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        검색결과 453

        2012.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        정소 내 생식세포 분화가 이루어지는 세정관과 혈관 사이에 존재하는 blood-testis barrier (BTB)는 다양한 밀착결합(tight junction) 단백질로 이루어져 있다. Claudin-11은 이러한 밀착결합을 구성하는 단백질 중 하나로 잘 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 토끼(domestic rabbit; Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus), 꿩(pheasant; Phasianus colchicus), 자라(soft shelled turtle; Pelodiscus sinensis)의 정소에서 claudin-11의 발현을 관찰하고, 성적 성숙 또는 번식기에 따른 변화를 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 각 동물의 claudin-11 partial cDNA 염기서열을 확보하고 이를 통해 RT-PCR을 수행하였다. 또한 정소 조직 내에서 claudin-11 발현 부위를 확인하기 위해 면역염색을 시행하였으며, western bolt을 통해 단백질발현을 확인하였다. 토끼와 꿩의 정소에서 claudin-11은 성적으로 성숙한 이후에, 자라의 경우 생식세포의 분화가 활발히 일어나는 비번식기에 mRNA 발현량의 급격히 증가하였으며, 이는 단백질의 발현량과 일치하는 것을 확인하였다. 성적 성숙이 일어나지 않은 토끼와 꿩 및 번식기 자라의 정소내에서 claudin-11 발현은 주로 Sertoli cells 및 그 사이에서 확인되었다. 그러나 생식세포 분화가 활발한 시기의 세정관 내에서 claudin-11은 Sertoli cells 및 그 사이 뿐만 아니라 Sertoli cell이 spermatogonia와 접하는 바닥면에 물결형태로 분포하는 것이 확인되었다. 이는 포유류뿐만 아니라 조류에서도 claudin-11이 생식세포 분화를 진행하는 세정관 내에서 BTB를 구성하고 있음을 의미한다. 또한, 계절에 따라 생식세포 군집의 변화를 보이는 자라의 정소에서 생식세포 분화가 활발한 시기에 claudin-11이 BTB 구성에 참여하는 것이 확인되었다. 꿩의 정소 및 정소(organ culture)에서 분리해 낸 Sertoli cells(primary culture)를 이용한 실험에서 testosterone 처리에 따라 claudin-11 mRNA가 증가하는 것이 확인되었으며, 자라의 호르몬을 분석한 결과, 세정관내 생식세포 분화가 활발한 시기에 testosterone 농도가 높아지는 것을 확인하였다. 이는 claudin-11이 남성호르몬의 조절을 받으며, 생식세포의 분화가 활발한 시기의 높은 농도의 남성호르몬은 세정관내부 환경을 독립적으로 유지할 수 있도록 claudin-11이 포함된 BTB를 발달시키는 것으로 사료된다. 본 연구를 통해 현재까지 잘 알려져 있지 않은 조류와 파충류 정소에서의 claudin-11 발현을 확인하였으며, 정소 내 고유환경 조성에 참여하는 것은 claudin-11이 진화선상에서 갖는 공통된 기능임을 확인하였다.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Several tests and experimental work have been done for identifying the best growth conditions and accumulated amount of lipid moiety in B. braunii, a microalga(UTEX 572) in terms of media composition. The specific growth rate was found to be the highest at 0.15 g/L-day when the phosphorus concentration was doubled with the other ingredients at the normal level. Experiments for varied media compositions revealed that the accumulation of lipid was the highest at 48% (dry cell weight based) in the nitrogen deficient medium and its corresponding specific growth rate was comparative to that in the normal BG 11 medium. In the bubble column experiments, carbon dioxide containing air produced four times more cell mass than air only. Light and glucose addition also enhanced cell mass with maximum, 1.8 g/L and accordingly 42% of lipid composition, which turned out to be a better strategy for higher lipid-producing microalgal culture.
        2012.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effects of substrate size on the growth of microphytobenthos Achnanthes sp., Amphora sp., Navicula sp. and Nitzschia sp. were examined using glass beads in order for phytoremediation in the benthic layer of coastal waters. The glass beads used in this study were 0.09~0.15 mm (G.B 1), 0.25~0.50 mm (G.B 2), 0.75~1.00 mm (G.B 3) and 1.25~1.65 mm (G.B 4). No addition of glass bead used as control. The specific growth rate and maximum cell density of four microphytobenthos species were increasing with decreasing size of glass beads. Moreover, the control experiment without added attachment substrates showed the lowest specific growth rate and maximum cell density. Therefore, the suitable attachment substrates for mass culture of microphytobenthos seems to be important in order for phytoremediation using microphytobenthos.
        2010.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was to examine the characteristics of wirdbirds habitat for improvement plan in green corridor. The target site, Gangseo-gu artificial green corridor was set up with the structure in which small scale of core green space with Goongsan and Yeomchang neighborhood parks in urbanized city was connected with the artificial green space with Gongamnaru, Hwanggeumnae neighborhood parks with 28∼42.5 m in width. Wild birds six∼eleven species; Dendrocopos spp, Paradoxornis webbiana, Parus major, Phasianus colchicus, etc. were observed in core green, but wild birds of two∼five species: Columba livuia, Passer montanus, Pica pica, Hypsipetes amaurotis, etc. were observed in artificial green space. Thus wild birds of artificial and generalist species only moved in artificial green space. The artificial green space where vegetation structure was consisted of single-layer with poorness chose target species laying stress on generalist species and edge species of Parus major, P. palustris, Paradoxornis webbiana etc. for short-term and interior species of Dendrocopos major, Picus canus, etc. for long-term. The result suggested enhancement methods for target species's habitat in green corridor: to secure at least a corridor 30 meters in artificial corridor, to secure ecological pond, to offer the various shelterer and environment of prey-resources through the multi-layer structure.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to build Island biogeography in the basic concept of landscape ecology in South Korea by draw relationship between the species side of quantitative habitats and forest area surveyed in the national database based on investigation of the 2nd natural environment. In addition, try to present criterion of habitats character category after understanding habitats character of emergence area side of quality habitats based on the type of formatting. Species and forest area relationship analyzed using correlation analysis and simple regression analysis. Also habitat character limited composition ratio of neighboring land cover and analyzed using hierarchical cluster analysis to classify type of habitat. As a result, we found that forest area is correlated with number of species, forests which is bigger than 100ha are more important of increase in species' population. And according to land cover composition ratio, bird's classified types of forest inner species, forest edge species, forest outer species and mammal's classified types of forest inner species, forest general species, forest edge species. We suggest that study of species-forest area relationship and emergence habitat character be used as some management plans of species' conservation, protection and restoration.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The blue-green algae which caused odor problem in the tap water are difficult to precipitate in sedimentation basin and clogged the filter void rapidly. The studies of this paper were not only oxidation, coagulation and sedimentation processes for effectively removing blue-green algae but yellow clay and polyamine for verification as coagulants aids. The results of this research are summarized as follows: Higher ozone dose(C) and longer contact time(T) were needed for a high degree of removing blue-green algae efficiency. the removal rate of blue-green algae was proportional to the C×T value. The removal percent of chlorophyll-a by sedimentation and filter without pre-ozonation was about 75% but 1 mg/L pre-ozonation could increase the removal percent of chlorophyll-a to 99% and more pre-ozonation could remove completely. Though the removal efficiency of turbidity could increased by high dose of chlorination, the dissolved organic carbon was increased. More chlorine dose from 4 to 10 mg/L dissolved organic carbon was decreased. Using yellow clay as coagulant aids increased density of floc so the settling velocity of floc become rising but polyamine could not increase settling velocity of floc though it could formated large floc.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 원유가는 $90/barrel로 상승하였으며, 원유는 언젠가는 고갈될 한정된 자원이다. 또한 이와 같은 화석연료는 CO2, SOx, NOx 등을 방출하여 지구온난화, 대기오염 등의 환경문제를 일으키고 있다. 따라서 전세계적으로 대체에너지, 재생에너지 개발에 노력하고 있으며, 바이오에너지도 이에 속한다. 원유를 대체할 수 액상의 바이오에너지는 biodiesel로 현재 콩, 옥수수 등의 작물로부터 주로 생산되고 있다. 광합성 미생물인 미세조류(microalgae)의 태양에너지 이용효율은 5%정도로, 육상식물의 0.2%에 비해 약 25배 정도 높은 것으로 알려져 있다. 즉, 단위면적당 biodiesel 생산성이 높고, 비경작의 토지를 이용할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 현재 미세조류 중에서 Botryococcus sp. Pleurochrysis 등을 이용한 biodiesel 생산이 시도되고 있다. 주요 기술분야는 1) 우량 미세조류주 개발로써 미세조류 탐색, 유전체 구조 및 기능 연구, 분자적 균주개량 등이 있다. 2) 대규모 배양을 위해서는 미세조류 배양공정의 최적화, 광생물반응기(photobioreactor) 개발, 옥외 대량배양 등이 중요하다. 3) Biodiesel의 효율적 생산을 위해서는 미세조류 수확법 개발, 미세조류 biomass를 biodiesel로 전환하는 Transesterification 공정개발 등이 필요하다. 미세조류로부터 CO2 고정 및 biodiesel 생산을 목표로 결성된 국제적 network인 INMB(International Network for Microalgae Biofixation)의 목표는 2012년까지 실현 가능한 기술개발로서 미세조류 생산성을 현재의5 0 dw ton/ha/yr로부터 2배 수준이 100 dw ton/ha/yr로 증대시키는 것이다. 장기적으로는 미세조류(Botryococcus sp.)의 배양면적을 점차 늘려 전 세계적으로 10 백만 ha 규모(전 세계적으로 운영되고 있는 새우와 물고기 양식장의 크기와 유사한 규모)의 pond에서 미세조류를 배양하여 1 Gt의 CO2 방출 저감효과를 내는 것이다. 따라서 미세조류의 대량배양은 생물연료인 biodiesel의 생산과 동시에 배양과정에서 대기 중 CO2의 흡수에 의한 지구온난화 방지효과를 동시에 달성할 수 있는 환경 친화적 에너지 생산기술이다. 그러나 미세조류 biodiesel이 원유 diesel과 경쟁하기 위해서 생산가를 현재의 $2.80/L에서 $0.55/L로 낮추어져야 한다. 이를 위해서는 유전체 기능연구를 토대로 우량 균주개발, 대량 배양기술 개발 등에 대한 집중적 연구가 수행되어야 한다.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문에서는 인천항의 장래 입 출항 교통량을 추정하고, 인천 조류신호소에서 제공하는 조류정보의 가치를 분석하였다. 전국항만 기본계획에 따르면 인천항의 2020년 물동량은 2005년 대비 약 2배로 증가한다. 이에 따라 해상 교통량도 크게 증가할 것이다. 또한 인천항을 통항하는 선박의 조류영향으로 인한 해양사고를 방지하기 위하여 해양수산부는 조류신호소를 운영하고 있다. 그러나 이의 가치에 대한 분석이 없어 그 효과가 정량적으로 알려진 것이 없다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인천 조류선호소의 정보에 대한 가치를 조건부 가치측정법(CVM)으로 산출하고, 장래 교통량을 고려한 정보가치를 분석하였다. 이로써 조류정보를 직접 이용하는 교통량을 고려한 연간 정보가치는 2000년부터 2020년까지 대략 1.7~2.8억원이 되는 것으로 추산되었다.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims at analyzing relationships between land use and habitat types of winter wildbirds to provide basic understanding of ecosystem for preservation and restoration of urban ecosystem in the future. The research area is Hanam City. Researches on land use types showed Hanam City had 79.1% of greenspace and openspace, but intensive urban development has been taking place in greenspace that is adjacent to urban districts. This has brought the problems of lack of greenspace in urban districts and damages to cultivated areas and grassland. A total of 61 and 8,642 populations of winter wildbird species were observed in research areas. Paradoxornis webbiana(16.91), Passer montanus(11.93), Pica pica(6.88) were dominant species. When they were divided according to habitat types, 20 species of interior species, 8 species of interior-edge generalist species, 12 species of edge species and 3 species of urban species were observed. When which land use type was mostly served as wildbirds habitats was examined, urban species(3 species and 290 populations) was a dominant species in urban districts while in greenspace and openspaece, water species(19species and 3,075 populations) including winter migratory birds was. Among greenspace and openspaece, edge species was dominant in forest while urban species was a dominant species in cultivated areas. This shows there is a need to improve diversity of wildbirds through restoration of cultivated areas in the central part of Hanam City.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was investigate to evaluate the phosphate uptake rate of green algae in relation to diurnal rhythm and algae control method. The phosphate uptake rates of Chlorella vulgaris and Ankistrodesmus convolutus increased in light period and decreased in dark period. On the contrary, those of Chlamydomonas sp. showed a peak in the late dark period. The differences among species in phosphate uptake in relation to diurnal rhythm were due to the severe competition among species and seemed to alleviate the competition for nutrient supplies. The compound of CellCaSi, Ca and Fe showed the effective removal of the phosphorus. The extracts from rice and barley straw exhibited a significant effect on the growth inhibition of Microcystis aeruginosa.
        2005.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        해안매립이 해양의 동수력학, 환경 및 생태계에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 3차원 동수력학 수치해석을 실시하였다. 이 연구에서는 방조제 건설에 따른 조석, 바람 및 밀도변화 성분을 포함한 조류와 잔차류의 변화를 수치모의 하였다. -좌표로 변환된 지배방정식은 음해유한차분법을 이용하여 해석하였다. 수치모형은 조석의 4대 주요 구성성분인 M, S, 및 의 조석표를 이용하여 검증하였다. 수치해석결과, 주로 조석 및 바람에 의한 잔차류의 변화가 큰 것으로 나
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The modified biochemical oxygen demand (MBOD) were conducted to evaluate the water quality and fertility in the Mangyeong river from november 2002 to april 2003. MBOD method was used to evaluate algal growth potentials and their limiting factors. MBOD depends on the amount of available inorganic nutrient and organic substrate during 5-day incubation in the dark condition at 20℃. The MBOD assay depends on inorganic nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen as well as reduced carbon as called MBOD, MBOD-P, and MBOD-N, respectively. The concentration of pollutants were in the range of 3.08~48.36 mg/L for COD. The concentration of nutrients were in the range of 0.37~111.62 mg/L for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and 0.00~1.03 mg/L for dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP). The results of MBOD bioassay showed that the MBOD, MBOD-P and MBOD-N values were 15~173 mg O2/L, 13~165 mg O2/L and 66~175 mg O2/L ranges, respectively. The MBOD values are found to be the highest in Iksan River and the lowest in Hari River throughout the Mangyeong River. The relationships of MBOD, MBOD-P and MBOD-N in MBOD method were generally found in MBOD≒MBOD-P≒MBOD-N. But the result of Gosan was appeared to MBOD≒MBOD-N>MBOD-P. The MBOD-N value was higher 3 to 5 times than the MBOD-P value in the Gosan station. The algal growth potentials expressed as the concentration of chlorophyll-a were maximum 20 times more than algal biomass in the water column.
        2003.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Distributional patterns of microalgae were studied in the tidal flats of Gamami Beach(Young-Gwang, Korea) from November 1999 to 2000 July. The tidal flats of Gamami Beach was composed mainly of sandy sediment. The concentrations of nutrients were low compared with other tidal flats. In the present study, 68 species of microalgal flora were identified. These were comprised of 25 species of benthic microalgae and 59 species of planktonic microalgae. Diatoms predominated the benthic microalgae with 96.0% of total species occurred. Dominant species were Amphora sp., Cocconeis sp., Coscinodiscus asteromphalus, Coscinodiscus sp., Nitzschia sigma var. intermedia, Nitzschia distans, Navicula spp., Paralia sulcata, Pleurosigma sp. Skeletonema coastatum, and Surirella sp. Among them, Amphora sp., Paralia sulcata, and species of Pleurosigma and Nitzschia were observed throughout the studied period. Planktonic microalgae of Gamami Beach was also predominated by diatoms. They occupied 88.1% of total planktonic microalgae. The density of microalgal population was higher in silty sediment than in sandy sediment. The population density of microalgae was higher in high tide zone than that in low tide zone. The density of the benthic microalgae in the surface layer of tidal flats showed increasing tendency for 2 hours after the beginning of ebb tide. On the contrary, benthic microalgal density of subsurface layer was decreased during the period. Concentrations of chlorophyll a from sediment and water were not synchronized during the study period. Therefore, the distributional patterns of the benthic microalgae and planktonic algae seemed not to be related. Chlorophyll a of water was highly related with the concentration of NH4-N, whereas, chlorophyll a of sediment was related with NO3-N concentration.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to evaluate the pollutant removal efficiencies of the advanced drinking water treatment using ozonation process. For raw water, Nakdong River was used. By conducting batch test of ozonation, the following results were obtained. When ozone dosage of 5 mg/ℓ was used, ozone transfer and utilization efficiencies of the ozonation were 94 to 92%, respectively. Removal efficiencies of single VOC compound or mixed VOC compounds in the raw water were 80% to 90% by the ozonation with 2 mg/ℓ dosage and 10 minutes contact time. Removal efficiencies of ABS by the ozonation with 1 mg/ℓ, 3 mg/ℓ dosage and 20 minutes contact time were 83% to 96% , respectively. Almost 67% of chlorophyll-a at the concentration of 38.4㎍/ℓ was removed by ozonation at ozone dosage of 1 ㎎/ℓ for 20 min. Considering the efficiency of ozone utilization and water treatment, the most effective ozonation could be obtained with high ozone dosage and short contact time.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The growth and heavy metal experiments revealed oppositive interactions between toxic metals(Zn and Cd) and Mn when the coastal diatom T. pseudonana were used. Cd and Zn inhibited the algal growth rate only at low Mn ion concentrations and this effect could be accounted for an inhibition of cellular Mn take by the toxic metals. Mn and Zn inhibited cellular Cd take and this indicated a reciprocal effects among the metals with respect to metal take. Saturation kinetics modeling of the take data was consistent with two metals competing with each other for binding to the Mn take system and with both Cd and Mn being transported into the cell by that system. Mathematical modeling of Mn and Cd take data revealed evidence for a Cd efflux system.
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