
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4,098

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seawater evaporation and purification powered by solar energy are considered as a promising approach to alleviate the global freshwater crisis, and the development of photothermal materials with high efficiency is imminent. In this study, cellulose nanofiber (CNF)/MXene/Ni chain (CMN) aerogels were successfully synthesized by electrostatic force and hydrogen bond interaction force. CMN10 achieved a favorable evaporation rate as high as 1.85 kg m− 2 h− 1 in pure water, and the corresponding evaporation efficiency could be up to 96.04%. Even if it is applied to seawater with multiple interference factors, its evaporation rate can still be 1.81 kg m− 2 h− 1. The superior seawater evaporation activity origins from the promoted separation of photoexcited charges and photothermal conversion by the synergy of Ni chain and MXene, as well as the water transport channel supported by the 3D structure frame of CNF. Most importantly, CMN aerogel can maintain water vapor evaporation rates above 1.73 kg m− 2 h− 1 under extreme conditions such as acidic (pH 2) and alkaline (pH 12) conditions. In addition, various major ions, heavy metals and organic pollutants in seawater can be rejected by CMN10 during desalination, and the rejection rates can reach more than 99.69%, ensuring the purity of water resources after treatment. This work shows the great potential of CMN aerogel as a high-efficiency solar evaporator and low-cost photothermal conversion material. Cellulose nanofiber (CNF)/MXene/Ni chain (CMN) aerogels demonstrated high evaporation of water from sea water.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Organic wastewater causes serious environmental pollution, and catalytic oxidation is promising technique for wastewater treatment. Developing green and effective catalysts is currently challenging. In this work, green synthesis of nano zerovalent iron loaded onto porous biochar derived from popcorn is conducted, and catalytic oxidation of Rhodamine B (RhB) is evaluated in the presence of H2O2. Effect of process factors is examined on catalytic performance for RhB removal. The mechanism of RhB removal is discussed by characterizations (Fourier transform infrared spectra and Raman) and UV–vis spectra. RhB removal is improved with high catalyst dosage, low initial RhB concentration, and high reaction temperature, while it is slightly influenced by carbonization temperature of biochar, H2O2 dosage and pH value. Under conditions of BC-250 1.0 g/L, H2O2 0.01 mol/L, pH 6.1, and temperature 30 °C, the removal rate of RhB is 92.27% at 50 min. Pseudo first-order kinetics is used to fitting experimental data, and the activation energy for RhB removal in BC-250/H2O2 system is 39 kJ/mol. RhB removal in BC-250/H2O2 system can be attributed to adsorption effect and catalytic oxidation with the dominant role of hydroxyl radical. This work gives insights into catalytic oxidation of organic wastewater using green catalyst.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to distinguish between various Ethiopian durum wheat varieties based on their genetic identity using chemical and morphological characterization of seeds. Combinatorial employment of five chemical tests on seeds showed marked qualitative variation among the test varieties, with high discriminatory potential noted for the standard phenol test, followed by the modified phenol and iodide tests. The modified phenol test was instrumental in further discriminating between the varieties that were not identified using the standard phenol test. Unlike the iodide and phenol tests, the NaOH and KOH tests did not show significant variation among the varieties. These results underscore the efficacy of phenol and iodide tests in differentiating between durum wheat varieties. Although the morphological traits were advantageous in seed characterization, they lacked discriminatory power compared with that of the chemical tests. This study concludes that a single test is inadequate for varietal discrimination; rather, a combination of chemical tests can augment the discriminatory potential.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        프리지아 ‘Ruby Star’는 농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 에서 보라색 홑꽃 ‘Avilla’와 흰색 반겹꽃 ‘Medeo’를 2012년 교배하여 얻은 종자로부터 2006년 향이 좋고 개화기가 빠른 적색 홑꽃 계통을 선발하여 품종으로 개발되었다. 2014년부 터 2017년까지 생육·개화 특성검정 및 육성계통평가회의 기 호도 평가를 거쳐 선발되었으며 2018년 직무육성품종심의회 를 통해 ‘Ruby Star’로 명명되어 2021년 신품종으로 등록되 었다. ‘Ruby Star’는 빨간색(RHS, R45A) 홑꽃인 절화용 프리 지아 품종으로 개화소요일수가 118.0일이며 초장이 120.5cm 로 대조품종 ‘Rapid Red’보다 약 28.7cm 더 길다. 주당 분 지수는 5.8개로 대조품종에 비해 수확량이 많고 첫번째 분지 의 길이가 32.0cm, 두께가 3.02mm로 절화 특성이 우수하 다. ‘Ruby Star’의 소화수 및 소화폭은 각각 14.8개, 6.3cm 로 소화수가 많은 중대형화이다. 절화수명은 약 8.4일이며 주 당 자구수는 3.8개, 평균 자구중은 2.9g이다. 전자코를 이용 한 PCA 분석 결과 PC1과 PC2의 설명력은 각각 97.9%, 1.8%로 전체 변이의 99.7%를 반영했으며 ‘Ruby Star’와 대 조품종 ‘Rapid Red’는 서로 다른 향기 패턴을 보였다. Radar plot 결과 총 6개의 MOS 센서에서 ‘Ruby Star’의 센서 반응 이 ‘Rapid Red’보다 강하게 나타나 ‘Ruby Star’의 향기가 더 강한 것으로 나타났다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서는 2021년 분홍색계 소 형 호접란 ‘Arihong’을 육성하였다. 2014년 밝은 분홍색 소형 품종 Phalaenopsis ‘Wedding’와 백색 바탕에 분홍빛을 가지는 소형종 P. ‘[{KT1398-1×(KM-6)-4}×Chiangbeauty-88]-23’ 를 모본과 부본으로 교배하였다. 2018년 실생 120개체 중 잎자세, 화색, 화형, 꽃대수 등 특성이 우수한 ‘14104-1’ 개체를 선발하여 기내 화경배양을 통해 증식하였다. 2018년부터 2021년에까지 1차, 2차특성검정을 통해 품종의 안정성과 균일성을 확인한 후 ‘Arihong’로 명명하였다. 이 품종은 백색(WG155B) 바탕에 중앙 에는 보라빛 분홍색(PVG80B)을 띄며, 진한 자주색(PG78A) 순판 을 가지는 것이 특징이다. 꽃대가 2대씩 발생하고 꽃대 길이는 평균 42.1cm 소형 분화로 적절한 크기를 가지고 있다. 평피기 형태의 꽃은 길이와 폭이 각각 5.1, 5.7cm이며, 분지가 발생하여 1개의 꽃대에 13.0개의 소화가 착생한다. ‘Arihong’의 잎은 수평으로 자라며 길이와 폭이 각각 13.0cm, 4.9cm였다. 또한 초세가 우수하고 생육 속도가 빨라 엽수 확보가 용이한 특성을 보였다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경상남도농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2021년 화색이 연황 색이며 화심이 녹색인 미니 절화용 거베라 품종 ‘크림쿠키’ (Cream Cookie)를 육성하였다. ‘크림쿠키’ 품종은 2014년 황색 미니 ‘Sun City’를 모본으로, 백색 미니 ‘Blandy’를 부 본으로 인공교배를 실시하여 육성된 품종이다. 2021년까지 생육 및 개화 특성검정과 기호도 조사를 실시하였으며 ‘크림 쿠키’의 생육 및 개화특성을 대조품종인 ‘Sun City’와 비교하 였다. ‘크림쿠키’는 연황색(RHS 4C) 꽃잎과 녹색 화심을 가진 반겹꽃 거베라 품종이다. 화폭이 7.1cm인 작은 꽃이며, 화경 장은 58.9cm였다. 화경 직경은 상부 0.4cm, 하부 0.7cm 였 다. 외부설상화의 길이는 2.8cm이며 폭은 0.8cm였다. 개화 소요일수는 65.7일로 ‘Sun City’에 비하여 18.8일 빨랐으며, 첫 개화시 엽수는 22.4매였다. 연간 주당 절화수량은 102.3 본으로 ‘Sun City’의 82.0본에 비하여 20.3본이 많았다. 절 화수명은 17.8일로 ‘Sun City’보다 4.1일 더 길었다. ‘크림쿠 키’는 화폭이 7.1cm의 미니 품종으로 연간 주당 100본 이상 절화 생산이 가능하다. 또한 수확 후 꽃 캡 씌우기, 꽃목 보강 등 추가적인 작업을 생략할 수 있어 생산비 절감이 가능하므 로 농가보급 확대가 기대된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract Purpose : This study was conducted to determine the effect of cataracts on quality of life in adults over 40 years of age using raw data from the 7th National Health and Nutrition Survey (2016-2018). Methods : We analyzed the relationship between gender, age, depression, and illness-related quality of life among 4,394 adults aged 40 years and older who responded to a diagnosis of cataract in the 7th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2018). Dichotomized variables were analyzed using the chi-square test (X2). Relationships between cataract, depression, and quality of life sub-variables were analyzed using logistic regression, adjusting for the effects of age and gender. A value of p<0.05 was considered significant. Results : In the logistic regression analysis results corrected for age and gender, cataracts were significantly related to cataracts in terms of motor ability (walking activity), pain and discomfort, anxiety and depression. In terms of restrictions on motor ability (walking activity), cataract disease patients were 1.37 times (95% CI: 1.14-1.65), pain and discomfort were 1.3 times (95% CI: 1.11-1.51), and anxiety and depressive symptoms were 1.38 times (95% CI: 1.10-3.75) at increased risk, confirming that cataracts significantly lowered the quality of life of the subjects. However, in terms of self-care (bath or dressing) and daily life, after correcting age and gender, a significant relationship with cataracts could not be confirmed. Conclusion : It was confirmed that cataracts affect exercise ability, pain/comfort, anxiety/ depression, etc., which can also reduce the quality of life.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The economy of Tanzania relies on agriculture as the main economic activity, because agriculture provides both food and income to the population of the country, especially the rural households. Improvement of market access to crops also increases the productivity. Therefore, in this study, descriptive statistics and statistical analysis of the probit model were used to analyze the factors that determine the market accessibility of small-scale farmers in Chemba, Tanzania. Cross-sectional data collected by the systematic sampling method for 200 corn peasants in Chemba, Tanzania were used. As a result of probit regression analysis, it was found that access to improved seeds and technology had a positive statistically significant effect on the accessibility to the market, while the age of the head of the household, production cost, distance to the market, and household size had a negative statistically significant effect. Therefore, in this study, policy establishment and implementation are recommended. A policy needs to be considered to reduce the transaction costs that eventually allows the farmers to increase the accessibility to markets, enables small-scale farmers to participate in cooperatives, lowers input costs and provides educational programs on quality products to increase their competitiveness in the marketplace.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 쑥에서 서식하는 Pleotrichophorus pseudoglandulosus (Palmer, 1952) 를 처음으로 보고한다. 무시성충에 대한 형태학적 정보, 기주식물, 분포지역, 한국에 분포하는 Pleotrichophorus 속 종들에 대한 분류키를 제공한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Canine induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are an attractive source for veterinary regenerative medicine, disease modeling, and drug development. Here we used vitamin C (Vc) to improve the reprogramming efficiency of canine iPSCs, and its functions in the reprogramming process were elucidated. Methods: Retroviral transduction of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc (OSKM), and GFP was employed to induce reprogramming in canine fetal fibroblasts. Following transduction, the culture medium was subsequently replaced with ESC medium containing Vc to determine the effect on reprogramming activity. Results: The number of AP-positive iPSC colonies dramatically increased in culture conditions supplemented with Vc. Vc enhanced the efficacy of retrovirus transduction, which appears to be correlated with enhanced cell proliferation capacity. To confirm the characteristics of the Vc-treated iPSCs, the cells were cultured to passage 5, and pluripotency markers including Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, and Tra-1-60 were observed by immunocytochemistry. The expression of endogenous pluripotent genes (Oct4, Nanog, Rex1, and telomerase) were also verified by PCR. The complete silencing of exogenously transduced human OSKM factors was observed exclusively in canine iPSCs treated with Vc. Canine iPSCs treated with Vc are capable of forming embryoid bodies in vitro and have spontaneously differentiated into three germ layers. Conclusions: Our findings emphasize a straightforward method for enhancing the efficiency of canine iPSC generation and provide insight into the Vc effect on the reprogramming process.
        2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper attempts to show that the word sì 巳(祀) used after the negative wù 勿 or wú 毋 functions as a “Vintransitive” (all the abbreviations and references used in this paper are given at the end of Part I). As such, it forms a VP, 勿/毋V1V2, where V2 is always one of the six “Type-A ritual Vs”—one being dăo 禱 ‘to pray’, the rest given in the paper. The semantic relationship between V1 (巳/祀) and V2 is closely examined. There are also inscriptions in which V1 is used before yú 于, a “multidirectional” preposition. This is labelled as “Nloc in the sense of ‘in, at’ (not ‘to, for’)” in the construction given in the title. The paper accounts for its motive principle. The paper argues that 巳/祀 is a Vaction meaning “conduct sì-providential ritual”. It was done at a place to seek divine direction and guidance from the deity or Power believed to have dwelt in situ. Originally presented in Takashima (2009a), this paper delves further into linguistic, philological, and cultural aspects of the 巳-ritual couched in the VP, 勿/毋V1(=巳/祀)V2. A major reason for its use is to contrast the 巳-ritual with other rituals and sacrifices. The details will be explained with examples. Part I covers “Examination I: Zhū Shēngyù’s Questions and Zhāng Yùjīn’s Interpretation”. The paper answers the former and evaluates the latter. Part II begins with “Examination II: Qiú Xīguī’s Interpretation” and ends with the conclusions of the entire paper.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various types of radioactive liquid and solid wastes are generated during the operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants. To remove radionuclides Co-60, Cs-137 etc. from a liquid waste, the ion-exchange process based on organic resins has been commonly used for the operation of nuclear facilities. Due to the considerations for the final disposal of process endproduct, other treatment methods such as adsorption, precipitation using some inorganic materials have been suggested to prepare for large amounts of waste during decommissioning. This study evaluated sintering characteristics for radioactive precipitates generated during the liquid waste treatment process. The volume reduction efficiency and compressive strength of sintered pellets were the major parameters for the evaluation. Major components of a simulated precipitate were some coagulated (oxy) hydroxides containing light elements, such as Si, Al, Mg, Ca, and zeolite particles. Green pellets compressed to around 100 MPa were heated at a range of 750~850°C to synthesize sintered pellets. It was observed that the volume reduction percentages were higher than 50% in the appropriate sintering conditions. The volume reduction was caused by the reduction of void space between particles, which is an evidence of partial glassification and ceramization of the precipitates. This result can also be attributed to conversion reactions of zeolite particles into other minerals. The compressive strength ranged from 6 to 19 MPa. These results also showed a significant correlation with the volume reduction of sintered body. Although our lab-scale experiments showed many benefits of sintering for the precipitates, optimized conditions are needed for large-scale practical applications. Evaluation of sintering characteristics as a function of pellet size and further testing will be conducted in the future.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various dry active wastes (DAWs) have been accumulated in nuclear power plants since the DAWs are mostly combustible. KAERI has developed a thermochemical treatment process for the used decontamination paper as an operational waste to substitute for incineration process and to decontaminate radionuclides from the DAWs. The thermochemical process is composed of thermal decomposition in a closed vessel, chlorination of carbonated DAWs, separation of soluble chlorides captured in water by hydroxide precipitation, and immobilization of the precipitate. This study examined the third and fourth steps in the process to immobilize Co-60 by fabricating a stable wasteform. Precipitation behaviors were investigated in the chloride solution by adding 10 M KOH. It was shown that the precipitates were composed of Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3. Then, the glass-ceramic wasteform for the precipitates were produced by adding additive mixtures in which silica and boron oxide were blended with various ratios. The wasteform was evaluated in terms of volume reduction ratio, bulk density, compressive strength, and leachability.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The nuclear power plant (NPP) decommissioning market is expected to expand not only domestically but also overseas. Proven technologies must be applied to decommission NPP. This is based on Article 41-2, Paragraph 2 of the domestic ‘Enforcement Decree Of The Nuclear Safety Act’. Proven technology refers to technology that has verified that it can be applied in the field through demonstration. In other words, in order to carry out NPP decommissioning, verification must be done. Demonstration refers to reducing technological uncertainty and directly verifying services implemented in the field. From a technology commercialization perspective, demonstration requires an approach based on technology readiness level (TRL) from a technology perspective and market readiness level (MRL) from a market perspective. The characteristics of demonstration also differ depending on the characteristics of each field. The demonstration in the field of nuclear energy is the demonstration of demand matching. This is to confirm the feasibility of the technology in the company’s required environment. In order to perform demonstration, a scenario must be derived by reflecting demonstration design considerations. After evaluating the derived scenario, an actual assessment is conducted using lab-based demonstration/virtual environment demonstration/real environment demonstration. What must be preceded by an actual assessment is confirming the consumer’s requirements. In this study, the necessary environment and requirements of consumer’s to perform NPP decommissioning were reviewed. The domestic decommissioning procedure requirements management system presents decommissioning procedures, potential worker accidents, and worker requirements. In the case of foreign countries, it was confirmed that complex wide need, cost benefit, risk reduction, waste generation, operation, reliability and maintenance (RAM) improvement and quantitative measures were evaluated for the technology to be demonstrated. Also the requirements for demonstrating decommissioning need to a detailed review of actual decommissioning cases. Therefore, a comparison must be made between the requirements based on actual NPP decommissioning cases and the requirements derived from this research process. Afterwards, the empirical research approach proposed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy was applied. The empirical research approach proposed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is to secure a track record over a certain period of time and performance under conditions similar to the actual environment in the final research stage at the TRL level 6 to 8. Through this, it will be possible to confirm the suitability of overseas technology for domestic application.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the decommissioning of domestic nuclear power plants (Gori Unit 1 and Wolseong Unit 1) becomes more visible, many research projects are being conducted to safely and economically decommissioning of domestic nuclear power plants (NPPs). After permanent shutdown, decommissioning of NNPs proceeds through decontamination, cutting of main equipment, waste disposal and site restoration stages. And various technologies are applied at each stage. In particular, remote cutting of neutron induced structures (RV, RVI, etc.) is a technology used in developed countries in the cutting stage, and remote cutting has been evaluated as a core technology for minimizing workers’ radiation exposure. Generally, remote cutting technologies are divided into mechanical/thermal/electrical cutting. Among various thermal cutting technologies, plasma arc cutting (PAC) is more economical and easily to remote control than other cutting technologies, and is also effective in cutting STS304 plates. PAC is a thermal cutting technology that melts the base material at the cutting area with a plasma arc heat source and removes melted material by blowing it out with cutting gas. The cutting quality depends on the stand-off distance and power (current), material thickness, cutting speed, etc., while double arcing will occur if the cutting conditions are not suitable. A monitoring system that can confirm double arcing during remote cutting is necessary because double arcing can reduce cutting quality, increase secondary waste (increase kerf and aerosol), and cause non-cutting. In this study, we used an ultrahigh-speed camera equipped with a band-pass filter to capture clear arc shapes, and measured voltage waveforms with a data acquisition system. We studied a monitoring method that can confirm the occurrence of double arcing by synchronizing the obtained arc shape and voltage waveform, and the effects of double arcing on the STS304 plates. The results of this study are expected to be helpful in the development of the remote cutting process using plasma arc cutting when decommissioning of domestic NPPs.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the operation of a nuclear power plant (NPP), corrosion products called CRUD (Chalk River unidentified deposit) accumulate on the surface of the primary system. The CRUD components of pressurized light water reactors or heavy water reactors, represented by (NixFe1-x)(FeyCr1-y)2O4, are composed of Fe3O4, NiFe2O4, FeCr2O4, NiCr2O4, etc. Radionuclide such as Co-60 are deposited within this CRUD, so the entire deposited material must be dissolved and removed for decontamination. Chemical decontamination has the advantage of being able to decontaminate a wide metal surface, but has the disadvantage of generating a large amount of secondary waste. Recently, chemical decontamination methods that add an electrodynamic process are being studied to overcome these shortcomings. This technology is a method of dissolving CRUD by applying an electric field in the anodic compartment of a cell separated by CEM. It is a method of accelerating CRUD dissolution by generating a large amount of hydrogen ions in the anodic compartment. Dissolved metal ions pass through the CEM (cation exchange membrane) and move to the cathodic compartment (pH > 12), where they are removed by adsorption or precipitation process. Therefore, the speciation characteristics between decontamination agent (oxalic acid) and metal ions are very important. In this study, we investigated the speciation characteristics of Fe(II), Ni(II), Co(II) - oxalate, which are important complex species in CRUD dissolution cells. The thermodynamic equilibrium constant for hydrolysis of each ion and of M(II)-oxalate were collected and speciation characteristics were analyzed using the MINEQL 5.0 program. From the speciation characteristics of M(II)-oxalate, effective radionuclide removal methods in an electrodynamic cell were considered.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The critical hazards generated from operation of a melting facility for metal radioactive waste are mainly assumed to be such as vapor explosion, ladle breakthrough and failure in the hot-cell or furnace chamber using remote equipment. In case of vapor explosion, material containing moisture and/or enclosed spaces may, due to rapid expansion of gases when heated, cause an explosion and/or violent boiling. The rapid expansion of gases may lead to ejection of molten radioactive metal from the furnace into the furnace hall. If there is a large amount of liquid the explosion may damage or destroy technical barriers such as facility walls. The consequences for the facility ranges from relatively mild to very severe depending on the force of the explosion as well as the type of waste being melted. Nonradiological consequences may be physical damage or destruction of equipment and facility barriers, such as walls. Due to the radiological consequences a longer operational shutdown would likely be required. Cleanup efforts would include cutting of solidified metal in a problematic radiological environment requiring use of remote technology before damage and repair requirements can be assessed. Even though there is a risk for direct physical harm to operators for example in the control room and hot-cell, this analysis focuses mainly on the radiological impact. The extent to which remote equipment could be used in the decontamination effort will largely determine the health consequences to the workers. It is reasonable to assume that there will be a need for workers to participate manually in the effort. Due to the potentially large dose rates and the physical environment, it is possible that the maximum allowable dose burden to a worker will be reached. No major consequence for the environment is expected as most of the radioactivity is bound to the material. In case of ladle breakthrough, a ladle breakthrough involves loss of containment of the melt due to damage of the ladle. This may be caused e.g. by increased wear due to overheating in the melt, or from physical factors such as mechanical stress and impact from the waste. A ladle breakthrough may lead to spread of molten metal in the furnace hall. Molten metal coming into contact with the surrounding cooling equipment may cause a steam explosion. The consequences of a ladle breakthrough will depend on the event sequence. The most severe is when the molten metal comes into contact with the cooling system causing a vapor explosion. The basic consequences are assumed to be similar to those of the vapor explosion above. While the ejection of molten metal is likely more local in the ladle breakthrough scenario, the consequences are judged to be similar. In case of failure in the hot-cell or furnace chamber using remote equipment, the loss of electric supply or technical failure in the furnace causes loss of power supply. If not remedied quickly, this could lead to that the melt solidifies. A melt that is solidified due to cooling after loss of power cannot be removed nor re-melted. This may occur especially fast if there is not melted material in the furnace. An unscheduled replacement of the refractory in the furnace would be required. It could be unknown to what degree remote equipment can be used to cut a solidified melt. It is therefore assumed that personnel may need to be employed. This event could not have any impact on environment
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