
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,353

        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 쉽 페스큐 90%와 야생화 10%의 파종비율로 조성한 야생화초지의 생육특성, 계절분포 및 식생비율을 구명하고자 충남대학교 내 초지시험포장에서 2007년 10월부터 2009년 12월까지 수행하였다. 공시초종은 기본초종인 잔디형 목초로 쉽 페스큐(Azure)와 야생화 초종으로는 국내산 야생화 4종과 외국산 야생화 29종 등 총 33종을 공시하였다. 야생화의 개화 당시의 평균초장은 1년차 28.7cm, 2년차 36.7 cm 이었다. 꽃 색은 6~9
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1978년 STCW 협약은 해기사의 직무능력에 대한 국제적 최저 기준으로 제정되었으며 인적요인에 의해 발생되는 해양사고를 감소시키는 데 기여해왔다. STCW 협약은 선박의 운항환경 변화에 따라 부분적으로 수정되어 왔으며 1995년에 대폭적인 협약의 개정이 이뤄졌다. 이러한 개정 이 후에도 선박은 지속적으로 대형화, 고속화되어 왔을 뿐만 아니라 많은 첨단 기술이 도입되어 과거의 선박에 비하여 선박의 운항환경에 많은 변화가 있었다. 이러한 변화에 따라 선박을 운항할 해기사의 교육훈련 과정과 면허에서 확인되어야 할 직무능력에 대한 기준도 변화시켜야 할 필요성이 제기되었고, 이에 따라 2006년부터 STW 소위원회는 협약의 개정에 대해 논의를 시작하였으며 그 결과 2010년 6월 필리핀의 마닐라에서 개최된 외교회의에서 협약의 개정이 이뤄졌다. 이번 개정에서는 선박의 보안, 전자해도, 리더십 등에 대한 교육 훈련이 추가되었으며 본 연구는 최근에 개정된 협약의 내용을 정리하고, 이에 대한 해기교육 기관의 대응방안을 살펴보았다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The blending effects of surfactants on the polystyrene emulsion polymerization were studied. The blending of Triton X-100 and SDS affects to the interfacial properties of the styrene monomer and water phases, and finally, the properties of the polystyrene latex particles. As the blending ratio of SDS/Triton X-100 increases, the interfacial tension and CMC of the blended surfactants were decreased and results in a reducing the size of the latex particles. It was found that the interfacial tension was reduced when the surfactant were blended. By increasing the SDS content, the interfacial tension was reduced, and, at a certain condition, the interfacial tension was reached to an extremely low value to form micro-emulsion and the nano-sized latex particles (80~110 nm).
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes an investigation of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Republic of Korea in January 2010. In this paper, we investigated introduction to the index farm from overseas countries, transmission from index farm to other outbreak farms. The introduction factors were divided direct, indirect factors or airborne spread factor. Based on the epidemiological data, clinical information and other data, in these introduction factors, it was likely that outbreak of FMD in index farm was due to international goods or employees from overseas countries (including China). There were other suggested causes in index farm. But it was less likely that outbreak of FMD in index farm have occurred by other causes. The transmission factors from index farm to other farms were also divided direct, indirect factors or airborne spread factor. In these transmission factors it was possible to make assumptions from index farm to other outbreak farms that the FMD virus was transmitted through animal treatment, persons concerned and persons (who were) attended farmers’ assembly.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Banchandeungsok is a book written by a person who lived in the Cheongju area located in northern Chungcheong Province. The literature is regarded as a useful source for showing types of local food in the 1910s, so it was purchased by the National Folk Museum in 2007. The writer categorized dishes described in the recipe section of the book into side dishes, snacks, rice cakes, drinks, and miscellaneous. Following this, each category was distinguished by the name of the dish, the main material, the side material, and the cooking method is presented in tables. Thus, the food culture of Chungcheong Province was arranged based on the above categorized contents. The material from the product and the outside which grow spontaneously divided with the product which flows. The case which is a product the outside, went through what kind of process and could flow toward Sangshin village in Cheongju area probably, to observe tried. The area and time were clear Eumsikdimibang and Gyuhapchongseo Jusigui with comparisons. So tried to observe the time of 1910's Cheongju area culture Dietary life time and a regional feature.