Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as corporate activities that contribute to sustainable development and social well-being (Dahlsrud, 2008). Donation-linked activities in which a portion of the revenue is donated to the local community when consumers purchase products can be part of CSR activities (Folse, Niedrich, & Grau, 2010). Consumers now also want to consume "good" CSR activities, purchase "good" corporate products, and “reward” the companies engaged in CSR activities (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004). Consequently, it is important that companies promote products that are associated with CSR so that consumers can identify the company is doing good (Lii & Lee, 2012). This is because CSR-related products can lead to consumers’ positive responses or evaluation (e.g. Brown & Dacin, 1997), high buying intentions (e.g. Mohr & Webb, 2005), and positive impact on brand attitude or brand equity (e.g. Hur, Kim, & Woo, 2014).
The object of this study is to analyse the intention to use mobile payment in transportation system through four dimensions which is cashless Characteristics, Individual Differences, Adoption Readiness and Perceived Credibility Risk. 1080 respondent data gathered by the survey method and analysed by SEM-PLS. The study shows that the main reason for the society to use mobile payment in transportation systems are the facilitating conditions and perceived usefulness. While the perceived usefulness is significantly affected by the compatibility and convenience. It brings a big impact toward the increasing use of mobile payment if the company focused on that variables for markets their products. Furthermore, the facilitating conditions can be increased by adding more infrastructure and more effective, integrated, and efficient system to also increase the convenience and compatibility of using the mobile payment. Perceived Usefulness also can be increased by adding more promotion, discount, and partnering merchants that can be used through mobile payment. This study can assist the business owner what to focus their business model to efficiently exert appropriate investment and effort in the transportation system.
This research aims to assess the current status of online trade relations between Kuwait and Portugal. To do so, we examine how firm managers from Portugal and Kuwait use online platforms to engage customers to enhance firm performance. A set of existing constructs was chosen (Online Experience, Customer Inspiration, Online Customer Engagement, Firm Performance, National Culture), which were included in a proposed model of structural equations, in order to assess the contribution of Online Experience and Customer inspiration to the current status of online trade relations (through Online Customer Engagement), and how these can be improved to the further development of e-commerce between the two countries.