A New Soy-paste Soybean Cultivar, ‘Nampung’ with Disease Resistance, Good Combining Adaptability and High Yielding
‘남풍’은 기계수확이 가능한 다수성 콩 신품종 육성을 목표로 소분지 내재해 다수성 ‘수원190호’를 모본으로 하고 대립 다수성 ‘보광콩’을 부본으로 1997년도에 인공교배하고 세대단축 기간을 거쳐 선발 육성한 기계수확 적성이 우수하고 내병내재해 다수성 품종으로 품종보호권 등록번호는 2660이며 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 유한신육형으로 화색은 백색이고 엽형은 피침형이며 모용색은 갈색이다. 종자모양은 구형이고 종피색은 황색이며 배꼽색은 연한갈색
‘Nampung’, a new soybean cultivar for soy-paste, was developed from the cross between Suwon190 and ‘Pokwangkong’ by soybean breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 2007. A promising line, SS97215-S-S-20, was selected and designated as the name of Milyang162. It was prominent and had good result from regional adaptation yield trials (RYT) for three years from 2005 to 2007 and was released as the name of ‘Nampung’. It has a determinate growth habit, white flower, brown pubescence, yellow seed coat, light brown hilum, medium spherical seed (19.9 grams per 100 seeds). ‘Nampung’ is resistant to soybean mosaic virus and bacterial pustule, the major soybean disease in Korea. It is possible to harvest of ‘Nampung’ using combine because of it’s lodging tolerance, few branches, and high position of pod attachment. The average yield of ‘Nampung’ is 2.97 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials (RYT) carried out for three years from 2005 to 2007 which is 21 percent higher than the check variety, ‘Taekwang’.