
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 28

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate immune changes by comparing the proportion and function of immune cells in the blood under high-temperature period and convalescence temperature period in Holstein dairy cows. The experiment was conducted using Holstein dairy cows of five animals per group (60 ± 20 months old, 175 ± 78 non-day) from the National Institute of Animal Science at high-temperature period (THI: 76 ± 1.2) and convalescence temperature period (THI: 66 ± 1.3). Complete blood count results showed no change in the number of immune cells between groups. In the analysis using Flow Cytometry of PBMCs, no significant differences were observed among B cells, Helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells, and γδ T cells between groups. However, there was an increase in Th17 cells producing IL-17a, while Th1 cells decreased during the convalescence temperature period. The results of gene expression analysis using qRT-PCR in PBMCs revealed an increase in IL-10 during the convalescence temperature period, while a decrease in HSP70 and HSP90 was observed. In conclusion, the increased expression of IL-10 and the decrease in HSP expression suggest the possibility of a weak recovery from heat stress. However, the lack of observed changes in B cells, T cells, and other immune cells indicates incomplete recovery from heat stress during the convalescence temperature period.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the effect of heat-stressed environment on rumen microbial diversity in Holstein cows. Rectal temperature and respiration rate were measured and rumen fluid was collected under normal environment (NE; Temperature humidity index (THI)=64.6) and heat-stressed environment (HE; THI=87.2) from 10 Holstein cows (60±17.7 months, 717±64.4 kg) fed on the basis of dairy feeding management in National Institute of Animal Science. The rumen bacteria diversity was analyzed by using the Illumina HiSeq™ 4000 platform. The rectal temperature and respiratory rate were increased by 1.5゚C and 53 breaths/min in HE compared to that in NE, respectively. In this study, HE exposure induced significant changes of ruminal microbe. At phylum level, Fibrobacteres were increased in HE. At genus level, Ruminococcaceae bacterium P7 and YAD3003, Butyrivibrio sp. AE2032, Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium NK3D112, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum, Lachnospiraceae bacterium FE2018, XBB2008, and AC2029, Eubacterium celulosolvens, Clostridium hathewayi, and Butyrivibrio hungatei were decreased in HE, while Choristoneura murinana nucleopolyhedrovirus, Calothrix parasitica, Nostoc sp. KVJ20, Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047, Fibrobacter sp. UWB13 and sp. UWB5, Lachnospiraceae bacterium G41, and Xanthomonas arboricola were increased in HE. In conclusion, HE might have an effect to change the rumen microbial community in Holstein cows.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was aimed to determine the effects of hybrid and inoculant on in vitro rumen digestibility and rumen fermentation indices of corn silage. Two corn hybrids(Kwangpyeongok (KW) vs. Pioneer 1543(PI)) were ensiled for 100 days with two inoculants(L. plantarum(LP) vs. L. buchneri(LB)) applied at 1.2 × 105 cfu/g of fresh forage. Silages were incubated in rumen fluid medium at 39℃ for 72 hours. Both of KW and PI had no difference(p>0.05) on in vitro digestibility of dry matter(IVDMD) and neutral detergent fiber(IVNDFD), while application of LB produced higher(p<0.05) IVDMD and IVNDFD than LP. Hybrid and inoculant applications did not affect(p>0.05) total gas volume, ammonia-N, total VFA, and acetate concentrations in the rumen. Applied LB was higher(p<0.05) propionate concentration than LP, while hybrids had no effect(p>0.05). Furthermore, the interaction effect(p<0.05) was occurred in propionate concentration. Butyrate concentration did not affected(p>0.05) by hybrid and inoculant applications, but there was an interaction effect between hybrid and inoculant(p<0.05). Applications of hybrid and inoculant had effects(p<0.05) on iso-butyrate and valerate, without any interaction effects(p>0.05). This study concluded that application of KW and PI has no effects on in vitro rumen digestibility and rumen fermentation indices of corn silage, while application of LB increase the rumen digestibility in both of corn hybrids.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between changes of rumen microflora and bloat in Jersey cow. Jersey cows (control age: 42 months, control weight: 558kg; treatment age: 29 months, treatment weight 507kg) were fed on the basis of dairy feeding management at dairy science division in National Institute of Animal Science. The change of microbial population in rumen was analyzed by using next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies due to metabolic disease. The diversity of Ruminococcus bromii, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum, Bifidobacterium merycicum and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens known as major starch fermenting bacteria was increased more than 36-fold in bloated Jersey, while cellulolytic bacteria community such as Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus albus and Ruminococcus flavefaciens was increased more than 12-fold in non-bloated Jersey. The proportion of bacteroidetes and firmicutes was 33.4% and 39.6% in non-bloated Jersey’s rumen, while bacteroidetes and firmicutes were 24.9% and 55.1% in bloated Jersey’s. In conclusion, the change of rumen microbial community, in particular the increase in starch fermenting bacteria, might have an effect to occur the bloat in Jersey cow.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study were to characterize the physicochemical properties of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) and the optimum extract processing condition to increase the solubilization efficiency of 6-gingerol and polysaccharides disintegration. The physicochemical properties were investigated under high-pressure enzyme (HP) and enzyme (WB) treatment conditions such as reaction time (1, 2, 3 h), pressure (50, 70, 100 MPa) and sample types, and cell wall degradation enzyme (hemicellulase, cellulase, pectinase, glucosidase, etc.) The effect of high-pressure enzyme treatment depending on sample types was significantly highest in the freeze-dried ginger powder. The optimum condition for high-pressure enzyme treatment was with Pectinex Ultra SP-L (Pec) enzymes for 2 h at 50oC and 100 MPa. Water soluble indexes increased 4.6 and 3.8 times more compared to CON (15.35%) while total polyphenol contents increased by 1.8 and 1.7 times compared to CON (1.43%). The total contents of indicator components such as 6, 8, 10-gingerol and shogaol was 1.53%, increasing 2.7 times more compared to CON (0.57%) with a significant difference (p<0.001). The high-pressure and enzymatic approach described in this study would be beneficial to food industries for developing ginger functional product and materials.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 분만간격에 따른 추가 착유일수를 계산하여 불완전 Gamma모형으로 추정된 비유곡 선모수값을 통하여 추가 착유일 만큼의 산유량을 계산하고, 추가 착유에 따른 경제성을 분석하기 위함 이다. 경제성 분석을 위하여 농협중앙회 젖소개량사업소에서 진행하고 있는 유우군 능력검정사업에 참 여하고 있는 홀스타인 젖소로부터 조사한 착유기록 2,072개를 분석하였는데, 분석에 이용된 착유기록은 2010년 1월부터 2012년 12월 사이에 분만한 초산우 및 경산우로부터 자료이다. 비유곡선 모수는 Wood 모형을 적용하여, SAS 9.2 NLIN Procedure를 이용해 추정하였다. Wood 모형으로 추정한 비유곡선 함수는 초산우 및 경산우에 대해 각각 yt = 18.00t0.189e-0.00231t 및 yt = 24.73t0.181e-0.00315t로 추정되었다. 초산 우의 경우 산유량이 8,000kg 이하인 우군의 적정 분만간격은 400일 이하로 유지하는 것이 바람직하며, 8,000kg 이상인 우군은 분만간격을 400일에서 500일 사이로 유지하는 것이 바람직하다. 경산우의 경 우 산유량이 9,000kg 우군은 적정 분만간격을 400일 이하로 유지하고, 9,000kg 이상인 우군의 분만간 격은 400일에서 500일 사이로 유지하는 것이 바람직하겠으며, 11,000kg 이상의 고능력 경산우 우군의 경우 분만간격이 길어질수록 순수이익은 증가하나, 차기 임신 및 분만을 위해서는 분만간격을 450일에 서 500일 사이로 유지하는 것이 바람직하다고 할 수 있겠다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was aimed to evaluate the dose-response the effects of nano-encapsulated conjugated linoleic acids(CLAs) on in vitro ruminal fermentation profiles. A fistulated Holstein cow was used as a donor of rumen fluid. Nano-encapsulated CLAs(LF, 5% of nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA; HF, 10% of nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA; LT, 5% of nano-encapsulated CLA-TG; HT, 10% of nano-encapsulated CLA-TG) were added to the in vitro ruminal fermentation experiment. In the in vitro ruminal incubation test, the total gas production on incubation with nano-encapsulated CLAs was increased significantly according to the incubation time, compared with the control(p<0.05). The tVFA concentrations on addition of LF and HT were significantly higher than that of the control(p<0.05). Thus, nano-encapsulated CLAs might improve the ruminal fermentation characteristics without adverse effects on the incubation process. In addition, the population of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens which is closely related to ruminal biohydrogenation was increased by adding HT, while decreased by adding LF at 12 h incubation. These results showed that nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA could be applied to enhance CLA levels in ruminants by maintaining the stability of CLA without causing adverse effects on ruminal fermentation profiles considering the optimal dosage.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 추청벼를 이용하여 총체 벼 사일리지를 조제 하였을 때 총체 벼 사일리지의 사료가치 및 부위별 소화율 을 조사하여 총체 벼의 이용성을 검정하기 위하여 수행되 었다. 총체 벼 사일리지의 무기물 함량은 망간이 가장 높 았으며 탄소, 철, 아연, 구리 등 순으로 나타났다. 그리고 마그네슘 함량이 가장 낮게 나타났다. 추청벼 총체 사일리 지의 아미노산은 glutamic acid 함량이 가장 높았으며 leucine, asparagine, alanine, valine, arginine 순으로 나타났 다. 그리고 methionine 함량이 가장 낮았다. 추청벼 총체 사일리지 부위(총체 벼, 낟알을 제거한 줄기, 왕겨를 포함 한 낟알, 쌀)에 따른 시간별 반추위내 건물 소화율은 쌀이 가장 높았으며 왕겨를 포함한 낟알, 총체 벼, 낟알을 제거 한 줄기 등 순으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 추청 벼 총체 사일리지 소화율은 부위에 따라 약간의 차이를 보 였으며 무기물 중 망간 그리고 아미노산 중 glutamic acid 가 가장 높은 함량을 보였다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects on in situ ruminal degradation of feed protein sources (soybean meal, P-SBM; dried distillers grain with solubles, P- DDGS; wheat bran, P-WB) treated with protease as compared with conventional feed protein sources (soybean meal, SBM; dried distillers grain with solubles, DDGS; wheat bran, WB). There was no significant change in the chemical composition and amino acid profiles of enzyme treatment protein sources compared with the non-treated groups (p<0.05). But for treatment groups, the solid content and total amino acids were reduced by increasing the moisture content due to proteolytic conditions. On the entire incubation time in situ ruminal degradation rate of dry matter appeared higher in treatment groups compared to control groups (p<0.05), and that of the treatment groups suspended during 48 hours were in the order of P-SBM (97.70%), P-WB (74.26%) and P- DDGS (72.39%). In particular, DM degradation rate of enzyme treated DDGS significantly increased to 43.62%, 45.99%, 55.97%, 69.87% and 72.39%, respectively, incubated during 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours in rumen (p<0.05). Also protein degradation rate of P-WB and P-SBM significantly decreased compared to their respective non-treated sources; however, by contrast, in DDGS it was increased. For P-SBM, protein degradation rate significantly decreased at 6 and 12 hours, and for P-DDGS it was increased at 3 and 6 hours of suspension times in rumen (p<0.05). In particular, protein degradation rate of enzyme treated group suspended for 48 hours were in the order of P-SBM (91.81%), P-WB (86.36%) and P-DDGS (58.87%). This result suggests that protease treatment of feed protein sources might be utilized to increase the bypass ratio into post-rumen for wheat bran, soybean meal, and to improve the utilization of feed protein.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to elucidate changes in milk production, milk components and milk product properties as influenced by organic and conventional farming system. Milk production in transient organic feeding was lower by 7.6% than that in conventional feeding and also milk fat, milk protein content, solids not fat and somatic cell count were lower than conventional farming system. But, milk lactose content in transient organic feeding was higher than that in conventional feeding. Ca and Fe content in milk in organic feeding tended to be higher compared to conventional feeding. Linoleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids in milk in organic feeding was higher than those in conventional feeding and properties of milk products were improved in organic milk compared to conventional milk.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Substantial efforts have been made to manipulate ruminal environment in a hope to enhance ruminal fermentation efficiency for better ruminant productivity. Some of examples are methane inhibitors, antibiotics, microbial enzymes, fatty acids and/or lipid feeding, buffering agents, ionophores and probiotics. Of these efforts, the non-ionic surfactant (NIS) has been known for its stimulation to release enzymes from a range of anaerobic microbes. A series of studies were conducted 1) to evaluate NIS diluted with water and ethanol on in vitro ruminal fermentation and 2) to determine the influence of diluted NIS on digestibility of feedstuffs. In first experiment (Exp. 1), NIS was diluted with water or ethanol to measure its effects on in vitro microbial growth, ruminal enzyme activities and gas production by mixed ruminal microbial culture. The NIS was diluted with water or ethanol separately in a 1:5 ratio (w/v). Water and ethanol-diluted NIS with wheat flour were added with rice straw-based mixed ruminal microbial cultures at the rate of 2 ㎎ NIS/16 ㎖ McDougall buffer plus 4 ml ruminal fluid solution. The mixed ruminal microbial culture was run without any NIS addition as control. Addition of NIS either diluted with water or ethanol has significantly reduced the gas production in mixed ruminal microbial culture at 12 and 24 h of incubation. At 48 h post incubation, gas production was the highest with the addition of ethanol diluted NIS followed by water-diluted NIS and control. Carboxy methyl cellulase activity in rice straw-based mixed ruminal bacterial culture was significantly higher with the addition of ethanol-diluted NIS compared with the addition of water-diluted NIS and control at 24 and 72 h post incubation. In second in vitro experiment (Exp. 2), effects of addition of ethanol diluted NIS on dry matter (DM) digestibility of alfalfa hay, gas production, pH and cellular growth in mixed ruminal microbial culture were examined. Alfalfa hay based mixed ruminal microbial culture without any NIS addition was run as a control. The pH of mixed ruminal microbial culture was significantly lower than control at all post incubation sampling hours. In vitro DM digestibility of alfalfa hay was significantly higher with the addition of NIS compared with control. Gas production was significantly less with NIS addition compared with control at all post incubation sampling hours. Microbial growth in mixed ruminal microbial culture was significantly increased with the addition of NIS compared to control.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유산양의 에너지 및 단백질 이용성을 조사하기 위하여 대조구(A), TDN 증량구(B), 조단백질 증량구(C) 그리고 TDN 및 조단백질 증량구(D)로 구분하여 섭취량, 소화율과 질소 및 에너지 이용성을 시험하였다. 공시축은 유산양(Saanen, 평균체중 17.5kg, female) 12두를 공시하였고, 2008년 10월 20일부터 11월 9일까지 충남대학교 부설동물사육장에서 수행하였다. 건물 섭취량은 D구에서 가장 높았으며 B구가 C구보다 유의적으로 높
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of this experiment was to evaluate growth performance in dairy goats (Saanen) fed total mixed ration (TMR) of different nutrition levels. Twenty four growing female goats of 8 months of age were randomly assigned to one of four TMRs; low energy-low crude protein (CP) TMR (control), high energy-low CP TMR (T1), low energy-high CP TMR (T3) and high energy-high CP TMR (T4). The content of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and CP in the control diet were 64% and 12%. The TDN content of the high energy TMR was 72% and the CP content of the high CP TMR was 14%. Feed intakes were 1,194g, 1,060g and 1,124g for T1, T2 and T3, respectively, being higher than control (1,039g). Average daily gain was also numerically higher for T1 (170.2g), T2 (114.5g) and T3 (154.9g) than for control (109.0g). The difference of average daily gain between T1 and control was statistically significant (P<0.05). Although there were no significant differences in feed intake (% of body weight) between treatments, feed conversion ratios showed different responses; T1 (7.01) and T3 (7.26) being higher than T2 (9.26) and control (9.53). The increases of heart girth were 11.8㎝, 10.0㎝ and 11.4㎝ for T1, T2 and T3, respectively, being higher than control (8.1㎝).
        2000.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        성인 남자 963명, 여자 539명, 총 1, 502명에게 개고기 식용에 관한 설문조사를 한 다음 일차적으로 연령별, 성별로 나누고 SAS 시스템으로 통계처리하였다. 그 결과, 개고기를 먹어본 경험은 평균 83%였고, 그중 남자는 91.9%, 여자는 67.9%였다. 개고기를 먹게 된 이유는 남자는 `남을 따라 보신탕집에 가서`가 34.7%로 가장 높았고, 여자는 `집에서 먹기 때문에 따라 가서`가 25.6%로 가장 높았다. 개고기 식용에 대해서는 평균 86.3%가 찬성하였고, 그중 남자는 92.3%가, 여자는 72.1%가 찬성하였다. 개고기 식용을 반대하는 사람들의 의견은 남녀 모두 `비인간적이기 때문`이라는 이유가 가장 많았다. 식용견을 별도로 키우고 있다 는 사실은 남자는 79.5%가, 여자는 64.9%가 알고 있었다. 개고기 구입은 남녀 모두 `시장에서 잡아놓은 것을 사온다` 라는 답이 가장 많았다. 개고기 식용 비난에 대한 반대 이유로는 첫째로는 남녀 평균 `우리 고유의 음식문화이므로 남들이 시비걸 수 없다`가 가장 많았고, 둘째로는 `맛있기 때문`이었다.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was surveyed by 192 male and 238 female eating-out behaviours about western food in Seoul. The results were summarized as follows : The recognition degree about the western food was 14.2% in 「Know well」, 54.8% in 「Know somewhat」, 25.3% in 「Not know」 and was observed significance by sex, food expenses and dine-out expenses. The recognition degree about western food was observed more highly than expected and would be further more highly with westernized dietary culture. The information of concern and knowledge about western food was taken by mass-communication, book, school education, etc. and the answer marked significance by sex, age, school career. The majority of subjects had chosen Korean restaurants in dining-out and the western restaurants were favorable to twenties(20∼29) and thirties(30∼39). The frequency of western restaurants visits was 46% in 「1∼3times/month」, 39% in 「several times/year」 and the answer of frequency had significance by age, food expenses, and dine-out expenses. The choice of western A la carte menu restaurants was chicken restaurant(28%), cutlet restaurant(24%), hamburger R. (13%), pizza R. (19%), Spaghetti R. (9%). Hamburger restaurants were favorable to twenties and the majority of pizza restaurant chosen were high level by monthly income. Content to be improved in western food was 68% in 「proper taste in Korean」. Western cook should be improved properly in Korean tasting.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the quality properties depending on the cultivation methods (general, organic, pesticide-free) of yuza and its various parts (peel, pulp, seed). The contents of hesperidin were the highest in yuza feel grown by pesticide-free method (13.23 mg/g). The contents of naringin presented a higher content in the peel, especially which of the general (4.62 mg/g) showed the highest value. Vitamin C analysis showed the highest content in the peel, significantly varied according to the cultivation method and various parts (p<0.05). Vitamin C value was significantly highest in organic peel, which was 770.02 mg/100 g, whereas among the peel, the pulp and the seed were it the lowest in the seed. The content of total polyphenols were the highest in general peel (0.85 mg/g). Flavonoid content of pesticide-free seed was significantly higher than those of the other yuja samples which was 0.89 mg/g (p<0.05). The DPPH radical scavenging activity was relatively more active in the peel among the above-mentioned three parts, especially the pesticide-free peel was most active, which was 73.94%. The ABTS radical scavenging activity of organic peel was significantly active among the samples, which was 84.47% (p<0.05). Based on these results, it can be said that yuja has variety of useful components in the pulp and the seed as well as the peel: and thus it’s hight recommended to develop more varied yuja products.
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