
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 154

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To analyse and review the fishing performance and species composition according to the size of the entrance and mesh of the pot in the southern coastal waters (Tongyeong, Gyeongsangnam-do and Yeosu, Jeollanam-do), the experiment in this study caught one class, eight orders, 17 families, 23 species, 662 fishes, and 99,833 g. The largest number of fish species was Conger myriaster (301 fishes caught) accounting for 45.5%, followed by Octopus vulgaris (152) accounting for 23.0%, Charybdis japonica (45) accounting for 6.8%, Sebastiscus marmoratus (43) accounting for 6.5%, and Parapercis sexfasciata (42) accounting for 6.3%. Conger myriaster, Octopus vulgaris, Charybdis japonica, Sebastiscus marmoratus, and Parapercis sexfasciata accounted for 88.1% of the total catch. For other fish species, 68 fishes of 18 species were caught, accounting for 12.5% of the total. As a result of the total catch survey, the catch rate of Conger myriaster was the highest at 50.9% in B. 22 mm/280 mm. In addition, the average total length per fish increased as the entrance size increased. The weight ratios of Conger myriaster, Octopus vulgaris, and other fish species based on the total weight caught in each pots of the six species of test fishing gear are as follows. A pots 66.6%, 26.5%, 6.9%, B pots 57.2%, 24.5 %, 18.3%, C pots 43.2%, 31.5%, 25.3%, D pots 7.4%, 56.7%, 35.9%, E pots 43.6%, 0%, 56.4%, and F pots 5.0%, 79.6%, 15.4%.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Composites of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) are important materials to utilize the optical properties of CQDs in diverse applications including photoluminescence-based sensing and LED phosphors. Combining pre-prepared CQDs with a polymeric matrix usually causes changes in the optical properties of CQDs due to unavoidable aggregation. Recently, the preparation of composites based on in-situ formed CQDs has been debated to overcome the aggregation limits of the conventional mixing methods. Herein, we have demonstrated the synthesis of homogeneous CQDs composites by simple thermal annealing blends of aluminum hydroxide (AlOH), citric acid (CA), and urea (URA). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy studies revealed the formation of individual CQDs with a diameter of about 2–9 nm dispersed homogeneously over the AlOH matrix. The composites have a broad excitation band centered at about 360 nm and exhibit excitation-dependent photoluminescence which was similar to that of hydrothermally synthesized CQDs from CA and URA. The photoluminescent intensity of the composite was stable to UV irradiation and responded selectively to Cu(II) ion demonstrating its potential application in Cu(II) sensing.
        2023.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, considering the expansion/contraction behavior of the upper structure at all times and the abnormal behavior of the receiving friction elements that allow horizontal movement during earthquakes, a port receiving test body simulating the protrusion of the friction elements was created and the modulus performance was evaluated. In order to confirm the influence of the friction element's projection, the friction element's degree of separation was divided into four stages, and the shear behavior of the test specimen and the friction coefficient were confirmed. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the friction load increases as the protrusion degree of the friction element increases. On the other hand, as the degree of protrusion of the coefficient of friction increases, the coefficient of friction also increases. It was confirmed that damage to the friction elements during use increases the coefficient of friction, hinders smooth expansion and contraction of the upper structure, and causes stress concentration at the fixed-end support.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        주방세제의 진딧물 살충효과와 분국화 생육에 미치는 영향 을 알아보기 위해 실험을 수행하였다. 복숭아혹진딧물과 목화 진딧물을 대상으로 주방세제 100, 200, 400배액 단용처리와 주방세제 400배액 100mL에 소주 10mL 또는 20mL를 혼용 하여 분무 처리하였다. 그 결과 주방세제 400배 이하의 모든 농도에서 복숭아혹진딧물은 85%, 목화진딧물은 90%의 살충 률을 보였다. 주방세제와 소주 혼용처리에 의한 살충효과 상 승은 보이지 않았다. 하우스안에서 진딧물이 많이 발생한 분 국화 잎에 400배액 이하의 농도로 3일 간격으로 2회 처리함 으로써 90% 이상의 진딧물이 감소되는 효과를 얻을 수 있었 다. 또한 분국화를 재배하면서 3~4일 간격으로 5주간 지속적 으로 주방세제를 처리했을 때, 대조구에서는 90% 잎에서 진 딧물이 발생한데 비해, 모든 주방세제 단독 처리구에서는 발 생율이 15% 이하로 낮게 유지되었다. 또한 국화의 생체중, 초 장, 엽수는 주방세제 농도가 높아질수록 조금씩 낮아지는 경 향이었으나, 초폭이나 분지수에서는 차이가 없었다. 그러나 주방세제 200배 이하의 농도에서는 국화의 잎이 갈변되거나 꽃잎 끝이 백화되는 약해가 관찰되었다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted in an indoor cultivation room and chamber where environmental control is possible to investigate the effect of temperature and irrigation interval on photosynthesis, growth and growth analysis of potted seedling cucumber. The light intensity (70 W·m-2) and humidity (65%) were set to be the same. The experimental treatments were six combinations of three different temperatures, 15/10℃, 25/20℃, and 35/25°C, and two irrigation intervals, 100 mL per day (S) and 200 mL every 2 days (L). The treatments were named 15S, 15L, 25S, 25L, 35S, and 35L. Seedlings at 0.5 cm in height were planted in pots (volume:1 L) filled with sandy loam and treated for 21 days. Photosynthesis, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance at 14 days after treatment were highest in 25S. These were higher in S treatments with a shorter irrigation interval than L treatments. Total amount of irrigation water was supplied evenly at 2 L, but the soil moisture content was highest at 15S and lowest at 25S > 15L > 25L, 35S and 35L in that order. Humidity showed a similar trend at 15/10℃ (61.1%) and 25/20℃ (67.2%), but it was as high at 35/25°C (80.5%). Cucumber growth (plant height, leaf length, leaf width, chlorophyll content, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight) on day 21 was the highest in 25S. Growth parameters were higher in S with shorter irrigation intervals. Yellow symptom of leaf was occurred in 89.9% at 35S and 35L, where the temperature was high. Relative growth rate (RGR) and specific leaf weight (SLA) were high at 25/20℃ (25S, 25L), RGR tended to be high in the S treatment, and SLA in the L treatment. Water use efficiency (WUE) was high in the order of 25S, 25L > 15S > 15L, 35S, and 35L. As a result of the above, the growth and WUE were high at the temperature of 25/20℃.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) is one of the most important species in the East Sea fishery of Korea. The annual production of Pacific giant octopus in 2021 was 3,880 metric ton between Gangwon province and Gyeongsangbuk province. Most of the fishing gears for the octopus fishery were based on behavioral properties such as thigmotaxis and chemotaxis. Wooden octopus box is also one of the fishing gears, which is application of thigmotaxis for the octopus capture in fishing industry. In this study, the tank experiments were designed to examine the behaviour and the effect of surface roughness to the infiltration of the octopus quantitatively. Three different types of octopus boxes were used for the experiments with different surface roughness on the average of 701.6 ㎛, 141.7 ㎛ and 2.09 ㎛ for each gear. 22 trials were conducted from June to September 2021. The normality of the experiments was tested using Shapiro-Wilk normality test (p-value < 0.05). The significance of results was conducted by Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test (Chi-squarded = 21, Degree of freedom = 3, p-value < 0.05). The use of wooden octopus box with rough surface was found to enhance the catch efficiency and observe infiltration behaviour of the octopus frequently.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, for the purpose of reducing the catch of small giant octopus in a net pot, an escape experiment of octopus was performed on five types of escape rings of different sizes. As a result of the experiment, the smallest giant octopus with a weight of 406 g was found to escape from an escape ring with a diameter of 30 mm or larger, and 592 g octopus, a weight similar to the octopus of the current minimum landing weight (600 g), escaped from an escape ring with a diameter of larger than 40 mm. An individual weight with 406 g becomes 39 mm when converted from a diameter of 25 mm circular escape vent; that is, the circumference to the inner diameter of the mesh. It can be inferred that the converted mesh size of 39 mm cannot escape. Logistic regression analysis was performed using a generalized linear model (GLM) to investigate the correlation between the ratio of escape ring size/Mantle diameter (R/MD) and the escape rate. As a result, it was found that there was a significant correlation between the R/MD ratio and the escape rate and that the higher the R/MD ratio, the greater the escape rate. As a result of logistic regression analysis, the R/MD value was denoted 0.520 with the 50% escape rate. In addition, it can be estimated to be about 50 mm when converted to the mesh size. Therefore, in this study, the diameter of the escape ring and the size of the escape possible of the octopus were experimentally considered. It was found that there was a significant correlation.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the fishery status of the octopus pot fishery in the east coastal sea were investigated, and the fishing performance of each pot shape was compared and analyzed. The fishery status survey was conducted through listening surveys at Jukbyeon Port, Uljin Port and Pohang Daebo Port in Gyeongbuk Province, and the amount of fishing gear used, fishing method, size and loss of octopus pot fishery was investigated. On the east coastal sea, octopus is one of the commercially important fish stocks and is caught in inshore pots, inshore combos, inshore gillnets and offshore pots. Among these fishing methods, pot fishing yields the highest catch. The shape of the pot differs depending on the region. In Uljin (Jukbyeon Port and Hupo Port), Gyeongbuk, rectangular type net pots are mainly used, and in Pohang (Daebo Port) in Gyeongbuk, drum-type pots are mostly used. Enteroctopus dofleini accounts for more than 90% of the catch of octopus. For the octopus fishing performance test by trap type, three types of traps (rectangular pot, drum pot and cylinder pot) were used on the coastal sea of Pohang Daebo. As a result, the total catch by pot shape was shown in the order of rectangular-type pot > drum-type pot > cylinder-type pot. The catch of octopus, the target species, was in the following order: rectangular-type pot > drum-type pot > cylinder-type pot. Such result shows a significant difference (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05).
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, considering the limits of existing smart pots, we introduce the research result of the new smart pot that can easily grow various pet plants. Through Arduino control kit which is the one of the open source computing platform, electric circuit and equipment to fulfil the functions of the smart pot is newly designed and made. Especially the head of pump which is main function in smart pot and the structure of electric equipment is theoretically calculated and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tool is used for static analysis to prevent damage to the pots. After that, new smart pot is made with the researched design materials and perform the various functional investigations to grow the indoor plants.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 채소정식을 위한 정식기에 사용하는 생분해성 포트를 개발하기 위하여 생분해성 첨가제의 비율에 따라 포트의 물성 및 식물의 생장 차이를 구명하였다. 본 실험에 사용된 생분해포트의 주원료는 크라프트지와 신문고지였고, 생분해성 포트는 주 배합비에서 내첨첨가제의 함량을 주원료 대비 각 3%, 5%로 제조하였다. 본 실험에서 8주 육묘 후 포트의 물리적 특성과 첨가제에 따른 변화를 알아보기 위해 포트의 인장강도, 두께, 무게 등을 조사하였다. 생분해성 첨가제가 함유된 포트와 일반 PE포트에 식물 생장도 비교하였다. 2주차에서 5주차에는 매주 배추의 생육조사를 진행했고, 5주차에서 8주차에는 고추생육조사를 진행하였다. 식물의 생장은 뿌리신선중(g), 지상부 시선중(g), 옆 장(cm), 옆 폭(cm)등을 측정하였다. 생분해성 포트에서의 식물 생장은 플라스틱 포트에 비해 생육이 저조하게 나타났다. 생분해성 포트의 무게와 두께는 첨가제 함량에 따라 낮은 상관성을 보였지만, 인장강도의 경우 차이를 보여 내첨제의 비율에 따라 생육에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 첨가제는 무게와 두께에는 영향을 미치지 않아 포트의 생분해 능력에는 영향이 없는 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 생분해성 식물 포트 개발의 기초자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The carbon-based nanostructures are in limelight due to their widespread applications in nano-to-micro-scale technologies. The carbon dots are known for their unique physical, electrical, optical, chemical and biological properties. The carbon dots (CDs) are being produced through several well-developed synthesis methods, one of which is the green sonochemical. This method is preferred over others because it is a green source of energy, facile, fast, low-temperature process, non-toxic and less expensive. Despite the fact of using 90% less energy than other methods, this method has been overlooked in the published literature. It is possible to prepare pure and doped CDs of low toxicity and controlled physicochemical properties through sonochemical method. In recent years, sonochemically produced CDs have been tuned and characterized for a variety of applications. This review has explored the merits and demerits of sonochemical method in comparison to the other methods for the synthesis of pure CDs and their nanocomposites. The role of multiple factors in tailoring the specific parameters of CDs for their application in antibacterial, polymerization, tissue engineering, catalysis, bio-imagining, supercapacitors, drug delivery and electric devices is also elaborated in this review. This review also concludes on future directions in the applications of sonochemically produced CDs.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, factors such as improvement of a fishing process and safety, reduction of the labor force and headcount and development of the automation technology for offshore (eel and crab) pot fishing vessels were analyzed. A questionnaire survey was conducted to analyze and select the key factors using independent/paired sample t-test and correlation analysis, and a living lab was operated with ship owners, skippers and experts to discuss practical needs of the site. From the result of questionnaire survey and field requirements, it was possible to understand the level of awareness of ship safety, general safety equipment, fishing work process and fishing safety equipment from the point of view of the field. In addition, there were differences in the measurement results of each items because the working environment and experience were different according to the position of the ship owner and the skipper. The results of the questionnaire survey and various perceptions of field stakeholders were reflected when analyzing the fishing system and fishing process to choose the development equipment applicable to the field. From the analysis results, the selected development equipment based on the fishing equipment and process currently in operation are pot washing device, catch separation and fish hold injection device, length limit regulations and bait ejection device after use, automatic main line winding device, bait crusher, automatic (crab) pot hauling separator and so on.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Interviews and boarding surveys were conducted in order to understand the actual usage of octopus pot in the coastal composite fishery in Jeollanam-do. According to the results of the interviews conduced by visiting the areas (Goheung, Yeosu and Wando), the number of octopus pots per nine-ton vessel were 30,000-80,000, and the number of daily usage pots were 7,000-10,000. The number of octopus pots per four-ton vessel was 40,000, and the number of daily usage pots were 4,000. As a result of the survey on two octopus pot fishing boats (9.77-ton and 4.99-ton) in Yeosu area, the daily catch weight of 9-ton class vessel was the minimum of 66.9 kg and the maximum of 159.6 kg. The daily catch weight of the four-ton class fishing vessel was from 31.3 kg to maximum 85.6 kg. The average number of octopus pot used per day in the nine-ton class vessel was 6,821 (the minimum of 6,031 and the maximum of 7,697) and 3,181 (the minimum of 2,282 and the maximum of 3,878) in the four-ton class vessel.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the octopus pot according to mesh sizes. Entering behavior of Octopus minor and bait (Macrophthalmus japonicus) escape rate on the mesh sizes of the pots were investigated for six times in indoor tank. The sea trials for evaluating the performance of Octopus minor pot to different mesh sizes (22, 20 and 18 mm) were conducted for six times from 2017 to 2018 in the coastal sea of Deukyang Bay, the Republic of Korea. Behavior patterns of contact pot to leaved pot were more frequent than contact pot to bait search. When the octopus contacted to the pot, there was no clear search behavior to distinguish the mesh sizes. Total catch of 46% was accounted for 18 mm pots, followed by 34% at 20 mm and 20% at 22 mm (P < 0.05). Catch per unit effort was calculated as 30 g/pot at 22 mm, 44 g/pot at 20 mm and 59 g/pot at 18 mm. As a result of evaluating 50% selection of mantle length and weight on the mesh sizes, mantle length (mm) and weight (g) were 84.6 and 147.8 in 22 mm, followed by 20 and 18 mm.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 LED 광원의 파장이 분화 국화의 생육에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 22℃ 항온조건에서 주간 11시간, 야 간 13시간의 광주기로 조절된 폐쇄형 식물생장상에서 7주간 단일상태로 재배된 ‘오렌지에그’ 품종의 생육 및 개화 특성을 비교하였다. LED 인공광원은 청색광(444nm), 적색광(652nm), 그리고 청색광과 적색광, 백색광이 각각 2:5:1로 조합된 혼합 광을 사용하였다. 그 결과, 분화 국화 ‘오렌지에그’ 품종의 초 장은 적색광에서의 평균 9.43cm로 가장 길었으며, 청색광이 혼합광에 비해 짧았으나 통계적 유의성은 인정되지 않았다. 초폭과 엽폭은 초장에 대한 생육반응과 유사하게 적색광에서 가장 크게 신장하였고, 청색광과 혼합광에서는 유의적인 차이 를 보이지 않았다. 엽수와 엽장은 혼합광보다 청색광과 적색 광 등 단색광에서 더 많고 길었다. 분화 국화 ‘오렌지에그’ 품 종의 개화특성의 경우에는 청색광과 적색광, 혼합광 모두 단 일처리 16~17일 이후에 화아분화가 완료되어 발뢰가 시작되 었으나, 적색광과 청색광 하에서 생육한 국화는 화아발달이 정상적으로 이루어지지 않아 최종 개화까지 이루어지지 않았 고, 혼합광 하에서 생육한 국화만 단일처리 5주 후에 정상적 으로 개화되었다. 따라서 식물공장에서 분화 국화를 생산하기 위한 인공광원으로는 청색광과 적색광, 백색광으로 구성된 혼 합광을 사용하는 것이 가장 유용하리라고 판단된다.
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