Global concerns have grown regarding emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) caused by previously unknown pathogens. Considering that strengthening surveillance capacity for unknown diseases is one of the core capacities for preparedness and early response to EIDs, identifying areas with poor capacity could be beneficial to prioritize regions for the improvement of surveillance. In this regard, we aimed to develop prediction models to identify high risk areas for low surveillance capacity for unknown diseases in a global scale. Unexplained death events reported between 2015 and 2019 were collected from two internet-based surveillance systems, ProMED-mail and Global Public Health Intelligence Network. From the reports, the number of reported unexplained deaths at the first report and the time gap between death and report were extracted as measures for sensitivity and timeliness of surveillance capacity, respectively. Using geographical locations of the reports and published global scale spatial data, including demographic, socioeconomic, public health and geographical variables, we fitted two boosted regression tree models to predict regions with the low sensitivity and timeliness. The performance of prediction model for the low sensitivity showed moderate validity, but in terms of the model for timeliness, the performance was unreliable. Therefore, we provided predicted risk only for low sensitivity. The mean predicted risks of low sensitivity were, respectively, 45.2%, 37.4%, 12.5%, and 3.0% in low-income, lower middle-income, upper middle-income, and high-income countries. Enhancing surveillance capacity in low-income countries is highly required, given the predicted low level of sensitivity despite the importance of early response.
Following the previous study, the toxicity of a single subcutaneous administration of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) and the side effects that may occur at therapeutic doses were confirmed. The Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was administered subcutaneously once at a dose of 0, 2.0, 6.0, and 18.0 mCi/kg, 5 male and female rats per group, and mortality, general symptom observation, and weight measurement were performed for 2 weeks, followed by observation of autopsy findings. There were no deaths, and no statistically significant weight change was observed. Mild hair loss, fissures, and crusting were observed by general symptom observation, but it was not a toxic change related to the Thyrokitty injection (I-131). Gastric atrophy and a decrease in the size of the spleen were observed by the autopsy. As a results of single subcutaneous administration of the Thyrokitty Injection (I-131) to rats at a maximum dose of 18.0 mCi/kg, a decrease in the size of the spleen and gastric atrophy were observed as the dose of the Thyrokitty Injection (I-131) increased, which may be related to the test substance. No abnormal findings related to the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) were observed. Therefore, the approximate lethal dose of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was 18.0 mCi/kg or more. In addition, as reported for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism with radioiodine (131I), side effects of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) are expected to be extremely rare. Temporary dysphagia and fever may occur, but it will recover naturally. It should be administered with caution in cats with diseases such as urinary system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system and endocrine system, especially with kidney disease. And it should not be used in cats who are pregnant, lactating, or likely. It is expected that the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) can be used for clinical treatment in Korea as a veterinary drug.
Radioiodine (131I) has been used for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism since the 1990s in the USA and Europe, and it is recommended as the most effective treatment for feline hyperthyroidism because it has a high therapeutic effect, small side effects, and does not require anesthesia. In this study, the pharmacological properties of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131), which is being developed as a treatment for feline hyperthyroidism, using radioiodine (131I) as an active ingredient, was tested. The %cell uptake of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) in FRTL- 5 thyroid cells was 0.410 ± 0.016%, which was about 18 times higher compared to Clone 9 hepatocytes, and it was decreased by 30.7% due to the competitive reaction with iodine (sodium iodide). In addition, the %cell growth of the FRTL-5 thyroid cells was reduced by 25.0% by treatment with the Thyrokitty injection (I-131). As a result of the tissue distribution test, the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was distributed at the highest concentration at 0.083 hours (5 minutes) after subcutaneous administration to animals in most organs except the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, muscle and thyroid gland, and it was excreted mainly through the kidneys. The stomach and thyroid gland showed a typical distribution pattern observed when radioiodine (131I) was administered. In addition, about 78.45% of the total amount of excretion was excreted within 48 hours, of which more than 85% was excreted in urine. In conclusion, the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) has the same mechanism of action, potency, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion characteristics as radioiodine (131I) reported in connection with the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. In the future, using the results of this study, it is expected that the Thyrokitty (I-131) could be safely used in the clinical treatment of feline hyperthyroidism.
Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), the most conserved nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent protein deacetylase, is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism, genomic stability, and development. SIRT1 knockout (SIRT1) mice exhibit decreased energy expenditure and hypersensitivity to a high-fat diet (HFD). SIRT1 deficiency in the testis has also been shown to cause male infertility in animal models. Therefore, the present study was conducted to examine the alteration of the testicular function of SIRT1 mice on HFD. Six-week-old mice were fed ad libitum as wild type (WT) and SIRT1 male mice with either a control diet or with HFD for 32 weeks and then were sacrificed. The levels of biomarkers for hepatotoxicity, sex hormones, and cytokines were analyzed in the serum and blood-testis barrier, and the sperm morphology was examined in the testis and epididymal spermatozoa. Interestingly, an enlargement of seminal vesicles was observed in the SIRT1 mice fed with HFD. A significantly higher level of hepatotoxicity was also seen in these mice. The concentration of serum testosterone increased in HFD-fed SIRT1 mice compared to the controls. The levels of interleukin-1β and TNF-α increased in both HFD-fed WT and SIRT1 mice. In RT-PCR, the m RNA expression of tight junction protein 2 and claudin 3 significantly decreased in HFD-fed SIRT1 compared to those of the controls. Degenerative spermatocytes and spermatids were detected in the HFD-fed SIRT1 mice testicular section. Sperm motility decreased in WT and SIRT1 with HFD feeding, and sperm concentration decreased significantly in WT-HFD and SIRT1 mice with or without HFD feeding. Taken together, HFD can alter energy and steroid metabolism in SIRT1-deficient mice, which can lead to imbalances in motility and production of sperm and testosterone that can result in male reproductive disorders.
Iron deficiency is known to be a common nutritional disorder in many countries, especially among children, women of childbearing age and pregnant women. SUNACTIVE Fe-P80 is a new type of iron supplement that applies nanotechnlateology for the purpose of overcoming the disadvantages of food supplements. This study was conducted to investigate the potential adverse effects of a 28-day repeated oral dose of SUNACTIVE Fe-P80 in rats. SUNACTIVE Fe-P80 was administered once daily by gavage to Sprague-Dawley rats for 28 days at doses of 0, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mg/kg/day. Additional recovery groups from the control and highdose groups were observed for a 14-day recovery period. At the scheduled termination, the animals were sacrificed, their organs weighed, and blood samples collected. There were no treatment-related effects in the context of clinical signs, body weight, food intake, ophthalmoscopy, urinalysis, necropsy findings, organ weights, and hematologic, serum biochemical and histopathological parameters at any dose tested. Under the present experimental conditions, the no-observed-adverse-effect level of SUNACTIVE Fe-P80 was ≥ 2,000 mg/kg/day in both the sexes, and no target organs were identified. Thus, the results suggest that SUNACTIVE Fe-P80 is relatively safe, as no treatment-related adverse effects were observed following a 28-day repeated oral dose experiment.
Over the past decade, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet derivatives have been widely investigated in the field of regenerative medicine due to their high concentrations of platelet- related growth factors, cytokines, and other proteins. Recently, many clinical studies have suggested their regenerative therapeutic efficacy in treating several disorders in medical field. However, their therapeutic applications are not well characterized in veterinary medicine as in human and experimental animals. This article reviews functional roles of platelets, scientific concepts, and clinical use of PRP and platelet derivatives in veterinary medicine. It also presents guidelines for veterinary applications of PRP in the future.
The ambiguity of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) posed a challenge to many medical researchers in the early days after its discovery and continues to do so till date. The establishment of the Budapest Criteria of the International Association for the Study of Pain resolved certain queries on CRPS. Many aspects of CRPS, such as pathophysiology and etiology, remain unknown. Therefore, of these aspects, we focused on the genetic basis of CRPS. In this qualitative review, we summarized the recent findings on the genetic association of CRPS and analyzed the roles of genes identified in each study and limitations of the studies. In particular, we confirmed the reliability of each study by comparing the following research, which used the following control groups or the same candidate genes. Notably, specific phenotypes of CRPS with dystonia indicate a significant association with human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ8. Further, HLA-DQ8, which is associated with aberrant CD4+ T-cell reaction, could be associated with CRPS etiology since an increased CD4+ T-cell population was reported in CRPS patients. In addition, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 found in genome-wide expression profiling is noteworthy since MMP-9 is associated with neuro-inflammatory reactions. Despite these suggestions on the genetic aspects of CRPS, the pathophysiology and etiology of CRPS may be polygenic and multifactorial, influenced by multiple genes and other factors. Further, some studies have suggested that CRPS phenotypes have different etiologies. Thus, further studies with the precise classification of CRPS on a unified basis and with a significant number of case groups are required
Ticks and tick-borne pathogens are among the main sources of interest in veterinary medicine and public health. This review aimed to cover published data on tick species and their geographical distribution in Korea. Over 143 articles regarding ticks were published between 1966 and 2022, and reporting at least 29 species belonging to the family Ixodidae and five belonging to the family Argasidae. Among these, Haemaphysalis longicornis, H. flava, and Ixodes nipponensis were the main genera distributed nationwide, whereas Amblyomma was mostly identified in the southern region. Conversely, only a limited number of Argasidae ticks were present, including the genera Argas and Ornithodoros. Considering the changes in tick distribution patterns due to global warming, continuous nationwide monitoring of ticks is required.
Diabetic encephalopathy is a major complication with cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). DM-induced glucolipotoxicity is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease–like phenotype, including amyloidogenesis, tau hyperphosphorylation, and neuronal apoptosis. Although the detailed mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of diabetic encephalopathy remains unclear, mitochondrial oxidative stress is emerging as a key factor for diabetic complications and neurodegeneration. A deeper understanding of the regulatory mechanism of mitochondrial oxidative stress under hyperglycemic conditions will provide insights into the development of therapeutic strategies for diabetic encephalopathy. Here, we review the role of mitochondrial oxidative stress in diabetic encephalopathy and the regulatory mechanisms by which high glucose induces the generation of mitochondrial reactive species oxygen species in neuronal cells. This review also summarizes the mitochondrial-dependent and -independent pathways (O-linked-N-acetylglucosaminylation, calcium, and glycogen synthase kinase 3β signaling) that regulate mitochondrial oxidative stress in a DM model.
This case report describes satisfactory correction of deep and large canine corneal ulcerations by application of bidirectional corneo-conjunctival transposition (CCT). A 12-year-old spayed female Maltese dog with a large corneal descemetocele, perforation, and blepharospasm of the right eye was referred to Chungbuk National University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. More than half of the thickness of the cornea was damaged, and the ulcer was progressive. On ophthalmic examination, menace response and dazzle reflex were absent. No corneal melting was observed. As the patient had large and deep corneal ulcers, traditional one-sided CCT was not sufficient to cover the wound lesion. To increase corneal transparency after recovery, we decided to perform bidirectional CCT from 12 o’ clock on the dorsal side to 7 o’ clock on the ventral side. The dog was medicated with topical eye drops, ofloxacin, atropine, and moxifloxacin before surgery. Debridement with a diamond burr was then performed around the descemetocele. Five weeks after surgery, the dazzle reflex was restored as the blood vessel receded from the cornea to the conjunctiva. Eight weeks after surgery, corneal transparency and corneal stability were gradually restored, but not completely. Bidirectional CCT provides structural support and helps corneal wound healing in large canine corneal ulceration.
Lactic acid bacteria as probiotics are intensively used in human and animal species. These probiotic properties of LABs were variable according to bacterial strain and species. However, there was limited information on probiotic properties of monkey origin LABs. In this study, we investigated the antibacterial activity of monkey and human origin LABs against monkey origin enteric bacteria by the agar disc diffusion test and broth culture inhibition assay. All LABs represented enough tolerance to pepsin (0.3%) and bile acid (pH = 2). To 50% of Clostridium perfringens and 20% of Escherichia coli, monkey origin LABs showed statistically higher antibacterial activity compared to human origin LABs (p < 0.05). Also, distinct antibacterial activity was verified among some bacteria species and strains. Higher antibacterial activity against enteric bacteria except for C. perfringens was verified in Lactobacillus johnsonii strains compared to Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus salivarius. Statistically different antibacterial activity against C. perfringens was verified among strains within L. reuteri and L. johnsonii. In conclusion, we prove the higher probiotic properties of monkey origin LABs against homogenous enteric bacteria although humans and monkeys were phylogenetically similar species. For non-human primates, homogenous LABs should be used as probiotics, not human origin LABs. Furthermore, it was confirmed among monkey origin LABs, L. johnsonii showed a high antibacterial activity on various enteric pathogenic bacteria and was an appropriate lactic acid strain for inhibiting C. perfringens.
Aralia elata, Chaenomeles sinensis fruit, and Glycyrrhizae radix have been widely used as oriental medicinal plants in Korea, China and Japan and found to possess anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. The current study was conducted to investigate the neuroprotective effect of an ethanol extract of a mixture of A. elata, C. sinensis fruit, and Glycyrrhizae radix (ACG) against ischemia-induced brain injury in rats and excitotoxic and oxidative neuronal death in primarily cultured rat cortical neurons. Transient focal cerebral ischemia was induced by 2 h middle cerebral artery occlusion followed by 24 h reperfusion (MCAO/R) in rats. Oral administration of ACG (10, 25, and 50 mg/kg) 30 min before MCAO, after 1 h of MCAO, and after 1 h of reperfusion reduced MCAO/R-induced brain infarct and edema formation. ACG also inhibited development of behavioral disabilities in MCAO/R-treated rats. Exposure of cultured cortical neurons to 500 μM glutamate for 12 h resulted in neuronal cell death. ACG (1, 10, and 50 μg/mL) inhibited glutamate-induced neuronal death. Furthermore, ACG inhibited 100 μM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)- and hypoxia-induced neuronal death. These results suggest that the neuroprotective effect of ACG against ischemia-induced brain damage might be associated with its anti-excitotoxic and anti-oxidative activity and that ACG may have a therapeutic role for prevention of neurodegeneration in stroke.
Vitamin K1 (VK1) has been widely used as a coumarin antagonist and for the treatment of hemorrhagic disease in veterinary practice. However, the potential mechanism of adverse reaction after VK1 injection has been not fully elucidated. In this study, two cases of anaphylactic reactions after subcutaneous VK1 injection were presented, and then an experimental study was performed to further characterize the anaphylactic reactions. Two dogs developed anaphylactic reactions after subcutaneous VK1 injections and were promptly treated with antihistamines and glucocorticoids, after which abnormal signs related to anaphylaxis disappeared. Subsequently, a study was undertaken to ascertain the nature of the adverse reactions to subcutaneous VK1 injection. Six healthy laboratory beagle dogs received subcutaneous VK1 administrations once daily for eight days. They were monitored for clinical signs after each injection, and blood samples were collected for the measurement of plasma histamine and immunoglobulin E concentrations using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. All six dogs showed mild angioedema after the VK1 injections. The dogs also displayed clinical signs including sneezing, coughing, skin reddening, excess salivation, pawing the ground, and somnolence on days 4, 6, and 8. Plasma histamine and immunoglobulin E concentrations were significantly increased by the repeated injections. In summary, this study describes anaphylactic reactions resulting from subcutaneous VK1 administration in dogs. Clinicians should be aware that the repeated subcutaneous injection of VK1 can trigger an anaphylactic reaction in dogs.
Coccidiosis is caused by infection of Eimeria species and an significant parasitic disease in poultry. Various kinds of natural products have been studied to find alternative treatments for coccidiosis in chickens, but the effect of Houttuynia cordata on Eimeria infection has not been investigated. The aim of this study is to study the anticoccidial effect of H. cordata extract (HCE) in chickens after oral infection by Eimeria tenella. Anticoccidial effects of the HCE was evaluated in chickens after oral infection with E. tenella. This study was performed on threeday- old chicks (n = 30). These animals were divided into 3 groups; HCE 0.2% treated/infected (n = 10), HCE untreated/infected (n = 10) and non-infected control (n = 10). The effect of HCE on E. tenella infection was assessed by two parameters; fecal oocysts shedding and body weights gain. the chicks fed HCE significantly reduced fecal oocysts when compared to the E. tenella-infected group fed standard diets (p<0.05). Furthermore, the HCE-based diet improved weight loss due to E. tenella infection. Our data shows that HCE had significant antiprotozoal activity against E. tenella. These findings may have implications for the development of anticoccidial drugs.
Periodontal disease is a chronic but treatable condition which often does not cause pain during the initial stages of the illness. Lack of awareness of symptoms can delay initiation of treatment and worsen health. The aim of this study was to develop and compare different risk prediction models for periodontal disease using machine learning algorithms. We obtained information on risk factors for periodontal disease from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) dataset. Principal component analysis and an auto-encoder were used to extract data on risk factors for periodontal disease. A synthetic minority oversampling technique algorithm was used to solve the problem of data imbalance. We used a combination of logistic regression analysis, support vector machine (SVM) learning, random forest, and AdaBoost to classify and compare risk prediction models for periodontal disease. In cases where we used principal component analysis (PCA) to extract risk factors, the recall was higher than the feature selection method in the logistic regression and support-vector machine learning models. AdaBoost’s recall was 0.98, showing the highest performance of both feature selection and PCA. The F1 score showed relatively high performance in Ada- Boost, logistic regression, and SVM learning models. By using the risk factors extracted from the research results and the predictive model based on machine learning, it will be able to help in the prevention and diagnosis of periodontal disease, and it will be used to study the relationship with various diseases related to periodontal disease.
Mercury and its compounds are globally managed chemicals as risks to the human body and ecosystem. It mainly enters the human body through ingestion of seafood, especially, methylmercury causes serious diseases such as central nervous system (CNS) disorder and renal dysfunction. In this study, total mercury (Hg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) were determined in seafood (16 species, n = 97) commonly consumed in Daejeon, using a gold amalgamation method. The average concentration (Hg/MeHg mean ± S.D. (minimum–maximun) mg/kg) of total Hg and MeHg in the samples was as follows; Fish 0.038 ± 0.058 (0.004 – 0.272) / 0.028 ± 0.047 (N.D. – 0.236), Crustacea 0.023 ± 0.021 (0.003 – 0.078) / 0.016 ± 0.018 (N.D. – 0.055), Mollusks 0.015 ± 0.015 (0.002 – 0.056) / 0.008 ± 0.013 (N.D. – 0.040). The concentration of MeHg in seafood were significantly correlated with total Hg concentration (p<0.001). The species with the highest average concentration of Hg was the Korean rockfish, but there was no sample that exceeded the maximum residual limit. The total %provisional tolerable weekly intake (%PTWI) value of MeHg for all of the samples was 3.76%, compared with the JECFA’s reference value, which indicates that there is almost no health risk from heavy MeHg intake through the consumption of seafood distributed in Daejeon.
The rapid development of computer vision and deep learning has enabled these technologies to be applied to the automated classification and counting of microscope images, thereby relieving of some burden from pathologists in terms of performing tedious microscopic examination for analysis of a large number of slides for pathological lesions. Recently, the use of these digital methods has expanded into the field of medical image analysis. In this study, the Inception-v3 deep learning model was used for classification of chondrocytes from knee joints of rats. Knee joints were extracted, fixed in neutral buffered formalin, decalcified, processed and embedded in paraffin, and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained. The H&E stained slides were converted into whole slide imaging (WSI), and the images were cropped to 79 × 79 pixels. The images were divided into training (60.42%) and test (39.58%) sets (46,349 and 30,360 images, respectively). Then, images containing chondrocytes were classified by Inception-v3 and accuracy was calculated. We visualized the images containing chondrocytes in WSIs by adding colored dots to patches. When images of chondrocytes in knee joints were evaluated, the accuracy was within the range of 91.20 ± 8.43%. Therefore, it is considered that the Inception-v3 deep learning model was able to distinguish chondrocytes from non-chondrocytes in knee joints of rats with a relatively high accuracy. The above results taken together confirmed that this deep learning model could classify the chondrocytes and this promising approach will provide pathologists a fast and accurate analysis of diverse tissue structures.
A 5-year-old female fennec fox weighing 1 kg presented to the Veterinary Medical Center, Chungbuk National University with swelling of the mammary glands and hematuria. There were no significant complete blood count (CBC) or serum chemistry findings. The uterus obtained by ovariohysterectomy was filled with blood-clot-like material. The uterine fluid contained erythrocytes, a few leukocytes, and bilirubin crystals without bacteria. The progesterone concentration in the blood serum the day before ovariohysterectomy was 7.3 ng/ mL, which is higher than anestrus and lower than a true pregnant condition in a fennec fox. Despite the low blood progesterone concentration and absence of a fetus in the uterus, the histopathological zonary placental findings indicated that the fennec fox had been pregnant. This is the first case report of hematometra associated with fetal death in a captive fennec fox.
Testicular germ cell tumors (GCT) arise from embryonic or extraembryonic differentiated totipotential germ cells. The tumor cells can differentiate into germ cells as well as, other lineages including yolk sac tumors, choriocarcinomas, and teratomas. Mixed GCT is composed of more than one GCT component including one or more nonseminomatous elements in a tumor, accounting for one-third of GCT. Herein we report the case of a collision tumor with two distinct and separated GCTs in the testis, adjacent to each other. A 48-year-old, previously healthy man showed the hard swelling and heterogeneous enhancing mass in the right scrotum, and right orchiectomy was performed. Grossly, the lesion was two distinct and well-circumscribed masses in the testis. Microscopically, a larger tumor was immature teratoma (prepubertal type) and another smaller tumor was seminoma. These two tumors can be from a common precursor, germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS); however, they are two distinct pathological entities. Given that teratomas can evolve from seminomas by additional genetic alterations, seminomas are also a precursor for postpubertal-type teratomas. Two distinct GCNISs may occur at different times. Because GCNIS is patchy distributed, a close gross examination must be performed in GCNIS or GCT to miss other GCTs with poor prognosis and to prevent under-treatment.
Leiomyosarcoma is malignant mesenchymal tumor of smooth muscle and commonly encountered in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. However, primary canine leiomyosarcoma in oral cavity is rare due to lack of smooth muscle in the oral tissue. A 13-year-old, neutered male Poodle presented a hard and immobile mass on the left maxilla. Imprinting cytology from the mass as well as fine-needle aspirated cytology from the left scapular lymph node revealed predominant spindle cells met malignancy criteria of the tumors, including coarse chromatin, high N/C ratio, nuclear molding, macro/multi-nucleoli with cigar-shaped nucleus. Radiography of the skull showed lysis of the nasopalatine bone, and mineral radiopacity in the mass. Computed tomography showed soft tissue attenuating mass from the left incisor teeth to the left retrobulbar space with loss of nasopalatine bone and medial wall of orbit. The histopathological examination showed irregularly arranged malignant spindle-shaped cells with oval or elongated nuclei. The nucleolus is distinct and moderate cellular polymorphism is observed. Mitotic figures are occasionally observed. The tumor cells are positive to vimentin, desmin, α-smooth muscle actin when immunohistochemistry was performed, and in Masson’s trichrome stain, tumor cells are stained as red. Overall, histopathologic exam and immunohistochemistry confirmed canine oral leiomyosarcoma. Because of the poor prognosis, the owner did not consent further treatment.