무가온 하우스에서 공심채 조기재배시 터널피복재와 파종시기가 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 터널 설치기간(3월 5일~4월 30일, 10월 11일~11월 10일)중 PE필름으로 터널을 피복한 경우 일평균 기온과 지온이 터널을 설치하지 않은 무처리에 비해 각각 2.0~2.4oC, 0.9~1.0oC가 높았고, 일라이트 부직포로 피복한 경우도 각각 1.6~1.8oC, 0.6~0.8oC가 상승했으며 특히, 일중 저온시간대의 온도 상승 효과가 더욱 컸다. PE필름이나 일라이트 부직포로 피복한 터널에서 3월 15일 파종한 경우 출현기간 중 온도는 무처리로 4월 5일 파종한 경우와 비슷한 수준을 보였으며, 출현일수와 출현율도 이와 유사하게 나타났다. 또한 터널피복을 하고 3월 5일이나 3월 15일에 파종한 경우 무처리 4월 5일 파종에 비해 수확가능기간이 길어져 2회 더 수확할 수 있었고, 총 수확량도 22.5~25.7% 증가하였으나, PE필름과 일라이트 부직포간의 유의적인 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 한편, 기온상승에 의한 고온장애 우려로 한낮에는 PE필름을 제거해야 하는 반면, 일라이트 부직포는 이 제거작업이 필요 없었다. 이들 결과를 볼 때, 공심채를 무가온 하우스 에서 조기재배하는 경우 일라이트 부직포를 이용하여 터널을 설치하고 3월 중순에 파종하는 것이 적합한 것으로 판단된다.
This study is to estimate the recent changes in total factor productivity of 15 Korean adjacent water fisheries based on Malmquist productivity indices. The study adopted both input and output oriented productivity measures utilizing a hyperbola distance function. In addition to this point, the study also calculated the 95% confidence interval for the various components of the productivities in order to access the statistical significance of estimates using 2000 times of re-sampling process through the smoothed bootstraping. The results of the study showed us that there was 18% reduction in the overall total factor productivity during the study period from 2007 to 2011, which turned out to be 5% of annual decrease in productivity. The study found that the main reason of this decrease in total productivity is about 22% downward shift of a fisheries production function due to recent conditions of a devastated fishing ground. When we evaluated the statistical significance of changes in technical efficiency combining both pure technical and scale efficiency based on the 95% confidence intervals, we could not find any evidence of changes in those components of total factor productivity. When we accessed the productivity of the each of 15 adjacent water fisheries methods, only the large danish seine fisheries showed us about 7% increase in productivity. Even though the large trawling and the large tow-boat trawling revealed no changes in productivity, all of the other 12 fisheries suffered the decreases in productivities.
Water scarcity around the globe and climate change challenges has forced the researchers to develop alternative production systems with higher water use efficiency. Direct seeded rice is the emerging water saving rice production system having higher water use efficiency. Field experiment was conducted to assess the role of different mulch systems in improving water use efficiency and productivity in direct seeded and transplanted rice. Three different rice production systems viz., transplanted rice with continuous flooding, two weeks continuous flooding after transplanting and direct seeding with supplemental irrigation only were evaluated under two ground cover systems i.e., plastic and straw mulching with no mulch taken as control. Super Basmati was used as experimental material. Continuously flooded transplanted rice with plastic mulching resulted in higher paddy yield (4.04 t ha- 1 ); while performance of no mulch direct seeding remained poor in this regard. Two weeks flooded transplanted rice with plastic mulching followed continuous flooding in paddy yield (3.94 t ha- 1 ). Continuously flooded transplanted rice with plastic mulching observed substantial improvement in yield related attributes such as panicle length, number of grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight. Plastic mulching improved the productivity and water use efficiency of transplanted as well as direct seeded rice. Higher water use efficiency was observed in direct seeded rice with plastic mulching as it was grown on supplemental irrigations. In crux productivity and water use efficiency of transplanted and especially direct seeded rice can be improved by using plastic film as mulch in current scenarios of water shortage. Key Words: mulching, rice production systems, water use efficiency, productivity
본 연구는 우분액비의 시용이 경사도를 달리한 사료용 옥수수 재배지에서 옥수수의 생산성 및 유거수 중의 N의 유실에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여, 건국대학교 축산대학 사료작물 시험포 내 설치된 Erosion apparatuses (가로 0.33 m, 세로 3 m, 깊이 0.4 m)를 이용하여 수행하였다. 시험구의 경사도는 0%, 8.75%, 17.50%로 하였으며, 우분액비는 6개월 이상 부숙된 것으로 질소 기준 200 kg/ha 시용하였다. 옥수수의
The relationship between primary productivity and changes in water quality was investigated at Mulgum station, a site downstream of the Nakdong River, Korea. Phytoplankton production was characterized by blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa during the summer and Stephanodiscus hantzschii during the winter. Primary production and secondary production by bacterioplankton ranged from 1.5∼53.5㎎·C/ℓ'day and 0.1∼0.3 ㎎·C/ℓ'day, respectively. Distribution of total organic carbon appeared to be highly correlated with phytoplankton biomass, especially during blooms of M. aeruginosa, when particulate organic carbon was 81% of total organic carbon and the main source of organic materials supplied into the water. The correlation coefficient between chlorophyll-a and BOD was 0.86. Thus it was concluded that autochthonous phytoplankton mostly affected the BOD level. Total bacterial numbers were also highly correlated with chlorophyll-a (r2=0.84) and the bacterial community appears to be regulated by phytoplankton biomass in this area.
A study was carried out on the distribution of chlorophyll a and water quality in the dry season in Yosuhae bay and adjoining sea, Southern Korea, in July of 1994.
Concentration of salinity and phosphate were lower in the outer bay than in the inner bay. While nitrate and silicate were higher in the former than in the latter. We were identified with coastal water of origin from China with the lower salinity in outer bay. The China coastal water was characteristic of high nutrients and phytoplankton biomass, such as chlorophyll a.
The principal component analysis (PCA) on the analytical data proved that high density of phytoplankton biomass occurred under the condition of low salinity and high concentration of dissolved inorganic nutrients.
It is thought that the thermoharine structure and biological produtions of Yosuhae bay were controlled by the China coastal water in the outer bay.