
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 44

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The thermal conductivity (TC) of graphene-based/metal composites is currently not satisfactory because of the existence of large interfacial thermal resistance between graphene and metal originating from the strong scattering of phonons. In this work, 6063Al-alloy-based reduced graphene oxide (rGO) composite with strong covalent bonds interface was prepared via self-assembly, reduction, and electrophoresis-deposition processes by using 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTS) as a link agent. Structural characterizations confirmed the successful construction of strong Al-O-Si-O-C covalent bonds in the as-prepared 6063Al-Ag-APTS-rGO composite, which can promote the transfer of phonons in the interface. Benefiting from the unique structure, 6063Al-Ag-APTS-rGO (214.1 W/mK) showed obviously higher cross-plane TC than 6063Al (195.6 W/mK). Comparative experiments showed that 6063Al-Ag-APTS-rGO has better cross-plane TC than 6063Al/Ag/ APTS/rGO (196.6 W/mK) prepared via physical mixing of stirring process, evidencing the significance of electrophoresisdeposition (EPD) process on constructing strong covalent bonds for improving the heat dissipation performance. Besides, the effects of different rGO contents and test temperature on the TC of the composites and their corrosion resistance were also discussed. This work demonstrated a feasible strategy for the construction of metal–carbon interface composite with improved thermal performance.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pyrolysis of methane is a carbon-economic method to obtain valuable carbon materials and COx- free H2, under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. In this work, we propose a methane pyrolysis process to produce graphite and H2 using bubble column reactor containing NiO/Al2O3 and NaCl–KCl (molten salt). The process was optimized by the different amounts of NaCl–KCl, the CH4/ Ar ratio and temperature, indicating that the CH4 conversation rate could reach 92% at 900 °C. Meanwhile, we found that the addition of molten salt could obtain pure carbon materials, even if the conversation rate of CH4 decreases. The analysis of the carbon products revealed that graphite could be obtained.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 관광 산업과 문화 사업이 번성하는 대배경 하에, 유적지 기념 경 관의 가치는 국가 문화 공원 건설 과정에서 더욱 돋보여야 한다. 본 연 구는 문화 경관 이론의 관점에서, 쓰촨 원촨 대지진 유적 공원을 기념 관광 고전 지구로 삼아 연구 대상으로 하여, 유적 기념 경관에 대한 관 광객 지각의 구조 방정식 모델을 구축한다. 설문조사를 통해 관련 수칙 을 얻고 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 지각된 가치가 관광객 만족도와 긍정적 인 상관관계가 있으며, 만족도를 통해 간접적으로 충성도에 영향을 미친 다는 것을 발견했다. 지각된 품질과 전체 이미지는 지각된 가치의 중요 한 요소이며 서로 영향을 미친다. 지각된 품질은 경관, 교육, 서비스의 3 가지 차원을 포함하며, 유적지 본체 외에도, 관광객들은 경관 조각, 경관 장치, 상징적 경관, 문화 창조 제품 및 교육 체험에 대한 지각이 높아, 지각된 가치를 향상시키는 중요한 요소이다. 전체 이미지는 인지 및 감 정의 2가지 차원을 포함하며, 지각된 가치를 통해 간접적으로 충성도에 영향을 미친다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 사례 지역에서 관광객 지 각을 향상시키기 위한 대책 및 제안을 시도하였다.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Refined structured tin dioxide gets the amount of attraction because of its low cost and stability. The C@SnO2 nanospheres with mesoporous structures were produced using the hard template method in this work. The C@SnO2 is primarily gained attributed to the dehydration condensation of C6H12O6 and the hydrolysis of SnCl4 ·5H2O. The morphology of the C@SnO2 was analyzed by physical characterization and the diameter of the obtained C@SnO2 was around 138 nm. When C@SnO2 was applied to lithium-ion batteries as anode material, it performed outstanding electrochemical properties, with a capacity of 735 and 539 mA h g− 1 maintained at 1000 and 2000 mA g− 1, respectively. Furthermore, it exhibits favorable discharge/ charge cycle stability. This is probably because of the more chemically redox active sites provided by C@SnO2 nanocomposites and it also allows fast ion diffusion and electron migration.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, is one of important agricultural pests that attack a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Adult female can cause direct damage by laying eggs under the skin of fruits and vegetables. The eggs hatch into larvae that feed in the decaying flesh of the agricultural crops. Damaged fruits and vegetables quickly become inedible or dropto the ground. We investigated the oviposition characteristics of B. dorsalis on twelve fruits and seven vegetables. B. dorsalis marked the oviposition places on every crop tested. B. dorsalis laid eggs into the fruits and vegetables except lemon and passionfruit. We examined the adult emergence from infested crops.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Graphene exhibits high carrier mobility and concentration as well as other remarkable properties. Among them, the thermal behaviors of phonon modes play important roles in the application of optical and electronic devices. Here, A–A stacked graphene were proved well by Raman investigation on G and 2D modes. Temperature-dependent Raman scattering measurements on graphene with various number of layers on different substrates were conducted in the temperature range of 80–460 K. The first-order temperature coefficient of single layer graphene (SLG) on SiO2/ Si substrate is obviously smaller than that on Cu foil, indicating that the substrate effect attributes a great impact on graphene phonon temperature dependence. The first-order temperature coefficients of multilayer graphene linearly decrease as the number of layers increases, attributed to the reduction of substrate effect in phonon behaviors, rather than to the anharmonic phonon–phonon (ph–ph) coupling or thermal expansion.
        2022.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Professor Shen Wei’s new book-Decoding Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties-has vividly depicted a vibrant China in bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and BIT arbitrations. The observations, analyses and findings in his book are supported with abundant empirical evidence and critical theoretical explorations. The ground-breaking contribution made by this book lies in demystifying the patterns inherent in China’s BIT law and practice and adopting versatile methodology to address the literature gap identified by the author. This book not only explores the symbiotic relationship between China’s domestic governance and global BIT networks, but also coherently addresses four inter-connected puzzles relating to Chinese BITs. Professor Shen’s study shows that China and its investors will be proactive rule-makers and active rule-users in the arena of international investment law and investorstate arbitration. This new book will surely be an invaluable inspiration for practitioners, scholars and other persons who have interest in this field.
        2021.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On October 29, 2020, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) pointed out that traditional and non-traditional security should be coordinated, and security development should be integrated into all areas and processes of national development. Terrorism as an escalating threat factor in non-traditional security issues, anti-terrorism has become an important component of maintaining social security and stability, safeguarding people's lives and implementing national security strategy. Focusing on the "14th five-year plan" and the overall national security concept, through analyzing the overall environment of China's current counter-terrorism intelligence, and using the PEST-SWOT model to probe into the strengths and weaknesses of China's counter -terrorism intelligence information security. A scientific and reasonable international coordination and Cooperation Mechanism of counter-terrorism intelligence is put forward to provide an important guarantee for the modernization of counter-terrorism intelligence system and adherence to the overall national security concept.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study presented in the article is focused on use of graphene obtained by novel microwave-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MECVD) method as a construction material for 3D porous structures—aerogels and sponges. MECVD graphene nanoplatelets-based aerogels were obtained by mixing MECVD graphene nanoplatelets and chitosan, dissolved in 3% acetic acid followed by its freeze drying and carbonization at 800° in inert medium. Surface morphology of aerogels was characterized by SEM. MECVD graphene nanoplatelets-based aerogels are characterized by a porous structure; they are superhydrophobic and possess high sorption capacity with regard to organic liquids of different densities. Polyurethane sponges coated with MECVD graphene can serve as an alternative to aerogels. The process of their obtaining is cheaper and less complicated. They were obtained by facile “dip-coating” method, modifying its surface to increase its hydrophobicity. The resulting sponges are superhydrophobic and superoleophilic, and demonstrate high rate of sorption of organic liquids and can be easily regenerated by squeezing. In addition, they can be used as a separating material in conjunction with vacuum system for continuous and selective collection of organic liquids from the surface of water.
        2019.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현존하는 한자구조의 분석이론은 그 유형과 명칭이 매우 복잡하고 많을 뿐만 아니라, 글자를 식별하고 쓰고 듣는 교육에 있어 그 효과를 알기 어렵다. 여기에서 필자는 간단하고 쉬운 방법으로 축을 이용하는 법을 제시한다. 한자 구조를 가로축, 세로축 및 십자 축으로 하고, 한자를 서로 다른 원수 및 층 유형의 글자로 구분하였다. 중국어, 일어, 한국어의 한자 및 베트남 한자에 대한 다양한 시험을 통해 이 분석 방법이 중화권에서 사용되는 여러 한자와 간화자, 일본 한자, 한국 한자 및 베트남 한자 연구에 활용될 수 있음을 증명하였다. 제시한 양축분석법은 한자와 자의 자음의 이해 및 학습에 있어 보다 진일보한 효과를 형성하여 한자 학습의 난제를 극복하는 데 도움될 것으로 기대한다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The red imported fire ant (RIFA, Solenopsis invicta), an exotic species, detected in Taiwan in 2003 was originally from USA. A program was launched immediately under Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine Council of Agriculture (BAPHIQ) in 2004 for RIFA management. The National Red Imported Fire Ant Control Center (NRIFACC) helps the BAPHIQ to integrate/coordinate the RIFA eradication program which involves every governmental department, however the actual implementation of prevention and control work is the local government. It has made a significant progress in public education, since our general public can recognize RIFA accurately now and succeed to localize RIFA in Northern Taiwan. However, nationwide RIFA eradication is still far from success, the major constraints of the eradication program in Taiwan include (1) RIFA had likely been in Taiwan longer than reported, (2) difficulty to detect incipient infestation, (3) mass reproductive queens that can spread over 10-20 km after nuptial flight, (4) movement control is not easy to perform, (5) man power or company for chemical treatment is not enough, (6) funding is insufficient to allow success, (7) meteorological condition disfavors the control practice. Fortunately, we have developed humidity resistant baits that could enhance the control efficiency of RIFA in humid or wet conditions and resolve the weather constraints of RIFA and other invasive ants control in wet tropical and subtropical habitats. For the success of NRIFACC eradication efforts, participation of all stakeholders would remain a very important strategy in the future. In particular, a centralized team would further facilitate the management of RIFA. Moreover, due to the increasing in international trades and the recent detection of RIFA in Japan and Korea, an international efforts and cooperation on RIFA management is a key issue to control global movements of RIFA.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nostalgia refers to the sentimental longing for the valued past (Sedikides, Wildschut, & Baden, 2004). It is considered a bittersweet emotion, involving both wistful joy and sadness (Sedikides et al., 2004). Nostalgia is also a social emotion. Nostalgic memories typically center on social activities involving the self and close others (Wildschut et al., 2010). Prior research has mainly focused on the social and emotional nature of nostalgic narratives, and researchers have only recently started to investigate the motivations triggered by the process of recalling nostalgic narratives. For example, recalling a nostalgic event can heighten people’s motivation to savor such an experience and prolong it (Huang, Huang, & Wyer, 2016). In the current research, we posit that thinking about nostalgic events can trigger another motivation, namely, a desire to revive the past. Whenever people experience nostalgic feelings, they are likely to perceive differences between the present and their memorable past and desire to go back in time (Hepper et al., 2012; Sedikides et al., 2004). This motivation, once activated, can lead people to take actions to change their current state in the hope of reviving the past (Koole & Jostmann, 2004; Kuhl, 1985). This tendency of taking actions to make changes may generalize to subsequent unrelated situations (Kruglanski et al., 2002), and consequently increase consumer switching behavior (Jiang, Zhan, & Rucker, 2014). These predictions were tested across five studies in various consumption contexts. Our findings contribute to consumer research in two important ways, (a) by demonstrating a novel motivational impact of nostalgia on consumer behavior, and (b) by delineating a systematic influence of an unexplored but pervasive emotional factor— nostalgia—on consumer switching behavior. This research also offers practical implications. Conventional wisdom suggests that nostalgia can make consumers prefer products reminiscent of the “old days”. Our findings show that nostalgia can have broader implications for consumer choices and marketers may use it to manage consumer switching behavior.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of converting the results obtained using different rutting performance tests. The correlation between the three simulation tests was analysed to determine the conversion coefficient factor. Two parameters (temperature and speed of simulation testing) were evaluated in this study. The results of this study have shown that the values obtained in the SALS test were lower than those obtained in the HWTT and UKWTT. The conversion of the SALS test results to the HWTT results yielded a good propensity value. The temperature is important parameter for determining the conversion coefficient factor.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Logistics project scheduling problem in indeterminate environment is gaining more and more attention in recent years. One effective way to cope with indeterminacy is to develop robust baseline schedule. There exist many related researches on building robust schedule in stochastic environment, where historical data is sufficient to learn probability distributions. However, when historical data is not enough, precise estimation on variables may be impossible. This kind of indeterminate environment can be described by uncertainty according to uncertainty theory. Related researches in uncertain environment are sparse. In this paper, our aim is to solve robust project scheduling in uncertain environment. The specific problem is to develop robust schedule with uncertain activity durations for logistics project. To solve the problem, an uncertain model is built and an intelligent algorithm based on simulated annealing is designed. Moreover, we consider a logistics project as a numerical example and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm.
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