This study compared the physicochemical properties of soybean curd residue and black soybean curd residue produced by hot air-drying and freeze-drying. Regardless of drying method, the crude protein, crude ash, crude fiber contents, pH, L, a, b color values and water soluble index were higher in soybean curd residue, whereas total polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity were higher in black soybean curd residue. Significant differences in water absorption index, oil absorption capacity and emulsion activity were observed between soybean curd residue and black soybean curd residue in freeze-drying. On the other hand, the emulsion stability was not significant difference in both hot-air drying and freezedrying. The crude protein and crude fiber contents of soybean curd residue were not significant difference between hot-air drying and freeze-drying. Freeze-drying resulted in higher crude ash contents, pH, water absorption index, water soluble index, oil absorption capacity, emulsion activity and emulsion stability than hot-air drying. Hot-air drying have caused significantly higher water contents, water activity, total polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity in soybean curd residue than freeze-drying. In conclusion, soybean type and drying methods affect the physicochemical and quality characteristics of soybean curd residue, which could be important factors in the manufacture of processed foods.
This study compared the physicochemical and gelatinization properties of naked barley, tetrastichum barley, and waxy barley. Compared to tetrastichum barley and waxy barley, naked barley had shorter and rounder grains with a 1.43 length/ width ratio. Tetrastichum barley had lower crude protein, crude lipid, and crude ash content and higher amylose content compared to naked barley and waxy barley. The L, a, b color values of waxy barley were significantly higher than those of naked barley and tetrastichum barley. The water absorption index (WAI) and the water soluble index (WSI) were highest in waxy barley. The X-ray diffraction pattern was type A in all samples, and the peak intensity was highest in waxy barley. The maximum viscosity, cooling viscosity, breakdown, and setback of amylogram properties were the highest in tetrastichum barley. The thermal properties through the differential scanning calorimeter showed that the waxy barley had higher values of the onset, peak, conclusion temperature and enthalpy (?H). In conclusion, the variety of barley influenced the physicochemical and gelatinization properties, which could be important factors in the manufacture of processed foods. These results would thus useful inputs for the manufacturing of these foods using barley.
This study investigated the effect of dry heat treatment (DHT) on the physicochemical properties of hard type (HR) and floury type (FR) rice to improve the processing aptitude of rice flour. The rice flour was heated at 130oC for 0, 2 and 4 hours, and the color value, water absorption index (WAI), water soluble index (WSI), swelling power, solubility, pasting properties, particle shape and the X-ray diffraction were measured. After DHT, the L value of rice flour decreased, and the b value increased. The WAI, WSI, swelling power and solubility of HR and FR increased with the increase of treatment time. The cold viscosity and setback increased, while breakdown decreased. Cracks and lumps formed with fine particles were observed. The X-ray diffraction pattern was A-type, while the diffraction intensity decreased. According to the results of the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, the hydration and pasting properties were significantly different between HR and FR and were affected by DHT time. The results suggest that the properties of modified rice flour by DHT can be used in the food industry.
This study was carried out to determine the optimum temperature of the jicama pickle solution by evaluating physicochemical and sensory characteristics at various temperatures. The soaking solution of the jicama pickle was prepared at different temperatures (95, 75, 50, and 25oC). During storage, the titratable acidity, Brix, and the salinity of the jicama pickles increased, and these values increased with increasing temperature of the soaking solution. The higher the temperature of the soaking solution, the lower the L and b values. In all samples, the hardness increased rapidly until the 5th day of storage, and then gradually decreased. During storage, the jicama pickles showed a high tendency to harden at soaking solution temperatures of 75 and 95oC. Sensory evaluation indicated that the taste, flavor, crispness, and overall preference of the jicama pickle were higher at a soaking solution temperature of 75oC and above. The higher the temperature of the soaking solution, the higher the acceptability. Based on these results, we conclude that soaking solution temperature of 75°¦95oC in the manufacture of jicama pickles had a positive effect on the reduction in tissue softening and the sensory properties of the jicama pickle.
This study investigated the quality characteristics of milk bread with blueberry starter for the development of various bakery products. Blueberry starter was added to milk content at levels of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% to produce milk bread. As fermentation time increased, the pH of the blueberry starter decreased, whereas the titratable acidity and sugar level increased. The dough volume during fermentation was the highest for the group containing 40% added blueberry starter and the lowest for group containing 10% added blueberry starter. In the group containing 30% and 40% added blueberry starter, The volume, specific volume and baking loss of milk bread were the highest, while moisture content was the lowest. With regard to the crumb color value of the milk bread with blueberry starter, the L value decreased and the a and b values increased as the amount of blueberry starter increased. Hardness, gumminess and chewiness were the lowest in the group with 40% added blueberry starter. The results of this study indicate that the optimal amount of blueberry starter for the preparation of milk bread is 30-40%.
가공용 쌀 품종으로 개발된 분질미, 연질미, 경질미의 쌀 가공제품 이용 가능성과 활용도를 알아보기 위하여 이화학적 특성 및 호화특성을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 일반성분 분석결과, 건식제분 쌀가루의 수분함량은 7.68~7.99%, 습식제분 쌀가루는 7.03~7.57%이었고, 조단백 함량은 건식제분 쌀가루에서 7.96~8.35%, 습식제분 쌀가루에7.94~8.12%이었다. 조지방 함량은 건식제분 쌀가루에서 1.32~1.49%, 습식제분 쌀가루에서 0.71~0.99%이었고, 조회분 함량은 건식제분 쌀가루에서 0.71~0.82%, 습식제분 쌀가루에서 0.25~0.31%이었다. 백색도 측정 결과, 습식제분 분질미 쌀가루에서 96.40으로 가장 높게 나타났고 건식제분 연질미 쌀가루에서 95.63으로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 적색도 측정 결과, 건식제분 분질미 쌀가루는 –0.37로 가장 높았고 습식제분 경질미 쌀가루는 –0.65로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 황색도 측정 결과, 건식제분 경질미 쌀가루는 3.46으로 가장 높았고 습식제분 분질미 쌀가루에서 2.59로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 주사전자현미경을 이용한 입자의 형태를 관찰한 결과, 모든 시료에서 쌀 전분 특유의 입자 형태를 보였고, 건식제분 쌀가루가 불규칙하고 거칠며 큰 입자가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 수분흡수지수와 수분용해지수는 습식제분 연질미와 경질미 쌀가루가 높았고, 건식제분 분질미가 가장 낮았다. X-선 회절도 분석결과, 모든 시료는 전형적인 A 도형의 특징을 나타냈고, 건식제분 쌀가루의 회절강도가 높게 나타났다. Amylogram에 의한 호화 특성 분석 결과, 습식제분한 연질미 쌀가루는 최고점도, breakdown, setback에서 가장 높게 나타났고, 건식제분한 연질미 쌀가루는호화개시온도에서가장높았으나최고점도와breakdown에서는 가장 낮았다. 습식제분한 경질미 쌀가루는 호화개시 온도와 setback에서 가장 낮았다. 시차열량주사계에 의한 호화 특성 분석 결과, 건식제분한 연질미 쌀가루는 호화개 시온도, 호화정점온도, 호화종료 온도에서 가장 높았으나 호화엔탈피는 가장 낮았다. 따라서 분질미 쌀 품종은 건식 및 습식제분에서도 안정성이 높게 나타나 손상 전분이 적어쌀 가공제품에 활용도가 높을 것으로 생각된다
본 연구는 백진주 쌀가루를 이용한 비유탕 쌀과자 제조 조건의 최적화를 목적으로 두 가지 독립변수인 쌀 수침시간 과 콩물 첨가량에 따라 9가지 조건의 비유탕 쌀과자 품질특 성을 분석하였다. 무게는 쌀 수침시간이 길어짐에 따라 증 가하다가 11.26일 이후에는 다시 감소하였으나 콩물 첨가 량은 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 부피와 부피팽창 율은 쌀 수침시간이 길어지고, 콩물 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 밀도는 쌀 수침시간이 1.94일 이전이고, 콩물 첨가량이 32.23% 이상일 때 밀도가 가장 낮은 구간으로 나타났다. 색도에서 쌀 수침시간이 3.52일 이상이고 콩물 첨가량이 35.47%일 때 L값은 높은 구간으로 나타났고, a값은 유의성이 없는 것으로 나타났으며, b값은 쌀 수침시간이 길어지고 콩물 첨가량이 증가할수록 높게 나타났다. 경도는 쌀 수침시간이 5.28∼8.53일이고, 콩물 첨가량이 5.34∼20.26%일 때 가장 높은 구간으로 나타났다. 색, 향미, 외형 및 전체적인 선호도는 쌀 수침시간이 짧고, 콩물 첨가량이 적을수록 선호도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 최적 조건을 설정하기 위하여 독립변수인 쌀 수침시간과 콩물 첨가량을 범위 내에서 최소로 설정하고, 종속변수에 서 밀도는 최소로 설정하고 다른 항목은 최대로 설정하였을 때 백진주 쌀가루를 이용한 비유탕 쌀과자의 최적 조건은 쌀 수침시간 0.69일이고 콩물 첨가량은 26.67%로 나타났다.
The objective of this study was to investigate the cooking properties of seven different rice cultivars (Dasan, Keunseom, Goami, Baekjinju, Seolgaeng, Hangangchal, and Heukseol). For the Hunter’s color values, the L value was highest in the Seolgaeng cultivar, the a value was highest in the Heukseol cultivar, and the b value was highest in the Hangangchal cultivar. For the water absorption rate, that of the Heukseol cultivar was 80 min up to the saturation point, those of the Dasan and Goami cultivars were 50 min, those of the Baekjinju and Keunseom cultivars were 30 min, and that of the Seolgaeng cultivar was 10 min. The water absorption was highest in the Keunseom cultivar (351.38%). The expansibility and soluble-solid contents were 226.97-551.08 and 5.56-21.05%, respectively. The hardness of the cooked rice was highest in the Heukseol cultivar (24.30 kg); conversely, the Hangangchal cultivar had the lowest value (7.49 kg). Goami was a hard cooked rice, except for the Heukseol cultivar. In the sensory evaluation of the cooked rice, the taste, texture, and overall preference were highest in the Baekjinju cultivar, the color was highest in the Seolgaeng cultivar, the flavor was highest in the Heukseol cultivar, and the appearance was highest in the Hangangchal cultivar. The Dasan and Keunseom cultivars yielded the lowest values in the sensory evaluation, except for texture.