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        검색결과 62

        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We performed CCD surface photometry in B,V,R and I filters for three southern spiral galaxies:ESO598-G009,NGC1515 and NGC7456. Isophotal map, luminosity profile, ellipticity profile and position angle profile were obtained for these galaxies using SPIRAL package. The results show that one of the galaxies, ESO598-G009 has relatively large bulge component and changes in position angle due to spiral arms. The NGC7456 has very small bulges; and the isophotal map of the NGC1515 shows that it is a typical spiral galaxy with bar.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the internal structure of a Heumgyeonggak-nu (欽敬閣漏) was designed, and the power transmission mechanism was analyzed. Heumgyeonggak-nu is an automated water clock from the Joseon Dynasty that was installed within Heumgyeonggak (欽敬閣), and it was manufactured in the 20th year of the reign of King Sejong (1438). As descriptions of Heumgyeonggak-nu in ancient literature have mostly focused on its external shape, the study of its internal mechanism has been difficult. A detailed analysis of the literature record on Heumgyeonggak-nu (e.g., The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty) indicates that Heumgyeonggaknu had a three-stage water clock, included a waterfall or tilting vessel (欹器) using the overflowed water, and displayed the time using a ball. In this study, the Cheonhyeong apparatus, water wheel, scoop, and various mechanism wheels were designed so that 16 fixed-type scoops could operate at a constant speed for the water wheel with a diameter of 100 cm. As the scoop can contain 1.25 l of water and the water wheel rotates 61 times a day, a total of 1,220 l of water is required. Also, the power gear wheel was designed as a 366-tooth gear, which supported the operation of the time signal gear wheel. To implement the movement of stars on the celestial sphere, the rotation ratio of the celestial gear wheel to the diurnal motion gear ring was set to 366:365. In addition, to operate the sun movement apparatus on the ecliptic, a gear device was installed on the South Pole axis. It is expected that the results of this study can be used for the manufacture and restoration of the operation model of Heumgyeonggak-nu.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The application of software engineering is not common in the development of astronomical observation system. While there were component-wise developments in the past, large-scale comprehensive system developments are more common in these days. In this study, current methodologies of development are reviewed to select a proper one for the development of astronomical observation system and the result of the application is presented. As the subject of this study, a project of operation software development for an astronomical observation system which runs on the ground is selected. And the output management technique based on Component Based Development which is one of the relatively recent methodologies has been applied. Since the nature of the system requires lots of arithmetic algorithms and it has great impact on the overall performance of the entire system, a prototype model is developed to verify major functions and performance. Consequently, it was possible to verify the compliance with the product requirements through the requirement tracing table and also it was possible to keep to the schedule. Besides, it was suggested that a few improvements could be possible based on the experience of the application of conventional output management technique. This study is the first application of the software development methodology in the domestic astronomical observation system area. The process and results of this study would contribute to the investigation for a more appropriate methodology in the area of similar system development.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genome sequencing researches for considerable numbers of crops and wild plants are being developed. Cytogenetic researches according to chromosome number and size are essential to confirm and comprehend ploidy level and genome size before genome sequencing project is actually conducted. Cytogenetic researches on six food crop plants were carried out by DAPI staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench showed 2n=2x=16, each chromosome length of 1.42㎛ to 1.77㎛, total chromosome length of 13.31㎛, and karyotypic formula of 2n=8m; Phaseolus angularis W.F. Wight, 2n=2x=22, 2.01㎛ to 3.84㎛, total 28.03㎛, 2n=9m+2sm, Perilla frutescens var. japonica Hara, 2n=2x=40, 1.73㎛ to 2.76㎛, total 44.36㎛, 2n=5m+13sm+2st. Chromosome sizes of the other three species such as, Panicum miliaceum L., 2n=2x=36, total chromosome length of 30.83㎛, Sesamum indicum L., 2n=2x=26, 27.39㎛, lpomoea batatas L., 2n=2x=30, total 33.51㎛ were too small for each chromosome type to be identified and analyzed. The result of FISH analysis using 5S and 45S rDNA probe showed species-specific chromosome locations in the genome. These preliminary analyses were carried out to decide which food crop to prioritize for genome sequencing. This work was supported by the “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (No.PJ009837), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The genus Rubus belongs to the Rosaceae family and is comprised of 600-800 species distributed worldwide. Understanding the genetic relationships and genetic structure in Rubus species is important for enabling efficient management, conservation, characterization and utilization of the species. However, as a minor crop, genetic research foundation was limited to explore genetic diversity and relationships in Rubus species. The present study shows the results of application SSR markers that were developed from SSR-enriched libraries of the one Rubus species (Rubus coreanus Mique.) in our previous study. We used 34 polymorphic microsatellite markers to analysis of genetic diversity within the Rubus species, including redraspberry, blackraspberry, blackberry and mountainberry. All the 34 SSR primers pairs produced 483 polymorphic and reproducible amplification fragments. The largest number of alleles per primer pair was confirmed at GB-RC-167, GB-RC-100, GB-RC-076 and GB-RC-245, which contained 26, 25, 23 and 21, respectively. An average value of polymorphic information contents (PIC) were 0.74 with a range of 0.36 to 0.92. Population structure and phylogenetic analyses showed that all Rubus species formed three largely distinct clusters, which were confirmed by principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). We obtained the results that the developed SSR markers showed a substantial degree of genetic diversity in the various Rubus species distributed in Korea.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        During the last decade, considerable progress has been made to understand the molecular mechanisms of M. grisea infection in rice plants and 10 rice blast R genes have been identified and characterized via map-based cloning methods. In case of rice germplasm, the genetic backgrounds of each germplasm accessions are not uniform and the evaluation for pathogenicity is difficult. To solve these problems, we applied the single resistance gene markers to rice germplasm accessions. A molecular survey was conducted to identify the presence of major blast resistance (R) gene in 363 accessions of Korea landrace rice germplasm. The results revealed that the resistance gene Pik-p (100%), Pib (98%), Pi-d(t)2 (98%) and Piz (76%) were widely observed in tested rice germplasm, but Pita-2, Pik and Pi39 gene were identified in less than 10 accessions. Most of landrace contain the four or five different resistant genes, but these results was not consist of field nursery screening. 13 accessions were shown the blast resistance in field nursery screening and Pik-p, Pib, Pi-d(t)2 and Piz genes were observed in these accessions. The evaluation results of blast resistance genes in rice germplasm will help in breeding of multi disease resistant varieties.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cryopreservation has been known as an efficient method for long-term preservation of clonally propagated plants, and several cryopreservation methods have been developed. Among them, a droplet-vitrification method for potato using axillary shoot tips in vitro has been established previously. In this study, we have optimized the procedure in which explants were submitted to a step-wise pre-culture in liquid sucrose-enriched medium (0.3 and 0.7 M for 7 and 17 h, respectively). The pre-cultured explants were dehydrated with PVS3 (w/v, 50% glycerol + 50% sucrose) for 90 min or modified PVS2 vitrification solution (w/v, 37.5% glycerol + 15% DMSO + 15.0% ethylene glycol + 22.5% sucrose) for 30 min. This two dehydration solutions produced post-cryopreservation regeneration percentages of 57.2% and 80.9%, respectively. We also compared a new post-culture medium (0.1 mg L ・ -1 GA3, 0.1 mg L ・ -1 kinetin) with the conventional one (0.15 mg L ・ -1 IAA, 0.2 mg L ・ -1 zeatin, 0.05 mg L ・ -1 GA3); the shooting initiation rates were 80.9% and 43.5%, respectively. The results suggest that the modified droplet-vitrification protocol described in this study is more effective, easier to implement, and more economical than the droplet-vitrification protocols currently used for potato.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "Chuyoung" as a new double cropping potato variety was bred in 2005 for table use through a cross between "Dejima" with short tuber dormancy and HRB-31 which is a tetraploid derived from an interspecific cross between "Russet Burbank" and Solanum phureja line. It was evaluated for short dormancy, growth and tuber characteristics every twice a year from 1997 to 2001. Regional yield trials were performed from 2002 to 2004 at three locations, Jeju, Namhae and Gangneung of Korea, respectively. Its tuber shape is oblong with yellow skin and flesh colors. Its dormant periods is 60~70days. It showed less incidence of physiological disorders such as cracking or knobs on tubers, and higher resistance to common scab by Streptomyces scabies compared to "Dejima". It has tall plant height and erect growth type with green-broad leaflets and white large inflorescence. Its average yields are 29.5 and 22.6 ton/ha at 90 days after planting in spring and autumn cropping, respectively. It also showed higher marketable yield due to the lower incidence of common scab and physiological disorders compared to "Dejima".
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