
한국산업경영시스템학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 44 No. 4 (2021년 12월) 23

2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In the era of the 4th industrial revolution driven by the convergence of ICT(information and communication technology) and manufacturing, research on smart factories is being actively conducted. In particular, the manufacturing industry prefers smart factories that autonomously connect and analyze data. For the efficient implementation of smart factories, it is essential to have an integrated production system that vertically integrates separately operated production equipment and heterogeneous S/W systems such as ERP, MES. In addition, it is necessary to double-verify production data by using automatic data collection technology so that the production process can be traced transparently. In this study, we want to show a case of data-centered integration of a large aircraft parts processing factory that requires high precision, takes a long time, and has the characteristics of processing large raw materials. For this, the components of the data-oriented integrated production system were identified and the connection structure between them was explained. And we would like to share the experience gained through the design and implementation case. The integrated production system proposed in this study integrates internal components based on data, which is expected to serve as a basis for SMEs to develop into an advanced stage, and traces materials with RFID technology.
2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In supply chain, there are a variety of different uncertainties including demand, service time, lead time, and so forth. The uncertainty of demand has been commonly studied by researchers or practitioners in the field of supply chain. However, the uncertainty of upstream supply chain has also increased. A problem of uncertainty in the upstream supply chain is the fluctuation of the lead time. The stochastic lead time sometimes causes to happen so called the order crossover which is not the same sequences of the order placed and the order arrived. When the order crossover happens, ordinary inventory policies have difficult to find the optimal inventory solutions. In this research, we investigate the lead time distribution in case of the order crossover and explore the resolutions of the inventory solution with the order crossover.
2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Predictive maintenance has been one of important applications of data science technology that creates a predictive model by collecting numerous data related to management targeted equipment. It does not predict equipment failure with just one or two signs, but quantifies and models numerous symptoms and historical data of actual failure. Statistical methods were used a lot in the past as this predictive maintenance method, but recently, many machine learning-based methods have been proposed. Such proposed machine learning-based methods are preferable in that they show more accurate prediction performance. However, with the exception of some learning models such as decision tree-based models, it is very difficult to explicitly know the structure of learning models (Black-Box Model) and to explain to what extent certain attributes (features or variables) of the learning model affected the prediction results. To overcome this problem, a recently proposed study is an explainable artificial intelligence (AI). It is a methodology that makes it easy for users to understand and trust the results of machine learning-based learning models. In this paper, we propose an explainable AI method to further enhance the explanatory power of the existing learning model by targeting the previously proposedpredictive model [5] that learned data from a core facility (Hyper Compressor) of a domestic chemical plant that produces polyethylene. The ensemble prediction model, which is a black box model, wasconverted to a white box model using the Explainable AI. The proposed methodology explains the direction of control for the major features in the failure prediction results through the Explainable AI. Through this methodology, it is possible to flexibly replace the timing of maintenance of the machine and supply and demand of parts, and to improve the efficiency of the facility operation through proper pre-control.
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