This study investigated the effect of temperature deviation on the water-holding capacity, tenderness, lipid oxidation, and color stability of Korean Hanwoo (韓牛) beef during long-term aging. The striploins (M. longissimus lumborum) were aged for 56 days at 2±1oC (T1), 2±2oC (T2), or 2±3oC (T3). Drip loss and cooking loss were higher (p<0.05) in T3 than in T1 on day 56. The Warner-Bratzler shear force value was similar for all treatments during aging times. On day 56, the content of 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was higher (p<0.05) in T3 as compared to T1. The CIE L* and b* values were similar for all treatments, but the a* value was lower (p<0.05) in T3 than in T1 on the last day. These findings indicate that high temperature deviation adversely affects the water-holding capacity, lipid oxidation stability, and color stability of Hanwoo beef during long-term aging.
This study was performed to investigate the effect of heat-stressed environment on rumen microbial diversity in Holstein cows. Rectal temperature and respiration rate were measured and rumen fluid was collected under normal environment (NE; Temperature humidity index (THI)=64.6) and heat-stressed environment (HE; THI=87.2) from 10 Holstein cows (60±17.7 months, 717±64.4 kg) fed on the basis of dairy feeding management in National Institute of Animal Science. The rumen bacteria diversity was analyzed by using the Illumina HiSeq™ 4000 platform. The rectal temperature and respiratory rate were increased by 1.5゚C and 53 breaths/min in HE compared to that in NE, respectively. In this study, HE exposure induced significant changes of ruminal microbe. At phylum level, Fibrobacteres were increased in HE. At genus level, Ruminococcaceae bacterium P7 and YAD3003, Butyrivibrio sp. AE2032, Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium NK3D112, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum, Lachnospiraceae bacterium FE2018, XBB2008, and AC2029, Eubacterium celulosolvens, Clostridium hathewayi, and Butyrivibrio hungatei were decreased in HE, while Choristoneura murinana nucleopolyhedrovirus, Calothrix parasitica, Nostoc sp. KVJ20, Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047, Fibrobacter sp. UWB13 and sp. UWB5, Lachnospiraceae bacterium G41, and Xanthomonas arboricola were increased in HE. In conclusion, HE might have an effect to change the rumen microbial community in Holstein cows.
The objective of this study was to investigate changes in drying yield, pH, water activity, microbial growth, and storage stability of bottom rounds of Hanwoo beef under four different dry-aging treatments (T1–T4) as temperature (2~4℃), relative humidity (65~86%) and dry-aging period (20~90 d). The drying yield decreased by 83.13–97.05% as the drying period increased. Among the four treatments, there were no significant differences in drying yield after 60 d of dry-aging. The total plate aerobic counts (TPC) increased by 1.07–4.39 log colony-forming units (CFU)/g as the dry-aging period increased. Of the four treatments, T4 at 40, 60, and 90 d had significantly higher TPCs than those observed for the other treatments on the same days (p<0.05). As the period of dry-aging increased, pH values increased by 5.35– 5.88 for knuckle and 5.34–5.62 for sirloin muscle, and water activity values decreased. For knuckle and sirloin muscle, the water activity values at 40 d and 60 d of T1 and T4 were significantly higher than those of the other treatments on the same days (p<0.05). The thiobarbituric reactive substances and volatile basic nitrogen values of the aged products increased as the dry-aging period increased. The results of this study showed that dry-aging conditions such as those in the T2 or T3 treatments (with a gradual increase in temperature and humidity) for less than 60 d would be best for yield, reduction of microbial growth and storage stability by dry the muscle surface quickly at the beginning period. Further research should include meat quality and economic analysis for these conditions that examines the benefits of these dry-aged products for the end processor.
본 연구는 건조숙성 조건에 따른 한우 설도육의 이화학적 및 관능적 특성 변화를 조사하고자 수행하였다. 한우 거세 1등급 설도육 54개를 구입하여 온도(2℃, 4℃), 상대습도(65%, 75%, 85%) 및 건조숙성기간(10~90일)에 따라 4종(T1~T4)의 조건으로 나누어 건조숙성하면서 도가니살 및 보섭살의 육질특성과 삼각살을 포함한 관능특성을 비교하였다. 도가니 및 보섭살의 지방함량은 4개 처리구 모두에서 숙성기간이 증가함에 따라 유의적으로 증가하였다(p<0.05). 반면에 수분함량은 건조숙성기간이 증가함에 따라 도가니육은 T2와 T4, 보섭육은 T2에서 유의적으로 감소하였다(p<0.05). 도가니 및 보섭육의 육색은 건조숙성기간이 증가됨에 따라 4개의 처리구 모두 L값(백색도), a값(적색도), b값(황색도)이 유의적으로 감소하였다. 가열감량은 도가니육의 경우 T2만 건조숙성기간이 증가할수록 감소되는 경향이었고 나머지 3개 처리구는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 보섭육의 경우 가열감량은 처리구 4개 모두 건조숙성기간이 증가할수록 감소되는 경향이었다. 동일한 숙성일 내 처리구간 비교에서는 T2가 가열감량이 유의적으로 가장 낮았다. 전단력은 도가니육과 보섭육 모두 4개 처리구에서 건조숙성기간이 증가할수록 유의적으로 감소한 반면(p<0.05) 보수력은 유의적으로 증가하였다(p<0.05). 관능특성 변화에서 도가니육, 보섭육 및 삼각살은 건조숙성기간이 증가할수록 모든 처리구에서 연도가 증가하였다. 다즙성은 도가니육과 삼각살은 T2와 T4에서 증가하였고, 향미는 삼각살만 T2와 T4에서 증가하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 4개의 처리구에 대한 한우 설도육의 육질 및 관능특성 분석결과 전단력, 보수력 및 연도가 모두 향상되었으며 특히 처리구 2 조건은 가열감량과 관능적 기호도에서 더 유리하게 작용한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 한우 설도육은 온도와 습도를 단계적으로 상승시키면서 약 60일 이내로 하는 것이 육질, 맛과 경제성 면에서 적절할 것으로 생각된다.
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between changes of rumen microflora and bloat in Jersey cow. Jersey cows (control age: 42 months, control weight: 558kg; treatment age: 29 months, treatment weight 507kg) were fed on the basis of dairy feeding management at dairy science division in National Institute of Animal Science. The change of microbial population in rumen was analyzed by using next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies due to metabolic disease. The diversity of Ruminococcus bromii, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum, Bifidobacterium merycicum and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens known as major starch fermenting bacteria was increased more than 36-fold in bloated Jersey, while cellulolytic bacteria community such as Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus albus and Ruminococcus flavefaciens was increased more than 12-fold in non-bloated Jersey. The proportion of bacteroidetes and firmicutes was 33.4% and 39.6% in non-bloated Jersey’s rumen, while bacteroidetes and firmicutes were 24.9% and 55.1% in bloated Jersey’s. In conclusion, the change of rumen microbial community, in particular the increase in starch fermenting bacteria, might have an effect to occur the bloat in Jersey cow.
모든 난산 중 어미소의 원인으로 인한 난산이 24%를 차지한다. 난산으로 인한 어미소의 폐사율은 태아의 원인(13%)에 비해 어미소의 원인(32%)이 더 크다. 젖소 품종 중에서 홀스타인종의 난산 발 생율이 40%로 가장 높은데, 어미소 체중에 대한 송아지 체중의 비율이 홀스타인종의 경우 평균 7.1%(10% 이상인 경우도 있음)로 저지종의 5.6~6.3%에 비해 높기 때문이다(Holland와 Odde, 1992). 분만장애가 발생되면 분만 후에도 여러 가지 산후장애가 속발되어 도태율이 높아지는데, 유열 2 배, 난소낭종 3배, 좌측전위 2배, 후산정체 및 자궁염 2~3배의 위험성이 증가된다(Rajala와 Grohn, 1998). 따라서 본 연구는 분만 시 보조의 필요성 여부 및 보조의 시점을 판단하는 지표를 개발하 기 위하여 젖소와 한우를 대상으로 수행하였다. 송아지의 생시체중을 40kg 이하 및 41kg 이상으로 구분한 것은 40.3kg의 임계치를 넘으면 난산율이 크게 증가하고 사망률이 매우 높아진다는 Menissier와 Foulley(1979)의 보고에 근거한 것이다. 태아의 반응, 우설색깔 및 우설길이는 Hard (2008)의 방법에 따라 측정하였다. 태아의 반응은 태아의 혀를 꼬집었을 때, 태아가 반응하는 강도 를 기준으로 1(반응 없음), 2(약간 반응), 3(상당히 반응), 4(즉각 반응)로, 우설색깔은 17가지 색조 를 1∼3(어두움), 4∼9, 10∼17(밝음)로, 우설길이는 55mm 이상과 이하로 구분하였다. 분만유형은 순산(보조 없이 자연적으로 분만) 및 보조(상당한 힘이나 견인하여 보조)로 구분하여 분석하였다. 발굽둘레는 Parish 등(2009)의 방법에 따라 출생 직후 줄자로 송아지의 발굽둘레를 측정하였고, 본 연구에서 15.7cm 이하와 15.8cm이상으로 구분한 것은 조사된 24두의 평균 발굽둘레가 15.7cm였기 때문에 중앙치로 구분하여 분석하였다. 본 연구를 수행한 결과 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 생시 체중에 따른 분만유형은 순산의 경우 40kg 이하 및 41kg 이상이 각각 81.8% 및 53.8%였고, 보조 (견인)의 경우 18.2% 및 46.2%였다. 생시체중에 따른 평균 발굽둘레는 40kg 이하 및 41kg 이상이 각각 14.8±0.5cm 및 16.5±0.3cm였다. 생시체중에 따른 발굽둘레 분포는 15.7cm 이하의 경우 40kg 이하 및 41kg 이상이 각각 63.6% 및 30.8%였고, 15.8cm 이상의 경우 36.4% 및 69.2%였다. 산차에 따른 분만시간 분포는 30분 이내의 경우 1산, 2산 및 3산 이상이 각각 28.6%, 37.5% 및 33.3%였 고, 31~60분의 경우 각각 57.1%, 12.5% 및 33.3%였으며, 61분 이상의 경우 각각 14.3%, 50.0% 및 33.3%였다. 산차에 따른 분만유형은 순산의 경우 1산, 2산 및 3산 이상이 각각 61.5%, 72.7% 및 70.0%였고, 보조(견인)의 경우 각각 38.5%, 27.3% 및 30.0%였다. 우설특성에 따른 분만시간 분포는 30분 이내의 경우 정상 및 비정상이 각각 27.3% 및 0%였고, 31~60분의 경우 각각 63.6% 및 0%였 으며, 61분 이상의 경우 각각 9.1% 및 100%였다. 우설특성에 따른 분만유형은 순산의 경우 정상 및 비정상이 각각 90.9% 및 0%였고, 보조(견인)의 경우 각각 9.1% 및 100%였다.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of amino acid and vitamin C supplementation on the quality attributes of top round (TR) muscle from Korean cattle (Hanwoo). Sixteen-month-old steers were divided into three different feeding groups and raised until they were 28 months old. A control group (9 heads) was fed a basal diet and rice straw, whereas two experimental groups (8 heads/group) were fed a basal diet and rice straw supplemented with rumen-protected amino acids (≥16.0% L-lysine monohydrochloride, ≥8.0% DL-methionine) and vitamin C at a dose of 100 g/head/day (AA+VC group) or only vitamin C at 100 g/head/day (VC group). After slaughter, TR muscle (M. semimembranosus) was collected from carcasses and used to measure the quality attributes. Crude fat content was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the AA+VC group than in the VC group. No significant difference was observed for water-holding capacity and shear force value between the control, AA+VC, and VC groups. Contents of the free amino acids (FAAs) glycine, aspartate, and glutamate were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the VC group than in the control group. Sensory evaluation of tenderness and flavor preference revealed significantly higher scores (p<0.05) in the AA+VC group than in the control group. These findings suggest that vitamin C supplementation increases the contents of some FAAs, and the combined supplementation of amino acids and vitamin C improves the marbling and sensory attributes of TR muscle in Hanwoo.
본 연구의 목적은 육우 송아지 출하월령(3, 6, 9, 12개월) 조건에 따른 채끝등심(m. longissimus lumborum)과 꾸리육(m. tricep brachii)의 이화학적 육질 특성 및 지방산 조성에 미치는 특성을 비교하여 송아지고기의 상품성을 조사해 보고자 수행하였다. 채끝등심육과 꾸리육 모두 출하월령이 증가됨에 따라 수분 함량은 감소하였던(73.20~79.23%) 반면에 단백질(19.51~23.13%) 및 지방(0.76~1.99%) 함량은 증가하였다. 육색의 경우 두 부위 모두 출하월령이 증가됨에 따라 L*값(30.62~43.81)은 감소하는 반면에 a*값과 b*값은 증가하였다 (P<0.05). pH는 채끝등심육은 3개월령(5.96)이 꾸리육은 3개월(5.67) 및 6개월(5.73) 령이 다른 출하월령들 보다 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.05). 미오글로빈 함량은 채끝등심과 꾸리육 모두 출하월령이 증가할수록 증가하였다(P<0.05). 전단력을 측정한 경과 채끝등심육 은 3개월령(5.94 kg)과 12개월령(4.34 kg)이 6개월(9.16kg) 및 9개월령(9.57 kg) 보다 유의적으로 낮았으며, 꾸리육은 3개월령(2.83 kg)이 9개월 (4.47 kg)령 보다 유의적으로 낮았다(P<0.05). 가열감량은 채끝육의 경우 출하월령간에 유의적인 차이가 없었으나 꾸리육은 다른 출하월령들 보다 12개월(28.37%)령이 낮았고 3개월(36.55%)령이 높았다(P<0.05). 한편 채끝등심과 꾸리육은 모두 12개월령이 근절길이가 길었고 보수력이 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.05). 지방산 조성을 분석한 결과 채끝등심육은 3개월령에 C18:2n6, C20:1n9, 총 다가불포화지방산 (PUFA), 포화지방산에 대한 다가불포화지방산의 비율(PUFA/SFA) 및 오메가-6(ω-6) 지방산 함량이 유의적으로 높았고 12개월령에는 C16:1n7, C18:1n9, 총 단가불포화 지방산(MUFA), 총 포화지방산에 대한 총 단가불포화 지방산의 비율(MUFA/SFA) 지방산 함량이 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.05), 꾸리육의 경우 3개월령에 C20:1n9 함량이 높았고 12개월령에는 C14:0, C18:1n9, 총 단가불포화지방산(MUFA) 및 총 포화지방산에 대한 총 단가불포화 지방산의 비율(MUFA/SFA) 함량이 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.05).
Fruit peels are potential sources of proteases which can help to the proteins digestion and the encapsulation technique is widely used in food industry, which preserves active ingredients in food products by forming coating membrane. In the present study, the effect of addition of encapsulated fruit peels (kiwi, T1; pineapple, T2; pear, T3; fig, T4) on the quality stability of press ham was studied during refrigerated storage (1, 15 and 30 days). In the first experiment, the press ham was prepared with either encapsulated fruit peels or fruit peels powder (without encapsulation) and we observed that the press ham formulated with fruit peels powder showed a texture defect, but no change with encapsulated fruit peels probably due to the proteolytic activity of proteases were prevented by the encapsulation. In the second experiment, the press ham were made with 0.1% encapsulated fruit peels or normal press ham (control) and stored at different days as mentioned above. Our results revealed that T2 showed the highest moisture content, while the control had the highest fat content. The press hams made with all types of encapsulated fruit peels had significantly higher hardness value than the control throughout the storage. Additionally, higher taste, texture and acceptability scores were found in the press ham with encapsulated fruit peels than those in the control. Overall, it is suggested that the addition of encapsulated fruit peels into meat products may enhance the protein digestion and absorption during the digestive processes without the negative effect on texture and sensory traits.
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different thawing methods including; refrigerated at 4℃ for 6 hr, soaked in 15℃ water for 40 min, exposed to room temperature (25℃) for 4 hr, and microwaved (600 W) for 2 min on the water-soluble nutritional component and meat quality trait of Hanwoo beef. The thawing beef by the refrigerated method resulted in significantly lower cooking loss, drip loss and loss of water-soluble vitamin B group, whereas the water-soaked method had higher loss of vitamin B group (p<0.05). Furthermore, total aerobic counts and coliforms were significantly lower in the meat samples thawed by the refrigerated method than that in the samples thawed by the other methods when stored for 6 days at 4℃. However, the thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) content was found significantly (p<0.05) higher in the microwaved method than that in the other thawing methods. Based on the results obtained in the present study, it is concluded that the thawing methods had remarkable impact on the water-soluble nutritional components, quality properties and storage stability of meat. Therefore, the present study recommends that the thawed meat needs to be consumed and should not be stored for long time due to the acceleration of its quality deterioration
This research was conducted to estimate the effect of packaging methods on the color and taste-related precursors in Hanwoo (Korean cattle) beef during aging. Following packaging with vacuum (VACP), low oxygen-modified atmosphere (LOMAP; 0% O2/20% CO2/80% N2) or vacuum skin+LOMAP (VSP+LOMAP), the loins and top rounds were aged at 2℃ for 14 days and lipid oxidation (TBARS content), surface color, glucose and lactate contents were measured. TBARS and glucose contents were not different by packaging methods in both loins and top rounds. The a* (redness), b* (yellowness) and C* (chroma) values were higher (p<0.05) in VACP-aged beef as compared to the other beef. Lactate content was significantly higher (p<0.05) in both LOMAP- and VSP+LOMAP-aged beef than in VACP-aged beef at day 14 of aging. These findings suggested that VACP was the most effective in maintaining color stability but LOMAP was more effective in maintenance of some taste-related precursor compared to VACP.
The aim of this study was to develop the production of crossbred pigs suitable to the Korean consumers’demand. Crossbred (Jeju native pig × Landrace) pigs (n=175) at the age of 200 days, approximately classified into three slaughter weight groups (59~95 kg, 96~110 kg and 111~148 kg) were used to investigate the carcass traits and retail cuts characteristics. We have chosen longissimus dorsi, triceps brachii, biceps femoris, semimembranosus muscles, shoulder butt, thoracic vertebra (5-11th) and last thoracic vertebra for investigations of aforementioned parameters. The results showed that the 111~148 kg group had larger loin area, higher scores for meat color, quality and carcass grade than the other remaining groups (p<0.05). Weights of shoulder butt, rib, picnic shoulder, loin, belly, tenderloin, ham retail cuts, lean meat, fat and bone increased with increasing carcass weight (p<0.05). Ratios of shoulder butt, picnic shoulder, tenderloin, ham, lean meat, skin and bone in the 59~95 kg group were higher than that of the other groups (p<0.05). Ratios of belly in the 96~110 kg group were higher than that in the 59~95 kg group (p<0.05) but similar to the ratios of the 111~148 kg group. Total length, longest length and shortest length of belly increased with increasing carcass weight (p<0.05). Additionally, the longest width and shortest width of belly in 59~95 kg group were lower (p<0.05) than that in the other remaining groups. Length of shoulder butt increased with increasing carcass weight (p<0.05) whereas, the width of shoulder butt showed no differences between the groups. Weights of triceps brachii of picnic shoulder, biceps femoris and semimembranosus muscles of ham increased with increasing carcass weight (p<0.05). Overall, the crossbred pigs of 111~148 kg group possessed better quality and carcass grade however, the yield of belly in 96~110 kg group was higher than the other groups. Based on the consumption preference of Korean consumers therefore, the slaughter weight of crossbred pigs at ≥96 kg could produce higher economic benefit.
The objective of this study was to investigate meat quality and nutritional composition of 10 cuts (loin, striploin, chuck roll, chuck tender, short plate, brisket, bottom round, top sirloin, eye of round, and top round) from quality grade 1 beef from 11 Hanwoo steers at Hanwoo Experimental Station of National Institute of Animal Science. The protein contents were higher in top round (Udoon) and eye of round (Hongduke) and lower in loin (Dngsim) and short plate (Abjin) when compared to the other cuts (p<0.05). Whereas the intramuscular fat contents were highest in loin (12.51%), those were lowest in top round (4.14%) (p<0.05). The calories were higher in loin and short plate and lower in top round, chuck tender (Guri), top sirloin (Bosup), eye of round, chuck roll (Moksim), and bottom round (Sulgit) (p<0.05). The cooking loss (%) was 24.38% in loin and it was lower than the other cuts (p<0.05). The bottom round had higher water holding capacity (WHC) and chuck tender had lower WHC than those in the other cuts (p<0.05). In meat color, L* values were higher in loin and lower in top round than the other cuts (p<0.05). Total saturated fatty acid contents were higher in loin and lower in bottom round than the other cuts (p<0.05). In amino acid compositions, top round had significantly higher than those in the other cuts (p<0.05). The iron contents were higher in chuck tender and chuck roll contained higher iron contents than those of the other cuts (p<0.05). In conclusion, the meat quality and nutritional properties were significantly different among 10 cuts in the same quality grade of Hanwoo beef. Therefore, the provision of the meat quality and nutritional information of 10 cuts to consumers could be important for utilization and balanced consumption of different cuts.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of ultimate pH of semimembranosus muscle on quality characteristics of dry-cured ham. The sample selection was determined based on ultimate pH of semimembranosus muscle, and samples were then classified into three groups: A (pH 5.61±0.09), B (pH 5.86±0.06) and C (pH 6.13±0.09). Our results depicted that the ultimate pH had a significant effect on the quality characteristics of dry-cured ham. Particularly, as the ultimate pH increased, the pH values of the dry-cured hams significantly (p<0.05) increased while weight loss decreased. Significantly (p<0.05) higher CIE a*, b* and chroma values were observed in the dry-cure hams from the samples with lower ultimate pH. Additionally, the values of some texture characteristics (e.g., hardness and chewiness) significantly (p<0.05) decreased as the ultimate pH increased. However, no significant differences among the three pH groups were observed for water activity, salinity, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), calorie as well as sensory properties of dry-cure hams (p>0.05). These results clearly demonstrate that the ultimate pH of semimembranosus muscle is more related to quality characteristics than sensory attributes of dry-cured ham.
The effects of substituting fat with different levels of pork rind on quality characteristics of emulsified sausage were investigated. Five sausage batches were manufactured by partially replacing fat with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20% pork rind. After manufacturing, the sausages were vacuum-packaged and stored at 4℃ for 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The results indicated that the increase in levels of pork rind resulted in lower calorie whereas higher moisture, protein, collagen contents (p<0.05). Use of pork rind resulted in an increase in amounts of minerals such as Cu, K, Mn, Na, P and Zn, and free amino acids such as aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, valine and iso-luecine, as compared with the control (0% pork rind). On the other hand, no significant differences in the sensory properties of sausage with added pork rind were observed. Based on the results in the present study, it is suggested that pork rind can be used as a fat replacer in manufacture of emulsified sausage without adverse effect on the quality characteristics and sensory properties as well.