This study was carried out to determine the optimum temperature of the jicama pickle solution by evaluating physicochemical and sensory characteristics at various temperatures. The soaking solution of the jicama pickle was prepared at different temperatures (95, 75, 50, and 25oC). During storage, the titratable acidity, Brix, and the salinity of the jicama pickles increased, and these values increased with increasing temperature of the soaking solution. The higher the temperature of the soaking solution, the lower the L and b values. In all samples, the hardness increased rapidly until the 5th day of storage, and then gradually decreased. During storage, the jicama pickles showed a high tendency to harden at soaking solution temperatures of 75 and 95oC. Sensory evaluation indicated that the taste, flavor, crispness, and overall preference of the jicama pickle were higher at a soaking solution temperature of 75oC and above. The higher the temperature of the soaking solution, the higher the acceptability. Based on these results, we conclude that soaking solution temperature of 75°¦95oC in the manufacture of jicama pickles had a positive effect on the reduction in tissue softening and the sensory properties of the jicama pickle.
The principal objective of this study was to develop and standardize a preparation method for low-sodium tomato jangachi (traditional Korean pickle) via short-term fermentation with immature green cherry tomatoes. In order to determine the preferred concentrations of soy sauce and soaking temperatures of immature cherry tomato pickles in different stages of storage, we conducted an analysis of physico-chemical characteristics and microbiological properties, and also performed a preference test on samples of immature green cherry tomato pickles. Immature cherry tomatoes were prepared in three different soy sauce concentrations --20, 40, and 60%-- and three different soaking temperatures --60, 80, and 100℃-- and then stored for 28 days at 5℃. As a result, the pH increased significantly with increases in the amount of soy in the dipping solution (p〈0.05). The saltiness was maintained at levels of approximately 0.17~0.28% (20% group), 0.32~0.67%% (40%group), 0.48~1.00% (60% group) during storage periods. These results show that the saltiness of immature cherry tomato pickles was substantially lower than that of commercial pickles. The contents of reducing sugar and lightness decreased significantly with increasing concentrations of soy dipping solution. The redness and yellowness values of the tomatoes decreased significantly with increasing concentrations of soy sauce. Additionally, the lower the concentration of soy sauce used, the more rapidly the hardness of the immature cherry tomato pickles was reduced at 100℃. PME activity moved within a narrow range, and then stabilized during the storage period. With regard to the results of the consumer preference test, 20%-100℃ was the most preferred condition overall, 40%-80℃ was the condition in which the texture was most preferred, and 40%-80℃ was the condition that yielded the highest color scores.
콩의 수량은 건물생산성에 비해 고온에 민감하게 반응하는 하는 형질로 알려져 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 등숙기 고온이 종실의 발달, 품질특성 및 수분흡수특성에 미치는 영향을 검토하기 위해 수행하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과같다.1. 등숙온도가 높을수록 백립중은 감소되었는데, 황금콩은 선유콩에 비해 감소폭이 컸고, 등숙기 지속적인 고온은 종실비대를 억제시켜 소립종의 비율이 증가될 뿐만 아니라 종피율을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다.2. 등숙온도가 높을수록 지방 함량 및 C/N율이 감소되고,단백질 및 총당 함량이 증가되었으나 당의 조성으로볼 때 단당류와 이당류는 증가되고 올리고당류는 오히려 감소되는 것으로 나타나 고온은 동화물질의 축적을억제시키는 것으로 판단되었다.3. 고온에서 등숙된 콩은 침지초기에 부피 및 무게의 증가가 비교적 빠르게 이루어졌으나 침지시간이 경과됨에 따라 대조구에 비해 부피 및 무게증가율이 모두 낮게 나타났고, 황금콩은 선유콩에 비해 침지에 따른 부피증가율 및 무게증가율이 상대적으로 낮았다.4. 콩의 백립중과 종피율은 침지에 따른 종실의 부피 및무게증가율뿐만 아니라 용출액의 TDS와 EC에 영향을 미치는 주요 형질로 판단되었고, 단백질 함량과C/N율은 TDS 및 EC와 유의한 상관을 보였으나, 당함량은 부피증가율과 무게증가율뿐만 아니라 TDS 및EC와 상관이 인정되지 않았다.5. 따라서 등숙온도가 높을수록 종실에 동화물질의 축적이 불완전하게 이루어져 침지에 따른 가용성 고형물의용출량이 많아지고, 결과적으로 TDS 및 EC가 높아지는 것으로 판단되었다.
This study is part of research to develop the technology for managing major medicinal crops after harvest. We studied the optimal germination conditions of Cynanchum wilfordii (Maxim.) Hemsl. The mean germination time (MGT) of C. wilfordii seeds was higher after soaking for 4 days after storage at 5℃ for 8 weeks, than with germination at 25℃ (3 days). However, the germinative energy (GE) decreased as the number of days soaking increased. The greatest germination rate (83.3±8.8%) was at 25℃ with no soaking of seeds stored at -20℃ for 8 weeks. Based on these results, we characterized the germination conditions of a major medicinal crop.