이 연구는 팬데믹(pandemic) 전후 국제항공여객 운송시장을 대상으로 항공편 운항에 의한 CO2 배출 특성과 변화를 체계적으 로 파악하는 것을 주요 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2019년과 2021년 2분기 전 세계 국제여객 항공편 스케줄 데이터를 기반으로 ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization)의 CERT(CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool) 인벤토리를 이용하여 노선 단위의 CO2 배출량을 추정한 후, 노선의 대권 거리와 항공기의 크기를 기준으로 구분된 하부시장에 따른 CO2 배출량과 배출 효율성의 분포와 변화를 비교분석하였다. 주요 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 2021년 2분기 전 세계 국제항공여객 운송시장의 CO2 배출량은 약 31.6백만 톤으로 추정되었으며. 2019년 동 분기(117.95백만 톤) 대비 약 73.21% 감소하였다. 두 시기 모두 5,000km 이상의 장거리 시장, 그리고 100~400석 항공기 운용 시장에서의 배출량 비중이 높게 나타났다. 다만 팬데믹 기간에는 5,000km 이상, 그리고 400석 이상 항공기 시장에서 CO2 배출량의 감소가 두드러지게 나타났다. 둘째, 2021년 2분기 시장의 CO2 배출 효율성은 2019년 동 분기 대비 약 4% 향상되었다. 두 시기 모두 노선의 대권 거리와 항공기의 크기가 증가할수록 배출 효율성이 감소하는 경향이 존재하였으며, 팬데믹 기간 중 일부 하부시장에서는 구형 및 초대형 기종들의 운항 감축(혹은 중단)이 두드러짐에 따라 배출 효율성이 향상되기도 하였다. 마지막으로 팬데믹 전후 주요 국제노선들의 CO2 배출 효율성 변화를 탐색한 결과, 글로벌 허브 공항들을 연결하는 대륙 간 장거리 노선들을 중심으로 효율성이 낮게 나타난 반면, 차상위 계층 공항들과 연결된 일부 노선들, 그리고 동남아・동북아의 주요 공항들을 연결하는 역내 노선들은 상대적으로 효율성이 높게 나타났다. 본 연구는 팬데믹 전후 전 세계 국제항공여객 운송시장의 운영 실적과 CO2 배출에 대한 세부 특성과 변화를 실증적으로 분석했다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
빠르게 변화하는 해외 시장 환경 및 소비자 니즈의 변화에 발맞춰, 기업의 혁신 전략의 중요성이 강조되고 있음에도 불구하고, 경쟁전략과 신제품개발속의 관계에 관한 연구가 많이 이루어지지 않 은 실정이다. 특히, 대기업에 비해 유무형 자원의 부족에 한계를 가지고 있는 중소기업에게 있어, 해외 시장 환경의 변화에 대처하는 경쟁전략의 선택은 중요한 의사결정 요소이며, 이러한 경쟁전략 은 신제품개발속도에 영향을 미치는 주요한 전략적 요인으로 작용한다. 이에 본 연구는, 차별화전 략과 비용우위전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 시장역동성이 이러한 관계에 어 떠한 조절효과를 미치는지 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 한국 중소수출업체를 대상으로 설문을 진행 하였으며, 차별화전략과 비용우위전략이 신제품개발속도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였 다. 나아가, 시장역동성이 높을수록, 차별화전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 긍정적인 영향은 커지 지만, 비용우위전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 긍정적인 영향은 약해지는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연 구는, 경쟁전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 영향을 제안하고 검증하였으며, 시장이 빠르게 변화할 경우, 경쟁전략의 긍정적인 효과가 달라질 수 있음을 확인하였다는 점에서 학문적 및 실무적 시사 점이 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Thanks to their competitive price, store brands have important opportunities in emerging countries where customers have greater experience with modern retail products. However, less research has been devoted to the effect of store brand price while it is well known that price image is a critical factor that drives purchase behavior. The aim of this research is to understand how store brand price image factors (relative price, perceived benefit and perceived value) and perceived risk dimensions (functional and financial) affect attitude toward store brands in Colombia. Store brand relative price, store brand perceived benefit and store brand perceived value affect significantly attitude toward store brands in the Colombian context. However, neither store brand perceived functional risk, not store brand perceived financial risk affect attitude toward store brands. These results highlight the specificity of Colombia among emerging countries and have both theoretical and managerial implications.
Global ecommerce continues to flourish and consumers across the world are constantly connected to the Internet. This poses growing opportunities for the digital transformation of businesses and their expansion to international markets succeeding to reach and engage with potential customers abroad. The objective of this paper is to study the internationalization process of digital enterprises and to explore business challenges and opportunities arising from the use of innovative technologies and tools. More specifically, we aim to review the recent related literature and propose a conceptual framework introducing tools and practices regarding strategy, infrastructure technology and on- line marketing & communication needed to assure increased chances of success when digitally expanding abroad. Each country has specific features associated with the business environment, the penetration of ecommerce, as well as, specific cultural and social characteristics. These peculiarities require specific internationalization strategies and dictate parallel adjustments in IT infrastructure, as well as a suitable digital marketing & promotion that need to be followed which are thoroughly analyzed and can become a valuable tool for digital enterprises.
The paper addresses the phenomenon of the opportunism that arises from a parent (principal) toward an IJV (agent) and its antecedents. This study integrates Agency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory (RDT) to discover its determinants from the perspectives of principal opportunism. Using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) based on a sample of 185 Chinese-foreign IJVs in China, which are useful to reals the overall story of the principal opportunism. This study finds an IJV depends on parents’ support in both knowledge- and property-based resources has more chances to subject to principal opportunism. The result also indicates that psychic distance has a negative impact on principal opportunism. fsQCA, however, provides further solutions that the specific combinations of these predictors or their negation predicts principle opportunism.
This article analyzes retail store openings of luxury fashion brands in international markets. Our aim is to point out the relevance of this market entry strategy as well as to highlight the main destination markets and different trends over the 2004-2013 period.
More precisely, this article analyzes the role of the retail direct channel as a means to manage relationships with consumers in international markets. The choice to develop retail operations in international markets is considered in this article as one of the key strategies implemented by luxury manufacturing companies. However, it seems to have received minor attention in the academic literature dealing with internationalization (Guercini and Runfola, 2014). Consequently, the main aim of this article is to propose empirical evidence to support the widespread use of this strategy by luxury firms, proposing the analysis of an original database built on the retail store operations of a sample of Italian fashion luxury companies over the period 2004-2013.
The retail marketing strategy is a peculiar strategy within the luxury marketing strategies. As stated by Kapferer and Bastien (2012), in fact, through retail store openings (and distribution in general), luxury companies may implement and take advantage from what has been defined by the authors the “watchword of luxury brand management” (p. 233) namely “experience”. In fact, the literature in the field of luxury retailing has pointed out the role of the point of sale from a consumer point of view to experience the value of a company. The discussion on the consumer perspective is increasing in the literature as testified by various contributions aimed at analyzing and discussing how and what kind of experiences could be transferred by the opening of retail stores and in what terms the luxury retail strategy differs from other retail marketing strategies (Dion and Arnould, 2011).
The opening of retail stores from luxury companies has been considered within the stream of research on the internationalization of the company. It has been pointed out that companies with luxury positioning can differentiate their offering with respect to mass market retailers and open retail stores even in culturally distant markets (Hutchinson et al. 2009). These openings, however, are considered more as ways of promoting the brand, rather than a structural international retail development (Moore et al., 2010). In fact, it has been noticed that luxury griffes open retail stores quite exclusively in primary locations (Hutchinson et al. 2009) and that most of the internationalization literature on retail stores openings by luxury firms is referred to the opening of flagship stores (Moore et al., 2010), a specific retail store format that from its nature, is mostly related to brand promotion than to an effective and stable retail development. In fact, retailing as international market entry strategy implies significant investment both in economic and cognitive terms (Mattila el al., 2002; Guercini and Runfola, 2010). The study of retail stores opening as an entry strategy in international markets remains an understudied field of study in the academic literature, as evidenced for example by Ilonen et al. (2011) in their study on the importance of branded retail in manufacturers' international strategy. Moreover, the authors point out that among other things, this remains a topic of interest but not yet analyzed in the case of the fashion industry.
Following this reasoning, our article aims to answer to the subsequent research questions: RQ1 - What is the evolution over time of the distribution investments of luxury fashion manufacturing companies? RQ2 - Is there a difference between emerging markets and advanced markets for luxury retail store openings? RQ3 - What is the role of metropolitan areas and how does this evolve over time?
Methodology and discussion
We investigate these research questions in the case of Italian luxury manufacturing companies. In order to study the expansion of Italian luxury companies, we have exploited the information contained in the database that we have created expressly for the purposes of this research. The database has been compiled by examining any news contained in two specialized and highly recognized national fashion-sector publications - Fashion and Pambianco Week - regarding the opening of retail outlets in foreign countries by Italian luxury firms in the decade 2004-2013. For the purpose of this research we have considered as luxury brands those brands that are members of Altagamma, a association whose members are Italian companies that operate at the highest end of the market, and those brands that are recognized globally and by academics and empirical press as luxury brands, although not being members of Altagamma. The above process has identified 594 sales points opened by 39 Italian brands in 62 countries over the period 2004-2013. The top 10 brands for number of store openings over this period are the followings: Prada (64), Salvatore Ferragamo (59), Miu Miu (51), Ermenegildo Zegna (31), Valentino (29), Armani (26), Versace (26), Gianfranco Ferrè (25), Brioni (22), Etro (22).
Hereafter we try to describe some preliminary findings regarding the three research questions advanced previously.
RQ1 – What is the evolution over time of the distribution investments of luxury fashion manufacturing companies?
Our analysis seems to show an evolution in this growth strategy over the period 2004-2013. In fact, if during the period 2004-2008 our analysis shows the opening of 261 single-brand outlets by the enterprises of our sample, during the period 2009-2013 the number of operations became 333 stores. This seems to highlight how, even in a period of international crisis, the retail strategy for luxury companies remained fundamental for growing abroad. The year 2008 is the year with the maximum number of stores opened by our companies (95 stores, roughly 16% of the total 594 stores opened), while the year 2004 is the one with the minimum number of stores opened, only 35 stores (roughly 6%). Moreover, each year from 2009-2011 accounts for over 70 stores.
RQ2- Is there a difference between emerging markets and advanced markets for luxury retail store openings?
In order to distinguish between “mature”, developed countries and “emerging” ones, we considered the first 24 countries that joined firstly the OCSE as “mature”, while all the remaining countries have been considered “emerging”. Our analysis reveals during the period analyzed a growing incidence by emerging markets compared to mature markets, given that emerging markets account for 60.9% of the openings. Moreover, in each year analyzed emerging markets overcome advanced markets for number of stores opened. However, traditional mature markets for Italian luxury (such as USA or Japan) as well as new emerging markets (such as China and Russia) are within the top destinations all over the period. If we consider only the first three markets for number of retail operations we may note some differences between the two sub-periods. In fact, during the period 2004-2008 the first three markets listed for decreasing number of operations were the USA (45 retail stores opened, 17,2% of the total number of stores), China (29 stores, 11,1% of the total) and India (19 stores, 7,3% of the total). During the period 2009-2013, China increased the number of operations, becoming the leading market with 74 stores, representing 22,2% over the total, followed by the USA (46 stores, 13,2% of the total) and United Arab Emirates (15 stores, 4,5%). The rising of China in the second period, is associated with an increasing importance of other emerging markets such as Brazil and South Korea, that in the previous period were not within the top international destinations. We should however stress that other mature markets, such as France and Japan still have key roles for Italian luxury companies.
RQ3 – What is the role of metropolitan areas and how does this evolve over time?
Our analysis shows that the major cities world-wide are present in our database. In total the companies in our sample have opened stores in 163 cities. Over the period 2004-2013 the top 10 cities listed for decreasing number of stores are the following: Shanghai (30), Hong Kong (28), New York (25), Moscow (24), Tokyo (22), Paris (21), Dubai (20), London (20), Los Angeles (20), Beijing (20). However, as evidenced by the data, while in the period 2004-2008, the total number of cities targeted by the companies were 83, in the following period 2009-2013 the number cities targeted became 127. This data seems to highlight how, over time, the presence of luxury firms is not only concentrated in the top cities around the world neither only in luxury streets, but affects a larger number of cities and locations. Take for example the case of the new rising Chinese cities of the II, III and IV tiers.
To conclude, our research points out how retail strategy implemented by luxury manufacturing companies is one of the driving strategy for relating the company with consumers in international markets. This strategy seems to represent a relevant and widespread used strategy to enter in foreign market and to develop the brand further.
Some considerations are due on the limitations inherent in the present study, which can also furnish some useful indications as to future work. The empirical evidence reported here is based on secondary research in market publications. Aside from collecting further, more up-to-date information, future research should be addressed to performing a number of enterprise case studies in order to acquire a better understanding of the phenomena at play through contacts with luxury enterprise managers with whom to share the main aspects involved in establishing sales networks in foreign countries. Moreover, the considerations advanced are based on empirical evidence drawn solely from study of the Italian luxury fashion industry. In this sense, future research should aim to check if any differences exist in retail store openings between the Italian fashion system and the luxury fashion industries of other economically mature nations (e.g., France, the UK, Japan or the USA).
Although, our empirical analysis has some limitations, it seems to confirm that the retail market strategy is a key strategy to relate with consumers in international markets and to let them “experience” the brand. For manufacturing companies in the luxury field this strategy should not be considered only in terms of promotion, as typically associated with the opening of flagship stores abroad. Rather, it represents an effective retail strategy with important implications from a managerial point of view. Considering this latter point, future research should be directed towards the study of the different strategic behaviors aiming at pointing out different strategic groups within our companies, for example in terms of company size or destination markets. In general terms, future research should be directed towards the study of the link between retail stores openings and customer experience in international markets. This issue has a particular relevance in the case of the Italian fashion industry, where understanding the retail strategy of luxury companies may contribute to recognize potential bandwagon effects of other companies in this sector, such as small and medium sized companies with other positioning.
Biopesticides are pesticdide derived from natural materials such as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. Microorganism such as a bacterium, virus, fungus, or microscopic nematode worms can be used in agricultural practices to control of elimate pests that can inflict damage to a plant. Agents used as biopesticides include parasites, predators, fungi, bacteria and viruses. They are being recommended and used as components of IPM programs in the production of high-value specialty crops such as fruit, nut, vegetable, vine, ornamental, and turf crops. The global pesticide market is growing at a 15.8% for the period of 2012 to 2017. Synthetic insecticide use is projected to continue to decline, particularly with the increased use of GM seeds. GM crops are competiong with biopesticides due to disease and pest resistance and complementing for production of chemical residue free crops. Biopesticedes represent a strong growth area in the global pesticide market. Low registration cost and time for development of new active ingredient are major growth drives for the biopesticides market. Bacterial biopesticides control over 70% of microbial biopesticdes market share. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is the most popular bioinsecticide worldwide. The global market for botanical biopesticide is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 14% and semio-chemicals is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.1% from 2012 to 2017. The global microbial biopesticides market was valued at $862 million in 2011 and is expected to reach $2,606 million by 2017. Global biopesticides market is dominated by bioinsecticides with around 46% share in 2011.
기업이 해외시장에 진출하여 현지에 정착하기 위해서는 현지시장 환경에 적합한 현지화가 필요하다. 본 연구는 이러한 현지화 고려 요소 들을 제시 해보고자 하였다. 일반적으로 우리가 현지화를 논할 때 현지자회사의 경영진 구성이 본사 주재원과 현지인과의 비율관계를 보고 현지인의 고용비율이 높을 때 현지화가 잘 되어 있다고 생각해왔다. 즉, 현지화 개념을 인적자원의 현지화에 너무 비중을 많이 두어 나머지 부문에 대한 현지화는 고려되지 않았다. 본 연구는 이러한 인사 및 노무 부문의 현지화 이외에 마케팅의 현지화, 생산 및 기술의 현지화, 자본조달의 현지화, 조직의 현지화, 현지사회와의 융화로 세분하여 해당내용별로 현지화 내용을 제시하였다