In this study, in order to analyze the water purification efficiency according to the influent water conditions of artificial wetlands, the purification efficiency was compared at two points where sewage treatment water flows in and one point where good effluent flows in. As a result of reviewing the results of the analysis of influent and effluent and the removal efficiency, the T-N and T-P removal efficiency was calculated at 54.7% and 77.4%, respectively, for the two points where sewage treatment water was treated, the treatment efficiency of SS 90.8%, BOD 51.1%, TOC 30.6%, T-N 38.8%, T-P 55.3% was shown. As a result, the efficiency of removing pollutants in the artificial wetland was found to be proportional to the concentration of influent water, and in order to create an efficient artificial wetland, it is judged that thorough review and management at the design stage are necessary considering that the removal efficiency of high-concentration contaminated water was high.
본 사례는 최근 준공된 “구미하수처리장 하수처리수를 이용한 재이용시설”에 대한 것으로 이 시설은 구미하수처리장의 2차 처리수를 원수로, 응집침전시설, 전처리시설, 주처리시설과 재이용수 공급시설로 구성되어 있으며, 설비의 성능 확인을 위한 시운전을 완료하였다. 주처리시설로는 역삼투막(RO Membrane)을 적용하였으며, 하수처리수 내 잔류물질로 인한 역삼투막 성능저하방지와 수요처의 요구수질 충족을 위해 활성탄 주입을 포함한 응집침전공정과 정밀여과막(Micro Filter)을 전처리시설로 구성하였다. 사업 초기단계에 현재 시공된 것과 동일한 공정으로 구성된 Pilot Plant를 건설, 운영하여, 반영된 각 단계별 공정의 적정성과 주요 설계 인자를 확인하였으며, 일부 확인된 개선 사항은 실시설계시 반영하였다.
본 연구에서는 하수처리수를 원수로 사용하여 직접 접촉식 막증발법을 적용하여 원수 온도와 원수 유량 변화에 따 른 하수처리수의 COD, TN, TP, TOC의 제거율 변화와 여과플럭스의 변화를 측정하였다. 또한 하수처리수에 의한 분리막의 오염 가역성을 평가하기 위해 1차 증류수만을 사용하여 물리세정을 수행한 후 플럭스의 회복률을 측정하였다. 실험결과 원수 의 온도 및 유량에 관계없이 원수가 3배 농축될 때까지 여과를 진행하였음에도 불구하고 하수처리수의 주요 오염물질인 COD, TN, TP, TOC에 대한 제거율이 92% 이상으로 높게 나타났다. 또한 비교적 낮은 온도인 50°C와 60°C에서 원수의 유량에 따라 최소 13.8 LMH에서 20.3 LMH로 높은 여과플럭스를 나타냈다. 그리고 높은 농축계수까지 여과 실험을 진행했음에도 불구하 고 낮은 여과플럭스의 감소를 나타냈으며 1차 증류수를 이용한 짧은 시간 동안의 물리세정만으로 최소 90% 이상의 높은 여과 플럭스 회복율을 나타냈다. 따라서 하수처리수 재이용을 위한 공정으로 막증발법의 적용이 충분히 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
The efficiencies of Gang-Byeon sewage treatment facilities, which are based on GPS-X modelling, were analysed and used to design recycle water treatment processes. The effluent of an aeration tank contained total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) of 1.8 mg/L with both C-1 and C-2 conditions, confirming that most ammonia nitrogen (NH3 +-N) was converted to nitrate nitrogen (NO3 --N). The concentrations of NH3 +-N and NO3 --N were found to be 222.5 and 227.2 mg/L, respectively, with C-1 conditions and 212.2 and 80.4 mg/L with C-2 conditions. Although C-2 conditions with higher organic matter yielded a slightly higher nitrogen removal efficiency, sufficient denitrification was not observed to meet the discharge standards. For the total nitrogen (T-N) removal efficiency, the final effluent concentrations of T-N were 293.8 mg/L with biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of 2,500 mg/L, being about 1.5 times lower than that (445.3 mg/L) with BOD of 2,000 mg/L. Therefore, an external carbon source to increase the C/N ratio was required to get sufficient denitrification. During the winter period with temperature less than 10 , the denitrification efficiency was dropped rapidly even with a high TKN concentration (1,500 mg/L). This indicates that unit reactors (anoxic/aerobic tanks) for winter need to be installed to increase the hydraulic retention time. Thus, to enhance nitrification and denitrification efficiencies, flexible operations with seasons are recommended for nitrification/anoxic/denitrification tanks.
The treatment efficiencies of domestic sewage treatment processes were analysed and assessed to suggest and design a suitable technology for coal seam gas (CSG) water treatment. Two sewage treatment plants (S and G in Busan) were selected. The former operates with standard activated sludge and modified Ludzak Ettinger processes while the later uses the combination of A2/O and gravity fiber filtration. For both plants, the concentrations of BOD, CODMn, T-N and T-P were about 5.0, 19.0, 5.0, 11.0 and 1.0 ppm, respectively, which satisfy the discharge standards. Therefore, although sewage treatment processes seems to be applicable for CSG water treatment, additional processes to remove total dissolved solids and ionic compounds (i.e. bicarbonate) need to be introduced to produce fit-for-purpose water resources for beneficial use (in accordance with Water ACT 2013). This, for the CSG treatment process design, it is necessary to align the operating conditions with merging methods of combinable unit technology obtained from sewage treatment processes.
To acquire preliminary data for the control of total nitrogen (TN) in S sewage treatment plant, which processes merging food waste and sewage, the effect of reject water on the total nitrogen in the effluent was examined in this study. Water quality data for the plant during the winter period were applied to calculate the mass balance. It was calculated that at least more than 231 kg/d TN should be removed to control the TN concentration in the effluent. Assuming 18 ppm as the goal TN concentration in the effluent, about 941 kg/d TN should be removed from this plant. Approximately 10% more TN should be removed than at present to achieve this result. It was observed that dewatering the filtrate had a considerably greater effect on the total nitrogen in the effluent than the reject waters. The dewatered filtrate contained 1,399kg/d TN. The contribution of the dewatered filtrate to the TN concentration in the effluent was 0.183, which was 7 to 23 times greater than the other reject waters. In addition, the amount of total nitrogen from the reject water, with the exception of the dewatering filtrate, was lower than the amount of TN that should be removed from S sewage treatment plant. Therefore, it was concluded that one of the most effective methods for controlling the TN concentration in effluent was the removal of the TN contained in the dewatering filtrate.
For the sustainable management of marine ecosystem in Masan Bay, we have to assess the carrying capacity and standard of target water quality. In this research, we assume that all pollutants loads are treated in Dukdong sewage treatment plant, then we simulate the physical-biological model for prediction water quality for the achievement of standard water quality.
In 2001 year, for the achievement of COD 2.5 mg/L, we need to reduce COD 90 %, nitrogen 30 %, phosphate 90% than that of the present value. According to these results, the water quality of sewage treatment plant is required to treat COD 13.5 mg/L, nitrogen 33.3 mg/L, phosphate 6.0 mg/L. If the sewage treatment plant will be expanded much larger in 2011, it will need to be treated in COD 6.6 mg/L, nitrogen 2.5 mg/L, phosphate 5 mg/L for the achievement of water quality standard in COD 2.5 mg/L.