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        검색결과 84

        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        백색칼라(Zantedeschia aethiopica) 신품종 ‘Swan’은 국립원 예특작과학원에서 2017년에 육성하였다. ‘Swan’의 모본은 다화성인 ‘Childsiana’와 무름병에 강한 ‘Wedding March’를 부본으로 2004년에 교배하여 구근을 양성 후 2008년부터 2016년까지 생육 및 개화 특성, 균일성에 대하여 특성검정을 실시하였다. 2017년에 3차 특성검정을 실시하여 최종 선발한 후 직 무육성품종심의회에 상정하여 ‘Swan’으로 명명하였다. ‘Swan’ 의 생육 및 개화특성은 부본으로 사용된 ‘Wedding March’를 대조품종으로 조사하였다. 백색(RSH W155C)화색의 ‘Swan’ 은 화포의 길이와 폭이 각각 11.2cm와 10.3cm인 중형 품종이다. 주당 화수는 2.1개로 대조품종보다 2배 많으며 꽃대길이가 77.1cm로 대조품종(68.7cm)보다 길다. 개화소요일수는 65 일로 조기개화 품종이다. 절화수명은 17일(대조12일)로 길며, 무름병 중도저항성으로 구근증식량(13.3개/주)이 우수하고 소비자기호도가 높다. ‘Swan’ 품종은 2020년 4월 28일에 국립종 자원에 품종등록(등록번호 제8092호)되었다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 Veronica속 20종의 생장 및 개화 특성을 평가하기 위해 2년 동안 국립수목원 식물자원연구과 육종온실에서 수행하였다. Veronica속 식물은 다양한 생장 및 개화 특성을 가지고 있었다. 꼬리풀 20종을 식물 형태 및 초장에 따라 분류하였다. 포복형의 10cm 미만 초장은 V. armena와 V. repens, 직립형 30cm 미만 초장은 V. gentianoides ‘Little blues’ 등 4종, 직립형 30~60cm 사이 초장은 V. gentianoides ‘Blue Streak’ 등 7종, 직립형 60cm 이상 초장은 V. incana 등 7종이었다. 대부분의 엽색은 초록색이었고 V. incana와 V. incana ‘Silbersee’는 잎에 흰 털이 있었다. 꽃대 수는 5.3개부터 80.7개, 화수는 4.5개부터 67.3개였고 개화일은 3월 초순부터 6월 중순이었다. 화서의 형태는 총상화서, 수상화서, 취산화서로 분류하였다. 화색은 보라색 13종, 분홍색 2종, 흰색 5종이었다. 2017년 모든 개체가 개화한 종은 3종으로 V. longifolia ‘Blue Shades’, V. spicata ‘Blue Bouquet’, V. subsessilis ‘Blue Pyramid’였고, 일부 개체만 개화한 종은 7종으로 V. armena, V. gentianoides ‘Little Blues’, V. longifolia ‘Alba’, V. prostrata ‘Nestor’, V. spicata, V. spicata ‘Alba’, V. spicata ‘Sightseeing’ 이었다. 모든 개체가 개화하지 않은 종은 10종으로 V. gentianoides ‘Blue Streak’, V. incana, V. incana ‘Silbersee’, V. longifolia ‘Pink Shades’, V. orchidea ‘Blue Fingers’, V. repens, V. schmidtiana, V. spicata ‘Blue Carpet’, V. spicata ‘Pink Goblin’, V. teucrium ‘Royal Blue’였다. 반면, 2018년에는 모든 종의 개체가 개화하였다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국화를 가해하는 총채벌레류로 꽃노랑총채벌레, 대만총채벌레, 미나리총채벌레, 파총채벌레, 오이총채벌레, 고사 리그물총채벌레(Hercinothrips femoralis)가 보고되었다. 특히 꽃노랑총채벌레는 토마토반점위조바이러스(TSWV)와 국화줄기괴저바이러스(CSNV)를 매개, 확산시켜 국화 품질저하, 생산성 감소의 주요 원인 중 하나이다. 한편 고사리그 물총채벌레는 국화과, 장미과, 백합과, 사초과, 앵초과, 협죽도과, 후추과, 두릅나무과, 쐐기풀과, 천남성과, 꿀풀과, 선인장과 등 여러 식물을 가해하는 하는 것으로 국외에서는 이미 보고되었으나 국내에서는 아직 연구되고 있지 않다. 2018년 전북 완주군 이서면 국립원예특작과학원의 국화 시험온실(무농약)에서 꽃노랑총채벌레와 고사리그물총 채벌레가 발견되었다. 해충이 없는 국화에 꽃노랑총채벌레와 고사리그물총채벌레를 각각 정착시켜 피해 증상을 비교한 결과, 2종의 총채벌레가 가해한 국화 잎에서 각각 다른 피해 양상이 나타났다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Thrips from the genus Frankliniella (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) are a serious insect pest of various crops, including vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants. Thrips cause significant economic damage plants directly by feeding, and indirectly by acting as vectors for the tospoviruses such as Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) in chrysanthemum. To investigate the associations of thrips with tospoviruses and their ability to transmit, we have developed a protocol for identifying tospovirus and thrips species simultaneously in an individual thrips sample was successfully conducted. Total RNA was extracted from thrips according to manufacturer’s insturctions of RNeasy mini kit (Quiagen co.), and then TSWV was identified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using TSWV specific primers for the N genes. The residual genomic DNA in thrips RNA extract was used as a template to identify thrips species by PCR using universal primers for ITS2 region and subsequently digesting the PCR product by an restriction enzyme (RsaI) In addition, a classification into the species of thrips was confirmed using the nucleotide sequence of PCR products. The developed protocol was applied to investigate the occurrence of viruliferous thrips species in thrips populations collected from chrysanthemum fields. In this study, most of thrips were identified to Frankliniella spp. and thirps that acquire TSWV was 14 % of 65 thrips.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내에서 재배하는 주요 핵과류(복숭아, 자두, 매실, 체리)에 발생하는 깍지벌레는 뽕나무깍지벌레(Pseudaulacaspis pentagona), 말채나무공깍지벌레(Lecanium corni), 무화과깍지벌레(Coccus hesperidum), 가루깍지벌레류(Pseudococcus sp.) 4종이 발견되었으나, 뽕나무깍지 벌레는 2017년에 총 113과원 중 103과원(발생과원율 91.2%), 2018년에는 77과원 중 64과원(발생과원율 83.1%) 모든 핵과류에서 가장 많이 발생하여 우점종으로 확인되었다. 2017년도에는 5월 상순부터 부화를 시작하여 암컷성충 1마리가 평균 75.5개(47∼159개)의 알을 낳으며 모든 알이 부화하는데 약 19일이 소요되었으며 5월 20일경에 월동성충의 모든 알이 부화하였다. 그러나, 2018년에는 4월 하순부터 부화를 시작하여 (부화율 72%) 부화유충(1령)으로 이동 후 5월 중순부터 고착유충(2~3령), 6월 중순부터 2세대 성충이 활동하기 시작하였다. 부화유충기(1령)에 약제 살포를 하면 살충율이 100.0%이었으나, 고착유충기(2~3령)에는 살충율은 2.7%에 불과하였다. 부화약충기를 제외한 모든 단계에서 몸체가 밀납깍지로 덮여 있어 약제를 살포하여도 직접 접촉되지 않아 치사율이 낮았다. 따라서 반드시 부화약충기에 약제를 살포하여야 방제효과를 높일 수 있다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 유통 중인 농산물 9품목(n = 578)에 대한 납과 카드뮴 함량을 조사하고 이들의 섭취로 인한 위해성을 평가하고자 하였다. 납과 카드뮴의 함량은 마이크로웨이브 분해 후 ICP-MS로 분석하였다. 조사대상 농산물의 납 평균 함량은 각각 보리 0.014 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.010 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.008 mg/kg, 녹두 0.006 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.008 mg/kg, 살구 0.016 mg/kg, 매실 0.015 mg/kg, 자두 0.021 mg/kg, 대추 0.019 mg/kg이었고, 카드뮴 평균함량은 보리 0.017 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.004 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.007 mg/kg, 녹두 0.005 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.001 mg/kg, 살구 0.002 mg/kg, 매실 0.002 mg/kg, 자두 0.002 mg/kg, 대추 0.003 mg/kg이었다. 모든 시료의 납, 카드뮴 함량은 EU, CODEX 및 국내 기준보다 낮은 수준이었다. 조사 대상 농산물에 대한 납, 카드뮴의 인체노출량을 산출한 결과, 납은 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI, 25 μg/kg b.w./week)의 0.067%, 카드뮴은 월간잠정섭취허용량(PTMI, 25 μg/kg b.w./month)의 0.28%이었다. 이상의 결과는 조사 대상 농산물의 납, 카드뮴 오염도와 이들의 섭취에 의한 위해성이 모두 낮은 수준이라는 것을 보여준다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        꽃노랑총채벌레는 국화, 장미, 고추, 토마토 등 여러 작물의 잎, 꽃, 과실을 흡즙 및 산란을 통해 피해를 주며 토마토반점위조바이러스(TSWV)와 국화줄기괴저바이러스(CSNV) 등을 매개한다. 재배작기, 환경, 품종등에 따라 총채벌레류의 발생과 피해가 다양하게 나타나는 국화는 총채벌레류 및 매개 바이러스병으로 인해 약 20∼30%의 생산량이 감소된다. 또한 총채벌레류에 대한 약제저항성 계통의 출현이 지속적으로 보고되어 살충제의 교호사용에 주의가 필요한 방제가 어려운 해충 중 하나이다. 살충력이 높은 살충제를 선정하기 위하여 시판하는 국화 총채벌레류 등록 살충제 Acetamiprid, Acetamiprid+Spinetoram, Acrinathrin, Benfuracarb, Buprofezin+Thiamethxam, Chlorfenapyr+ lothiandin, Chlorfenapyr+Imidacloprid, Emamectin+Benzoate, Imidacloprid, Thimethoxam 10종을 꽃노랑총채벌레에 살포 한 결과 유효성분으로 Pyrroles계인 Chlorfenapyr를 함유한 살충제의 살충력이 가장 높았다. 총채벌레류의 화학적 방제 시 Chlorfenapyr가 함유한 살충제를 사용하는 것이 효과적이다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae is one of potent biological control agents against a variety ofinsect pests. In this study, we investigated enzyme production of M. anisopliae strains A and B. They produced extracellularenzymes for degrading the epidermis of Monochamus alternatus, a crucial mediator of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchusxylophilus. With Q-TOF MS/MS analysis, 29 kDa protein, a major band on a SDS-PAGE gel, was identified as subtilisin-likeserine protease PR1A. M. anisopliae A produced an extracellular enzyme more efficiently than M. anisopliae B: however,enzyme activities targeted for the cuticle were comparable. Our results suggest that the two strains of M. anisopliae havethe biological potential against M. alternatus with insecticidal protease production.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae B is a powerful biological control agent against Monochamusalternatus, a crucial mediator of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. In this study, production of destruxins(dtxs), insecticidal cyclic hexadepsipeptides, was monitored in the submerged culture of M. anisopliae B. Three typesof dtxs, i.e., destruxin A, B, and E, were produced during the culture. Among the three dtxs, the production yield ofdestruxin A was best, followed by destruxin B and E. Destruxin A production was increased when pH was controlledat 6.0, whereas production of destruxin E was not affected by the pH control. The highest yield of dtxs A, B, and Ewere 16.4, 7.3, and 6.1 mg L-1, respectively. Considering that process for dtxs production has not been optimized, M.anisopliae B has more powerful implication as a biocontrol agent.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        London collection is one of the four dominant fashion weeks in the world, and particularly, it is influencing the world fashion as the center that leads the 21st world fashion with experimental, creative, and unique design. One of the designers that are highly noteworthy among the new designers of fashion in England is Christopher Kane. He studied in Central Saint Martins, England and is famous as a designer that well reflects the characteristics of fashion education in England and also the characteristics of London collection with his own experimental and unique design. The purposes of this study are to examine the current trends of fashion in England with fashion designer Christopher Kane who is receiving attention in England these days and practicing the most English-like design and provide support to vitalize Seoul collection in Korea. This study has analyzed collection images and reviews from the S/S season of 2010 until the F/W season of 2015 and investigated the actual cases mainly. Christopher Kane’s design shows largely four characteristics, and this works as the keyword of current trends in English. The first is to use new technology such as digital printing technology and laser cutting which have been recently introduced. With the collections issued from 2010, we can see that he designed with either digital printing or laser cutting for five wears at the smallest up to for thirteen wears at the largest. With this tendency, we can see that Christopher Kane tries to accept newly introduced technology to apply it to his collection. Second, he is freed from stereotypes and tries experimental design that feel free of the formality. Especially in 2015 FW Ready-To-Wear Collection, we can see that he was inspired by the bags not with zippers or buttons and introduced unique design by applying bags’ accessories or unique closing patterns to clothes. Third, he pursues classiness by using handcraft techniques like embroidery or appliqué. He introduces classy design combining new materials and new technologies with handcraft techniques as well as sensuous design reflecting England’s unique Old & New properly. The last one is to develop unique textile design. In each season, he uses natural elements like splendid flowers up to geometric, unique textile designs to contain the philosophy that the designer intends to show in them. Like this, Christopher Kane can be said to be a designer who expresses his own design by exquisitely combining various techniques well harmonizing the past, present, and the future as one of the fashion designers representing England. Also, he is a designer representing England as he is constantly applying new technology based on his own philosophy and making experiments restlessly. Seoul collection in Korea which has already become a field of competition among fashion brands in the world also should be equipped with its own unique sense differentiated with Korean designers’ unique identity in order to be one of the fashion collections that is recognizable in the world fashion market, and it is needed to make creative design based on the restless combination of new technologies and the spirit of challenge and experiment. Also, it is necessary to establish a creative fashion education system connected with industries to cultivate competent persons, and it is needed to provide much support and pay attention to design and fashion in the entire society recognizing fashion as a high value-added industry to create national brand image.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The newly developed green fashion product, Eco-friendly Faux Leather Apparel (E-FLA) helps minimize harmful environmental impact with a low carbon footprint utilizing the progression of Bio-based Polyurethane and Nanocellulose technique. This study investigates green product purchase intentions along with the best available socio-psychological determinants and product criteria of the consumer green product adoption that can assist to launch E-FLA products in both western (England and the US) and eastern (China and South Korea) marketplaces. A total of 1,202 female respondents between the ages of 20 and 50 from England (N=297), the US (N=305), China (N=300), and Korea (N=300) completed the online survey. ANOVA indicated significant difference in consumers’ socio-psychological characteristics (consumption values, ethical consumption beliefs, self-satisfaction of ethical consumption, perceived consumer effectiveness, and environmental knowledge) and product criteria (product attributes of E-FLA) across four countries. Purchase intention and willingness to pay a premium for E-FLA products were shown differently across four countries. Multiple regression analysis results demonstrated differences in consumers’ socio-psychological and product criteria determinants for the purchase intention of E-FLA products across countries. Evidence suggests that differentiated marketing strategies for E-FLA products are required when targeting global consumers. Practical implications and theoretical suggestions to understand consumer sustainable consumption attitudes are proposed.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For more than two decades, the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique has been used as a valuable tool to provide opportunities for studying fertilization, treating human infertility, and producing transgenic animals. Not only in facilitating fertilization but also in propagating mammalian species, ICSI has enhanced the potential of assisted reproductive technologies in human. Polyspermic fertilization has been one of major problems in pig reproduction, but the ICSI helped to solve the problem, and used widely to generate transgenic piglets. Although the ICSI technique is considered to be a very useful tool in assisted reproductive technologies, including generation of transgenic animals, there are some disadvantages using the technique. In this review, we describe the ICSI technique and its application in animal production and human infertility, and discuss advantage and disadvantage of the technique in mammals.
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