
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 124

        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Korean Astronomical Society (KAS) Education & Public Outreach Committee has provided education services for children and school teachers in Cambodia over the past three years from 2016 to 2018. In the first year, 2016, one KAS member visited Pusat to teach astronomy to about 50 children, and in the following two years of 2017 and 2018, three and six KAS members, respectively, executed education workshops for ∼ 20 (per each year) local school teachers in Sisophon. It turned out that it is desirable to include both teaching of astronomical knowledge and making experiments and observations in the education in order for the program to be more effective. Language barrier was the main obstacle in conveying concepts and knowledge, and having a good interpreter was very important. It happens that some languages, such as the Khmer of Cambodia, do not have astronomical terminologies, so that lecturers and even the education participants together are needed to communicate and create appropriate words. Handout hardcopies of the education materials (presentation files, lecture/experiment summaries, terminologies, etc.) are extremely helpful for the participants. Actual performing of assembling and using astronomical telescopes for night sky observations has been lifetime experience for some of the participants, which might promote zeal for knowledge and education. It is hoped that these education services for developing countries like Cambodia can be regularly continued in the future, and further extended to other countries such as Laos and Myanmar.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, public complaints about unpleasant odor are increasing, particularly in urban areas. One of the odor sources is meat grilling restaurants in the vicinity of the residential areas. In this study, we characterized the odorous compounds generated from the stack of grilling restaurants, and evaluated the removal efficiency of the control facilities. As a result of the field investigation, the dilution index of the complex odor exceeded 500 times that of all test restaurants. The main substance was acetaldehyde. In addition, the correlation coefficient (R2) between the total odor and the sum of odor activity values (SOAV) was 0.73, a value high enough to indicate significant responsibility. The performance of the control facility has been shown to be strongly influenced by maintenance activities, such as cleaning and filter replacements.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been growing concern over the emissions of formaldehyde and VOCs from automotive interior materials, as these could have an important impact on the in-vehicle air quality (IVAQ) of automotive vehicles. Odor, the components of which may include VOCs, refers to the automotive interior smell emitted directly or indirectly from any part of an automotive interior, based on human olfactory senses and a comfort evaluation of vehicle quality. The objective of this paper is to compare the instrument analysis with the sensory characteristics of an odor using GC/MS/Olfactometry. From the test, it was possible to identify the cause of odor, which can be difficult to distinguish among multiple odors, through the simultaneous performance of instrumental analysis and sensory evaluation.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the understanding and recognition status on separation anxiety in dogs. Most breeders(95% of the survey respondents) knew about separation anxiety in dogs, but they often neglected their dogs with no treatment and no taking care of them. Symptoms of separation anxiety are mental anxiety conditions, such as severely barking, disturbing house littered, defecation mistake and self-injury. Breeders may suffer the hardships with their dogs having separation anxiety. So the efforts are needed to reduce the occurrence of separation anxiety, and it is desirable for patients to seek animal behavior counseling, behavioral correction training, and medication therapy.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been growing concern over the emissions of formaldehyde and VOCs from automotive interior materials, as these could have an important impact on the in-vehicle air quality (IVAQ) of automotive vehicles. Odor along with VOCs refers to the automotive interior smell emitted directly or indirectly from any part of an automotive interior, based on human olfactory senses and a comfort evaluation of vehicle quality. The objective of this paper is to compare the odor intensity using GC/MS analysis method and odor sensory test in accordance with ISO 12219-2. For the compounds having low odor threshold value and high VOC concentration, it was found that there was the same tendency in each field of odor whether the instrument analysis method or the odor sensory test method was used.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        한국의 남해안은 서해안에 비하여 조석 간만의 차가 작아 갯벌이 발달할 수 있는 면적이 상대적으로 넓지 않은 특성 을 가지고 있으며, 갯벌에 대한 조사나 연구 결과도 서해안 을 중심으로 많이 이루어지고 있다 해도 과언이 아닐 정도 로 남해안 갯벌에 관한 연구는 그리 많지 않은 실정이다. 여자만은 전라남도 여수, 순천 및 고흥에 걸쳐 위치하고 있 으며, 연안갯벌이 발달되어 패류양식이 많은 곳이다. 그러 나 최근 갯벌은 내부로 유입되는 몇몇 소하천에 의하여 형 성되었으며, 인근 농경지에서 유입되는 다량의 유기물과 영 양염류 및 오염 물질에 직접적으로 노출되는 환경에 놓여 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 내부 및 외부적 환경 요인들에 의해 변화할 수 있는 갯벌의 계절별 저서 생물상 에 관한 공간 분포를 파악하고자 추진하였다. 조사 대상지인 여자만에 대한 문헌 및 사전 현장 조사를 기초로 하여 전라남도 여자만에 위치한 궁항마을 앞 갯벌 (34°47′02,93″, 127°34′19,35″)을 실험 대상지로 선 정하였다. 기간은 2012년 1월부터 12월까지 조사하였으며, 모든 조사는 간조시 상자형 코어(30 cm2) 및 주입식 코어 (깊이 50 cm)를 사용하여 약 30~50 cm 깊이까지 정점당 4회씩 채집하였다. 저서 동물은 채집된 퇴적물을 현장에서 해수로 망목크기 0.5 mm인 체에 걸러 분리한 후 해수로 중화된 10% 포르말린으로 고정하였다. 실험실에서는 주요 동물군 별로 선별하여 습중량과 개체수를 측정하였고, 가능 한 종 수준까지 동정하였다. 종별 개체수 자료를 이용하여 각 정점의 종 다양성 및 균등도 지수를 구하였다. 또한 정점 간 출현종의 유사정도를 보기 위해 현존량 자료를 이용하여 Bray-Curtis 유사도 지수를 사용하여 조사 정점의 수지도를 작성하여 집괴 분석을 실시하였다. 이외 서식 환경중 수온 및 pH 등은 현장에서 조사하였다. 조사 기간 동안 궁항 갯벌에 출현한 대형 저서 동물을 월 별로 분석한 결과, 2월에는 Batillaria multiformis가 133개체 출현하여 우점종으로 나타났고, Batillaria cumingii는 22개 체로 아우점종으로 나타났으며, 그 외 3종이 출현하였다. 3 월과 4월에는 우점종과 아우점종이 Batillaria multiformis와 Cerithidea cingulata로 나타났다. 2월과 비교하여 3월은 Macrophthalmus sp., 4월에는 Monodontalabio가 새로 출 현한 것으로 나타났다. 월별 출현종 수에서는 2월과 3월에 총 7종, 4월에는 5종이 출현한 것으로 나타났다. 8월에는 Nephtys sp.가 48% 우점종으로 나타났으며, 9월에는 Batillaria multiformis가 우점종으로 출현하였다. 겨울철인 12월에 Batillaria multiformis와 Heteromastus filiformis 종 이 우점종과 아우점종으로 각각 70% 및 20%로 나타났다. 조사 결과 궁항 갯벌의 대형 저서 동물은 적은 조차와 하천 수의 영향으로 대조차 갯벌에서 일반적으로 나타나는 대상 분포가 뚜렷하게 보이지 않았으며, 크게 하나의 동물 군집 을 형성하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2012.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2011.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been a growing concern about the emissions of formaldehyde and VOCs from automotive interior materials which could have an important impact on the in-vehicle air quality(IVAQ) of automotive vehicles. Many leading automobile manufacturers have now introduced their own specification standards for testing and limiting emissions from products produced by their suppliers. In addition, ISO (International Standard Organization) has been established ISO 12219-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to determine the emissions of volatile organic compounds from automotive vehicle. The objective of this paper is to compare the area specific emission rates determined from surface emissions testing using the microchamber(MC) in comparison with a 1 m3 emission test chamber(ETC) operated in accordance with ISO 12219-3, ISO 12219-4. Measured emission concentrations in absolute terms were different between Microchamber and 1 m3 chamber. However, qualitative comparison of the chromatograms shows that the Microchamber is able to perform a screening test
        2011.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to provide preliminary review for standardization of methods for evaluating reduction performance of pollution-reducing building materials and to select commercially available pollution-reducing building materials for assessing their current status. The ISO 16000-23 and -24 standards were used as references for standardizing the test methods. The sub test categories—stability of the supply air concentration, type of the supply air, and supply air concentration—which were not included in the standards were selected and conducted for the purpose of this study. Five (5) wall materials and 2 ceiling materials were tested for formaldehyde reduction performance and 3 wall materials were tested for toluene reduction performance. The study included experimental review of the essential test criteria such as stability of the supply air, internal stability of the chamber, and recovery rate. The samples tested exhibited some reduction performance for formaldehyde but little reduction performance for toluene.
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