"조광" 은 밀양187호와 YR21113-B-B(삼백벼/그루벼)를 교배하여 육성된 소득작물 전 후작에 적응하는 조생종 신품종으로 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조광은 영남지역 만기재배에서 평균 출수기가 8월 29일로 표준품종인 금오벼 보다 2일정도 빠른 조생종 품종이다. 간장은 63 cm로 금오벼보다 3 cm 짧으며, 수장, 주당수수 및 수당립수는 금오벼와 비슷하며, 등숙비율은 87.6%로 금오벼보다 높고, 현미 천립중은 금오벼보다 약간 무거운
Jogwang is a new early maturing japonica rice developed in 2007 from a cross between Milyang187 and YR21113-B-B at the Department of Functional Crop Science, NICS, RDA. This cultivar is very suitable to the rice-cash crop double cropping system. Heading date of Jogwang is 2 days earlier than Keumobyeo under the late transplanting cultivation on July 10 at the Yeongnam plain. The tolerance level of this variety to leaf discoloration at seedling stage is very similar to Keumobyeo. It showed slightly lower viviparous germination and premature heading. This cultivar showed resistant reactions to leaf blast and rice stripe virus disease but susceptible to bacterial blight disease and major insect pests. The ratio of milling and head rice recovery of Jogwang is 76.5% and 64.5%, respectively. The milled kernels are translucent with non glutinous endosperm. This cultivar has 7.3% protein and 18.5% amylose content. In local adaptability test, showed that the milled rice yield of Jogwang is 4.90 MT ha-1. This cultivar is suitable for planting in the plain paddy fields of Honam and Yeonnam regions in Korea.