
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 30

        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to investigate the content of inorganic nitrogen(NH4, NO3) and its change in the 7 different sites; the permanent meadows of alfalfa, orchardgrass, and reed canarygrass, the fields of rye. corn, rice and a mountain region. th
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the capacity of supplying agricultural water to 13 districts was analyzed by calculating the necessary water supply for the arable land of Gunwi-gun and examining the capacity of supplying water to reservoirs, streams, pumping stations, collection sites, and groundwater wells in Gunwi-gun. As a result, among the 13 districts the second district was found to be short of water by 1.2×106 tons/year. In general, local governments establish drought measures by selecting drought disaster risk zones. While selecting drought-risk areas, some water-poor areas that do not have water sources should be selected, even if the entire area has a sufficient water supply. The water-supply evaluation at the regional level was insufficient for locating areas without water sources, but most areas with water sources, such as streams, reservoirs, and pumping stations, were found to have no shortage of water. To locate water shortage areas without water sources, GIS analysis conducted a field survey of areas with a distance of 4 or less than that of water sources analyzed by GIS analysis. Sixty-nine sites in 13 districts were selected for the on-site survey and six areas of water shortage were identified in areas other than the second district.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aims of this paper is to develop a modular agricultural robot and its autonomous driving algorithm that can be used in field farming. Actually, it is difficult to develop a controller for autonomous agricultural robot that transforming their dynamic characteristics by installation of machine modules. So we develop for the model based control algorithm of rotary machine connected to agricultural robot. Autonomous control algorithm of agricultural robot consists of the path control, velocity control, orientation control. To verify the developed algorithm, we used to analytical techniques that have the advantage of reducing development time and risks. The model is formulated based on the multibody dynamics methods for high accuracy. Their model parameters get from the design parameter and real constructed data. Then we developed the co-simulation that is combined between the multibody dynamics model and control model using the ADAMS and Matlab simulink programs. Using the developed model, we carried out various dynamics simulation in the several rotation speed of blades.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Despite the presence of various bioactive compounds in ginseng, there is lack of study about the phenolic metabolites in ginseng especially depending on the cultivation soil and the fertilizer types. Therefore, this study aims to develop an (-)ESI-LC-MS/MS analytical method for the measurement of selected phenolic compounds in the ginseng root. Methods and Results : Total phenol content in ginseng root was measured with the Folin-Ciocalteau method using UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Then, the 56 selected phenolic metabolites in ginseng root were measured with the (-)ESI-LC-MS/MS. The brief LC-MS/MS analytical conditions were as follows; Thermo Scientific Syncronis C18 HPLC Column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) was used. Optimized instrument settings were as follows: Curtain gas 20 psi, collision gas 2 psi, ion spray voltage –4500 V, nebulizer gas 40 psi, heating gas 70 psi, and its temperature 350℃. Total phenol content was higher in the ginseng cultivated in the paddy-converted field than that in upland. In particular, the total phenol content was about 6% decreased in the ginseng root cultivated with the food waste fertilizer compared to the control (p < 0.05). Six phenolic constituents including caffeic, chlorogenic, p-coumaric, ferulic, gentisic, and salicylic acids were found in the ginseng root by using the LC-MS/MS in MRM (multiple reaction monitoring) Mode. These six phenolic compounds occupied approximately 20% of the total phenol content measured in the corresponding ginseng root. The chlorogenic acid was the most abundant phenolic metabolite found in the ginseng root, accounting for ≥ 95% of the sum of six phenolic compounds, in this study. Conclusion : This preliminary study can be useful for the study on content and composition of phenolic metabolites in ginseng root with the aspect of metabolomics. We plan to further optimize the LC-MS/MS analytical method and then provide the extended understanding on the phenolic metabolism in the ginseng root with respect to the ginseng cultivation conditions.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soil chemical properties in paddy fields were found to be varied depending upon different cultivation methods such as environmentally-friendly, conventional, and two-crop farming systems and different topographical regions, namely plain, middle mountainous, and reclaimed land regions. Overall soil pH was found to be in optimal range (pH 5.5~6.5) for rice cultivation, except with conventional cultiva-tion fields of the reclaimed lands in Jeonnam province. Electrical conductivity (EC) was relatively higher in the two-crop cultivation fields than in others. How-ever, the concentrations of available phosphate as P2O5 were exceptionally higher in the two-crop farming fields, thus in submerged paddy condition the phosphate could be released into streams and rivers. Soil organic matter (SOM) contents were mostly in optimal range (25~30 g kg-1) for paddy field in Jeonbuk province, but in Jeonnam province they were slightly higher values of the range. The concentra-tions of available silicate (SiO2) were mostly depended on the cultivation methods and the region, but some of paddy fields contained extremely high SiO2 concentra-tion. Statistical relationships among the soil chemical properties showed as follows: Correlations between EC values and exchangeable cation concentrations, between SOM contents and CEC values, and between available SIO2 concentrations and pH, EC, exchangeable cations, and CEC values were positively significant, whereas total nitrogen concentrations were significantly negatively correlated with the concentrations of exchangeable K and Mg. These results might be very useful to establish benchmark paddy fields contained with certain levels of soil fertility.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        논에 있어서 정밀농업시 변량시비가 벼 생육에 미치는 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 토양 및 생육정보를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 시험전 토양의 변이계수는 EC, 유기물, 전질소, 유효인산 및 칼리는 11.63~52.03% 로 10% 이상의 큰 변이를 보였으나 pH는 각각 1.96~4.9% 로 적었다. 2. 생육중의 경수는 10%이상의 변이를 보였으나 초장, 엽색 및 쌀수량, 현미중 단백질은 10%이하의 변이를 보였다. 변량시비에 의하여 변이계수가 쌀수량은 8.06%에서 5.22% 및 5.81%로, 현미중 단백질 함량은 4.06%에서 3.40%로 낮아졌다. 3. 공간구조의 강약을 보여주는 Q값은 시험전 토양의 pH, 전질소함량, 유효인산 및 칼리함량은 0.60이상으로 공간의존성이 강하였으며, 엽색, 초장, 쌀수량 및 현미중 단백질함량 등도 0.50이상으로 공간의존성이 강하였으나 유수 형성기 경수는 0.22로 공간 의존성이 약했다. 4. 공간거리를 나타내는 공간의존 거리는 현미중 단백질 함량을 제외하고는 20 m 이상의 공간의존성이 있었다. 5. 시험전 토양의 pH, SiO2 및 초장, 엽색은 기비와 정의 상관을 보였으나 O.M.은 부의상관을 보였다. 수비는 시험 전 토양중 EC, O.M. 및 토양 고저차와는 정의 상관을 보였으나 초장, 경수 및 엽색과는 부의상관을 보였다. 현미중 단백질 함량은 토양중 SiO2 및 엽색, 수량과는 정의 상관을 보였으나 토양중 O.M.과는 부의상관을 보였으며 쌀수량은 초장, 경수 및 엽색과는 정의상관을 토양중 PH와는 부의 상관을 보였다.
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