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        검색결과 3,028

        2003.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일반적으로 유체-구조물 상호작용을 고려한 유체속 구조물들의 지진 및 진동해석에는 주어진 시스템에 대한 유체부가질량을 추정하여 구조물관 연계하는 단순해석 방법을 주로 사용한다. 실제로 유체속 구조물의 응답특성은 유체부가질량 뿐만 아니라 유체점성으로 인한 감쇠영향을 받으며 이들은 모두 연계항을 갖는 복잡한 행렬 형태로 나타난다. 본 연구에서는 비점성 및 점성 유체에 대한 Navier-Stokes 지배방정식의 선형화를 통한 유한요소 정식화를 유도하였다. 이를 이용하여 유한요소 해석 프로그램을 작성하고 6각형 단면특성을 갖는 액체금속로 노심에 대하여 덕트집합체 사이의 유체간격과 레이놀즈수 변화에 따른 유체부가질량과 유체감쇠에 대한 유한 요소 해석을 수행한 결과, 유체간격이 줄어들수록 유체부가질량은 유체점성의 영향을 크게 받고 유체감쇠는 점성으로 인하여 레이놀즈수의 영향을 크게 받는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 편심을 갖는 동축원통에 대한 유한요소 해석결과, 편심이 증가할수록 유체부가질량은 크게 증가하지만 유체감쇠는 편심이 작은 경우 거의 변화가 없으며 어느 일정 수준이상으로 편심이 커질 경우에는 크게 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The spatio-temporal distribution and seasonal fluctuations of phytoplankton community were carried out in the Southwestern parts of Deukryang Bay of the Korean South Sea from July 1997 to January 1998. A total of 60 species of phytoplankton belonging to 4
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, computer simulation was used for researching into the estimate of flash over result from compartment fire and the characteristics operation of sprinkler RTI. Computing simulation, we analyzed and verified the path of the flame in compartment fire and the adaptation of sprinkler system concerned with sprinkler RTI.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Substances associated with the regulation of food intake rate leading overweight, obesity, were reviewed for their roles in the body weight control pathway. Feedback mechanisms in food intake were reviewed focusing on the driving force of eating motivation. Definition of hunger and fullness along with virtual food developed by Chun(2002) was discussed. Effective hunger was defined on the basis of virtual food. Relationship of consciousness elements with food emotion and evaluation were reviewed with food frequency curve of subjects experimentally obtained with cooked rice and potato flake. Clustering analysis of consciousness effect showed roles of the layers of consciousness,
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A single subject experimental design (alternating treatment design) was used to compare the effects of only ultrasound and ultrasound combined with stretching of the joint capsule on the ROM increase and pain reduction in patients with frozen shoulder. Two subjects were included in each group. In the only ultrasound treatment sessions, ultrasound was applied at the pain point of the shoulder joint in supine position. In the ultrasound combined with stretching treatment sessions, ultrasound was applied at the pain point of the shoulder joint positioned in external rotation and abduction in sitting position. Only ultrasound treatment and ultrasound combined with stretching treatment were alternately performed on each patient. Pain and disability was measured by shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI), and range of motion (ROM) was measured by scratch test. The results of this study showed that ultrasound combined with stretching treatment were more effective than only ultrasound treatment in ROM increase and pain reduction. However, disability score was not significantly different.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was performed to compare spinal segment motion angle between low back pain (LBP) group and painless group during trunk flexion-extension and to investigate the effect of transversus abdominis strengthening exercise on spinal segment motion angle in LBP group. Nine subjects with LBP and ten subjects without LBP participated. Transversus abdominis strengthening exercise was performed in LBP group for three weeks, and spinal segment motion angles were compared before and after the exercise performance. Spinal segment motion angles were measured both in sitting and standing position. Results were as followed: 1) Subjects' average age was 24.79 years, height was 167.84 cm, and weight was 59.95 kg. 2) Spinal segment motion angle of T10/l1 was significantly higher in LBP group compared with painless group (p<.05) in sitting position during trunk flexion-extension. 3) In sitting position, whereas entire lumbar segment motion angles were lower in LBP group compared with painless group (p<.05), angle of L4/5 was higher in LBP group compared with painless group (p<.05). 4) There was no significant difference in thoracic segment motion angle in standing position. 5) After three weeks of transversus abdominis strengthening exercise, thoracic segment motion angle increased both in sitting and standing position (p<.05). 6) In painless group, there was no significant difference in entire spinal segment motion angles in sitting and standing position (p>.05). When spinal segment motion angles were compared between sitting and standing position, there were slight differences. In sitting position, there was no difference in spinal segment motion angle between LBP group and painless group while hip joint motion angle and sacral inclination angle of LBP group was lower than those of painless group (p<.05). In standing position, lumbar segment motion angle was significantly lower in LBP group than that of painless group. Transversus abdominis strengthening exercise influenced thoracic segment motion angle more significantly than lumbar segment motion angle.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the relative accuracy of a range of computer-based analysis with respect to EMG onset determined visually by an experienced examiner. Ten healthy students (6 male, 4 female) were recruited and three times randomly selected trials of isometric contraction of wrist flexion and extension were evaluated using four technique. These methods were compared which varied in terms of EMG processing, threshold value and the number of samples for which the mean must exceed the defined threshold, and beyond 7% of maximum amplitude. To identify determination of onset time, ICCs(Intraclass Correlation Coefficients) was used and inter-rater arid intra-rater reliability ranged good in visually derived onset values. The results of this study present that in wrist flexion and extension, the reliability of the inter and intra-examiner muscle contraction onset times through visual analysis showed beyond .971 with ICCs. The reliability of the muscle contraction onset time decision through visual reading, tested with computer analysis, showed a relationship of all the selected analysis methods with ICCs .859 and .871. The objective computer-based analysis comparing with visual reading at the same time is the effective and qualitative data analysis method, considering the specificity of each study method.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Therapeutic ultrasound is commonly applied for deep heating in physical therapy setting. However, it is difficult to determine the exact application dosage and to confirm the immediate heating effect. Microwave Radio-Thermometer (MRT) can measure the temperature by the electromagnetic energy in the microwave region of the object that emits above absolute zero temperature. MRT was used for early diagnosis of breast cancer since it was not harmful, non-invasive, and non-ionizing to the human body. The purposes of this study were to investigate how accurately 1.1 GHz RTM (RES Ltd. Russia) measures the change of average temperature in the tissue, and to determine the depth of temperature change measurement. Therapeutic ultrasound was applied (continuous wave for 5 minutes, 1 MHz, intensity of 1.5 [in vitro] and 1.0 [in vivo]) in four different conditions: (1) 30 cases of in vitro specimen of pork, (2) 30 cases of in vitro specimen of pork ankle joint, (3) 10 cases of in vivo canine thigh, and (4) 30 cases of in vivo human body. Intraclass Correlation Coeffients (ICC[3,1]) between average needle probe thermometer below surface and MRT temperature was revealed as followed: (1) Before ultrasound application ICCs ranges above .8 in specimen of pork (15 mm underneath the skin) and above .82 in specimen of pork ankle joint (10~30 mm underneath the skin). (2) After ultrasound application ICCs ranges above .7 in both specimens of pork and pork ankle joint. (3) Before ultrasound application ICCs ranges above .8 in canine thigh (20 mm underneath the skin). (4) After ultrasound application ICCs ranges above .82 in canine thigh. The temperature of the human body increased significantly with the mean of in muscle tissue and with the mean of in joint (p<.00). It was revealed that the average depth of temperature measurement of the tissue by MRT was in between 10 and 35 mm, and determined that the proper temperature measurement band was .
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, I trace out the influence of woman’s images on Yeats in biographical and feministic point of view. For Yeats, woman was the major poetic motif and source of inspiration; meeting, interacting, and parting with women gave him a motive for poems and deepened philosophy as well as his literary view. As Yeats said in his Essays and Introductions, he "writes of his personal life, in his finest work out of its tragedy, whatever it be, remorse, lost love, or mere loneliness,” and "would die of loneliness but for women.” Indeed, woman for Yeats is the focal point of various themes such as praise of heroic and ideal beauty, despair caused by unrequited love, friendship, maternal love etc. Among many women who influenced Yeats, Maud Gonne was the most important figure. It seems that she was a real feminist who tried to seek a dignified life and ideal as a woman, cultivating her identity and soul rather than being a common woman who is financially and physically subject to man and to cultivate outward appearance to draw man's attention. Even though not accepting Yeats's love, she was not an extreme feminist who denied the entire role and realm of man and supported just woman's opinion and benefits. Instead she seemed to be a moderate feminist who tried to find the real freedom and hope for the Irish women and children who suffered from the dignity and violence of a patriarchal husband as well as chronic poverty. Yeats’s painful but productive relationship with Maud Gonne determined his favor for certain type of women with masculinity rather than with a passive, complaisant, and traditional beauty. As in his fascination of Niam suggested, Yeats liked to praise beautiful women who have masculinity, and he took a courtly love attitude to receive their love. Therefore, he tried to write poems which needed great labour like a woman’s childbirth and praise women of a masculine spirit. Yet Maud Gonne’s constant decline of his suit and radical political inclination, and his depressed Libido made him deeply feel the pain caused by such a mannish woman. Especially, the sudden confession of her past love with Millevoye and her marriage with MacBride gave him a great shock and changed his view of woman. Now he instead dreamed of living a comfortable life with a woman who has traditional feminine nature. At last, Yeats got married to Hyde-Lees with such feminine factors, only to find that her charm and sexual satisfaction didn’t last long. After the conflict with Maud Gonne in 1919, Yeats came to emphasize conservative view of woman, insisting that woman should live in a pure blessing and give up her opinionated mind. He asserted that woman with perfect beauty could be happy only when she made herself beautiful and played a faithful role as man’s supporter. In this period, Maud Gonne’s images was painted dark in his poems; ‘intellectual hatred’, ‘opinionated mind’, and ‘a woman who lost the Horn of Plenty’. But such dark images soon disappeared. Yeats again longed for his lost love, Maud Gonne. However he could not escape from the conflicts between body and soul, ideal and reality. Such a dilemma made him pay attention to Unity of Being, the harmonious union of body and soul, and create his persona, Crazy Jane. Yeats's views of woman suffer many changes through his earlier, middle and later poems. It can be said that his views of woman are expressed according to the increase or decrease in femininity or masculinity inherent within Yeats’s self, the influence of his suppressed libido, and his attitude toward Irish politics. However it can’t be denied that woman was the continuous motif and inspiration of his poems.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yeats was interested in imagination as he was familiar with the function and value of imagination. For him, Imagination is a kind of creative principle; it is like an almighty divine god. By using and developing the power of imagination we can do anything. The ultimate aim of imagination is to create a paradise in this world from now to eternity. It is, however, too difficult to make such images, as we wish to. Though difficult, it is not impossible to do so. According to Bergson, the possible and the real are not essentially different qualities; they are originally the same attributes; furthermore, all material things are to be formed by the gathering together of images―the world of imagination consists of numerous images. Thus, we, with the marvellous power of imagination, can have the infinite power and intelligence, which resemble those of God. Nonetheless, we are sad for many human conditions that restrict us. But Yeats praises the human souls that overcome such conditions with full arduous life. As he awakens mentally, he comes to find the concept of taking pains -labor-; he needs to make constant efforts to realize the imagination as he wants it, wholeheartedly. To Yeats, such a hard process of living itself is man's sublimity. He concludes that in struggling against the terrible condition of life man will come closer to the attributes of God.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Politics,” the last of W. B. Yeats’s Collected Poems (Richard Finneran’s New Edition), ends with the poet's wish for fulfillment of sexual desire and love: “But O that I were young again / And held her in my arms.” Yeats wrote this poem in May 1938, eight months before his death. In another poem, “A Prayer for Old Age,” written in 1934, the poet prays that he “may seem . . . A foolish, passionate man.” In these and other poems of Yeats’s last years, “lust and rage” really seem to “dance attendance upon [his] old age” and “spur [him] into song” (“The Spur”). This paper is an attempt to understand the last years of Yeats’s life and poetry in terms of sexuality and love. The first part of this paper discusses the Steinach operation which Yeats underwent in 1934, when he was 68 years old. Although it is uncertain that the operation had brought the poet the expected “second puberty,” it seems to have had an psychologically positive effect upon his writing of poetry. During the last five years after the operation, Yeats wrote almost fifty poems, which is surprising number considering his old age and precarious health. In this part of the paper, the present writer reads some poems in which the poet's feeling and thought about sexuality and love in these final years of his life are most clearly expressed: “A Prayer for Old Age,” “The Spur,” “The Wild Old Wicked Man,” and the sequence of “Supernatural Songs.” After the operation Yeats met Margot Ruddock, Dorothy Wellesley, Ethel Mannin, and Edith Shackleton Heald, all of them being young, pretty, and intelligent women. They were poets (Ruddock and Wellesley), a novelist (Mannin), and a journalist (Heald). The second part of this paper deals with the poet’s meetings with these women, and reads the poems which are based upon, and reveal the nature of, their relations: “Margot,” “Sweet Dancer,” “A Crazed Girl,” “To Dorothy Wellesley,” and “The Three Bushes.”
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The focus of study in this paper is put on the comparison of symbolism manifested in the world of W. B. Yeats’ poetry and the thoughts of Master Won-hyo.. The comparing works include the identification of their understanding ways of life. The symbols in common to bridge W. B. Yeats and Master Won-hyo are, for instance, circle, cone, cycle, sphere, spiral, wheel, vehicle, etc. Such a sign symbolizes a round thing, in another expression, the world or the cosmos where man belongs to. The phenomenological world or the cosmos by oriental thoughts is represented as the 28 phases of the moon, ranging from the dark moon(objectivity) to the full moon(subjectivity), which according to W. B. Yeats’ theory are identified the same kinds of character of man. Won-hyo(元曉, 617~686), a life-long friend of another Buddhist Master Ui-sang., insisted on the necessity for every living being to return to the foundation of the One Mind(一心), which is the original state of being, in another words, or “Ultimate Reality” to which every living being has to return. The Hwa-yen Sutra(華嚴經), a rare scripture of Mahayana Buddhism(大乘佛敎), emphasizes that the Ultimate Reality is the Source of One Mind of Won-hyo. We can say that Mahayana Buddhism teaches every living being the way to return to the world of the Ultimate Reality by great vehicle of "Mahayana"(大乘) in sanskrit. Another principle of Hwa-yen philosophy may be expressed as "All in one, one in all. One is all, all is one"(一中一切一切中一, 一卽一切一切卽一). "The Six Aspects"(六相) is interpretated by the principle. The mutual relationships are harmonized between the whole and a part, between the unity of the whole and the diversity of the part, and between the completion of the whole and the self-denial of the part. The One Mind is synonymous with the Great Vehicle with great wheels, which return to the Source of One Mind, the original state of being, or the Ultimate Reality( or Nirvana). The meaning of the One Mind may be expanded to the synonym of the existential world or the cosmos, at the center of which the One Mind lies. Accordingly, The One Mind, the Great Vehicle or Great Wheel and the World has a similar analogy, which make a system of symbolism, so called “Yeatsian gyre theory.” Yeats imagined a spiral, which he preferred to call a gyre) or whirling cone. Then two such cones were drawn and considered to pass like the human soul through a cycle from subjectivity to objectivity. These cones were imagined as interpenetrating, whirling around inside one another, one subjective, the other objective. The cones were not restricted to symbolizing objectivity and subjectivity. They were beauty and truth, value and fact, particular and universal, quality and quantity, abstract and concrete, and the living and the dead. Yeats thought that he had discovered in the figure of interpenetrating gyres the archetypal pattern which is mirrored and remirrored by all life, by all movements of civilization or mind or nature. Man or movement is conceived of as moving from left to right and then from right to left. No sooner is the fullest expansion of the objective cone reached than the counter-movement towards the fullest expansion of the subjective cone begins. These movements slide to the 28 phases of the moon. The dark moon, in the course of wane and wax sways to the full moon. The different 28 patterns of the moon is mirrored by all life or mind, ranging from the highest state of subjective mind(the 15th phase: the full moon) to the highest cast of objective mind(the 1st phase; the dark moon). In the long run, the world which Won-hyo and Yeats seek for as an ideal space of mind is a unified one, into which melted are the binominal opposites such as objectivity and subjectivity, the sacred and the profane, the bishop and Jane, fair and foul, the dancer and the dance, beauty and truth, value and fact, particular and universal, quality and quantity, abstract and concrete, and the living and the dead.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of Yeats’s works are composed of antitheses which are defined by their rhetoric, form, tone and thematic motifs. If the antitheses are Yeats’s central means of perceiving and interpreting the world, what kinds of experience are posited at the center of his life, and in what way and manner are his conceptions of “unity of being” and “unity of culture” connected with his experience of “tragic joy”? This essay attempts to approach the basic frame of Yeats's mind which perceives and interprets the world as composed of contraries, antinomies and antitheses. In such context, Yeats's idea and experience of tragedy are shown to be constructed ideologically in the situation that is divided by the two classes, namely the declining Anglo-Irish Protestant and the powerfully ascending Catholic middle classes. Yeats’s conception and experience of tragedy are connected with what Michel Foucault calls “the absolute power of death”. Yeats thinks that if the modern poet could enact the poetic authority, he should be able to embody the ancient forms of power. Hence his ideology of tragedy and authority which leads him to enact the oral tradition of ancient magical arts. Yeats thinks that, through the poetic mode of ancient magical arts, modern lyric poet can enact the absolute power of death, breaking the comedic power of modern individualism. Yeats's ideology of tragedy and authority, however, is in constant contradiction with “the life-administering power” of modern world. In spite of his desire to enact the tragic power of ancient bard, the space of his later lyrics remains the complex site of ideological conflicts between the residual forms of traditional Anglo-Irish culture and the dominant cultural forms of modern individualism. (The second part of this essay will be continued in the next issue)
        2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료