
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,526

        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study reports the effects of text chat on EFL students’ writing fluency, accuracy, and complexity, investigating whether its effects differ according to the interlocutor. The experimental design employed three text chat groups: one between two nonnative speakers (NNS-NNS); another between a nonnative speaker and a native speaker (NNS-NS); and the other between a nonnative speaker and a nativelike chatbot (NNS-NC). 78 college students of English as a foreign language between 19 to 22 years old were sampled and assigned into the three groups, each consisting of 30, 20, and 28, respectively. Over a 16-week period, they engaged in ten 10-minute-long chat sessions. All groups were tested before and after the treatment. A paired-samples t-test was conducted to compare preand post-test scores as far as fluency, accuracy, and complexity concerned. To find out the differences between mean scores of the groups, a one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was run. Results indicated that all three groups showed significant improvement in accuracy while only NNS-NS and NNS-NC groups did in fluency. No effects for complexity were evident. In terms of group differences, no statistical significance was detected. Participants’ perceptions of English learning and text chat positively changed overall. This study has pedagogical implications for EFL teachers, students, and researchers.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated how pre-service English teachers develop and use MICT (mobile information and communication technology)-TPACK (technological pedagogy and content knowledge) to select and use mobile applications for their micro teaching in a pre-service teacher training program. Although mobile technology has rapidly developed with the adoption of mobile multimedia devices and applications, the use of pre-service teachers’ TPACK is still limited to lower-level searches and to a mere tool for content presentations. The participants were nine students in a pre-service teacher training course in a four-year women’s university. Several research methods such as surveys, participant observations, micro teaching and interviews were utilized. The results of the study show the concept of TPACK needs to be extended to MICT-TPACK in this mobile age. The use of pre-service English teachers’ MICT-TPACK impacted and changed their concept of pedagogy to heutagogy. The teachers used mobile applications to facilitate their students’ inquiry-based learning of English as a subject as well as a medium of digital literacy. In order to select mobile applications for their lesson, the teachers developed a modified version of quality criteria for mobile applications. This study suggests there should be well-developed quality criteria for evaluating affordances of mobile applications.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to suggest a method for improving writing skills of foreign students through elaborating word definition. We took a position that brand-new teaching methods of writing are needed for specific learning groups, especially for students who study in Korean universities because they are supposed to develop and prove writing skills in order to perform their studies successfully. First, in chapter Ⅱ, we examined the current state of teaching writing in Korean as an L2 in context of teaching tradition and made sure that practical methods of teaching writing for academic purposes are still insufficient. Next, in chapter Ⅲ, we analyzed previous research results focused on word definition and found elaborating word definition useful for improving writing skills for tertiary level students. Finally, in chapter Ⅳ, we presented a practical teaching method for writing through elaborating word definition by showing the results which 15 foreign students (from China and Japan) produced while participating in writing class. In this paper, we introduced a new method for teaching writing in Korean as an L2 related to word learning, and expect much more teaching methods of writing to be developed and presented.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, welche Unterrichtsformen im Deutschunterricht fur die Zusammenarbeit besondersin Bezug auf die Schlusselkompetenzen fur lebenslanges Lernen relevant sind. Der Fremdsprachenunterrict wurde entsprechend den Bedurfnissen oder den Anforderungen der Gesellschaft entwickelt. Heutzutage sind Projektunterricht gute Lehrmethoden zur Problemlosung. Die Projektmethode ist wahrscheinlich die Unterrichtsmethode, die sich vor allem auf die Selbstandigkeit und Eigenverantwortungder Studierenden konzentriert. Projektarbiet ist das selbstandige Bearbeiten einer Aufgabe oder eines Problems durch eine Gruppe. Das Projekt reicht von der Planning uber die Durchfuhrung bis zur Realisierung und Prasentation des Ergebnisses. In diesem Artikel prasentieren wir den Prozess und die Engebnisse des Ergebnisse des aktuellen Projektunterrichts im Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Projektunterricht eignet sich sehr gut, um die Problemlosungsafahigkeiten der Schuler zu verbessem. Der Lehrer ist nur der Helfer dieses Projektunterrichts. Im Verlauf dieses Projekts konnen die Schuler selbstandig lernen und sich selbst reflektieren.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        While topics such as the use of English in the Korean workplace and specific industries have been studied widely, there is paucity of research that focus on the voices of various classes within a workplace that influence learners' English needs. In order to fill this gap, interviews and surveys were conducted at a major technology firm in Korea to examine the role of standardized English test, potential discrepancies between learner's perspective of their English needs and the language skills demanded or expected by thier employer. The study also attemped to analyze the needs of the learners to identify the target situations and tasks that can be incorporated into an EBP (English for Business Purposes) curriculum for the target learners. The findings from the interviews and the survey revealed that standardized tests are no longer used inthe hiring process, and there were diffrences between the employer and employees on how English skilss are perceived to influence one's chances of getting a job and being promoted. Based on the results of the needs analysis of the target group studied, examples of contexts and tasks that can be included in an EBP course are suggested. Finally, a renewed role of corporations and universities in meeting the needs of job seeking youths is proposed.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Schiffrin (1987) defines discourse markers (henceforth DMs) as “sequentially dependent elements which bracket units of talk” (p. 276). DMs have been regarded as a signpost used by a speaker to display a certain attitude or embedded intention in a spoken discourse. However, few studies have investigated how DMs are used in a spoken discourse of English as Foreign Language (henceforth EFL) learning context. The purpose of the present study is to examine how okay is used as a DM by Korean teachers of English in their naturally-occurring discourses of EFL classes. The data for this study was obtained from recorded videos of English classes taught by six Korean teachers of English. The data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed on the basis of the Conversation Analysis framework. The multifunctional use of the DM okay deployed by the teachers can be classified as follows: (ⅰ) getting attention, (ⅱ) signaling approval and acceptance as a feedback device, and (ⅲ) working as a transition activator.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examined effects of three types of written corrective feedback (CF) on L2 learners’ grammatical accuracy in writing, focusing on the use of verb tense and articles. Within Ellis’ (2008) typology of CF, the present study focused on direct, indirect, and metalinguistic CF. The feedback was provided at each stage of writing, and the participants were to write three new pieces of writing. Changes in the accuracy of the grammatical targets were measured. Results indicated that despite the limitations of the small number of the participants, positive changes in the grammatical accuracy were found with metalinguistic CF for verb tense and with indirect CF for articles in new pieces of writing. In addition, unlike previous studies, a negative role of direct written feedback was observed in the present study.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Linguistic features that are indicative of higher writing proficiency levels can inform many aspects of lanauage assesment such as scoring rubrics, test items, and automated essay scoring(AES). The recent advancement of computer algorithms that automatically calculate indicates based on various linguistic features has made it possible to examine the relationship between linguistic features and writing proficiency on a larger scale. While the ability to use appropriate n-grams - recurring sequences of contiguous words - has been identified as a characteristic differentiating between proficiency levels in the literature, few studies have examined this relationship using computational indices. To this end, this study utilized the Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Lexical Sophistication(TAALES;Kyle&Crossley, 2015) to calcualte eight indices based on n-grams from a stratified corpus consisting of 360 argumentative essays written by Korean college-level learners. First, the indices from the training set of 240 essays were used to design a multinomial logistic regression model in order to identify indices that are significant predictors of writing proficiency levels. Subsequently, the regression model was applied to a test set of 120 essays to examine whether the model could be used to predict the proficiency levels of unseen essays. The results revealed that the mean bigram T, mean bigram Delta P, mean bigram-to-unigram Delta P, and proportion of 30,000 most frequent trigrams indices were significant predictors of proficiency levels. Furthermore, the regression model based on eight indices correctly classfied 52.5% of essays in the test set, demonstrating above-chance level accuarcy.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research investigated various aspects of language learning strategies used by undergraduate and graduate students studying Korean. The study focused on four language skills, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The survey was conducted on 322 participants, Korean learners both in Korea and in other countries. It examined the usage of learning strategies used by the learners including the following variables: gender, experiences of living in Korea, first languages, and the countries Korean was learned. The quantitative data from the survey were analyzed by univariate ANOVAs to find out which skill is significant among the variables and the findings are as follows: 1) The greatest frequency of learning strategies appeared in the order of listening, pronunciation, writing, speaking, vocabulary, and reading. Listening skill showed the most varied learning strategies. 2) The analysis of learning strategies according to the variables with respect to the language skills revealed that gender influenced listening, the experience of the target country influenced reading, and the first language influenced writing. Pedagogical implications and further research suggestions are discussed.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In response to growing needs for developing Korean Language teacher expertise and diverse Korean language learners, appropriate retraining programs are the key to successful Korean language education. The purpose of this study is to specify and guide program contents designed to retrain Korean language teachers for multicultural families. For this goal, a questionnaire survey was adopted as a main research tool and literatures on national and international teacher training were reviewed. One hundred thirteen teachers who attended multicultural teacher training programs were surveyed and their responses were analyzed in quantitative and qualitative ways. The results of the study showed that the factors affecting the programs are as follows: 1) In-depth Korean pedagogical content knowledge, 2) various, practical practices in Korean teaching methods, 3) developing and utilizing Korean teaching materials, 4) comprehension on assessment system, 5) understanding the uniqueness of immigrant students, 6) teachingreflection and sharing teaching moments, 7) developing strategy and direction for cultural pedagogy. Therefore, this study may shed light on shaping teaching expertise to build teacher development.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study is aimed at determining how teaching and learning in Japanese translation/interpretation classes are linked to the modality relationships among hearsay markers, which are schematized after dividing the difference of pragmatics in the three following relationships: information and speaker, information and listener, and speaker and listener. Information about seven Japanese hearsay markers was collected through a questionnaire over native Japanese speakers. The findings revealed that people, first, chose [youda] and [toiukotoda] usually as the hearsay expressions, considering the relationship between information and speaker. Second, people divided [tonokotoda] into two relationships between information and speaker, or between information and listener. The responses about [souda] were split considering the relationship between information and speaker and speaker and listener. [Rashi] and [toka] were chosen the most, considering the relationship between information and listener, and there was a relatively large number of [toiu(utte)].
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to seek some characteristics of Korean translation of Chinese idiomatic expressions. The paper uses an intermediate-level Chinese conversational textbook titled New Speaking Chinese. The data consist of 90 Chinese idiomatic expressions. Whether a Chinese expression is replaced with a Korean idiom, Chinese idioms can be classified into the two major types: 1) mutable idioms, and 2) immutable idioms. Then mutable idioms are further divided into two subtypes: 1A) identical/similar images, and 1B) substitutional images. Likewise, immutable idioms can be divided into two subtypes: 2A) idioms with general explanations requiring no ethnic information about China, and 2B) idioms with special explanations requiring special background knowledge about Chinese cultures and history. The results show that type 1 is only responsible for 39% of all the Korean translations. Type 2 is responsible for 61% of the translations. For further analysis, type 2A has been most frequently used, with 55% of all data, and type 2B has been least used, with 6% only, but draws particular attentions of translators. For the other two types, there were type 1A with 26% and type 1B with 13%, respectively. Pedagogical skills for appropriate translation of Chinese idioms along with classroom activities are suggested.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nous avons étudié le traitement haut niveau au cours de la lecture d’un texte français. Cette lecture a été effectuée par 14 coréens étudiants en français et 3 natifs. Nous y avons observé particulièrement les mots sur lesquels se produit une longue saccade régressive et leur durée de fixation. Le résultat nous a montré que les coréens ont tendance à chercher volontairement la continuité et la cohérence du discours littéraire. A cet égard, deux phénomènes sont identifiés. Premièrement, une longue saccade régressive se produit souvent sur des mots et pronoms ‘faciles’ qui apportent des informations sur les personnages, événements, temps d’action et lieu. Elle se produit également sur les mots qui nécessitent au lecteur d’activer ses connaissances antérieures. Deuxièmement, leur durée de fixation est relativement longue, à cause de la relecture du mot-cible de régression. Ces phénomènes expliquent donc que les longues saccades régressives ont joué un rôle pour réaffirmer l'information comprise et pour réintégrer la signification au cours de la compréhension. Par conséquent, le coût cognitif du traitement haut niveau devient élevé. Il en résulte que dans l'enseignement, il est nécessaire de tenir compte du contexte textuel sur le niveau sémiotique et linguistique pour le choix du texte.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Notre travail a pour objectif l'amélioration des conditions d'enseignement-apprentissage du FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) comme matière optionnelle en contexte universitaire coréen, mettant l'accent sur l'importance des interactions entre apprenants. Nous postulons que l'usage des dispositifs numériques donnent des pistes intéressantes afin de résoudre des obstacles auxquels les étudiants se confrontent lors de leur apprentissage du français en présentiel. Nous montrons d'abord l'évolution de la méthodologie des langues étrangères en fonction de celle du paradigme de l'éducation. Nous allons ensuite tenter de définir le dispositif numérique pour l'enseignementapprentissage des langues et de présenter quelques exemples d'utilisation en milieu universitaire. Afin de mieux comprendre l'état actuel du champ pédagogique pratique, nous avons mené une enquête sur les besoins concrets des apprenants pour l'apprentissage du français favorable et satisfaisant à leur guise. 100 étudiants de deux universités différentes qui suivent le cours de français comme matière optionnelle ont participé à cette enquête. Ce travail précise ainsi l'intérêt de l'usage des dispositifs numériques dans le but de développer différentes compétences dont les apprenants ont besoin pour être “acteurs sociaux” dans une perspective actionnelle.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study sought to classify the constructions of pronominal verbs for the purpose of effective education of the pronominal verbs. To this end, the prototype theory was applied to classification of the pronominal verbs. From the perspective of this theory, the pronominal verbs are classified into 7 categories: reflexive, reciprocal, passive, no-agentive, autonomous, parasitic and intrinsic. And the prototype theory was applied to each of theses 7 categories again. The beneficial effects of this categorization are as follows. In the perspective of linguistics, this categorization shows the pronominal verbs very clearly and in detail including exceptional uses which the traditional classification misses. In the perspective of pedagogy, the classification on the basis of the prototype theory enables the learners to grasp the pronominal verbs with ease. Because this classification method is characterized by consistency and classifies pronominal verbs in a very systematic and organized way. This method has great educational effects on the way that these characteristics reduce the learners’ psychological consumption.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of good English teachers’ characteristics and to suggest guidelines for how to be a good English teacher by conducting a survey questionnaire to middle and high school students and their English teachers in Korea. The survey was composed of 48 items regarding teaching skills, personality and creativity, and assessing skills. The results showed there are different perceptions about the characteristics of good English teachers between teachers and students. Teachers perceived checking students’ understanding during the class as the most important characteristic followed by giving appropriate feedback to students, while students perceived treating them respectfully as the most important one. According to the research findings, this study suggests that English teachers should carefully consider developing students’ affective and creative aspects as well as linguistic skills that were shown to be important in both teacher and student perceptions. It also suggests the curriculum developers and teacher trainers for English teachers should continuously monitor the teacher evaluation process and apply the findings as helpful guidelines for future research and practice.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate paths of the effects of L2 motivational self system and self-efficacy on Korean EFL learners’ English ability. For this purpose, questionnaires were conducted and 580 Korean elementary school students in Gyeonggido participated in this survey. Correlation and path analysis were used to analyze the data. The major results of the study are as follows: (1) Self-efficacy is correlated with all constructs of motivation. It has the highest correlation with ideal L2 self and the lowest correlation with ought-to L2 self; (2) self-efficacy has a direct effect on ideal L2 self and ought-to L2 self whereas it has direct and indirect effects on elementary students’ English proficiency; and (3) ought-to L2 self has a positive direct effect and L2 learning experience has a negative direct effect on elementary students’ English proficiency. However, ideal L2 self has no effect on elementary students’ English proficiency. At the end of the paper, pedagogical implications and suggestions are discussed.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigates English teachers’ needs in relation to competency-enhancing in-service teacher training program. Two different surveys were conducted with English teachers in three school levels from primary to high school. The first survey consisted of an open-ended question to collect unstructured responses from teachers. The second survey was constructed based on the analysis of the first survey. A total of 1,111 teachers participated in the study (124 for the first survey, 987 for the second survey). The survey results are as follows: The needs analysis survey consisted of six factors that are English proficiency (five items), school curriculum (four items), teaching methodology (seven items), contents of teaching (six items), value (three items), and method for teacher training (six items). Second, there were statistically significant differences according to three school levels and years of teaching experience. This result suggests that more attention needs to be paid to different needs of English teachers so as to develop effective competency-enhancing English teacher training program. Pedagogical implications have been discussed.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes the results of ten foreign language anxiety (FLA) research papers from the Korean post-secondary EFL context. Its aim is to identify some of the methodological limitations that persist in such research in an effort to influence the epistemological perspectives and methodological approaches of future studies. A comprehensive summary of the FLA-associated factors, variables, and pedagogical implications reported in the respective research papers is presented. Discussions include a critical analysis of the traditional cognitivist approach to FLA research, addressing issues associated with attempts to isolate and objectively quantify the cognitive states of the students. Highlighted is the argument that, when the socio-cultural dimension of language learning is adequately accounted for, many of the underlying assumptions inherent to traditional FLA research become inescapably problematic. The study concludes by emphasizing the need to adopt holistic, interpretive, and social constructivist research perspectives through which the dynamic and ever-changing nature of human activity can be more fully accounted for, and by which the pedagogical implications remain deeply entwined with, rather than detached from, the context in which the language learning activity takes place.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of two types of corrective feedback (CF), recasts and metalinguistic feedback (implicit vs. explicit CF), on the development of implicit and explicit knowledge of English articles. It also examined the relationship between learners’ language aptitude, in particular language analytic ability, and their knowledge development through different types of CF. Six intact intermediate communication English classes (a total of 104 students and two English-speaking teachers) at a university participated in the present study. In CF groups, learners received recasts or metalinguistic feedback (MF) to the errors of the English articles during communicative activities, while no CF was given to the control group. The study employed a pretest-posttest-delayed posttest design, and four different tests were used to measure learner implicit and explicit knowledge. The study found both recasts and MF effective in the development of implicit knowledge and selective effects of recasts on the improvement of explicit knowledge. This suggests that both implicit and explicit CF bring about the development of implicit and explicit knowledge. In addition, language analytic ability was found to be closely related to learners’ gains through both CF and development of explicit and implicit knowledge of English articles.