암, 당뇨, 심장질환 등의 성인병 예방에 좋은 효과를 제공하기 때문에 선진국에서는 통곡의 섭취를 권장하고 있으나, 곡물이 겨층을 포함하고 있어 식미가 거친 단점이 있다. 초록통쌀은 호숙기에 수확하여 조직이 경화되지 않고 각종 미네랄, 비타민, 식이섬유 등 영양성분이 풍부한 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 고령자의 영양보충 및 식감 개선을 위한 초록통쌀 현미의 영양성분 및 효소처리에 따른 이화학적 특성변화를 분석하였다. 국내 다 소비품종인 삼광, 조평, 추청 3종의 초록통쌀의 영양성분을 비교 분석하였으며, 4종의 효소 처리(0.1 ~ 3%)에 따른 신속호화점도계, 전자현미경, 아밀로펙틴 함량 등의 이화학적 특성 변화를 측정하였다. 삼광, 조평, 추청의 주요 영양성분의 함량은 100g 당 비타민 B1이 144, 100, 105ug, 식이섬유가 21, 13, 12g, 폴리페놀이 63, 52, 56mg으로 삼광이 가장 높은 것으로 확인되었으며, 비타민 B2, 나이아신, 칼륨, 인, 마그네슘, 총 엽록소도 높은 것으로 나타났다. 효소농도가 증가함에 따라 경도가 감소하였으나, 0.3% 이상에서는 유의적 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 대조군 및 각 효소처리에 따른 식미적 합성을 나타내는 신속호화점도계 peak 값은 760, 724, 708, 754, 761 cP이었고, 시간변화에 따른 품질특성을 나타내는 Breakdown 값은 157, 166, 151, 100, 99 cP로 두 항목 모두 셀룰로오스계열 효소 D 처리 시 식미가 가장 우수한 것으로 확인되었다. 전자현미경 확인결과 효소처리에 따른 물성변화로 입자간 간극이 커짐을 확인하였다. 전분의 분자량 분포특성인 아밀로펙틴 측쇄사슬 길이는 모든 처리군 평균값이 15.71~15.99 DP로 효소처리에 따른 아밀로펙틴 함량 변화는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 셀룰로오스 계열 효소처리를 통하여 물성조절이 가능하고 식미도 우수한 것으로 나타나, 초록통쌀은 저작능력이 약한 고령자가 쉽게 섭취할 수 있고, 영양개선을 위해 활용할 수 있음을 제시하고 있다.
With increasing interests on health issues, whole grains are getting focus with their various beneficial effects along with unique characteristics. Studies on whole grains, however, are mostly focused on whole wheat grains, no systematic researches on whole rice grain has been attempted. In this study, we tried to characterize the starches in whole rice grain including morphology, molecular weight distribution and its side chain structures for further application. Early harvested whole rice grains, named as green whole rice (GWR) was coarsely grounded and starch fraction was separated through alkaline steeping method and dried for the analysis. Morphology of starch particles of GWR was investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and no significant differences was observed compared to the control rice starches. Pre-treatments such as dehulling and steaming also did not affect overall shape of starches in rice. Molecular weight distribution of GWR starch was analyzed with gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and compared with normal rice starch. GPC analyses revealed that the relative ratio of higher molecular weight fractions in GWR was significantly higher than normal rice. In addition, side chain structures of amylopectin molecules in GWR starch was analyzed with high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). The average number of DP in GWR was shorter with higher ratio of shorter side chain fractions than normal rice starch. These findings on GWR starch would be useful basement for following research and application of green whole rice.
This research analyzed the characteristics of varieties of rice such as a harvest time and yield, and to select a proper variety to product green rice according to a conventional planting culture and a late planting culture. The most proper harvest time of rice, in general, was 15 to 25 days after heading to product the green rice. Sinsunchal among glutinous rice varieties and Chilbo among nonglutinous rice varieties showed the most amount harvest at 25 days after heading, which was a limit harvest time for the whole green rice production in overall rice varieties. The amount of green rice according to transplanting times, the May 30 th transplanting was more than the June 20 th . The yield of green rice harvested at 15~25 days after heading was varied according to varieties. Proper glutinous varieties for green rice production were Dongjinchal, Sangdongchal, Boseokchal, and Sinsunchal, in order of listed, which were transplanted at the May 30 th . Meanwhile, Boseokchal, Backokchal, and Sinsunchal, in order of listed, were proper varieties for green rice production, which were transplanted at the June 20 th . In nonglutinous rice, Samkwang, Nunbora, and Chilbo, which were transplanted at the May 30 th , were proper varieties for green rice production. Hwanggeomnodeul, Hopum, and Chilbo, which were transplanted at the June 20 th , were proper varieties for green rice production.