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        검색결과 452

        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The spatial and temporal distributions of phosphorus and nitrogen and a number of physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed to in the Youngsan and the Sumjin River systems, Korea. Substantial amount of P and N was observed in both the rivers all the year round. Mean N/P ratios showed large variations among the sampling sites; highest ratio was observed in most sampling sites during summer. Relative proportions of DOP: TP were fairly constant (0.08~0.09) in both the rivers. In the composition of nitrogen almost all sampling sites of both the rivers were dominated with NO3-N followed by NH3-N and NO2-N. Variations in dissolved nutrients tended to co-vary with particulate forms (PON and POP), implying that dissolved nutrients are primarily released from the decomposition of particulate forms or dissolved forms are in equilibrium with particulate forms. Chlorophyll a levels in the Sumjin River appear to be negatively correlated with the ammonia, implying ammonia is absorbed by algae with preference. While chlorophyll a was positively correlated with TP and DIP in the Sumjin River, negative correlations of these parameters was observed in the Youngsan River. The pattern of nutrients level was found to be related with land use and domestic sewage in the study area. Inter-parameter relationships may be strongly influenced by geographical factors relative to temporal factors.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Vietnam, the moths were reported by some foreign entomologist such as de Joannis (1900), Ronkay (1989), Speidel & Kononenko (1998), Park et al. (2006), and Lien et al. (2008). In 1928 -1929 de Joannis created the original data of moths. His final reports on Lepidoptera were 45 families, 611 species of Noctuidae, and 461 species of Pyralidae. After the Vietnam War in North (1954), many times were collected in North Vietnam by National Institute of Plant Protection (NIPP). But all of them focused on fauna of the agricultural pests. According to the publication of NIPP (1967-1968), 533 species of 37 families of which there were 91 species of Noctuidae in the North Vietnam and some other moths known as the insect pests have been reported. In 1977 there were 77 species of Pyralidae known as the insect pests in the North Vietnam. The purpose of this study is to assess diversity of Lepidoptera order and to clarify the fauna in the Northern part of Vietnam, base on the Korea Vietnam collaborative insect-research project (2004-2006). The collecting have been conducted in four National Parks (Tam Dao, Cuc Phuong, Ba Be, and Bach Ma) Given results of the survey in the North of Vietnam from 2002 to 2006, 816 species of Lepidoptera classified by 4 families; Noctuidae (564 species), Pyraloidae (201 species), Sphingidae (28 species), and Lecithoceridae (23 species). Many of the identified species of macro-moths including Noctuidae, Pyraloidae and Lecithoceridae are known as the very newest one in Vietnam.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        DNA barcode is known to be successfully applied in identification on the members of Insecta. In recent studies, however, it was known that the DNA approach may fail in several taxa with following cases: (1) very recent speciation and hybridization, (2) recent diverged groups with complex gene histories, (3) the spread of maternally transmitted bacteria, (4) adding more than one geographical race and at least one congener, (5) different levels of dispersal. In this study, we taxonomically review on the Korean Hatchiana using the morphological data and DNA barcodes. In morphology, they are distinct from each other by the characteristics of body coloration, eye, pronotum, scutellum, and aedeagus. In molecular data, however, the interspecific sequence distance ranged from 0.0-3.4%. This result is caused by H. glochidiatus, of which the sequence divergence is 0.2-2.8% in H. rosinae, 0.8-2.6% in H. baekripoensis, and 0.0-3.3% in H. jirisanensis. Also, H. glochidiatus produces mixed-clusters with H. rosinae and H. jirisanensis in NJ phenogram. Through this presentation, therefore, we discuss on why the four Korean Hatchiana species distinct by morphological characters produce mixed-clusters in DNA barcoding.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon fibers are a new breed of high-strength materials. The existence of carbon fiber came into being in 1879 when Edison took out a patent for the manufacture of carbon filaments suitable for use in electric lamps. However, it was in the early 1960s when successful commercial production was started, as the requirements of the aerospace industry for better and lightweight materials became of paramount importance. In recent decades, carbon fibers have found wide applications in commercial and civilian aircraft, along with recreational, industrial, and transportation markets as the price of carbon fiber has come down and technologies have matured. The market for carbon fiber has experienced a good growth in recent years. The growth rate for the last 23years was about 12%. The article reviewed 9,641 Korea, U.S., Japan, Europe patents issued in the carbon fibers in order to offer additional insight for researchers and companies seeking to navigate carbon fiber patent landscape. This article will provide you with all the valuable information and tools you will need to investigate your study successfully within the carbon fiber field. This article also will save you hundreds of hours of your own personal research time and will significantly benefit you in expanding your business in the carbon fiber market.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Genus Hellinsia Tutt, 1905 is the largest group of the tribe Oidaematophorini (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, Platyptilinae). The genus is mostly distributed in the Neotropical region and Nearctic region, and partly in the Palaearctic and Afrotripical regions, with more than 190 described species from all over the world (Gielis, 2003). Among them, approximately 30 species of the genus Hellinsia Tutt have been reported in the Palaeartic region, including 9 species of Japan, 14 of Russia, and 15 of China. However, it has been poorly known from Korea to date, with only 4 known species: 2 species (H. lienigianus (Zeller) and H. distinctus (Herrich-Schffer) from South Korea (Park 1993, 1994) and 2 species (Hellinsia albidactylus (Yano) and H. lateolus (Yano)) from North Korea (Arenberger, 1991). This study is aimed to review all known species of the genus Helinsia Tutt in the Korean Peninsula, with three previously unrecorded species: Hellinsia ishiyamanus (Matsumura), H. Kuwayamai (Matsumura), and H. nigridactyla (Yano). Material examined in this study are preserved in the Insect collection, Korea National Arboretum, Korea. Consequently, 7 species, in total, are recorded from the Korean Peninsula.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Gracillariidae belonging to Gracillarioidea comprises more than 2,000 described species of 75 genera in the world (Davis & Robinson, 1999). The members of the family are mostly small-sized moths, which can be distinguished by a short (2-10mm in length) and lanceolated narrow wing with prominent cilia. The larvae of the family have been known as leaf-miner and hypermetamorphic development in larval stages. In Korea, it has been recorded 39 species of 11 genera by several researchers (Nakayama & Okamoto, 1940; Ko, 1969; Park, 1975; Park et al. 1977; Kumata & Park, 1978; Park, 1983; Kumata et al., 1983; Park & Han, 1986). Recently, Sohn (2007) reported 6 species without descriptions and detail information for the species. However, it is necessary to investigate and review the Korean Gracillarid moths, due to their lack knowledge from Korea to date, comparing with Japanese fauna, which contains 225 known species from Japan (http://www. jpmoth.org/). In this study, three species, Cloptilia heringi Kuroko, Phyllonryeter cavella (Zeller), and P. tritorrhecta (Meyrick), of the family Gracillariidae aree reported for the first time from Korea.
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Our previous study showed that transgenic (TG) pigs harboring human EPO (hEPO) gene have been shown to have reproductive disorders, including low pregnancy rates, irregular estrus cycle and low little size. To investigate these reasons, we assessed estrus behavior (standing response) and plasma 17B-estradiol (E2) level, which partly reflect reproductive function, during the estrus cycles after synchronization and superovulation by hormone treatments. Then, we analysed blood composition and expression of hEPO gene in TG pigs. Pigs were injected with PG600. After 10 days, pigs were fed with Regumate porcine for 6 days. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein. Analysis of blood composition and E2 level were measured by Hemavet 950 and E2 ELISA kit, respectively. And, the expression of hEPO gene in reproductive organs was quantitated by real-time RT-PCR. The percentage of estrus behavior in TG was significantly decreased. Hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and red blood cell (RBC) number were significantly higher in TG than wild type (WT). On the other hand, high expression of hEPO gene in TG was observed in the mammary gland as well as in the uterus. Moreover, plasma E2 level was significantly higher in TG than WT. These results suggest that nonspecific expression of hEPO gene in the other organs of TG may affect blood composition and plasma E2 level, thereby causing reproductive disorders.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera) commonly known as 'plume moths' is cosmopolitanand comprises 1,136 species in the world (Gielis, 2003). Of these, approximately 250 species are known in the Palaearctic Region (Arenberger, 1995). In Korea, since two species of the family, Platyptilia rhododactyla (Denis et Schiffermller)) and P. suigensis Matsumura were reported by Matsumura (1931) and Park (1983) listed 7 species for the fauna of Korea, excepting P. suigensis, no additional species has been reported from Korea. The genus Nippoptilia, belonging to subfamily Platyptilinae,is a small group with only 7 described species in the world. Of them, 4 species Nippoptilia eochrodes (Meyrick), N. issikii Yano, N. minor Hori, and N. vitis (Sasaki) have been known in the Palearctic Region (Gielis 2003), distributing 3species from Japan (Gielis, 2003) and a single species from China, and N. vitis (Sasaki) from Korea respectively. This paper is aimed to review all known species of the genus Nippoptilia in Korea, based on material deposited in all available collections in Korea. All the type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Insect collection, Korea National Arboretum, Korea.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Adelidae, commonly known as 'Fairy Long-horn moths' is a group of primitive monotrysian moths belonging to superfamily Incurvaroidea. Based on the material in the collections of the Kangwon Nat. University, Incheon University, and Korea National Arboretum, Korea, we found that three species Nematopogon dorsigurella (Erschoff, 1877), Nemophora decisella (Walker, 1863), and Nemophora smaragdaspis (Meyrick, 1924) are known for the first time from Korea. Taxonomic notes and photographs of adults and male and/or female genitalia for newly known species are illustrated.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recent taxonomic works on Lecithoceridae in the South East Asia by author, which published or will be published in 2008, are listed as follows and will be summarized. From these studies, 3new genera of the family including 23 new species are described from the Philippines and Thailand. 1. New genus Pectinimua Park, with description of four new species (Lepid., Lecithoceridae)/KT Park & BK Byun- Florida Entom. 91(1): 110-115. 2. A world review of Homaloxestis Meyrick (Lepid., Lecithoceridae)/KT Park, C. Wu, & A. Kun- Lepidoptera Rev. (accepted) 3. A new genus ChrysonasmaPark (Lepid., Lecithoceridae), with description of a new species from the Philippines/KT Park & BK Byun- Florida Entom (accepted) 4. A review of Torodora recurvata species-group (Lepid., Lecithoceridae), with ten new species from the Philippines/KT Park- Entom. Science (accepted) 5. A new genus Notialis Park, with description of two new species (Lepid., Lecithoceridae) from the Philippines/KT Park & MY Kim Proc. Entom. Soc. Wash. (submitted). 6. Four new species of Torodora Meyrick and a new species of AntiochthaMeyrick from the Philippines (Lepid., Lecithoceridae)/KT Park- J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. (submitted). 7. An additional new species of the monotypic genus Anaxyrina Meyrick (Lepid., Lecithoceridae)/KT Park- Kor. J. Syst. Zool. (submitted).
        2008.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경주 방폐장은 궁극적으로 80만 드럼의 폐기물을 수용하는 처분시설이다. 대부분 국외 처분시설의 경우도 정확히 완충의 의미가 아니더라도 관리의 정도를 차별하기 위하여 구역을 나누어 관리하는 것이 일반적이다. 국내 처분시설에서의 완충공간 설정에 대한 규제요건은 운영 중에는 원자력발전소와 크게 다르지 않아 운영중 정상운영 및 사고시 처분시설 제한구역 경계에서의 설계목표치나 성능목표치의 만족여부가 가장 주요한 요건이 된다. 폐쇄 후에의 완충공간의 의미는 제도적 관리기간 중에 부주의한 침입자가 침입하는 행위를 방지하는 최소한의 영역으로 설정될 수 있다. 부주의한 침입행위 중 직접적으로 피폭을 유발할 가능성이 가장 높은 우물이용 시나리오에 대한 안전성 평가결과가 운영중 평가결과를 바탕으로 설정된 완충공간에 적용하여도 충분히 성능목표치 만족함을 보임으로써 적합성을 확인한다. 현재 본격적인 건설을 앞둔 경주 처분시설의 완충공간 설정에도 동일한 절차와 개념이 적용되었고 규제요건과 방사선방어적으로 만족하는 구간이 설정되었다. 단, 처분시설의 활용면적은 향후 수십년간 점차로 증가하면서 그 형태가 변하게 될 것이다. 처분시설의 처분방식이나 처분용량이 달라지게 되면 10만 드림의 처분을 기준으로 설정한 제한구역이나 완충공간은 향후 변동될 것이 확실함에 따라 이에 대한 고려도 추후 반드시 필요하다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전세계 주요 원자력선진국들의 사용후핵연료 처리에 대한 기술 및 정책현황을 알아보고 향후 우리나라의 연구방향을 제시해 보았다. 재처리 정책을 가진 소위 핵연료주기 국가들은 최근 선진핵 연료주기기술에 기초한 새로운 사용후핵 연료 관리정책을 발표하였다. 그 정책은 사용후핵연료 내에 함유된 우라늄 또는 초우란 원소들을 재순환하고 고독성의 방사성 물질 및 장반감기를 가진 물질들을 소멸하거나 단반감기 원소로 변환하는데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이러한 정책은 원자력의 자원 활용성을 높일 뿐만 아니라, 영구 처분할 고준위폐기물의 양을 감소시켜 궁극적으로 원자력의 지속가능성을 높여 준다. PUREX 방법에 기초한 습식재처리를 우선순위로 선택한 대부분의 국가들은 이 습식방법이 건식방법에 비해 실용화에 앞서 있음을 그 선택 의 근거로 든다. 그러나 습식방법은 건식에 비해 핵확산저항성 측면에서 더욱 민감하다. 왜냐하면 이 습식방법은 약간의 공정수정에 의해 순수 플루토늄을 회수 할 수 있기 때문이다. 반면에 아직까지 실용화 단계까지는 도달해 있지 않지만 고온 용융염을 사용하는 Pyroprocess와 같은 건식처리 방법은 순수한 플루토늄을 회수 할 수 없어서 핵비확산성 측면에서 유리하며, 제4세대 원자로로 고려되는 고속로의 핵연료주기 등에도 여러 가지 이점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 우리나라의 경우 현재 이 Pyroprocess에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다.