
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,451

        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of bridging stabilization exercise on balance ability and gait performance in elderly women. The subjects of this study were thirty-one elderly women over 65 years old in HongSung-Gun Senior Citizen Welfare Hall. The subjects were randomly assigned into one of three groups (trunk stabilization exercise on the mat, whole body vibration, and Swiss ball) and participated in each exercise program three times a week for 4 weeks. Each exercise began in the bridging position. The dynamic balance and gait were measured by limit of stability area using force plate, Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and Timed Up and Go Test (TUG). The results were as follows: 1) The limit of stability in three groups increased significantly in anterior-posterior and medial-lateral lean after 4-weeks intervention (p<.05). 2) There were no significant differences in the limit of stability among three groups after 4-weeks intervention (p>.05). 3) The BBS and TUG in three groups increased significantly after 4-weeks intervention (p<.05). 4) There were significant differences among three groups in BBS. Post-hoc test showed that Swiss ball exercise group was significantly higher than the mat and whole body vibration groups. 5) There were no significant differences TUG among three groups after 4-weeks intervention (p>.05). In conclusion, this study suggested that 4 weeks of the bridging stabilization exercises were effective on balance and gait in all three groups. Particularly Swiss ball exercise group showed higher improvement than two other exercise groups (mat, whole body vibration group).
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of the study was to identify which fall-prevention program offered in community settings in Korea is the most effective in strengthening muscles. Muscle weakness is one of the major risk factors causing falls among the elderly. Randomized controlled trials and clinical controlled trials published between 1996 and February 2011 were included in this study. Seventeen of the 69 identified studies met the study's criteria and were included in this meta-analysis. The overall effect size of the program was .822 (95% confidence interval= .717~.927). The general strengthening exercise (1.608), dance sports training (1.538), Thera-band exercise for lower extremities (1.517), Seniorobic exercise (1.146), gait training (.959), balance training (.909), gradual resistive exercise (.888), and multifactorial fall prevention (.842) programs all show positive effects on muscle strengthening. Subgroup analyses found that more relative effects are seen in programs offered to the more elderly. In this study, the effect of increasing muscle strength on the prevention of falls can only be indirectly suggested; there are few available studies that report the frequency or history of falls in Korea. Further studies are needed to examine the direct effect of fall prevention exercise programs among the elderly.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although there have been various studies related to the body's movement from a sitting to a standing position (sit-to-stand task), there is limited information on the kinematic changes on the frontal and transverse planes. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how pelvic tilt affects kinematic changes in the frontal and transverse planes in the hip and knee joints during a sit-to-stand task. For this study, 33 healthy participants (13 female) were recruited. Each participant rose from a sitting to a standing posture at his or her preferred speed for each of three different pelvic tilt trials (anterior, posterior, and neutral), and the measured angles were analyzed using a 3-D motion analysis system. A one-way repeated measure analysis of variance was performed with Bonferroni's post hoc test. In addition, an independent t-test was carried out to determine the sex differences in hip and knee joint kinematic changes during the sit-to-stand tasks. The results were as follows: 1) The hip and knee joint angle in the frontal and transverse planes showed a significant difference between the different pelvic tilt postures during sitting in the pre-buttock lift-off phase (pre-LO) (p<.05). Compared to the posterior pelvic tilt posture, the anterior pelvic tilt posture involved significantly greater hip joint adduction and internal rotation, knee joint adduction, and reduced internal rotation of the knee joint. 2) Sex differences were found with significant differences for males in the initial and maximal angles in the frontal plane of the hip and knee joint (p<.05). Females had a significantly smaller initial abduction angle of the hip joint and a significantly greater maximal angle of the hip adduction joint. These results suggest that selecting a sit-to-stand exercise for pelvic tilt posture should be considered to control abnormal movement in the lower extremities.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 자세조절과 시지각 능력은 일상생활 및 학습을 하는 데 있어 기초가 되고 이러 한 요소는 뇌성마비 아동을 치 료하는데 주된 목표가 된다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 경직형 뇌성마비 아동에서 안구운동프로그램이 자세조절과 시 지각 능력에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한다. 연구방법 : 2010년 5월 1일부터 2010년 8월 31일까지 부산에 위치한 P복지관에 내원하는 만4세~8세 경직형 뇌 성마비 아동을 대상으로 하였다. 10명의 경직형 뇌성마비 아동을 무작위로 실험군과 대조군으로 각각 5명씩 배정 하였다. 실험군에게는 안구운동프로그램과 함께 일반적 작업치료를 제공하고 대조군에게는 일반적 작업치료를 시 행하였다. 안구운동 프로그램은 단속성안구운동, 이접안구운동, 추적안구운동, 전정안구운동 4가지로 구성되어 있 다. 활동 중재는 1회 40분씩 주 3회로 8주 동안 제공되었다. 중재 전∙후에 대한 평가는 대동작기능평가(GMFM), 소아균형척도(PBS), 소아뻗기검사(PRT)와 한국판시지각발달검사(K-DTVP)를 사용하였다. 결과 : 안구운동프로그램을 수행한 실험군에서는 GMFM, PBS, PRT와 시각통합을 제외한 K-DTVP 모든 하위평 가항목에서 중재 전과 후의 점수가 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으나(p<.05), 대조군에서는 PRT와 K-DTVP의 눈손협응과 공간위치를 제외하고는 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 또한 두 집단 의 평가 점수의 변화량을 비교하였을 때 모든 평가항목에서 실험군이 대조군에 비해 유의한 차이를 보여 자세조절 과 시지각 기능 향상이 대조군보다 더 좋음을 나타냈다(p<.05). 결론 : 본 연구는 경직형 뇌성마비 아동에서 안구운동프로그램 중재가 자세조절 및 시지각능력 향상에 효과적임을 시사한다.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 만성 경직성 편마비 환자에서 보툴리눔 독소 근 주입 후 상지 운동기능 개선을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 뇌졸중 발병 후 12개월 이상이 경과된 만성기 편마비 환자 18명을 대상으로 환측 상지의 요측수근굴근, 척측수근굴근, 심지굴근, 천지굴근에 보툴리눔 독소를 각각 25 단위 주사하였다. 평가는 주사 전, 주사 2주 후와 8 주 후의 상지 기능 변화 및 동작 분석을 시행하였다. 상지의 경우 수정 에쉬워스 척도와 도수 근력 평가, 뇌졸중 상 지 기능 평가, 수지의 파악력 및 측면 집기력을 평가하였고 정량 분석을 위하여 3차원 동작 분석기를 이용하여 손 목관절의 최대 굴곡-최대 신전, 손바닥 두드리기, 검지 두드리기, 30cm 추적운동의 동작을 분석하였다. 결과 : 보툴리눔 독소를 주사 후 마비측 수지의 파악력, 측면 집기력에서는 유의한 변화가 없었으나 손목관절의 신 전, 수지의 신전 근력, 뇌졸중 상지 기능 평가에서 유의한 호전이 관찰되었다(p<.05). 3차원 동작 분석기를 이용한 상지 기능의 평가에서 손목관절 최대 굴곡-손목관절 신전 동작의 관절운동범위에서 유의한 호전이 관찰되었으며 손목관절 최대 굴곡-손목관절 신전 동작 및 손바닥 두드리기와 검지 두드리기 동작에서 진동수의 유의한 증가와 변이도의 유의한 감소는 관찰되지 않았으나 진폭의 유의한 증가가 관찰 되었다(p<.05). 결론 : 만성 경직성 편마비 환자에서 환측 상지에 대한 보툴리눔 독소 치료는 상지 운동기능 개선에 유의한 효과를 보였다.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사람들은 모더니즘을 "새로운 것"과 동일시한다. 1910년에, 혹 그보다 10년 전 혹은 후, 시 혹은 다른 문화와 지적 영역에 있어, 전통과 다른 중요한 새로운 것들의 출발이 되는 시점이었다. 미국에서, 에즈라 파운드, 왈러스 스티븐스, 그리고 윌리엄 칼로스 윌리엄스 같은 시인들이 족적을 남기고, 『시』, 『대중』, 그리고 『새로운나라』로 대변하는 작은 문예지의 문화가 등장하고, 그리고 그리니치 빌리지는 문화의 중심지가 된다. 그러나, 미국의 세계1차대전 참전은 이 운동에 제동을 걸고, 전후 시기는 여려 면에서 달라졌다. 반면, 아프리카계 작가와 예술가는 할렘 르네상스의 결과로 그 전보다 1920년대에 더 큰 인정을 받는다.
        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선미식 트롤선은 선미에서 이루어지는 작업의 특징으로 종종 선미트림이 발생한 상태에서 운항을 한다. 선미트림 상태로 장시간 운항 시에는 선박이 가지고 있던 고유한 선체운동특성이 변화하여 선박의 운항 안정성에 나쁜 영향을 끼칠 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 선미트림 변 화에 따른 선미식 트롤선의 종운동 특성을 선박설계 및 해석프로그램인 Maxsurf를 이용하여 평가 및 해석하였다.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this research was to examine the effects of lumber stabilization exercise and a general physiotherapy program for caregivers with chronic low back pain. Sixteen people participated in this study and were randomly assigned to two groups for either lumbar stabilization exercise or for general physiotherapy, respectively. The experiment was performed for eight weeks. To examine the general as well as the medical characteristics of the participants, the following measurements were used: Visual Analogue Scale (VAS); Oswestry Disability Index (ODI); Back Performance Scale (BPS); Roland - Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ); and Beck Depression Index (BDI). To compare the general and medical characteristics of the participants in the two groups, an independent t test were used. During the experiment, a paired t test was conducted to determine whether there was a significant difference in the values of VAS, ODI, BPS, RMDQ, and BDI before and after the experiment. To examine the difference in the VAS, ODI, BPS, RMDQ, and BDI values in the two groups, ANCOVA was used with pre test values as a covariate. According to the test results, in the lumbar stabilization exercise group, the VAS, ODI, BPS, RMDQ, and BDI values showed a statistically significant difference before and after the test (p<.05). In comparison, in the general physiotherapy program group, only the ODI and BPS values showed a statistically significant level of improvement. Regarding the degree of improvement, participants in the lumbar stabilization exercise group showed statistically significant progress compared to those in the general physiotherapy group. In summary, lumbar stabilization exercise is regarded as more effective than general physiotherapy for treating caregivers with chronic low back pain. In future studies, it will be useful to expand the research and to examine the long term effects of lumbar stabilization exercise on workers.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 애니메이션 모듈을 활용한 수업이 학생들의 별의 일주운동 개념변화에 얼마나 효과적인지 알아보기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 별의 일주운동을 학습하지 않은 학생 4명을 연구 대상으로 선정하였다. 애니메이션 모듈은 Flash MX를 사용하여 3차원적 공간개념을 이해하기 쉽게 개발하였다. 또한, 개별학습이 용이하도록 교사가 육성 녹음한 내용을 삽입하였고, 보충 학습자료를 제시하였다. 애니메이션 모듈은 태양계의 운동 단원으로 지구의 운동, 달의 운동, 행성의 운동으로 구성되었다. 애니메이션 모듈을 적용하기 전에 질문지와 면담을 통해 학생들의 별의 일주운동에 대한 선개념을 분석하였다. 애니메이션 모듈을 활용한 학습 후 사후 검사를 실시하고 사전 검사와 비교하여 개념 변화를 알아보았다. 그 결과, 중위도 방위별 별의 움직임을 제대로 표현하지 못한 3명의 학생은 모든 방향에 걸쳐 정확하게 나타냈다. 그리고 4명의 학생들이 별의 일주운동 모습이 모든 방향에서 직선 형태로 움직인다고 생각하였다. 또한, 중위도에서 별이 움직이는 각도가 직각으로 움직인다고 생각했던 4명의 학생 모두 비스듬하게 움직이는 것으로 개념이 변화하였다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Robots in various types carry and assemble parts through repeatedly and accurately moving to stored locations by combining linear motions. And, linear systems are used in orthogonal axes of robots and driven via ball screws, such as 2-axis cartesian coordinate robot in this paper. This paper presents the effect of the linear motion guide that is used in 2nd axis in 2-axis cartesian coordinate robot. Some simulation results show that the linear motion guide influence greatly in robot performance such as the nominal life of linear guide. When use LM guide that have capacity near in 2nd axis, this paper show that the nominal life on LM block of 1st axis increases 37.4% and that the specification of 2nd axis LM guide influences greatly the nominal life of 1st axis LM block.
        2011.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to examine the effect of various discontinuous Percoll washing conditions on motile sperm recovery rate and motion kinematics. Frozen semen samples from 3 bulls (0.5 ml plastic straws, 6% glycerol in egg yolk-Tris-glycerol extender) were thawed in 37℃ water bath for 1 min. After thawing, the mixed semen samples were randomly allocated to 12 treatment groups. Briefly, the spermatozoa were centrifuged for three different time lengths (10, 20, and 30 min) at two gravities (300×g and 700×g) through two concentrations of discontinuous Percoll density gradient of 1 ml 90%: 1 ml 45% Percoll and 2 ml 90%: 2 ml 45% Percoll to remove extender, debris, and dead spermatozoa. Motile sperm recovery rate and motion kinematics were evaluated by computer assisted sperm analyzer using Makler counting chamber. Sperm motility (%) and motile sperm recovery rate showed similar pattern in all treatment groups. However, sperm motility (%) and motile sperm recovery rate were highest at 700×g for 30 min through a discontionous Percoll density gradient of 1 ml 90%: 1 ml 45% Percoll. There were no significant differences in motion kinematics after various Percoll washings. These results suggest that force of centrifugation, centrifugation time, and Percoll volume significantly affect motile sperm recovery rate.
        2011.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Endocrine disruptors bind to hormone receptors on sperm membrane, therefore spermatozoa are potentially a useful model for examining estrogenic activities of endocrine disruptors. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of two xenoestrogenic compounds [genistein (Gen) and 4-tert-octylphenol (OP)] to those of two steroids [estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4)] on boar sperm % motility and motion kinematics of in vitro. Porcine spermatozoa were incubated with various concentrations (0.001~100 μM) of each chemical for 15 or 30 min, and then assessed % motility and sperm motion kinematics using computer assisted sperm analyzer (CASA). Each chemical decreased sperm % motility, and OP decreased VSL and VAP compared with untreated control(p<0.05). E2 stimulated the motion kinematic changes except VCL. Moreover, Gen had effects on VCL and VAP alterations after 30 min incubation. In summary, since all chemicals studied effectively altered sperm % motility and motion kinematics, it was concluded that porcine spermatozoa could be a useful model for in vitro screening of potential endocrine disruptors.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Research in the area of equine artificial insemination (AI) has led to its increased application in field trials. However, procedures for equine semen collection, cooling and freezing of semen and artificial insemination need further improvement. In experiment 1, we investigated the percentage of total motility (TM) and progressive motility (PM) of sperms at after-collection, cooled-diluted, cooled-transported or frozen-thawed semen. In experiment 2, mares were inseminated with either cooled-diluted, cooled-transported or frozen-thawed semen. In experiment 3, we examined the effect of buffer (skim-milk extender), which was infused into the uterus at the time of AI with frozen-thawed semen. In experiment 4, we compared AI pregnancy rates for mares ovulating spontaneously versus after treatment with hCG. In experiment 1, the average percentage of TM was decreased from 75.3% to 14.4% at the stage of after-collection to frozen-thawed semen (p<0.05). The average percentage of PM was 58.2% and 59.6% at after-collection and cooled-diluted, but it was significantly increased 71.7% after frozen-thawed (p<0.05). In experiment 2, the pregnancy rates after AI using cooled-diluted, cooled-transported and frozen-thawed semen were 60%, 50% and 37.5%, respectively, and similar among treatments. In experiment 3, the pregnancy rate of mares infused with buffer at AI was 40% which was higher than that with no buffer (10%). In experiment 4, the pregnancy rates of mares were similar between ovulated spontaneously (25%) and ovulated with hCG (50%). The results suggest that equine semen that has been cooled-diluted, cooled-transported or frozen can be successfully used to establish AI, pregnancy and foal production. Also, the pregnancy rates after AI can be increased by infusing buffer into the uterus at AI or by inducing ovulation with hCG, but further study is need.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Across the culture of Western Europe, dichotomy based on the visual sense has evolved. They believed eyes and ears requiring a distance related in recognition, are more developed than any other human senses in human body. Dominant position, as a condition to using a perspective, the eye has been just concentrated in the development of optical sight. But developed a variety of modern media, highlighting the importance of the other perception, it makes dichotomy to the expansion of perception over the single function of visuality. Recently, Guille Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty try to recover the sense of tactility segregated in skin from body keeping eyes for distance. By the result, the activity can be happened by being connected to the body rather than to eye in the space between the subject and object. From the phase of recognition where the human body tries to identify the object in the space considering a time, it will be changed for the subject to the phase of structure vice versa. Visual tactility is to eliminate the distance between subject and object. If the visual tactility is to erase the distance different from the visual in dichotomy, it will be occurred to having a tension and makes new relationship to work trying to move the subjective point of view in object. Like this evidence in analysis of architecture, it can be easy to find the Korean architecture rather than western architecture in terms of emphasizing the time and space. The fact, architecture of Lee Dynasty had been preserved and consisted basic form and style over the centuries makes us assume that visual tactility was considered as well as the visual sense. This study will be intensive in terms of visual and tactile inherent in the subject and how it is being connected to the movement in the space and time.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 중저준위 방사성 폐기물 처분장의 지진위험도 평가를 위한 평가용 입력지반운동을 도출하였다. 방사성 폐기물 처분장 부지를 대상으로 한 지진재해도 평가를 수행하여 재해도 곡선을 도출하였으며 도출된 재해도 곡선을 바탕으로 등재해도 스펙트럼을 산정하였다. 등재해도 스펙트럼에 부합하는 30개의 인공지진파를 생성하여 해당 부지의 지반을 대상으로 한 부지응답해석을 수행하였다. 대상부지에 대한 부지응답해석을 통하여 지표면과 처분동굴의 상단과 하단부에서의 입력지진운동을 구하였고 각각의 평균값을 구하여 방사성 폐기물 처분장의 리스크 평가를 위한 평가용 응답스펙트럼을 제시하였다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was implemented to verify the feasibility of motor function recovery and the appropriate period for therapy. The research began with spinal laminectomy of 40 white rats of Sprague-Dawley breed and induced them spinal crush injury. Following results were obtained by using the modified Tarlov test (MTT), Basso, Beattle, Bresnahan locomotor rating scale (EBB scale) and modified inclined plate test (MIPT). First, the measurement using the MTT confirm that the most severe aggravation and degeneration of functions are observed two days after induced injury, and no sign of neuromotor function recovery. Second, better scores were achieved by open-ground movement group on BBB locomotor rating scale test, and weight-bearing on inclined plate group show better performance on MIPT. Third, both BBB and MIPT scale manifested the peak of motor function recovery during 16th day after the injury and turn into gradual recovery gradient during 16th to 24th. Fourth, the control group showed functional recovery, however, the level of recovery was less significant when compared with group open-ground movement group and weight-bearing on inclined plate group. Hence, it was clearly manifested that the lumbar region of the spinal cord had shown the best performance when its functions were measured after the execution of specific physical training; therefore it indicated the possibility of learning specific task even in damaged lumbar regions. Thus it is expected to come out with better and more effective functional recovery if concentrated physical therapy was applied starting 4 days after the injury till 16 days, which is the period of the most active recovery.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of manual facilitation and a stick on lumbar and hip joint flexion angles in subject with lumbar flexion syndrome during forward bending from a sitting position. Fifteen subjects with lumbar flexion syndrome were recruited for this study. As a pretest, all subjects performed three repetitions of bending the trunk forward until the tips of their fingers touched the target bar. After this pretest, the subjects practiced the forward bending of the trunk 10 times, using either manual facilitation or a stick. Then, as a posttest, all subjects repeated the pretest procedure. The flexion angles of lumbar spine and hip joint during forward bending in a sitting position were measured using a three-dimensional motion analysis system. A paired t-test was used to determine the statistical differences between pre-test and post-test flexion angles and pre- and post-test flexion angle differences between forward bending with manual facilitation and forward bending with a stick. The level of statistical significance was set at p=.05. The results of the study showed that the angle of the lumbar flexion decreased significantly and the bilateral hip flexion angle increased significantly when performing forward bending with stick and manual facilitation. Furthermore, the angle of lumbar flexion decreased significantly and the angle of bilateral hip flexion increased significantly in forward bending with a stick compared to forward bending with manual facilitation. The findings of this study indicate that both forward bending with manual facilitation and sticks could be used to prevent excessive lumbar flexion and increase hip flexion, and that forward bending with a stick is more effective than forward bending with manual facilitation for inducing lumbar spine and hip joint angle changes.