
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 485

        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        All technical and stylistic changes of music through the ages, reflect the changing outlook of man and the changing human society. Therefore, writing about music and its study reveals the changing attitudes to music. The word, history denotes that past events, considered in their chronological order or a record of past events. Music history has distinguishing characteristics of this as defined above with the limitation that its subject matter is confined to musical events and other events, as far as they affect musical ones or are affected by them. A historian's chief concern lies mainly on reconstruction of an accurate record of human activities and on achievement of a more profound understanding of them. For this purpose, a historian has to subject his sources to a whole series of preliminary investigations. First, he has to determine whether the sources are appropriate and adequate for the particular task in hand. Secondly, he must make sure that he fully understands what he has selected. Finally, he must try to synthesize his materials. The scientific approach to the historiography began only from the late 18th century. Before that period, the historiography was more appropriately the function of religion, of philosophy, and of literature. Historiography of the 18th century was largely inspired by the progress in the natural sciences and based on formulating the general rules governing the development of human societies. The chief features of the new historiography were a sense of the unity of all human history including non-European countries; a capacity for research about the salient features of particular periods; and preference for topics connected with the progress of human civilization. But the historiography of this period was rarely connected with universities. The continuous study of history could be developed only from the 19th century and the historical writing could be done by professional historians. Historiography eventually became a continually cooperative venture where the achievements of the previous historians could be used systematically by their successors.
        2001.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2001.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dr. Ha's compositional style, up to this point in time of new millenium, may be divided into three periods. His early period reveals both tonal and atonal practice, while his maturing second period shows atonal practice only. The third period since 1990, almost exclusively, has been dedicated to writing music for church. His piano suite, DIABOLUS belongs to the first period written in dodecaphonic stlyle. However, it displays typical Baroque suite formet of four movements. The suite uses a tone row which is systemetically constructed in such a way that the second half of the tone row is the retrograde inversion of the first. The entire composion uses only four rows: O-0, O-6, R-0 and R-6. The four movements are as follows: Praeludium is in unipartite form. Menutto is in composite tripartite form. Sarabande is in simple tripartite form. Giga, which uses canonic imitation, is in composite tripartite form. It is noticeable, as is implied in the title, that the interval of tritone predominates throughout the work. The term "diabolus" is borrowed from the medieval expression which describes the difficulty of singing the augmented fourth interval, the devilish interval. The tone row is strictly used throughout except a few places where three, four and six-notes are used as a group. The use of tritones and note-groupings is outstanding, particularly, in Giga. The significance of this analytical study of Jae Eun Ha's composition lies in the fact that the first hand informations concerning not only the composition itself but also the composer himself may be obtained from the composer, who is still living and active, thereby leaving a valuable material to similar studies to come such as this. It is hoped that such analytical studies on Korean native composer's works may continue in the years to come so that future generations may benefit from enrichment of modern scholarship.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        20세기에 이룩된 지질학 업적들이 옛부터 인정되어 온 지질학에 관한 우리의 이해와 개념에 혁명을 일으켰다. 그 대표가 된 예가 20세기 초에 제안된 대륙이동설을 1960년대부터 발달한 해저확장설과 판구조론으로 설명한 것이다. 20세기가 지구내부구조뿐만 아니라 지각과 해양과 대기를 구성하는 물질의 성분과 거동에 관한 이해가 깊어진 시기였다. 방사성 동위원소와 안정 동위원소를 이용한 지구화학의 발달과 생물층서학과 순차층서학이 퇴적분지와 어떤 지역의 지질을 판구조론과 퇴적과정의 관점에서 설명할 수 있게 했다. 지진 토모그래피(seismic tomography)와 지자기측정과 컴퓨터의 발달로 지구의내부를 완전히 새로이 알게 되었다. 심해저와 대륙연변부에서 관찰되는 지질학관점에서 본 대부분의 특징과 현상들이 지구내부에서 솟아나는 슈퍼플룸(superplume)과 지판의 상대 운동으로 설명된다. 고지자기와 기타자료를 모아 선캠브리아기에 발달되었던 로디니아(Rodinia)와 판노시아(Pannotia)와 네나(Nena)초대륙을 복원하기에 이르렀다. 1950년대에 시작된 우주연구가 천체지질학과 천체생물학과 천체고생물학의 새로운 가능성을 열고 있다. 1960년대에 시작된 심해굴착연구(Deep Sea Drilling Project)와 1980년에 계속된 대양굴착연구(Ocean Drilling Project)가 고생물학과 지구물리학과 지구화학 같은 지질학과 관련된 분야가 복합된 연구활동을 가능하게 했다. 1980년대에 이리듐과 기타 현상의 발견에 바탕을 둔 외계 천체의 충돌론이 퀴비에의 격변설을 다시 일으켜 지구역사상 기록된 생물체의 멸종에 대한 새로운 설명이 되고 있다. 너무나 길어 인간의 눈으로는 이해하기 힘든 지질시간과 지질과정을 이해학 된 것이 주로 20세기에 이룩된 지질과학의 발달 덕분이다.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims at examining the background and development process of Masan city after Koryo Dynasty, making a reconstructive map of Original Masan using the first registration maps made in 1912 and analyzing the urban structure of the Original Masan area. The origin of Masan city went back to Koryo dynasty. Around 1040 Koryo government placed an official shipping facility in Masan to transport the taxed grain to the capital city. After that Masan became an important port covering the southern part of KyungSang-Do. And the urbanization of the Original Masan began to bud after a shipping facility was again established by the Chosun Dynasty in 1760 and strengthened in the 19th century after the social standing system was broken and many peasants moved to cities as daily workers. In 1899 Masan was forced to be opened to foreign powers and they placed an international settlement distanced from the area(Original Masan). After this many Japanese advanced to the international settlement and further to the area. The advancement of Japanese brought a critical change in the urban structure of the area. Land was owned by Japanese and many modern sysytems were introduced such as modern buildings, new roads, railroad and modern factories. According to the reconstructive map of the area, 80.5% of land lots are less than $200m^2$ 수식 이미지 showing the size of each land lot is comparatively small. And Japanese occupied 31.5% of the land in the area. Their land was located on the stratigic points near the port and the center of commerce. The ratio of the road area to the whole land was around 14%, not so low for urban areas in that time. The reconstructive map reveals the exact coastline of the year 1912 erased now due to filling the sea and extending the land, Present Masan city has been developed having the Original Masan as its nucleus. The area has been always the center of urban activities for Masan city. Making an exact reconstructive map for the area and analyzing the urban structure of the area in 1912 is a very important work to understand Masan city wholy.
        2000.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료