유기농 논이용 콩-밀 생산체계에서 재배유형별 밀 파종 전 경운여부에 따라 경운/무경운 처리, 콩 재배시 비닐 피복 여부에 따라 피복/무피복 처리, 논의 생태적 개선 여부에 따라 개선/대조구 처리로 시험구를 조성하여 밀 재배 중 곤충자원의 출현 및 분포특성을 조사 비교하였다. 출현 곤충의 총 종수는 20종으로 경운 14종, 무경운 14종으로 차이는 없었고 피복 14종, 무피복 16종이었으며 개선구 18종, 대조구 13종으로 개선처리에서 곤충 출현 종수가 많았다. 출현 곤충의 총개체수는 경운 124개체, 무경운 76개체로 경운처리에서 많았고, 피복 100개체, 무피복 100개체로 차이가 없었으며 경운-무피복-개선에서 40개체로 가장 많았다. 유기농 밀에 피해를 주는 해충 으로 노린재류는 갈색날개노린재가 가장 많이 발생하였고, 메추리노린재, 시골가시허리노린재도 출현하였으 며 재배유형별 발생 개체수는 경운 81마리, 무경운 39마리로 경운에서 많았고, 무경운-피복-대조(7) = 무경운-무 피복-대조(7) < 무경운-무피복-개선(9) < 경운-피복-개선(12) < 경운-무피복-대조(13) < 무경운-피복-개선(16) < 경운-피복-대조(27) < 경운-무피복-개선(29) 순으로 발생하였다.
The growth characteristics and yield per unit area of two cropping systems, corn monoculture and 'wrnsoybean intercropping, were compared and the obtained results were as follows; 1.The two cultivation systems were not significantly different in leaf leng
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a fresh chlorella powder on yield, quality and self-life of organic soybean tofu. After added with a fresh chlorella powder, yields, physical properties, color, shelf-life and sensory properties of the organic soybean tofu added with chlorella powder was compared to the properties of soybean tofu. The yield of soybean tofu increased with the addition of more than 1% chlorella powder. Hardness of the organic soybean tofu with chlorella significantly increased compared to that of the soybean tofu. However, Hunter’s color values of L, a, and b decreased by increases in the chlorella powder concentration. Total microbial population of the soybean tofu was higher than that of the organic soybean tofu with chlorella. However, pH of chlorella tofu decreased during storage period at 4℃. After 7 days storage at 4℃, the total microbial population decreased significantly with the addition of 2% chlorella powder. The L and a value of chlorella tofu was increased. On the other hand, the b value of chlorella tofu was decreased during storage. The results revealed that a fresh chlorella powder was a useful material to improve yield, quality and storage condition of the organic soybean tofu.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the growth promoting effects and improvement of antioxidant activity of the soybean sprouts treated with Chlorella sp. culture solution. The soybean sprout treated with 0.1% and 0.2% Chlorella sp. culture solution was significantly increased the length (more than 43.0%), the thickness (more than 0.5~0.7 mm), fresh weight (more than 2.9~3.7 g) compared to non-treated control in vitro. In organic soybean sprouts farm, the 0.2% chlorella culture solution applied to mass culture of soybean sprout and the fresh weight of soybean sprouts increased by more than 25% and the yield was very high as 598.33% compared to untreated control. In addition of sensory test, there is no fishy odor and better crunchy texture and nutty flavor for the treatment soybean sprouts compared to untreated soybean sprouts. Particularly, free-radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) of the soybean sprouts were significantly increased more than 26.1% and 40.4%, respectively by treated with 0.1% and 0.2% Chlorella culture solution. Consequently, the treatment of chlorella culture solution to grow soybean sprouts is also promoting quality and antioxidant activity as well as promoting the growth of sprouts. Therefore, chlorella is considered to be worth as functional materials for high-quality sprouts grown.
In organic farming agriculture, integration of cover crop into cropping system is recommended to improve the soil quality, prevent soil erosion, and control weeds. The aim of this study was to control weeds in soybean fields by integration of cover crops such as hairy vetch and rye. Due 10 cover crop mulching, weeds occurrence and growth were radically decreased. One month later after transplanting, weed growth inhibition rate of hairy vetch and rye treatment were 98% and 89% respectively, while crimson clover treatment were 50%. These effects last long over two month. The soybean yield of hairy vetch treatment was best. Therefore using hairy vetch as cover crop was highly recommended in organic soybean field.