included teachers’perceptions of changes in teaching and assessment methods with the application of the revised curriculum, the degree to which the eight skills used in Science II classes develop the key competencies of science, and the teaching and assessment methods commonly used in Science II classes. Science teachers generally agreed with the purpose and necessity of introducing student-participatory classes and process-centered assessment, which are the core purpose of the 2015 revised curriculum. However, they had difficulties in practice due to the excessive content of Science II subjects. Problems were also encountered with securing objectivity and fairness during assessments and the operation of online science classes due to COVID-19.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the extent to which explicit and implicit instruction improve L1-Arabic speakers’ articulation of English words whose cognates were acquired earlier in their L2 French. Sixty-eight secondary school students, explicit (n=35) and implicit (n=33), participated in a programme incorporating focus-on-pronunciation activities, comprising three 45-minute sessions. Their learning motivation was first rated using an adapted version of Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB). Their pronunciation improvement was assessed through an oral-reading task. Ten new words were included in the post-test to see if they would generalize the instructed knowledge analogically. Results indicated that both explicit and implicit instruction had a positive impact on the students’ pronunciation advancement. However, the explicit group outperformed the implicit group with both the targeted and untaught words. There was insignificant interaction effect between instructional method and students’ motivation level, with higher motivation uniformly enhancing the effect of instruction. Nevertheless, motivation played a more crucial role in the learnt knowledge transferability when instruction was of implicit.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research was to examine how Korean college students’ motivation toward English learning has been changed over time as they took technology-utilizing classes. In order to accomplish this, two research questions were proposed; First, how has the students’ motivation changed over the whole school year? Second, how has the students’ motivation changed in terms of their English proficiency levels? Sixty college students were required to take a simulated TOEIC test for their English proficiency levels, and to respond to the ARCS questionnaire developed by Keller (2008a, 2008b) to measure their motivation levels. An independent samples t-test was employed to compare the statistical means from the samples, specifically to find out the relation of students’ motivation and t he e ffect o f t echnology-utilizing c lasses. The r esults o f d ata analysis found out that the longer the treatment period of technology-utilizing instruction, the greater the effect on the learner’s motivation; second, the technology-utilizing instruction has a significant effect on the students’ motivation regardless of their proficiency levels, but it turns out to be more effective in improving the upper group students’ motivation toward learning. Based on these findings, practical implications for the implementing technology-utilizing instruction in the EFL classroom were suggested.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated EFL college-level learners’ expectation on and their experience in an online English-medium instruction (EMI) course focusing on how participants interacted with their classmates and the instructor in their online class (zoom session) based on assumptions and rationales of Interaction Hypothesis and classroom interaction research. Analyses of questionnaire, observation, and interview data revealed that participants’ experience of interaction and their perception of interaction opportunities in the zoom session were significantly related to how they would evaluate the course-taking experience. It was also found that cognitive strategy such as participants’ preparation for each class rather than L2 confidence was more relevant to their level of satisfaction with the course. Results of analyses suggested that an online class could be more effective than a face-to-face class in terms of engaging EFL adult learners in an academic course offered in participants’ L2, English. Based on study results, suggestions on how to increase interaction opportunities in online EMI course are made.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 대학 교양한문 수업에서의 ‘능동적 고전 읽기’ 지도 사례를 검토한 글이다. 검토 대상인 보고서 과제는 한국의 한문 산문을 한 편 선택하여 원문을 해석하고 비평 및 감상을 작성하는 것이다. 먼저 대상 작품 선택 현황을 목록으로 제시하고, 학생들의 작품 선택 기준을 분석하였다. 이어서 비평과 감상의 내용을 네 측면에서 검토하였다. 첫째는 작품 및 관련 주제에 대한 재해석이다. 둘째는 작성자의 삶과 연계 지은 감상이다. 셋째는 현대 사회의 문제와 접목하여 논하는 방식이다. 넷째는 한문 문장의 미감과 번역 문제에 초점을 맞춘 감상이다. 마지막으로 한문 고전 읽기 지도에 대한 필자의 견해를 덧붙였다. 먼저 원문 독해를 포함하는 것이 필수적이라는 점을 강조하였다. 원문 독해의 과정에서 고전의 내용을 온전히 소화할 수 있게 되기 때문이다. 또, 학생들 스스로 작품을 선 택하게 하는 것이 중요한데, 이때 참고문헌이나 작품 목록을 제공하는 것이 도움이 된다. 비평과 감상은 자유롭게 작성하되, 다양한 의견을 논리적으로 펼칠 수 있도록 이끌어 주어야 한다. 학생들 은 작품 선택, 원문 독해, 비평과 감상의 작성 과정에서 ‘한문 독해’와 ‘고전 읽기’의 방법을 배울 수 있다. 이러한 경험은 이후의 고전 독서를 추동하는 힘이 될 것이다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to growing concerns regarding the effectiveness of full-scale online education, this study investigated motivational regulation strategies employed by tertiary-level English as a foreign language (EFL) learners taking a writing course via Zoom. Using a mixed method, this study examined a dataset comprising questionnaire responses of 154 Korean students with two proficiency levels and subsequent semi-structured interviews. Findings showed that the learners with a high English proficiency level utilized the instructor’s feedback significantly more than those having a low proficiency level. The high proficiency group also appreciated the Zoom context and the university-wide policy of English-medium instruction (EMI) significantly better than the other group. Finally, correlation analysis revealed significant relationship between the students’ uses of motivational regulation strategies and their responses to the context-dependent factors. For example, the strategic choice of instructor feedback was positively related to their perception of EMI. These findings are discussed for effective online EFL writing instruction in the post-pandemic era.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores the effects of teacher feedback on engineering students’ perceptions of learning a business subject and English development in the context of English-medium instruction (EMI). Using a mixed method, it examines specific contributions of teachers’ extensive feedback to the students’ emerging perceptions of interdisciplinary education and EMI. The quantitative section includes questionnaire responses of two groups of students enrolled in four sections of an entrepreneurship course: the control group (CG) in which the students received limited feedback in the lecture-style EMI (n=137) and the experimental group (EG) of extensive corrective feedback (n=133). These results are cross-examined by a semi-structured focus group interview with four respondents. The analysis shows that the university seniors’ mean satisfaction score with EMI, despite staying around the mid-point, was higher than that of the others, and significantly more so than the freshmen group. Notably, EG students appreciated EMI more than CG students. Subsequent findings establish that extensive feedback correlates with the increased positivity towards learning entrepreneurship and, more importantly, English development. This study thus proposes English programs for specific purposes and a support system including an EMI-specialized teaching methodology.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research study is to identify the perceptions of both primary ELL(English Language Learner)s and English teachers on MMP(Multimodal Media Production)-embedded English instruction at a primary English class. In order to answer this question, 182 primary ELLs and 2 English teachers participated in this research. A questionnaire survey was administered to the focal participants and an open-ended interview was conducted with the teachers. The results show that overall perceptions on MMP were comparably high among ELLs, and there was significant difference between genders, grades and English levels in terms of learning interest. The teachers’ interview revealed that MMP would trigger deeper understanding of the lesson and ELLs’ voluntary active class participation by heightening motivation, self-confidence and interest in learning English. In sum, the implementation of MMP-embedded English instruction has positive pedagogical effects for young ELLs since it may promote essential literacy skills in the 21st century as well as help in affective domains.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined how key factors of FFI (degree of explicitness, L1 similarity, proficiency level, and grammar type) influence the accuracy of production. A total of 22 experimental studies, all of which had Korean participants and productive assessments of speech or writing, were selected for analysis. Results revealed that explicit grammar emphasis was more effective for morphology that had a small, binary scope (present or absent). Results further revealed that explicit emphasis of grammatical features dissimilar from the L1 significantly increased accuracy of learner speech and writing. In contrast, implicit emphasis was effective with grammatical features that had a larger scope (e.g., many lexical forms or syntactic arrangements), as well as with grammatical features that were similar to the L1. Findings suggest that explicit emphasis of a smaller scope and implicit emphasis of a larger scope are both useful, since they do not cognitively overload the learner during communication.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 대학교에서 블렌디드 PBL 수업을 경험한 예비교사들의 수업경험에 대한 의미를 분석하고자 하는데 주 목적이 있다. 연구를 위해 G시에 소재한 K대학교 재학생 128명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였고 질적 연구를 위해 성찰일지, 연구자일지, e-class 탑재 자료 등을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 연구결과 학습 자의 주요변인별 블렌디드 PBL 효과는 ‘문제해결 능력’, ‘협동학습 능력’, ‘의사소통 능력’, ‘자기주도학습 능력’, ‘학습동기’ 순으로 높게 나타났다. 또한 블렌디드 PBL 수업을 통해 ‘학습의 주체자로서의 뿌듯함과 의미 있는 활동’, ‘자기주도학습에 대한 성취감’, ‘유연한 사고 및 사고의 확장’, ‘자기이해 및 자신감 향상’ 등 긍정적인 경험이 이루어졌다. 이는 블렌디드 PBL 수업방법이 4차 산업혁명 시대의 미래를 주도할 인 재의 역량 제고와 깊은 연관성이 있음을 시사한다. 효율적인 블렌디드 PBL 수업을 위해 온·오프라인의 장 점을 극대화할 수 있는 수업설계, 학습자의 능동적 참여, 그리고 촉진자, 가이드로서의 교수자의 역할 등 이 더욱 요구되어진다. 이를 위해 블렌디드 PBL 수업을 적용하려는 교수자의 특성을 고려한 다양한 형태 의 지원이 충분히 이루어질 필요가 있다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Le but de cette étude est de suggérer un échantillon d’ensembles d’outils de test pour évaluer l’évaluation basée sur les performances des tâches dans l’enseignement intégratif de la langue et de la culture françaises. À cette fin, cette étude a analysé les caractéristiques de l’évaluation basée sur la performance des tâches, la compétence communicative de Hymes, Canale, Swain et, Bachman et la compétence culturelle. En outre, cette étude a examiné les compétences de l’apprenant/utilisateur fournies par le Cadre européen commun de référence. Les résultats montrent: 1) les critères d’évaluation: compétence linguistique(connaissance du système linguistique, compétence du discours, compétence sociolinguistique), compétence culturelle(connaissance culturelle, attitude, compétence), compétence d’exécution de la tâche(connaissance procédurale, compétence d’exécution, compétence stratégique), 2) sous-catégorie et construction, et 3) auto-évaluation et évaluation par les pairs.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study aims to examine whether teaching English through multiple intelligences can suggest one of the solutions for underachievers to facilitate their English learning and restore their learning attitudes. To explore this, the study investigated two research questions: (a) What are the effects of English instruction using multiple intelligences and stories on underachievers’ reading abilities? and (b) How English instruction using multiple intelligences and stories influences on their learning attitudes? The participants of the study were seven fifth-grade underachievers in one elementary school in Seoul. They were first tested what their strong intelligences are and engaged in customized activities based on their multiple intelligences test results during the experiment English classes. The data collected include the read-aloud test, the reading comprehension test, the affective test, students’ learning log and the interview of students and teachers, and these were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of the study showed that English instruction using multiple intelligences and stories had statistical significance in increasing underachievers’ reading abilities and changing their learning attitudes positively. This study is valuable in that it strongly calls for the need to consider multiple intelligences and provide customized activities for underachievers to facilitate their English learning and restore their learning attitudes.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High quality and timely assessment feedback is central to student learning in higher education; however, written feedback has many limitations. One of the innovative approaches to delivering feedback to EFL learners is individualized audio-visual feedback (AVF) using screencast technology. Previous research on AVF has been extensively descriptive and mostly focused on student preferences for feedback and evaluation of various screencast software. The present study employed a mixedmethod design using pre-post writing tasks and pre-post questionnaires to investigate what particularly beneficial affordances this type of media-rich feedback might offer for writers in the English-Medium Instruction (EMI) classroom, to identify the effects of AVF on changes in learners’ motivation, and to explore students’ perceptions towards screencast feedback. The results suggest that AVF is positively received by EFL learners and that simultaneous visual cues and detailed explanations promote better understanding, engagement, and active listening. In addition, AVF significantly improves learners’ writing performance and academic motivation. The paper concludes with practical implications and suggestions for further research.
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