Volatile organic compounds and malodors emitted from painting operations are of primary concern in the automotive industry and pressured to be abated by newly amended VOC rule and offensive odor law in Korea. Over-sprayed paints in painting booths are delivered into water surface by downward stream of clean air and collected in water circulating pools. The circulating water mixed with waste paints generated from paint booths put out floating sludge by addition of chemical killing agent and floating agent and the odors evolved from this procedure has been under the circumstance that it must be validated to match the new rules. The activated sludge method that the circulating water pond would be considered as a huge bioreactor was applied to this over-sprayed sludge tank. and we got some remarkable reductions of sludge, odours, VOCs and dirts on air dusts. Herein, some abbreviated results will be reported.
The density characteristics of aldehydes in Kumi electronic Industrial Complex are measured in the summer and autumn in this study. Considering the characteristics of Kumi, five representative monitoring sites in Kumi are selected. According to fair Korean odor method, samples are collected and analyzed from July 26th, 2005 to October, 10th. Investigation objects include formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, iso-valeraldehyde, n-valeraldehyde. 40 samples in summer and 45 samples in autumn are measured and analyzed, respectively. The results show that the mean concentrations in residential area and industrial area are both obey the below sequence: acetaldehyde>formaldehyde>propionaldehyde>butyraldehyde>iso-valeraldehyde>n-valeraldehyde. For acetaldehyde, its monitored concentration in industrial areas and residential areas close to industrial areas is higher than other areas. However, for formaldehyde, its concentration in the residential area 3 in tends to be higher than that in industrial areas. Based on seasons, concentrations in summer with long sunshine duration are higher than those in autumn. It can be seen that the density distribution of aldehyde in Kumi industrial complexes is closely related with the widely use of alcohol-type additives for automobiles and alcohol-type fuels. Meanwhile, most of the researches on aldehyde concentrate on capital areas or petrochemical industrial areas, taking the chance of odor prevention and control law implementing, the management scheme and reduction strategies on aldehyde ought to be carried out, which are also suitable to the enterprise characteristics in other industrial areas of this study.
In this study, we attempted to analyze removal efficiency of odorous compounds emitted from Grit chamber and night soil treatment facility using biofilter with microbial catalyst. Air dilution method was used for mixed odor gases analysis. UV-vis spectrophotometer for ammonia and Hydrogen sulfide, Methyl mercaptan, Dimethyl sulfide, Dimethyl disulfide were measured using GC/PFPD. Sample gases were collected at the inlet and outlet of biofilter. The analysis result showed that average concentration of major odorous compounds were ammonia with 5,100 ppb and hydrogen sulfide with 797 ppb from grit chamber and ammonia with 1,407 ppb and hydrogen sulfide with 2,475 ppb from night soil treatment facility. Hydrogen sulfide was the most influential compound of malodor based on odor quotient index. The average dilution threshold of odor was 923 at grit-chamber and 1,267 at night soil treatment facility. The removal efficiency of odorous compounds from sewage treatment facility were more than 94% using polyurethane foam biofilter within empty bed contact time 3sec. The emitted concentration to the atmosphere was satisfied with the criterion of the offensive odor control law.
형사사법제도란 일종의 전문화된 국가사법기관의 제도로써 형사소송상의 임무를 맡고 있는 조직과 기능에 관한 제도를 의미한다. 어느 국가를 막론하고 범죄문제가 날로 증가추세에 있는 상황에서 범죄의 예방과 그 척결은 형사사법제도의 사회적 역할과 그 기능의 효과성여부에 달려있다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 역사적으로나 문화적으로나 정치사회적 환경이 유사한 한국과 중국의 형사사법제도를 비교분석하여 보는 것은 향후 양국의 형사사법제도의 발전방향을 모색하는데 큰 의의가 있다고 하겠다. 대표적인 형사사법기관인 경찰검찰법원교정기관을 중심으로 한 한중 양국가의 형사사법제도의 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국의 경찰에 해당하는 공안부는 한국의 일부 법무부의 기능까지도 포함한 막강한 권력기관이라는 사실이며 둘째, 중국의 검찰조직은 한국처럼 법무부 산하조직이 아니라 헌법상의 독립적인 기관이나 한국의 검찰처럼 수사권을 독점하고 있는 명실상부한 권력을 행사하는 기관은 아니라는 것이다. 셋째, 법원제도는 중국은 2심종심제이며, 한국과는 달리 중대한 재판인 경우에는 재판위원회에서 특정사건의 처리를 토론하고 결정한다는 것이다. 넷째, 교정제도의 경우에는 중국은 기결수만을 교정당국에서 관리하고 있고 미결수는 공안당국에서 관리하며, 의료처우나 재소자 수용밀도가 한국보다는 훨씬 양호하다는 점을 그 특색으로 열거할 수 있다. 한중 양국가의 형사사법제도를 비교분석한 결과 양국은 우선적으로 제도의 운영에 있어서 국민참여제도의 활성화가 중요한 과제라는 것이다.
This article explores “the Japanese advantage”in the enforcement of ex ante contract commitments in comparison with the United States, arguing that ostensible convergence of Japanese and United States contract practice in on—going business relationships is based on very different assumptions and conditions. Writing in the early 1960s Takeyoshi Kawashima in Japan and Stewart Macaulay in the United States described prevailing views and practices related to business agreements. Their respective observations indicated a tendency in both countries to avoid formal, legally enforceable contacts. For over four decades scholars on both sides of the Pacific have tended view these observations as grounds for arguing for a convergence of contract practice. Recent research efforts have attempted to verify empirically such convergence. On closer examination, however, the conclusions reached by Kawashima and Macaulay rest on very different assumptions. For Kawashima the avoidance of formal contact appears to be based on a desire to avoid the enforcement of ex ante commitments by those who perceive that their bargaining leverage will remain intact throughout an on—going business relationship, thus enabling them to adjust unilaterally to changing circumstances. Similarly enforceable ex ante contractual commitments may also be viewed as less advantageous to those who may have the disadvantage in bargaining leverage at the time of the contracting to the extent that they perceive that they may gain greater ex post leverage. Macaulay, on the other hand emphasized the transactions costs of formal contracting and uncertainty of enforcement that reduced the efficacy of ex ante commitments. This article explores the predicates for both positions. It concludes that with respect to the concerns raised by Macaulay, Japan has a comparative advantage. Because of the organization and values of Japanese judges as well as the legal rules related to both excused non—performance as a result of changing circumstances, the legal rules favor greater certainty in the enforcement of ex ante commitments thereby supporting Kawashima’s foundational observations. Similarly, the greater uncertainty of enforcement as well as the flexibility of the legal rules on impracticability as well as contract termination in the United States justifies Macaulay’s conclusions. Japan’s loss of advantage in terms of effective formal enforcement of contract rights, it is argued, is counter—balanced by the strength of supportive mechanisms of private ordering.
From 1997 to 2007, in order to fight for its so-called “international room,”Taiwan continuously endeavored to try and squeeze into the Word Health Organization (Hereinafter referred to as the “WHO”). However, the outcome has always been disappointing for Taiwan due to the diplomatic endeavor of the People’s Republic of China. In 2007, the fight especially attracted the world’s attention because Taiwan bid for membership to the WHO instead of observer status for which it had previously been bidding. In fact, Taiwan’s request for WHO membership had a big impression on the world and the reason why Taiwan has had a great interest in the WHO is not to engage in meaningful participation within the WHO, as propagandized by Taiwanese authorities, but to eventually acquire recognition as an independent state.1 Although Taiwan has failed to achieve its goals for 11 years, accession to membership of the WHO has been, and still will be, a political goal pursued by Taiwanese authorities. The question is whether this goal can be backed from a legal perspective. It is submitted that the answer is“ No.”
China’s copyright regime, which American businesses have repeatedly complained is not sufficiently enforced, could be successfully encouraged through a cultural policy, as an alternative to a trade policy. Through a cultural perspective, the concept of copyright might not be as remote to China’s populace as was once believed, as people can no longer blame the influence of Confucianism or suppression of private property rights. This article explores the cultural policies of the United States and China to discover a way by which a copyright system can be inherently Chinese in nature, and therefore, more likely to be enforced.
The conditionality of human rights is a very provoking issue in international economic relations. It should be applied under the guidelines of legitimacy, legality, credibility, and proportionality. The EU is enthusiastic about human rights conditionality. However, it is hard to say that the EU’s program of human rights conditionality has worked well in practice. Some main multilateral economic institutions, which had been criticized for disregarding human rights concerns, have remained shy to human rights conditionality. As an increasingly emerging economic giant, China will be expected to have some sort of obligation to better respect, better protect and better promote international human rights. China can accept human rights conditionality in a moderate way.
The 1907 Hague Conference was the single ever global summit before WW I to critically evaluate the interaction of the worlds of law and diplomacy. Pivotal to its debate was the Russo-Japanese War which suggested no less than eleven out of its thirteen Conventions. The crystallization of fifty years of Western interference in the Far East, the war heralded the end of an Era, sealing the fate of the legendary Chinese and Korean empires and putting Japan on its course to imperialism. This paper recapitulates the historical options available to China, Korea and Japan, reviews causes and consequences of their separate stands, and evaluates their critical relevance to the Hague debate.
특허결정은 특허출원인에게 유리한 결정이라
는 전제에서 특허법에서 별도로 불복의 길을 마련
하고 있지 않다. 그런데 특허법 제224조의2는 특허
여부결정(특허결정 및 특허불복결정)에 대하여는
다른 법에 따른 불복이 허용되지 않는다고 규정하
고 있다. 따라서, 특허출원인에게 불리한 점이 있는
특허결정에 대하여는 일응 행정소송이 허용되지
않는다 할 것이다. 그러나, 특허출원인의 보호 나아
가 발명자의 권리보호를 통한 경제발전이라는 특
허법의 목적을 위하여는 그 구제가 필요하다 할 것
이므로 특허결정에 대한 행정소송의 허용 여부에
대하여 검토해 보았다. 아울러 행정법상 확인인 특
허결정의 직권 취소 내지 철회와 특허법상 구제방
법에 대하여도 검토해보았다.
본 고에서는 BM특허 및 의약특허의 미완성발
명 및 명세서 기재불비관련 최근 주요 판례에서 판
단기준을 재해석하고 미완성 발명과 명세서 기재
불비의 상호관계를 정립함으로써 심사 또는 심판
처리에서의 정확성 및 공정성을 전보다 한층 더 도
모하고자 한다.
BM특허 및 의약특허의 경우 구체성이 없고 현
재의 기술수준으로는 실시가 불가능한 경우에도
미완성발명으로 취급하여 특허법제29조제1항본
문을 적용하여 명세서 기재불비와 구별할 필요가
있으며, 그 이외의 사항에 대해서는 특허법제42조
제3항의 명세서 기재불비로 거절결정하는 것이 심
사 심판실무에서 바람직 할 수 있다.
종래에는 산업에 해당되지 않는다고 생각되어
온 의료관련 행위가 바이오 기술의 발전에 따라 제
한 없이“산업화”경향을 나타내고 있으며, 오히려
의료업 자체가 신규산업의 창출과 산업 발전에 불
가결한 것으로 여겨지고 있다. BM 기술의 인터넷
산업도 상기와 거의 같다.
결론적으로, SW특허 및 BM특허 등 모든 기술
분야에 예외 없이 특허보호를 인정하려는 추세를
고려하여 볼 때, 법적 해결이 아닌 법해석에 의해
거절이유를 제시한다는 것은 적절치 않다. 즉, 진정
한 산업발전을 위해서는 특허법의 취급을 해석론
의 틀에서 논쟁을 벌일 것이 아니라 입법적으로 해
결해야 한다고 본다.
Traditionally, under the Korean Patent Law, the test for non-obviousness of an invention has merely required a simple comparison of prior arts and an invention at the issue in light of the purpose, structure, and effect without clear and objective criteria for both factual and legal inquiries. In contrast, the EPO has developed the problem-solution approach and would have been approach to determine the inventive step, while the U.S patent Law has made a significant change to the TSM test through the KSR. v.Teleflex case. Fortunately, the Supreme Court and the Patent Court have recently addressed more specific criteria for assessment of non-obviousness. The Supreme Court made it clear that they may not read into prior art the teachings of the invention in issue in determining whether it would have been obviousness at the time the invention was filed to a person having ordinary skill in the pertinent art in its decision of 2006hu138. This decision is the first case the Supreme Court explicitly mentioned impermissible hindsight bias. And in its decision of 2005hu3284, the Supreme Court held that to determine the question of obviousness for an invention that combined old elements, the court should consider; (1) suggestion, motivation in prior arts as well as other objective indicia such as (2) state of art when patent application was filed, (3) trend of technology development, and (4) long-felt need for invention. In its decision of 2006hur6099, the Patent Court took a position similar to the EPO’s problem-solution approach and held that the court must find the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the matter as a whole would have been obvious. Even though each of above cases has addressed the non-obviousness standard from a different angle, the underlying ideas suggest that the Supreme Court will provide more objective criteria that guarantee the uniformity and predictability of the non-obviousness determination sooner than later.
미국특허법의 개정논의는 주요 미국이 무역 상대국이라는 점, 우리 법제에 미국 특허법의 영향력이 점점 커지고 있다는 점, 미국이 우리가 미국이나 일본 등의 주요 기술경쟁국을 기반으로 하는 기업들과의 소송에 있어서 주요 법적 분쟁이 발생하는 국가라는 점 등에서 우리나라 법학계에서도 지속적으로 관찰할 실익이 있다. 미국 특허법의 역외적용에 대하여 연방대법원이 마이크로소프트 對 AT&T 사건에서 미국 특허법 제271조(f)의 적용을 제한적으로 함으로써 어느 정도 제약이 되기는 하였지만 이 부분도 우리가 지속적으로 살펴보아야 한다. 개정논의에서 미국이 출원과 관련하여 선출원 주의로 변화하는 것은 우리의 관점에서 매우 바람직한 전환이라고 생각된다. 미국이 국제적인 정합성을 가지는 방향으로 특허법을 개혁하는 것은 우리의 관점에서도 미국 출원과 관련하여 별도의 추가적인 거래비용을 줄일 수 있다는 장점이 있기 때문이다. 미국의 특허법 개혁과 관련된 특허의 질 개선 내지 투기적 특허권 이용의 제한을 위한 일련의 조치들은 우리 특허법의 관점에서는 오히려 기존의 우리 특허청의 실무나 법원의 판단이 상대적으로 이러한 투기적 이용을 제약함으로써 소위 특허괴물이 등장하여 사회적 후생을 감소시키는 행동을 하는 방향으로 활동하는 것에 대한 제약으로 기능하고 있다. 미국 연방대법원은 이미 페스토 사건, 이베이 사건, KSR 사건 등에서 사법적인 노력을 하고 있었다. 우리 특허법의 실무를 감안하면 미국에 비하여 상대적으로 특허의 투기적 이용 가능성은 제한적이다. 왜냐하면, 법제상 3배 배상제도가 존재하지 않고 있으며, 배심재판 제도도 없다. 또 사법부도 자동적 가처분 대신 엄격하게 가처분결정을 하고 있고, 진보성 등의 판단도 미국의 그래엄사건 판결에서 제시된 소위 그래엄 심사와 유사하게 운용하고 있는 등 미국 사법부가 변경한 태도와 유사하게 운용하고 있기 때문이다. 그럼에도 만일 발생할 경우의 폐해를 감안한다면 특허의 투기적 이용의 가능성 내지 우려에 대한 관찰은 지속적으로 이루어지는 것이 옳다.