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        검색결과 288

        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Due to immature development of embryo in ripened berries, dehiscence process is required for the proper germination of ginseng seeds. Such process involves the preparation of the container with alternating layers of seed and moist sand. In order to make sand fully moist, water sprayer has been usually used by farmers, which is labor intensive, time consuming and causing uneven sand moisture. Methods and Results : In this study, we investigated the effects of different stratification methods on dehiscence ratio of ginseng seeds. Ginseng seeds were stratified for 90 days in a total of 12 different treatments and the dehiscence ratios were compared; drainage methods, drainage time, the ratio between ginseng seeds and sand, and etc. Seed stratification process was performed according to the guideline of ginseng GAP. One thousand ginseng seeds were used for each treatment. It was found that the average of dehiscence of the 12 treatments was 84.6 %. The highest dehiscence ratio (90.3 %) was observed in the seeds that were treated with water soaking, immediately followed by drainage. Higher ratio was also observed in the seeds that were soaked for 60 min, followed by drainage. Therefore, our findings indicate that ginseng seeds soaked in water less than 60 min could dehisce more efficiently than traditional method. Conclusion : Our study demonstrated that ginseng seeds that are subjected to water soaking and then drainage showed better ration of dehiscence. This method will eventually decrease the time and labor used for seed stratification.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : An important feature of the nutrient solution is that they affect not only the growth but also quality of crops by changing nutrient uptake, especially due to changes of EC in nutrient solution. This study was carried out to investigate effect of EC in nutrient solution on growth and ginsenoside of ginseng. Methods and Results : EC in nutrient solution was controlled with 0.68, 0.84, 1.23, 1.41 dS/m. The root weight of ginseng treated by low EC levels in nutrient solution was higher during the initial of growth. However, the higher EC levels, the more increased the change rate of root weight from the initial to the middle of growth. The highest amount of ginsenoside was changed by growth period. Although the total amount of ginsenoside in root is highest treated by EC 0.68 dS/m at 45 days after treatment. the total amount of ginsenoside in root is highest treated by EC 1.23 dS/m at 135 days after treatment. Conclusions : EC in nutrient solution should to be controlled depending on the stage of growth and the part of use, i.e. root and leaves, when ginseng is cultivated through nutri-culture.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Boron (B) is an essential element required for the growth of plant. It has a narrow range of optimal concentration from minimum to maximum thresholds than other micro-elements. The study was carried out to investigate to the influence of B excess concentrations on physiological disorder of leaf, growth and mineral concentration of ginseng to obtain basic information for physiological disorder diagnose. Methods and Results : The ginseng cultivar ‘Gumpoong’ was cultivated by hydroponic system for 2 months. The toxicity symptoms which ginseng leaves were curved downwardly and induced to chlorosis after beginning to dry the edge appeared on leaves more than 30 ppm compared to the control(3 ppm). The growth of ginseng was more decreased with higher B concentration. Mn uptake was also decreased as B concentration increased. It was found that B excess hindered the growth of ginseng and was reversely related to Mn uptake. Conclusions : More than B 30 ppm can negatively affect growth and mineral uptake. Consequently, B excess can occur physiological disorder of ginseng.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to determine the impact of temperature elevated and the effect of transplanting times based on climate change scenario on growth of 2-year-old korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer.) in temperature gradient chambers (TGC). Methods and Results : As a plant materials, ‘Yunpoong’ was cultivated in TGC at ambient temperature(Amb), Amb+2℃, Amb+4℃ and Amb+6℃ respectively. Ginseng was also transplanted on March 29, April 12 and 26 respectively. Investigation on characteristic of aerial parts were carried out on 28, 56, 84 and 112 days after transplanting and characteristic of roots were conducted on October 19. As transplanting time was faster and temperature was higher, the growth of aerial parts were increased. Compared with those of ginseng transplanted on March 29 with Amb, the root weight which tend to decrease depending on late transplanting time and high temperature decreased about 11.1%, 35.4% and 42.4% in Amb+ 2℃, Amb+4℃ and Amb+6℃ respectively. Ginseng transplanted on April 12 and 26 decreased about 20.9%, 33.9% respectively. Conclusion : Consequently, the more transplanting time extend, the more quantity increased in all temperature treatment. So, it is possible to increase in quantity to advance transplanting time although high temperature will be caused by the climate change.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : When ginseng seeds were gathered, the seeds were unripe. To grow immature embryo definitely, special treatment called dehiscence must be performed. Even though dehiscence is completed, most ginseng seeds are on enforced dormancy. The breaking seed dormancy is generally achieved using cold treatment. Also it is reported that gibberellin treatment can replace the treatment. It is very time consuming process in order to develop new ginseng cultivar because ginseng flowers after 3 years of growth. To shorten the ginseng breeding period, it is necessary to establish fast generation progress. Therefore, this study examined the possibility of breaking seed dormancy of ginseng using GA3 treatment and alternating temperature. Methods and Results : Seeds were obtained from local variety fruit which is not inbred. Gibberellin of 100 ppm was treated at seeds for 24 hours. Fixed cold condition was treated on both –2℃ and 2℃. Alternating cold condition was treated on 2℃ and then –2℃, finally 2℃. Fixed and alternating temperature was continued for 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 days that 15 days of alternating temperature is first 2℃ for 5days and then -2℃ for 5days, finally 2℃ for 5days. The other treatment periods such as 30, 45, 60, 90 days mean 10, 15, 20, 30 days respectively. Each of 48 seeds were sowed on tray in greenhouse at 3 replication. Experimental plot was completely randomized. Conclusion : Seeds untreated with GA3 were germinated little and there is no difference between 2℃ and –2℃. Alternating temperature until 60days made no difference with fixed temperature but germination rate increased up to 70.8% when seeds were treated for 90days. Germination of seeds treated with GA3 is much higher than untreated seeds especially combined with alternating temperature.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Cylindrocarpon root rot, caused by Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium solani, is a major disease which lead to replanting failure in ginseng garden. Chlamydospores of C. destructans, generated by poor environmental condition, can survived more than ten years in soil without host plant, ginseng. Density of soil pathogens gradually decreased as the progress of time since ginseng was harvested. Methods and Results : Soil chemical properties was analyzed from soil samples of 43 regions in farmer’s ginseng garden to study the variation of content and the correlation among inorganic contents. Soil samples of 24 regions was also analyzed to study correlation between progressed-year after ginseng harvest and soil chemical properties. Variation of soil chemical properties in descending order was Fe, Zn, P2O4, NO3, Mn. The content of Fe and Zn were great variation among inorganic chemicals of soil of farmer’s field. Electrical conductivity to induce physiological demage in excessive concentration showed highly significant positive correlation with the content of NO3 and K. As the progress of year after ginseng harvest, the content of organic matter and zinc was increased, while pH and Na were decreased in farmer’s field to cultivate ginseng. There were highly significant positive correlation between the progress of year after ginseng harvest and zinc content in farmer’s field to cultivate ginseng. Ratio of root rot of 2-year-old ginseng showed significant positive correlation with K content, and negative correlation in experimental field cultured by six rotation crops for one year. Conclusion : Root rot by soil pathogens was closely related with the content of potassium and zinc in soil chemical properties.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Root diseases caused by Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium solani decrease the yield and quality of ginseng. Cylindrocarpon root rot is a major disease caused by replanting failure in ginseng garden. Methods and Results : Solarization was done in the infested soil of the greenhouse for summer season (from July 24 to Autumn 31, 2014) after putting green manure (Sudan grass) and calcium cyanamide (CC) into the soil. Mycelium and conidia of C. destructans died at 4 0℃ after 15 hours, and 45℃ after 5 h, but it did not die at 35℃ after 15 h. Those of C. destructans died after keeping it for 2 hours daily at 40℃ for 9 days, and 45℃ for 8 days, but did not die at 38℃ for 9 days. Maximum soil temperature was 55.4℃ in 5 cm depth, 48.7℃ in 10 cm, 44.7℃ in 15 cm, 42.5℃ in 20 cm, and 31.9℃ in 30 cm by putting green manure into the soil and solarization. Reduction of sudan grass increased electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter, P2O5, K, and Mg, while decreased pH, NO3-N, and Na. Addition of calcium cyanamide and urea gave a negative effect on the growth of ginseng because EC and NO3-N were increased excessively than the optimal range. Solarization using green manure mixed with CC was the most effective in decreasing soil-borne pathogens of 2-year-old ginseng. But the root disease that occurred between single treatment of sudan grass and the treatment mixed with calcium cyanamide showed not a significant different. Addition of calcium cyanamide showed the decrease of root weight because leaves were dead early by a excessive increase of EC and NO3-N. Conclusion: Soil disinfection using green manure and solarization in greenhouse was effective in inhibiting root rot, however, it did not completely kill the soil-borne pathogens.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Different biotic agents such as bacteria, fungi, nematode and virus interact with plants, and causes significant annual crop loss. The plants interact with these pathogen and undergo various changes at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. The omics technique is a powerful way which provides important information related to molecular changes occurring during plant-pathogen interaction. Several studies have been conducted and revealed either up or down-regulation of many genes involved in metabolism, energy, photosynthesis, signaling, defense and ROS upon pathogen interaction. In this review, we highlight recent progress in proteomic studies of plant-pathogen interaction, which could be useful for controlling disease and development of molecular markers for early detection of different diseases.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Major loci controlling flowering time and maturity of short-day plant soybean, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7 and E8, have been identified in soybean. The gene corresponding to E2 locus is a homolog of Arabidopsis GIGANTEA (AtGI). We identified three GI homologs in soybean and are verifying their roles in day-length dependent flowering. Expression anlysis indicated that GmGIs are ubiquitously expressed at all developmental stages of soybean plants. Diurnal expression of GmGIs fluctuates within light/dark cycles of long-day (LD) and short-day (SD). GmGI2 and GmGI3 have identical expression patterns under both day length conditions with the highest peak at zeitgeber time 8 h (ZT8) under LD and at ZT4 under SD. GmGI1 shows the peak at ZT12 under LD and at ZT8 under SD. All of GmGIs exhibit the earlier peak and the shorter phase under SD than LD. The results indicated that day length affects expressions of GmGIs. Subcellular localization analysis showed that GmGIs are mainly targeted to nucleus, similar to the localization of AtGI. Overexpression of GmGIs in Arabidopsis transgenic plants showed no significant effect on flowering time nor rescue of gi-2 mutant phenotype. The results suggested that GmGIs have different molecular functions in flowering time regulation of short-day plant soybean compared to long-day plant Arabidopsis. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of GmGIs’ functions in soybean flowering time control, we intend to identify target gene of GmGIs and interacting proteins by using yeast two-hybrid assay.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        FT is one of the major floral activator in photoperiod-dependent flowering pathway. To understand the role of FT homologs in flowering time control of short-day plant soybean, we identified ten soybean FT genes and named GmFTs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that ten GmFT genes were further categorized into three subclades. Gene expression analysis showed that the most GmFT genes are mainly expressed in leaves. The expression of GmFT2a, GmFT2b, GmFT5a, and GmFT6 was strongly induced under the floral inductive short-day condition, but GmFT4 exhibited opposite expression pattern compared to those of GmFT2a, GmFT2b, GmFT5a, and GmFT6. To understand roles of GmFT genes in flowering, we generated Arabidopsis transgenic plant overexpressing GmFT genes. Both 35S:GmFT2a and 35S:GmFT5a transgenic plants showed extremely early flowering. In contrast, overexpression of GmFT4 delayed flowering of transgenic plants compared to wild type Arabidopsis. The results indicated that GmFT2a and GmFT5a might function as floral activators, while GmFT4 has an opposite function in soybean flowering. Moreover, domain swapping approaches between GmFT2a and GmFT4 revealed that the substitution of the segment B region alone, which is located in 4th exon, was sufficient to change the function of GmFT2a to floral repressor and GmFT4 to floral activator. The results suggested that soybean FT homologs have been functionally diversified during evolution and might play different roles in photoperiod-dependent flowering of soybean.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Measurements of closely related sets of classical and truss dimensions were analyzed to discriminate species of scorpaenidae including the dark banded rockfish, Sebastes inermis, the black rockfish, S. schlegeli, and gobioninae including the striped shiner, Pungtungia herzi, and the slender shiner, Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa. The measurements of the dimensions were arc sin square root transformed, and compared as a function of the standard length of each species for statistical analysis. For values of the classical dimensions of the rockfish, 6 were greater for the dark banded rockfish than for the black rockfish, 1 value was smaller for the former, and for 2 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). For values of the classical dimensions of the shiners, 9 values were greater for the striped shiner than for the slender shiner, 2 values were smaller for the former, and for 1 value there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.01). For values of the truss dimensions of the rockfish, 6 were greater for the dark banded rockfish than for the black rockfish, 1 was smaller for the former, and for 4 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). For values of the truss dimensions of the shiners, 13 values were greater for the striped shiner than for the slender shiner, 3 values were smaller for the former, and for 6 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.01). The dimension sets used in this study may be useful as taxonomic indicators for discriminating among fish species in Korea.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Livestock wastewater has high potential as one of energy resources because this wastewater is including high organic matter. Therefore the studies attempting to bio-gasification and bio-electricity generation using livestock wastewater is being tried. The pre-treatment system used in this study was the purpose to control the ammonia nitrogen in conjunction with the system and the microbial fuel cell. Because ammonia nitrogen is to inhibit the electricity generation efficiency of microbial fuel cell. These studies were to ascertain the effect of oxidants on the nitrogen removal in the pre-treatment system using catalyst and microbubbles to treat the ammonia nitrogen. The three kinds of oxidant such as air, oxygen (O2), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used to know the ammonia and nitrate nitrogen removal. This system was operated with four kinds of conditions. First method is O2 gas with 100 mL/min with 1ml of 30% H2O2 was supplied to the wastewater. A second method, the O2, with 400 and 1,000 mL/min was supplied through the flow meter before livestock wastewater was flow in the reactor. The last method, air was supplied 800 mL/min. The nitrate removal had no significant difference all conditions except the air supply. On the other hand, the ammonia and nitrate nitrogen removal when oxygen was supplied with 1000 mL O2/min was higher than that of the other conditions. The removal rate when air was supplied 800 mL/min was similar to the value in the supplied with 400 ml O2/min. This result showed that oxidant was important factor to improve the ammonia nitrogen removal rate.
        2014.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common, benign, and transient type of supraventricular arrhythmia encountered during the early postoperative period after a pulmonary resection. However, it sometimes might result in hemodynamic deterioration. We report on a case of new-onset atrial fibrillation in a 74-year-old male patient after right lower lobectomy, which was not controlled with intermittent bolus injection of esmolol and diltiazem. Successful pharmacological cardioversion was achieved with intravenous (6 mg/hr for 2 hours) followed by oral (90 mg q day) diltiazem 20 hours after this treatment. The literature on the risk factors and management of atrial fibrillation after pulmonary resection is reviewed.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study was to select the abiotic tolerant sorghum mutants using chlorophyll a transient OJIP analysis of PSⅠ and PSⅡ so called Kautsky’s effect within 1 second. It was clearly identified that wwt-and drought tolerant sorghum mutants could be classified by wet factor index(WFI). On the basis of WFI, wet tolerant sorghum matants were classified as follows; Ⅰ group, MUT534 bmr/new, MUT525 bmr; Ⅱ group, M2P1207 bmr, 25M2-0404 bmr, MUT371 bmr24, unknown bmr22, 10M2-0775 bmr, MUT135 bmr23; Ⅲ group, M2P0411 bmr, MUT641 bmr, M2P1064 bmr36, MUT855 bmr, 25M2-0137 bmr/new, MUT436 bmr, M2P0929 bmr, 25M2-0026 bmr, 10M2-0387 bmr, 25M2-0173 bmr/new; Ⅳ group, 25M2-0698 bmr. In conclusion, for the selection of wet tolerance, four photochemical parameters such as Electron transport flux until PSI acceptors per PSII(RE1o/RC), Performance index for energy conservation from photons absorbed by PSII antenna, until the reduction of PSI acceptors(PI_total ABS), Driving force on absorption basis(DF_total ABS) and Electron transport flux from QA to QB per PSII(ETo/RC) were important photochemical parameters deduced from maximum quantum yield and electron transport efficiency.
        2012.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We examined the morphometric characteristics and fluctuating asymmetry of diploid and triploid marine medaka, Oryzias dancena. We used morphometric parameters the truss and classical dimensions. Significant differences in all the classical and truss dimensions of the diploid and triploid fish. All the dimensions of the triploid fish were greater than those of the diploid fish. The triploid marine medaka shows sexual dimorphism in these characters, and the sexual dimorphism of the triploid marine medaka is similar to that of the diploid marine medaka. Thus, the growth of triploid marine medaka is faster than that of the diploid fish, and it displays clear sexual dimorphism, with male fish having longer dorsal and anal fins than female fish. we examined fluctuating asymmetry of eye diameter, maxilla length, operculum length, number of pectoral fin ray and number of pelvic fin ray. In all experimental groups, Eye diameter and maxilla length showed no significant difference between left side and right side (P>0.05). Trends of operculum length in triploid male group and pectoral fin ray's number in diploid male group showed similar trend with trends of operculum length in triploid female group and pectoral fin ray’s number in diploid female group. However, trends of operculum length in diploid male group and pectoral fin ray's number in triploid male group showed opposite trend with trends of operculum length in diploid female group and pectoral fin ray’s number in triploid female group. Trend of pelvic fin ray's number in all groups showed similar trend with trend of pectoral fin ray’s number in all groups.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Phosphorus is one of the macronutrients essential for plant growth and development, as well as crop productivity. Many soils around the world are deficient in phosphate (Pi) that plants can utilize. To cope with the stress of Pi starvation, plants have evolved many adaptive strategies, such as changes of root architecture and enhanced Pi acquisition form soil. To understand molecular mechanism underlying Pi starvation stress signaling, we characterized the activation-tagged mutant showing altered responses to Pi deficiency compared to wild type Arabidopsis and named hsp3 (hypersensitive to Pi starvation3). hsp3 mutant exhibits enhanced phosphate transporter activity, resulting in higher Pi content than wild type. However, in root architectural change under Pi starvation, hsp3 shows hyposensitive responses than wild type, such as longer primary root elongation, lower lateral root density. Histochemical analysis using hsp3 mutant expressing auxin-responsive DR5::GUS reporter gene, indicated that auxin allocation from primary to lateral roots under Pi starvation is aborted in hsp3 mutant. Molecular genetic analysis of hsp3 mutant revealed that the mutant phenotype is caused by the lesion in ENHANCED SILENCING PHENOTYPE4 (ESP4) gene whose function is proposed in mRNA 3’ end processing. Here, we propose that mRNA processing plays a crucial role in Pi homeostasis in Arabidopsis.