
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 126

        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Product labels are one way for advertisers to provide information to purchasers on product quality (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014). Label policies have been issued to promote information disclosure on food products in some developed countries. Recent years have also seen increasing attempts to promote healthy eating in emerging markets. In China, nutrition labels became mandatory under the nutrition labeling acts. The laws require nutrition information to be presented at the point of purchase as well as in establishments where food is prepared or consumed. Additionally, similar actions were taken by India (India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2011), Mercosur members and in South Africa (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2012; Institute of Food Technologists [IFT], 2011).
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Luxury companies are striving to improve their communication with customers while paying attention to online promotion and marketing activities. As companies interact with customers in luxury brand communities via various channels, they yield consumers higher value throughout the effective consumption process. In addition, this connection enhances customers’ understanding of the company, making it easier for companies to acquire empathy from customers. This study aims to analyze the value factors that affect luxury brand community members’ purchase intention and brand attitude. This study utilizes online survey results of four hundred prestige brand community users in China. The results reveal the positive effects of customer engagement on customer psychological empowerment and flow, the positive impacts of customer psychological empowerment and flow on community identity and brand attachment, the positive effects of community identity on purchase intentions, and the positive effects of brand attachment on purchase intentions and brand attitude. Furthermore, the results show that community types and fashion involvement partially moderate customer engagement. This study provides theoretical suggestions for relationship marketing in the luxury brand community environment. Last, this study presents practical implications that companies could utilize to create an emotional connection with their community members, resulting in an increase of customer support.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon materials with tailorable structures and superior properties have great potential applications in environmental protection, energy conversion, and catalysis. Plant biomass as abundant and green non-toxic raw materials has been considered as good precursors for synthesizing heteroatom-doped carbon materials. However, few studies have been reported on the different natures of carbon materials derived from different parts of the same plant biomass. In this study, we prepared carbon materials from the petioles and blades of apricot leaves by direct pyrolysis without additives. Detailed characterizations indicate that these two carbon materials are similar in element composition and graphitization degree, but differ greatly in surface area and pore volume. These differences can be attributed to the different contents of inorganic salts, vascular bundles, and proteins in petioles and blades. When used as catalysts for the oxidation of ethylbenzene, the petiole-derived carbon shows better catalytic performance than the blades derived carbon due to its high surface area, large average pore size, and doped nitrogen atoms. Furthermore, the carbon catalysts derived from the petioles and blades of poplar leaves and parasol tree leaves show the same difference in catalytic reaction, implying that the above-mentioned conclusion is rather universal, which can provide reference for the synthesis of carbon materials from leaves.
        2019.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정당은 국가기관과 시민사회를 잇는 가교로서 의회정치의 가장 적극 적인 부분이기도 하다. 그들은 EU와 국내 정치의 연결고리가 되며, EU 정치와 세계 정치 모두에 중요한 영향을 미친다. 유럽의회 내 좌파 정당과 집단의 조직구조는 비슷하고, 정당 주일의 정치활동에 의존한다. 결속력과 경쟁력은 당 그룹의 운영 특성이다. 응집력과 경쟁력은 동일 하다. 의회 정당과 집단은 정책 결과에 영향을 미칠 목적으로 어떠한 입법 연합도 자유롭게 구성할 수 있다. 유럽 의회의 좌파 정당 집단의 운영 메커니즘 분석을 통해 우리는 유럽 의회의 성격, 운영 모드, 선거 기능을 더욱 이해할 수 있다. 이 논문은 또 국회 안팎에서 국회 당 그룹의 기능과 그 영향력을 상세히 기술하고 향후 좌파 정당의 발전 전 망을 전망하고 있다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using ALMA observations of the 13CN and DCN lines in the massive star-forming region G33.92+0.11A, we investigate the CN/HCN abundance ratio, which serves as a tracer of photodissociation chemistry, over the whole observed region. Even considering the uncertainties in calculating the abundance ratio, we fi nd high ratios (》1) in large parts of the source, especially in the outer regions of star-forming clumps A1, A2, and A5. Regions with high CN/HCN ratios coincide with the in infows of accreted gas suggested by Liu et al. (2015). We conclude that we found strong evidence for interaction between the dense gas clumps and the accreted ambient gas which may have sequentially triggered the star formation in these clumps.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) is the largest solar telescope in China. When using CCDs for imaging, equal-thickness fringes caused by thin-film interference can occur. Such fringes reduce the quality of NVST data but cannot be removed using standard flat fielding. In this paper, a correction method based on multi-scale decomposition and adaptive partitioning is proposed. The original image is decomposed into several sub-scales by multi-scale decomposition. The region containing fringes is found and divided by an adaptive partitioning method. The interference fringes are then filtered by a frequency-domain Gaussian filter on every partitioned image. Our analysis shows that this method can effectively remove the interference fringes from a solar image while preserving useful information.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Product labels are one way for advertisers to provide information to purchasers on product quality (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014). Label policies have been issued to promote information disclosure on food products in some developed countries. Recent years have also seen increasing attempts to promote healthy eating in emerging markets. In China, nutrition labels became mandatory under the nutrition labeling acts. The laws require nutrition information to be presented at the point of purchase as well as in establishments where food is prepared or consumed. Additionally, similar actions were taken by India (India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2011), Mercosur members and in South Africa (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2012; Institute of Food Technologists [IFT], 2011). While nutritional labeling has received a lot of attention both in academia and from the press, some key gaps remain in the nutrition labeling literature. First, a great deal of marketing research has focused on consumer responses (e.g., Balasubramanian & Cole, 2002; Hieke & Taylor, 2012; Ippolito & Mathios, 1995; Parker & Lehmann, 2014; Shah, Bettman, Ubel, Keller, & Edell, 2014) and firm responses (e.g., Moorman 1998; Moorman, Du, & Mela, 2005; Moorman, Ferraro, & Huber, 2012) to nutrition labeling laws. Although stock market investors express greater interest in information about nutrition issues that can be integrated into financial analyses (Global Access to Nutrition Index [ATNI] Investor Statement, 2013), the issue of how standardized information requirements affect investors’ responses in financial markets has been understudied. As used here, standardized product-information disclosure refers to a requirement to present facts about firms’ offerings in a common format using uniform metrics (Moorman et al. 2012). Understanding the extent to which investors consider product information-disclosure polices when they make investment decisions is important because a company’s financial health is not only the ultimate measure for the success or failure of any strategic initiative (Luo & Bhattacharya, 2009), but also one of the most important measures of public policy effectiveness (Joshi & Hanssens, 2010; Srinivasan & Hanssens, 2009; Schwert, 1981). Moreover, urgent concerns have spilled over from the product market to the financial market (Chen, Ganesan, & Liu, 2009) due to the enormous economic costs and damage to firms’ reputations in product-harm crises (e. g., melamine contamination in several Chinese brands of infant milk powder) (Ngo, 2014). Another gap in the literature is how nutritional-labeling requirements affect emerging markets. In contrast to the situation in long-developed countries, emerging markets are subject to different pressures for food marketers and thus a distinctive environment surrounds the regulation of food product labeling. In China, food safety and quality is considered an urgent concern, and the issue has forced regulators and companies to take action (Yan, 2008). Unlike mature stock markets, the majority of investors in China are individuals (Chen, Li, & Shi, 2010). The Chinese markets are under-regulated and deficient in gathering and disseminating information to private or public organizations, and it is difficult for listed firms with insufficient records to form reputations (Singh et al., 2005). As a result, information asymmetry is accentuated and imperfect signals released from firms highly impact investor decisions. Thus, examining the effectiveness of labeling requirements in developing economies is important as is comparing these results to those found in more developed countries. Despite the importance of the issue in emerging markets, empirical work for investigating investor response to the public policy of nutrition labeling (Ghani, & Childs, 1999) or firms’ nutrition claim strategies (Cao & Yan, 2016) has been restricted in developed markets (e.g., the U.S.). Little is understood the changes in corporate financial performance because of regulations requiring product information disclosure in emerging markets. As a result of the pressures for consumer protection and regulation, it is increasingly important for policy makers to be able to understand the financial consequences of such regulation because of information disclosure policies (Moorman et al., 2005). Thus, an additional contribution of this study is to help better inform the policy debate in emerging markets. To fill these research gaps, we investigated the influence of the influx of standardized product information on the stock market. Specifically, we conducted an event study to examine the effect on firms’ stock values from the issuance of the food nutrition label acts (FNLAs) in China, a fast-growing emerging market. The acts require food manufacturers to provide standardized nutritional information on pre-packaged food labels. This study contributes to the marketing literature on the financial impact of regulation in emerging markets. In China, on the day the FNLA was issued, they were associated with positive abnormal stock returns of related firms. This result is contrary to the study by Ghani and Childs (1999) that reported that the NLEA passage showed a negative impact on firms’ stock prices. Second, the financial value from the issuance of regulations was strengthened by three marketing leverages—advertising, donations, and R&D. Finally, although Moorman et al. argued that the NLEA increased the number of small-share firms exiting the U.S. market (Moorman et al., 2005), we found that in the short term, large firms benefited less than small firms from product information disclosure in China’s stock market. These findings provide empirical evidence that regulatory controls create changes in shareholder wealth and provide an assessment of the financial market’s perceptions regarding the role of mandatory product- information disclosure in future corporate growth. In addition, evidence of the effects of regulatory changes on wealth is of significant value to policymakers and market participants as they evaluate the benefits and costs of information disclosure in emerging markets.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study proposed an alternative model specification to increase accuracy of conceptualization of the definition of customer engagement and provided theoretical justification for the model in specific social media contexts. The proposed model is a formative construct based on theoretical contexts and observational data. The construct comprises six formative first-order dimensions, namely “influencing behaviors,” “participation in activities,” “customer knowledge sharing,” “feedbacks,” “helping other customers,” and “customer-to-customer interaction.” The study findings offer a basis for identifying indicators of distinct dimensions in the proposed construct. Three models with different conceptualization specifications were estimated and subsequently compared using survey data.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Customer engagement (CE) has commonly defined as a psychological state or process that leads to customer loyalty (Brodie, Hollebeek, Juric, & Ilic, 2011). CE research has received increasing attention due to its critical role in luring favorable customer experience and outcomes such as brand trust, affection, and future purchase intention (Harrigan, Evers, Miles, & Daly, 2017; So, King, Sparks, & Wang, 2016). Despite scholars’ continuous efforts in advancing the CE field of study, several limitations remain unaddressed. First, empirical research focuses primarily on antecedents and consequences of CE that are derived from individual dispositions (Harrigan, et al., 2017); thus, customer actual behavioral outcomes of CE are generally unexplored. Second, most, if not all, empirical research investigates the nomological network of CE based on individual-level factors (Khan, Rahman, & Fatma, 2016; So, King, & Sparks, 2014). Such an individual-level approach is important as it builds the necessary foundation of the CE domain of study. Yet, the roles of organizational strategic position are largely ignored, while organizational-level situational factors are rarely considered. This research aims to bridge the aforementioned research gaps by constructing both individual-level dispositions and organizational-level situational factors into an integrated framework. In particular, this research seeks to explore the roles of two organizational strategic initiatives – service environment and brand equity – on customer engagement and its impact on customer behaviors.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction How to evaluate quality of advertising? Previous behavioral studies have mainly focused on subjective reports of survey and interview containing social and cognitive bias, or objective data of sell changes suffering huge temporal and monetary cost. Recently, increasing researchers have proposed that techniques of neuro-imaging could provide an objective and effective way to examine cognitive neural mechanisms underlying consumer behavior (referred to as consumer neuroscience) (Karmarkar & Yoon, 2016), and several studies have measured consumer's brain responses to advertising and movie trailer in both single- and two-brain frames (Barnett & Cerf, 2017; Venkatraman et al., 2015). However, still little is known about cognitive neural mechanisms underlying comprehension of advertising. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive technique of brain-imaging measuring changes in the hemodynamic properties of human brain. Compared with fMRI and EEG, fNIRS is portable, has few physical constraints on participants with reasonable spatial and temporal resolution, and is tolerant to electromagnetic noise and motion artifact. Therefore, fNIRS is a suitable tool for research of human behavior in daily-life contexts (Liu et al., in press), which is a trends in neuroimaging (Hasson & Honey, 2012) and consumer neuroscience as weill. Methods To examine the neural responses to different quality of advertisings, in the present study we measured 14 undergraduate students' frontal activations while watching 20 advertisings in Study 1 and listening 30 music demos in Study 2 using a portable fNIRS device, and analyzed interpersonal neural network across all participants based on graph theory. Figure 1 shows positions of the fNIRS channels. Positions of the fNIRS channels were measured by a 3D magnetic digitizer. In a pilot study, another group of participants were recruited to score 30 advertisings from three dimensions: degree of liking, degree of willing to pay (WTP), and degree of understanding, and finally top-10 and bottom-10 scored adverting were remained for the final experiment in Study 1. Concerning the music demos used in Study 2, we selected the top-15 and bottow-15 ranking music in the ‘Billboard 2014 hot 100’. During the experiment, participants were asked to score their degree of liking and WTP to the advertising or the music immediately after each stimulus was displayed. After the experiment, they were also instructed to score and report their understanding on each advertising or music. Results and Discussion In Study 1, the intra-brain activations revealed higher medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activation when participants watched low-scored advertisings than watched high-scored ones (Fig. 2), and the mPFC activations showed a positive relationship with participants’ understanding on the meaning of the advertisings. This result only suggests that low-scored advertisings were relatively hard for participants to understand the intentions of the adverting, requiring more cognitive resources of mentalizing (Lieberman, 2007). Importantly, when we considered all participants' brains as a network, and then calculated the interpersonal neural connectivity (INS) across the network (defined as the number of participant pairs who showed significant positive inter-brain neural synchronization across them indicating shared understanding) (Hasson et al., 2012), only the network connectivity in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) had significantly positive relationships with participants' scores of attitude towards the advertisings (defined as mean of the scores of liking and WTP) (Fig. 3). Study 2 confirmed the result showing significantly positive relationship between the network connectivity across all participants' brains and their scores of attitude towards the song demos. More importantly, the network connectivity in the right IFG of the small group of participants also significantly predicted the public's attitude towards the songs assessed by the rating scores on Douban website (Fig. 4). Conclusion The right IFG is a core area of mirror neuron system and is closely associated with empathy (Lamm et al., 2007). Thus, the present results suggest that high-scored advertisings may activate consumer's empathic response to simulate and experience their contents and intentions. And the network connectivity across consumers' brains in the right IFG may be a critical index evaluating quality of experiential advertisings. Practically, advertising should invite consumers to experience their products, and then could convey information and emotion more effectively.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since more and more consumers rely on online consumer reviews in their purchase decision making, we have observed the emergence of empirical studies on online reviews in different contexts. Such studies look at various dimensions surrounding online reviews; nevertheless, none of them actually gives a more comprehensive picture as to the rating differences across online rating platforms and/or across time, let alone explains such differences. This study aims to address these understudied but managerially relevant issues. In our empirical study, we focus on hotel ratings across platforms and across time (i.e., across identified change point in time), and explain such differences by review text associating with the ratings. We investigated San Francisco hotels that were rated on both Tripadvisor and Expedia, and utilized the General Inquirer dictionary to identify the categories of words in a review. Regressions analyses were then conducted for the explanation of rating differences. We found that rating differences, in both the cross-platform and the longitudinal cases, are substantially associated with the number of words (in a negative relationship). Furthermore, word tags identified from the review text associated with ratings also explain the rating differences. To conclude, the research reveals that for a specific service provider, online ratings may vary significantly in both the cross-platform and the longitudinal senses. It demonstrates that adopting a systematic approach and utilizing an established semantic dictionary, information extracted from review text can substantially explain such differences.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Showing friendly, kind, and warm endorsers in advertisement is a common strategy for companies attempting to appeal to their customers on an emotional level. However, these companies may have systematically overlooked one important factor, the perceptual fluency of celebrity recognition. According to the perceptual fluency literature (Lee & Labroo 2004; Winkielman et al. 2012), information that is consistent with one’s existing knowledge is more easily to be processed. Unlike previous endorsement research, this study explored novel pathways of celebrity recognition and examined how the perceptual fluency of the celebrity will impact celebrity endorsement. This study aimed to answer two questions: ⦁ Does perceptual fluency of the celebrity affect how a viewer reacts to an advertisement on the metrics that advertisers care about? ⦁ If perceptual fluency of the celebrity does have an effect, how can advertisers enhance the fluency when creating print advertisements? The current study undertook two studies that provided evidence for the perceptual fluency effect of a celebrity’s physical image on consumers’ recall and attitude towards the endorsement. Study 1 Study 1 aimed to test the effect of perceptual fluency in the context of banner ads on website. A pre-test is used to examine the perceptual fluency of various outlines from different celebrities under coarse visual condition, and choose the celebrity’s image with the highest deviation regarding perceptual fluency. The pre-test employed 46 grayscale pictures of 18 Chinese celebrities, with two to four images per celebrity. 29 undergraduate students (16 males) took the pre-test. The task was a forced choice two-alternative identification (celebrity: yes or no). Subjects were instructed to identify whether it is a celebrity or not, by pressing the keys “Y” or “N,” respectively. Jet Lee’s (a famous Chinese material artist in Hollywood) images were selected for the main study based on the pre-test results. Evidences (correct rate: 62.1% vs. 20.7%; response time: 0.96 seconds vs. 1.46 seconds) reveal that the respondents experienced higher perceptual fluency in the famous pose condition than in the casual pose condition. The main study used a professionally designed beer advertisement showing Jet Lee as the celebrity endorser. To enhance the external validity of this study, the stimulus advertisement was placed at the lower-left corner, with other advertisements. To ensure the validity of the target group, a representative online sample of male participants was solicited through a professional online panel provider (Erfgen, Zenker & Sattler, 2015). In total, 168 male Chinese participants completed the online survey. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two experimental conditions (low vs. high perceptual fluency). Erfgen, Zenker and Sattler (2015)’s approach was employed to study advertisement recall. The experimenter informed participants that their mathematical mentality was being tested. They were instructed to read an article about how to teach mathematical mentality to children. However, respondents were not explicitly asked to look at the advertisement. A filtering question was asked about the content of the article, and those who could not answer correctly were excluded from further analyses. Participants then solved four mental math exercises involving basic arithmetic operations, to distract them from the advertisement, before responding to our dependent recall items: unaided recall of the brand, the endorser, and then aided recall of the brand, and endorser (i.e., participants could choose among 10 answer options). Finally, questions about endorser familiarity and some general demographic items were asked. In total, 106 participants answered the filtering question correctly (Mage = 27.9 years, 74.4% with a bachelor’s degree or higher). The endorser familiarity is not significantly different among the two conditions (Mhigh = 5.62 vs. Mlow = 5.78, n.s.). The recall rates confirmed that the use of images with low perceptual fluency impaired endorser recall as compared to the use of images with high perceptual fluency. Unaided endorser name recall was not significantly higher for the high perceptual fluency condition (21.6% correct) as compared to the low perceptual fluency condition (10.9% correct; χ2(1, 106) = 2.23, p = .10, φ = .15). However, for the aided endorser name recall, it was significantly higher in high perceptual fluency condition (29.4% correct) than in low perceptual fluency condition (9.1% correct; χ2(1, 106) = 7.14, p < .01, φ = .26). Brand name recall was not significantly different among the two conditions, both for unaided recall (11.8% vs. 7.3%; n.s.) and aided recall (15.7% vs. 12.7%; n.s.). The results of Study 1 offer evidence for the existence of the perceptual fluency effect by using a realistic advertisement context. Participants exhibited higher recall rates of the endorser’s name for images with high rather than low perceptual fluency, which indicates that even when audiences focus on other tasks, they are more likely to process the advertisement with a high perceptual fluence celebrity image than that with a low perceptual fluence one. Study 2 Study 2 aimed to test the relationship between perceptual fluency of endorser and consumers’ attitude towards the endorsement. Donnie Yen is considered to be one of Hong Kong’s top action stars. His images were also shown as stimuli in pretest in Study 1. The result revealed that the perceptual fluency of Donnie Yen with a friendly gesture (smiling with an inviting gesture; accurate rate =24%, mean response time = 1.46 seconds) was significantly lower than it was for his image with a provoking gesture (showing a fist with cool expression; accurate rate = 40%, mean response time = 1.03 seconds, p’s < .01). The experiment used a professionally designed advertisement of a virtual “LIMA” brand electric bike showing Donnie Yen as the celebrity endorser. Similar to the method used in study 1, high and low perceptual fluency images of Donnie Yen were used. It is well known that the endorsers’ facial expressions and features have significant impact on advertisement outcomes (e.g. Kulczynski, Ilicic & Baxter 2016; Xiao & Ding 2014). Thus, to rule out the alternative explanation of facial expressions and features, the experiment used a 2 (perceptual fluency: low vs. high) * 2 (celebrity face: face only vs. face and body) between group design. This online study included 108 male Chinese consumers from Sojump (a China-based online panel site). Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four experimental conditions. They were shown a constructed print advertisement pairing Donnie Yen with an electric bike. Participants were instructed to rate the endorser on trustworthiness, likeness, competence, and attractiveness (Tanner & Maeng 2012), following which they were asked to rate their attitude towards the advertisement (Aab), brand (Ab), and purchase intention (PI). Measurement of Aab was based on Mitchell and Olson’s (1981) 5-point semantic differential scale, which includes “this advertisement is: bad/good, dislike/like, and uninteresting/ interesting” (Cronbach’s α = 0.92). Measurement of Ab was based on Carrillat, d’Astous and Christianis’ (2014) model, which includes “For the brand LIMA: I have a negative opinion about/I have a positive opinion about, I do not like/I like, it is untrustworthy/is trustworthy, and it is inferior to other brands/is superior to other brands” (Cronbach’s α = 0.88). Measurement of PI was drawn from Choi and Rifon (2012) by asking “How likely is it that you would consider the advertised brand next time you purchase an electric bike?”. In addition, they were asked to rate the matchiness of the celebrity image shown in the stimuli: “To which degree is the image in the advertisement consistent with the celebrity’s image in your mind?”. Finally, questions about gender, age, and education were asked. Trustworthiness, likeness, competence, and attractiveness were analyzed by using a one-way ANOVA. Results showed no significant differences among the conditions. Attitude towards the advertisement and brand, and purchase intention were analyzed in a 2 * 2 ANOVA with the perceptual fluency and face conditions as independent variables. Results showed main effects of perceptual fluency for attitude towards the advertisement (F(1,107) = 3.47, p = 0.06), attitude towards the brand (F(1,107) = 3.93, p = 0.05), and purchase intention (F(1,107) = 7.35, p < 0.01), but no significant interaction (F’s < 1). A follow-up analysis revealed that, when the celebrity’s face and gesture was presented, high perceptual fluency lead to a higher endorsement effect (MAad = 5.72, MAb = 5.66, MPI = 5.83) than when there was low perceptual fluency (MAad = 5.18, MAb = 5.08, MPI = 5.06; p’s < .05). However, no significant difference was found if only the celebrity’s face was shown (high perceptual fluency: MAad = 5.29, MAb = 5.37, MPI = 5.52; low perceptual fluency face: MAad = 4.94, MAb = 5.18, MPI = 4.96; p’s > 0.05). To investigate whether feelings of image matching mediated the relationship between the perceptual fluency and positive attitude related to the advertisement, the PROCESS macro bootstrapping procedure (n = 10,000, model 4) was performed (Preacher, Rucker & Hayes 2007). Trustworthiness, likeness, familiarity, and attractiveness were included as covariates. The results indicated that the high perceptual fluency produced significant feelings of image matching (β = 0.32, p=0.055), and image matching was a significant predictor of Aad (β = 0.42, p<0.001), Ab (β = 0.27, p<0.001), and PI (β = 0.42, p<0.001). Further, the 95% bootstrapped confidence interval for the indirect effect of perceptual fluency on the dependent variables through the mediator, image matching, did not include zero (Aad: β= 0.13, 95% CI = 0.02–0.30; Ab: β = 0.09, 95% CI = 0.02–0.19; and PI: β = 0.13, 95% CI = 0.02–0.30). These results support the notion that the perceptual fluency of a celebrity stimulus can affect the endorsement positively. Although the traditional influence factors of endorsement (i.e., trustworthiness, likeness, familiarity, and attractiveness) did not differ among the experimental conditions, participants showed significantly different attitudes towards the endorsement. Specifically, when the stimulus contained a celebrity image with high perceptual fluency, participants had significantly positive attitudes towards the advertisement and brand, and a higher purchase intention, as compared to those when a low perceptual fluency image was presented. In addition, the alternative explanation of facial expressions and features was ruled out in this study. Theoretical contribution This study contributes to the literature concerning how celebrities on printed advertisements are processed. (1) The current study revealed that the high rather than low perceptual fluency of celebrities’ physical image had higher benefits (e.g., martial art actor showing friendly gesture). The study defined this effect as perceptual fluency of celebrity recognition, which advances the stereotypic filtering mechanism (Sherman et al. 1998) and the fluency-as-good effect (e.g., Reber, Winkielman & Schwarz 1998). (2) This study also contributes to psychology through the assertion that our perception of famous faces can be influenced by the accompanied contextual information. Study 1 demonstrated that, other than the faces, the contextual information (e.g., hairstyle, gesture, and etc.) with high perceptual fluency can facilitate the recognition of celebrities. Study 2 revealed that the effect of perceptual fluency is more salient when the celebrity’s image includes the face and gesture. This result echoes findings from Aviezer et al. (2012), who argued that people tend to combine the face and body together, to create a synergistic effect. (3) Humans have evolved with significant mental capabilities to facilitate the rapid processing of information (Downing et al. 2001). However, the possible influence of such automatic evaluations in marketing contexts has not received sufficient attention. While marketers narrowly focus on manipulating attractiveness, agreeableness, or friendliness of celebrity endorsers, this study suggests that manipulating the perceptual fluency of the endorser may have a higher influence on consumers. These initial findings may help facilitate further marketing research using neuro and visual science methods to examine the perceptual processing of celebrities’ imagery. Implications for practice This study highlights the need for marketers to pay more attention to using the perceptual fluency of celebrity endorsers to enhance the endorsement effect. With increasing competition in marketing communications, automatic and holistic processing of the celebrity’s image may influence consumer behaviors in different contexts. Enhancing the perceptual fluency of celebrity images seems to have multiple benefits, including improved recognition, recall, and consumer attitude towards the endorsement. This study also proposes practical methods for the careful selection of celebrity images when constructing print advertisements. Marketers can evaluate the congruence of celebrities’ physical image with coarse visual images of celebrities and conduct pretests to determine the image that suits their printed advertisements. Limitations and Directions for Future Research One major limitation of this study is that only action movie stars were studied in the recall (Study 1) and consumer attitude experiments (Study 2). This is because it is a common practice that endorsers are asked to convey friendly signals in the advertisement, such as smiling, friendly body gesture, etc. Such friendly gestures are more likely to lead to low perceptual fluency for action movie stars than for other celebrities. Further evidence may be required for the perceptual fluency of celebrity recognition. Future studies can examine the perceptual fluency effect for other categories of celebrities, such as athletic stars, fashion stars, etc. Second, the current study focused only on male celebrities and male consumers. However, female celebrities are very popular in printed advertisements, especially for cosmetics, personal care, fashion, etc. (Belch & Belch, 2013). Influence of the perceptual fluency of female celebrities and the possible differences in the impact of each gender’s perceptual fluency requires further research. Third, in conducting Study1, the distraction task of mental math exercises only represented a simplification of reality. Future research can use more realistic tasks to enhance the external validity of the findings.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the rapid development of the global economy, transport safety and security have become the key issues in maritime transportation all over the world. In practical applications, the Automatic Identification System (AIS)-based measurement of similarities between different vessel trajectories plays an important role in improving maritime transportation, e.g., maritime navigation, maritime supervision and management. However, the received AIS datasets are usually composed of a large amount of redundant information which could significantly increase the computational complexity. To deal with this problem, a Douglas-Peucker (DP)-based calculation method is introduced in this paper to accurately compress the spatio-temporal AIS trajectories while preserving the main geometrical structures. Based on the compressed trajectories, it is able to accelerate the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm for the measurement of similarities between different vessel trajectories. In particular, the combination of DP and DTW has the capacity of significantly reducing the computational cost and guaranteeing the accuracy of similarity measures. The experimental results have demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed method in terms of computational cost and accuracy of similarity measures.
        2017.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        China’s sole nationality principle was formulated at the beginning of the People’s Republic of China. However, it was not officially adopted as a legal standard until 1980 when New China promulgated its first nationality act. Sole nationality, initiated as an expedient for foreign policy, was originally designed to help with neighbourliness. However, not only did it fail to achieve this goal, but it even resulted in more domestic institutional discrimination among Chinese people. Nowadays, in such a globalization and ‘humanrightization’ era, international law and domestic nationality laws in most countries throughout the world recognize an individual’s right to a nationality, and accept dual nationality so as to facilitate migrants’ returning to their homelands and help them reintegrate into local communities. Contemporary theory and practice of international law support the legitimacy of dual nationality. Also, China has experience in dealing with dual nationality. It would therefore be legitimate, beneficial and practical for China to restore dual nationality.
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