
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,116

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the first detection of the African swine fever (ASF) virus in the Republic of Korea in 2019, the Korean government has applied interventions, including fencing, increasing the biosecurity level at domestic pig farms, and the capture-and-removal of wild boars. In particular, wild boars are an important risk factor for ASF control because they can spread disease among susceptible animals, such as wild boars or domestic pigs. A capture-and-removal method aims to reduce the likelihood of ASF transmission from wild boars to domestic boars or among wild boars by decreasing the number of susceptible wild boars. This study estimated the required number of wild boars captured and removed for ASF control using population viability analysis. Population factors, such as a life span, sex ratio, or an inbreeding depression with different capture-and-removal proportions of wild boars, were included in the analysis. Ten scenarios with different capture-and-removal proportions of wild boars and different periods of culling were considered. According to the results, a method in which 75% of wild boars are captured-and-removed for at least three years showed long-term effectiveness for more than ten years. The current ASF control method, in which 33% of wild boars are captured-and-removed, decreased the number of wild boars for three years, after which the wild boar population increased to more than its initial number. Given the limited human and material resources for controlling ASF in the Republic of Korea, it is recommended that resources be prioritized to increase the capture-and-removal proportion of wild boars to take full advantage of the ASF-control effectiveness.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the cytotoxic potential of three different commercially available absorbent feminine hygiene products and one transdermal patch using direct contact and extract exposure methods. Two different cell lines were used – mouse fibroblast L929 and normal human skin fibroblast CCD-986sk cell lines. The test samples were extracted using three different methods in accordance to International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Viability of cells was analyzed using MTT assay and morphology of the cells were also observed using phase contrast microscopy. Overall, the direct contact method using L929 cells showed that all the test samples had no toxic effect when exposed to extracts for 1 h. For the exposure method, no toxic effect was observed in both L929 and CCD986sk cells incubated with all the test samples regardless of the extraction methods used.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently there was an incident that military radars, coastal CCTVs and other surveillance equipment captured a small rubber boat smuggling a group of illegal immigrants into South Korea, but guards on duty failed to notice it until after they reached the shore and fled. After that, the detection of such vessels before it reach to the Korean shore has emerged as an important issue to be solved. In the fields of marine navigation, Automatic Identification System (AIS) is widely equipped in vessels, and the vessels incessantly transmits its position information. In this paper, we propose a method of automatically identifying abnormally behaving vessels with AIS using convolutional autoencoder (CAE). Vessel anomaly detection can be referred to as the process of detecting its trajectory that significantly deviated from the majority of the trajectories. In this method, the normal vessel trajectory is gridded as an image, and CAE are trained with images from historical normal vessel trajectories to reconstruct the input image. Features of normal trajectories are captured into weights in CAE. As a result, images of the trajectories of abnormal behaving vessels are poorly reconstructed and end up with large reconstruction errors. We show how correctly the model detects simulated abnormal trajectories shifted a few pixel from normal trajectories. Since the proposed model identifies abnormally behaving ships using actual AIS data, it is expected to contribute to the strengthening of security level when it is applied to various maritime surveillance systems.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The long term objective should be to achieve a high degree of self-financing for the WEU. However, initial funding of at least US$5 million will be needed to develop the University through the launching of its initial programs. This will have to come primarily from Korean sources. Korea will need to take a lead in mobilizing the funds required for the ongoing operation of the University until the WEU has progressed to the point where it can command attention and support of international funding sources and significant fee income. The process to establish the University will be initiated as soon as the final decision of the Government of South Korea is confirmed.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effects of pH and salt concentration on rheological and thermal properties of Pacific whiting surimi were investigated. As pH increased from 6 to 7.5, failure shear stress and strain values increased from 15.4 to 31.32 kPa, whereas lightness values (L * ) decreased from 86.22 to 78.86. Storage modulus (G') followed a trend similar to failure shear stress. A linear relationship (r 2 =0.89) was found between G' and failure stress values as a function of pH. Increasing salt concentration up to 1% increased failure shear stress to 27.14 kPa without salt to 34.30 kPa, and strain values from 1.73 to 1.91, whereas further increase had a negative effect. The relationship between dynamic rheological data and failure shear stress was not linear, indicating that salt concentration cannot be used as an index for estimating final gel quality. The transition temperatures obtained from temperature sweep measurements of Pacific whiting surimi at different salt concentrations showed similar peak temperatures as DSC thermograms, indicating lower stability due to increased salt concentration.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Professional sport leagues are both commercial products and public products. As China’s sports leagues transition from state-governed properties to a more commercial model, professional sports are facing a crucial turning point on balancing stakeholders pertaining to its commercial/market value and social value. How to develop a sustainable business and management model of professional sports teams, fitting Chinese culture and the calls on free economy, has become a major challenge to scholars, practitioners and entrepreneurs in China’s sport industry. Every organisation has its relationships with many groups ("stakeholders") that affect and are affected by its decisions, which are dynamic in a constantly changing world. Stakeholder theory was developed through concerns regarding the nature of these relationships in terms of both processes and outcomes for both organisation and stakeholders, and the changing nature of the environment.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Marketing communication has undergone significant transformation in recent years. Influencers, who generate content on social networking sites (SNSs), have had a dramatic impact on consumers’ purchase decisions. Brands and marketers are therefore the most effective and powerful marketing tools. Social media influencers, so-called “YouTubers,” have become online opinion leaders by creating and posting content on social media, in contrast to celebrities who are well-known via traditional media in general. Previous studies regarding influencers have focused on the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of influencer marketing across various contexts or person-related factors. However, previous studies have not only elicited mixed findings concerning the effects of influencer marketing, but also reveal a lack of basic understanding of the mechanisms by which video content and influencers themselves impact consumer, particularly in the high-end product industry. Present-day social media influencers are not only information providers but also friendly communicators rather than inaccessible celebrities. Favorable attitudes towards influencers may play a crucial role in consumer behavior when purchasing high-end products in which have high prices and uncertainties. While some studies include the construct of the perception of influencers in their models, there is a lack of research on the effect of influencers and video content. Thus, we expect our empirical research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the nature of social contagion, which is highlighted by social media influencers.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 시설 내 소형 수박 재배 시 관수개시점에 따른 토양수분 함량별 생육, 수량 및 생리적 반응 특성의 차이를 구명하고 소형 수박 생산에 유리한 관수조건을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 토양수분 센서를 이용하여 정식 후 14일부터 수확 7 ~ 10일 전까지 관수개시점별 5처리(-10, -20, -30, -40, 50 kPa)를 두어 관수하였다. 토양수분 함량이 가장 낮은 개시점-50 kPa 처리에서 전반적인 지상부 생육특성은 저조하였으나, 근장 및 뿌리 건물율은 증가하였다. 광합성률, 기공전도도 및 증산율 비교 시, 관수개시점-50 kPa 처리에서 가장 낮았고, -20 kPa ~ -40 kPa 처리 시 광합 성률은 높게 조사되었다. 착과율 및 총 상품수량은 -30 kPa 및 -40 kPa 처리에서 각각 84.7 ~ 85.5%, 5,144 ~ 5,305 kg/10a으로 유의하게 증가하였다. 식물체의 외부환경 관련 스트레스 지표 물질로 알려진 프롤린, ABA, 총 페놀 및 시트룰린의 함량은 토양수분 함량이 낮아질수록 증가하였으며, 특히 관수개시점-50 kPa 처리에서 가장 높게 조사 되었다. 따라서 이와 같은 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 시설 내 안정적인 소형 수박 생산을 위하여 관수개시점을 -30 kPa ~ -40 kPa 수준으로 조정하여 토양수분 함량을 조절하는 것이 수박 생육 향상 및 상품수량 증대에 가장 유리한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 원통형 종이포트 토마토 육묘시 Diniconazole의 처리방법이 도장억제 및 근권발달에 미치는 영향을 검토하기 위하여 수행되었다. 그 결과, 엽면적, LAR, 초장, 충실도, 생체중, RGR 및 R/S 에서 시험구간 유의한 차이를 보였다. 동일한 농도를 처리했을 경우, 근권부와 지상부의 흡수도 차이로 인해 저면관수가 엽면살포에 비해 도장억제에 효과적이었다. 저면관수는 엽면시비의 10분의 1의 농도만으로도, 20~30%정도의 동일한 도장억제 효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 디니코나졸 처리에의한 근권부 반응이 흥미로웠는데, 저면관수시 총근장, 근권부피, 평균 근경 및 근단수가 증가하였다. 특히, 0.3mm 이하의 초미세근이 감소하고 0.3~0.6mm의 세근이 증가하였다. 따라서 원통형 종이포트 육묘시 저면관수를 하는 것이 기존 엽면시비에 비해 사용량이 적으면서도 도장억제 및 근권부 활착률을 높힐 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.