
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 542

        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 노인의 신체 특성에 적합한 고기능성 구두를 개발하기 위하여 한국인에 적합한 화형을 근간으로 하여 접질림과 미끄럼을 방지할 수 있는 노인화를 개발하였다. 본 연 에서는 인체 발 측정 및 체계적인 화형설계 과정을 거쳐 제작된 화형을 통한 수 차례의 착화시험에 의해 마련된 표준화형을 근간으로 노인용 화형을 제작하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 새로 개발된 노인용 구두는 접질림과 미끄럼을 방지할 수 있어 소비자의 요구에 조금 더 부합하게 하였고, 향후 보다 편리하고 기능성이 향상된 노인용 구두를 제작하기 위한 최적의 화형을 제작하고 건강기능성 부자재를 선정할 수 있는 기반을 마련하였다.
        2003.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        내설악의 5개 전나무 고목림에서 고사목의 형태, 수종, 축적 등에 관한 다양한 기본자료를 수집하였다. 비록 전나무 고목림에 한정된 조사였으나 국외에서 일반적으로 알려진 고사목에 관한 각종 자료수집이 가능하였다. 고사목의 수종은 전나무 외에도 기타 활엽수종이 약간 나타났으며, 고사목의 형태는 일반적으로 알려진 모든 형태가 두루 나타났다. 고사목의 축적은 평균 60.42 m2 ha-1로 나타났으며, CWD와 고사목의 분포는
        2003.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present a study of the old open cluster Trumpler 5 (Tr 5), based on the CDS archival data. From the color-magnitude diagrams of Tr 5, we have found the positions of main-sequence turn-off (MSTO) and red giant clump (RGC) stars. Using the mean magnitude of the RGC stars, we have estimated the reddening toward Tr 5, E(B - V) = 0.60 ± 0.10. Using the stars common in two data sets and the theoretical isochrones of Padova group, we have estimated the distance modulus Vo - Mv = 12.64 ± 0.20 (d = 3.4 ± 0.3 kpc), the metallicity [Fe/H) = -0.30 ± 0.10, and the age of 2.4 ± 0.2 Gyr (log t = 9.38). These metallicity and distance values are consistent with the relation between the metallicity and the Galactocentric distance of other old open clusters, for which we obtain the slope of Δ[Fe/H]/ Rgc = -0.064 ± 0.010 dex kpc-1.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objective: Play may be important determinants of children’s occupation. The purpose of this research was to find play history of 5∼7 years old using Takata’s Play History. Method: The number of subjects were 63 kindergarten children whose ages were 5∼7 yeras olds. Data were collected through survey questionnaires in from June 27 to July 3, 2002. The study using survey questionnaires was based on Takata’s Play History. The previous play was analysed from the 4 different categories of play characteristics. The χꊔ test was performed to analyze play of each age group. Results: The playing characteristics (toy, playing form, playing time., etc) have been different according to their age groups. Overall, Different play trends have been found among different age group by applying Takata’s Play History. Conclusion: The play trend of child can be forecasted by appling Takata’s Play History to the subjects. It is expected that development of screening play ability for normal child and abnormal child. Therefore Takata’s Play History will help occupational therapists to evaluate children’s play ability.
        2002.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is focused on the calculation for optimum period for environmental logistics system to replace old truck. Companies throughout the world have recognized the importance of environmentalism and the role of logistics in structuring a corporate response to environmental issues like recycling, waste disposal, pollution, and many others. Reverse logistics, the term often used to represent the role of logistics in environmentalism, is gaining acceptance by firms.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the difference of general feature and ginsenoside content of 6 years old ginseng root among different grade of roots. Total weight of a 1st grade-6 years old ginseng root was 115.1g and weight, length, diameter and specific gravity of main root were 64.68g, 8.39cm, 3.31cm and 0.96, respectively. Main root of 1st grade ginseng root was larger in size and specific gravity and more heavy than that of End or 3rd grade of the roots. Though crude saponin contents were not so different among the different grade of roots, but ginsenoside Rb1, Rg1 and Re content were higher in 1st grade of root than that of 2nd or 3rd grade of root. Those ginsenosides were located mainly in periderm and cortex.
        2001.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        묵은 배추와 무 종자에 저선량 γ선을 조사하여 종자발아율과 발아유식물의 효소활성 변화를 조사하였다. 발아율은 대조구에 비해 저선량 조사구에서 증가하는 경향을 보였는데 특히 발아초기단계에 효과가 뚜렷하게 나타났으며 배추는 2 Gy와 8 Gy조사구에서 4-ll % 정도, 무는 2 Gy, 6 Gy, 10 Gy 조사구에서 25-41% 정도 증가하였다. 저선량 γ선이 조사된 배추와 무의 유묘초장도 저선량 조사구에서 증가하였는데 특
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 계룡산국립공원 갑사 계곡에 위치하는 낙엽활엽노거수군집의 식생군집구조를 부석하기 위하여 18개의 Belt-transect를 설정하여 조사하였다. 노거수군집 전체면적은 46.442m2이었고, 이 중 노거수가 차지하는 면적은 35.246m2이었으며, 대표적인 현존식생은 느티나무군집, 팽나무군집, 회화나무군집, 소나무군집, 말채나무군집이었다. 노고수의 규 은 흉고직경이 50~120cm, 수고가 18~22m 이었으며, 흉고직경 70cm이상되는 수종은 소나무(1주), 느티나무(9주), 갈참나무(8주), 졸참나무(1주), 회화나무(2주), 말채나무(1주)이었고, 본 조사 대상지의 평균수령은 150년생 내외이었다. 18개 조사구에 대하여 DCA의 ordination 분석결과 소나무군집, 느타나무-낙엽활엽수군집, 검팽나무-낙엽활엽수군집, 회화나무군집, 말채나무군집, 팽나무군집으로 분리되었다. 교모측의 우점종감의 평균거리는 8~12m이었고, Shannon의 종다양도는 0.7~0.9(단위면적:200m2이었다.X〉이었다.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the results of near-IR band (JHK) photometric study for the old open cluster To 2. Combined with existing optical data, our IR photometry is used to derive the reddening E(B- V)=0.24±0.12 and the distance (m-M)o=14.6±0.42. Comparison with theoretical isochrones suggests the age and metallicity of To 2 are log t~9.3 and [Fe/H]~-0.3, respectively.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To Yeats, as Mario Praz remarks in The Romantic Agony, sex was “the mainspring of works of imagination”(vx). This paper is an attempt to read Yeats’s “A Woman Young and Old” in terms of poetic representations of feminine sexuality and gender. All written in years 1929 through 1931, the sequence of eleven poems deal with the problems of female body and desire in a repressive patriarchal society. The first and introductory part of the paper briefly surveys the social and cultural background of the poems. The centrality of the subject of feminine sexuality and gender in these poems shows that Yeats saw the social and cultural repression of women and their sexual desire as one of the serious and urgent problems facing Ireland at that time. In Ireland of the 1920s, where the new national frame was being created under the hegemony of the Catholic Church and the middle class, the general attitude toward the women’s position and role and their sexual expression was very conservative and repressive. The main part of the paper closely reads the poems of the sequence, from “Father and Child” in which a daughter boldly asserts sexual freedom in defiance of her father’s opposition and criticism, to “From the ‘Antigone’” which shows another daughter defying the authority of king for the sake of filial love and the freedom of conscience. In reading the poems, this paper tries to show how Yeats’s awareness and affirmation of the female body and desire is expressed in his criticism of the repressive sexual morality and culture of the Irish society, especially the Catholic Church. In opposition to that sexually repressive and ascetic culture, he shows women’s body and sexual desire in such a bold and affirmative way that the poetic expression itself turns out to be an effective critique of that culture.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Old Age of Queen Maeve(1903) is a very short pure dramatic poem, which deals with Queen Maeve’s heroic episode related to the god of love Aengus’s love affair in the ancient pagan period of Ireland. In this work Yeats expresses his strong will to disinter almost forgotten ancient narratives and propagate them among the contemporary Irish people who are getting quite unfamiliar with them, and at the same time he expresses his admiration of his beloved Maud Gonne more overtly and proudly than in any other work by juxtaposing/overlapping her image with that of Queen Maeve. This poem, along with such long dramatic poems as The Wandering of Oisin(1889) and The Shadowy Waters(1906-12), belongs to the same group of narratives in that all of these are related to his unrequited sweetheart Gonne. However, The Old Age of Queen Maeve is somewhat different from those two in the manner the poet takes toward his beloved, and in this poem he deplores that she too will grow old and die though she is as great, beautiful and passionate a woman as Queen Maeve was. In those two longer poems the star-crossed lovers follow heartbreaking pattern of love―meeting only after their death. But in The Old Age of Queen Maeve the lovers are supposed to meet each other in this world eventually, however long time it will take, as Aengus was to meet his lover Caer by the help of Queen Maeve and her grandchildren. In this article the present writer intends to descry Yeats’s purpose of using the ancient Irish myths and his power of creating an individual mythology based on them, and interpret the symbolical meanings caused by the overlapped images of Maeve and Gonne.