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        검색결과 273

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        소나무재선충병의 나무주사는 살선충제를 중심으로 실시되어 왔으며, 매개충인 솔수염하늘소와 북방수염하늘소의 방제는 주로 항공방제나 지상방제를 통하여 이루어졌다. 본 연구에서는 나무주사를 통하여 매개충 (솔수염하늘소)을 방제하기 위한 연구로 Abamectin+Acetamiprid ME, Thiamethoxam DC 약제의 나무주사시 솔수염하늘소의 약효발현농도, 처리 후 기간별 효과(2017년~2018년)를 검토하였다. 실내 발현농도 시험에서는 Acetamiprid, Thiamethoxam LC50 value는 각각 0.102ppm, 0.083ppm 으로 나타 났으며, 야산(포장)에서 Abamectin+Acetamiprid ME, Thiamethoxam DC 처리구의 100.0% 치사 소요일 수는 처리 90일 후 11.0일, 9.4일, 처리 360일 후 11.6일, 10.0일로 나타나서 두 약제 모두 3월 처리시 다음해에 발생하는 매개충 (솔수염하늘소) 방제까지 가능함을 확인 할 수 있었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Nipponopsyche Yazaki is reported from Korea with an unrecorded species, N. fuscescens Yazaki for the first time. Adult, larva, pupa and genitalia of the species are redescribed with SEM illustrations, and DNA barcode for precise identification of the species is also provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        과일이나 농작물의 부패 및 발효 환경에서는 Methanol, Ethanol, Acetic acid을 비롯한 다양한 화학물질들이 생산된다. Drosophila melanogaster는 이러한 발효·부패 환경에 서식하면서 일정 농도 이상의 다양한 화학물질에 지속적으로 노출되어 생존하도록 적응되어온 것으로 생각된다. 다양한 화학물질이 포함한 환경에 안정적으로 서식하기 위해서는 D. melanogaster는 화학물질에 능동적으로 반응하여 해독 유전자나 대사 관련 유전자의 발현량을 변화 시킴으로써 발효·부패 환경에서 생성되는 화학물질에 대한 높은 내성을 가지고 있을 것으로 판단된다. 현재까지 유전자의 발현량 측정을 위해 real-time PCR를 이용하여 reference gene의 발현량을 기준으로 정량화하는 방법이 가장 널리 사용되고 있다. 그러나 조직별, 환경별, 발달단계를 비롯한 다양한 조건에서 안정적으로 발현되는 reference 유전자 선정이 필수적으로 선행되어야 하므로 본 연구에서는 발효·부패 환경에서 생산되는 두 화학물질인 Methanol과 Ethyl Acetate에 노출된 D. melanogaster에서 안정적으로 발현되는 reference gene을 찾는 연구를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 농도의 Methanol과 Ethyl Acetate을 D. melanogaster에 노출시킨 후 RNA 추출과 cDNA 합성을 실시였고, 5가지 후보 reference gene (hsp22, nd, rpL18, tbp and ef-1b)의 안정적 발현 여부를 qRT-PCR을 통해 조사하였으며, 유전자 발현의 안정성을 측정하는 3가지 프로그램(geNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper)을 이용해 비교·분석하였다. 본 학회에서는 연구의 과정과 그 결과를 발표하고자 한다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Japanese pine sawyer beetle, Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is considered as a serious pest in pine trees. To develop an eco-friendly strategy to manage this forest insect, we collected entomopathogenic fungi from Korean soil and assessed their virulence against the adults of the insect in laboratory conditions. As a result, two isolates with conidial suspension (1.0×107conidia/ml), showed 87% and 90% mortality 12 days after fungal treatment, respectively. We assessed the potential of the fungi-derived destruxin and protease as additives to the fungal isolates, and they showed insecticidal activity via feeding and spraying treatments. Finally, we produced fungal conidia in massive solid cultures and formulated wettable powders, and now studying optimal conditions of oil-based formulation with two isolates. Based on these results, we are evaluating the control efficacy of the fungal agents against M. alternatus in field conditions.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 유통 중인 농산물 9품목(n = 578)에 대한 납과 카드뮴 함량을 조사하고 이들의 섭취로 인한 위해성을 평가하고자 하였다. 납과 카드뮴의 함량은 마이크로웨이브 분해 후 ICP-MS로 분석하였다. 조사대상 농산물의 납 평균 함량은 각각 보리 0.014 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.010 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.008 mg/kg, 녹두 0.006 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.008 mg/kg, 살구 0.016 mg/kg, 매실 0.015 mg/kg, 자두 0.021 mg/kg, 대추 0.019 mg/kg이었고, 카드뮴 평균함량은 보리 0.017 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.004 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.007 mg/kg, 녹두 0.005 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.001 mg/kg, 살구 0.002 mg/kg, 매실 0.002 mg/kg, 자두 0.002 mg/kg, 대추 0.003 mg/kg이었다. 모든 시료의 납, 카드뮴 함량은 EU, CODEX 및 국내 기준보다 낮은 수준이었다. 조사 대상 농산물에 대한 납, 카드뮴의 인체노출량을 산출한 결과, 납은 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI, 25 μg/kg b.w./week)의 0.067%, 카드뮴은 월간잠정섭취허용량(PTMI, 25 μg/kg b.w./month)의 0.28%이었다. 이상의 결과는 조사 대상 농산물의 납, 카드뮴 오염도와 이들의 섭취에 의한 위해성이 모두 낮은 수준이라는 것을 보여준다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Certification labeling is a system which confirms the quality and appropriateness of pr oducts according to the standard set. It is usually evaluated by the third party to assure being reliability. Certification labeling can be used as one of the important sources of i nformation when consumers evaluate the products. Especially, certification labeling gi ves customers trust and confidence about products because the label can be the signali ng that the quality of the products is good. Although certification labeling influences p urchase decision making, many consumers do not trust the labels because of insufficie nt information of certification and distrust in the certifications. As consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about environment and wellbeing, manufacturers are turning a convention product into the production of a sustain able product. Sustainable certification can be environmental cues to evaluate a sustain able product based on the categorization inference. The aim of this research is the inte raction effect among sustainable cues on purchase intention. Consumers tend to perceive organic label of products as high-price. Thus, although they concern environment and well-being, they tend to purchase conventional products more than an organic product. In addition, an organic label can have a positive influence on perceived risk, and then perceived risk may affect purchase intention. However, the product with organic label including traceability may have a negative impact on perceived risk. Therefore, perceived risk can mediate the relationship between the interaction between organic label of products and traceability and purchase intention.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스탠다드국화 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 충남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2009년에 황색의 모본 ‘Summer Yellow’와 부본 ‘ST07-09-02’계통을 인공 교배하였다. 2010년에 종자를 파종하였고, 이중 내병성이 강하고 기호성이 우수한 개체를 선발하여 ‘ST10-047-01’로 계통명을 부여하였다. 2011년부터 2013년까지 주년 생산성을 위해 촉성 및 자연, 억제재배 특성을 각각 검정하였으며, 2013년 ‘Geumhwa’로 명명하고 품종등록 출원하였다. ‘Geumhwa’의 생육 및 개화특성은 국내에서 많이 재배되고 있는 황색 스탠다드국화인 ‘Summer Yellow’를 대조 품종으로 하여 조사하였다. ‘Geumhwa’ 품종은 자연개화기가 10월 6일로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 10월 25일에 비해 빨랐다. ‘Geumhwa’는 초장이 86.3cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 93.8cm보다 작았고, 곁가지 제거수는 8.1개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 16.6개보다 적었다. ‘Geumhwa’의 꽃직경은 13.6cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 13.5cm와 비슷하였으며, 꽃잎수는 ‘Geumhwa’가 263.6개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 295.3개보다 적었다. 재배상 유의사항은 ‘Geumhwa’는 중간종이므로 초기생육이 왕성하도록 비배 관리를 하고 생육기간 중 지베렐린 1,000mg・L-1를 2회 처리하여 신장력을 높이도록 한다. 또한 설상화수가 적은 편이므로 재전조를 실시하여 설상화수를 늘린다면 황색의 연중 조기개화가 가능한 고품질 신품종 스탠다드 절화국화로써 소비자 기호 충족 및 농가소득 창출에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), is one of the most important pest species devastating many horticultural and ornamental crops and fruit trees. In the present study, a field strain was collected in January 2001 and has been selected for sixteen years with acequinocyl. The resistance ratio calculated from the LC50 of eggs and adults was 191- and 4,237-fold, respectively. The laboratory-selected acequinocyl resistance (LSAR16) strain was screened with 11 acaricides for cross-resistance. The detoxifying enzyme activities and quantitative real-time PCR analysis were performed in the LSAR16 strain. Crossing experiments revealed that LSAR16 strain was inherited maternally, incompletely dominant and monogenic. Most importantly, we identified two new point-mutations at mitochondrial cytb from acequinocyl resistant T. urticae.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We demonstrated an effective way of preparing melt spinnable mesophase pitches via catalytic hydrogenation of petroleum residue (fluidized catalytic cracking-decant oil) and their subsequent thermal soaking. The mesophase pitches thus obtained were analyzed in terms of their viscosity, elemental composition, solubility, molecular weight, softening point and optical texture. We found that zeolite-induced catalytic hydrogenation under high hydrogen pressure contributed to a large variation in the properties of the pitches. As the hydrogen pressure increased, the C/H ratio decreased, and the solubility in n-hexane increased. The mesophase pitch with entirely anisotropic domains of flow texture exhibited good meltspinnability. The mesophase carbon fibers obtained from the catalytically hydrogenated petroleum residue showed moderate mechanical properties.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction The concentration of manufacturing factories in China signals a significant change in the global economy. Manufacturers in countries that are not price competitive feel a sense of crisis and use servitization in the manufacturing industry as a countermeasure. In particular, with the recent rapid development of IoT and AI, service methods are becoming faster and more diverse resulting in increased research on servitization. Vandermerwe and Rada (1988), who first mentioned the term servitization, define it as providing customer-focused products, services, support, self-service, and knowledge, all bundled together. Despite numerous studies on servitization few consider the customer’s perspective, although many consider the producer’s point of view. So far existing research only explored on how consumers accept value-in-use based on an accurate understanding of consumers' needs from the consumer perspective in servitization, based on expectation-confirmation theory. This study examines how customers accept servitization and links it to customer satisfaction. Literature review Servitization Ren and Gregory (2007) defined servitization as a strategic change in which manufacturing companies develop service-oriented or better services to satisfy customers, gain competitive advantage, and improve corporate performance. Raja et al. (2013) examined servitization to find the most important attributes of value-in-use for customers using servitized products and classified them into seven attributes. This study is based on the seven attributes identified by Raja et al. (2013). Perceived Usefulness, Confirmation, and Customer Satisfaction Bhattacharjee developed the Continuance Use Model based on the expectation-confirmation theory and conducted empirical studies for verification (2001b). Our study analyzes the correlation between customer acceptance process and customer satisfaction based on the Expectation-Confirmation model by Bhattacharjee (2001b). Research method We conducted surveys and analyzed the data of 50 Korean university students and members of the public using Smart Pay (Samsung Pay, Apple Pay etc.). The reliability of the questionnaire was verified by using the Cronbach’s alpha values and exploratory factor analysis. The seven variables of the value-in-use attributes of servitization identified by Raja et al. are as follows: relational dynamic, accessibility, range of product and service offering, knowledge, price, delivery, and locality. We measured three additional variables: perceived usefulness, confirmation, and customer satisfaction. Contributions Academic contribution This study provides a theoretical basis for examining the relationship between variables and the influence of the value-in-use attributes of servitization on customer acceptance and satisfaction. Practical contribution We present implications for customer satisfaction in the servitization process of manufacturing companies by explaining how customers accept the value-in-use attributes of servitization.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        ABSTRACT The growth of the social platform has led to a rapid increase in sustainable value cocreation activities with customers in order to know what a customer wants. In this study, we have studied about co-creation experience in social platform service. Previous prior studies have systematically classify co-creation between customer and enterprise as co-product and value-in-use, Conceptual factors. The co-creation and value-in-use factors theoretically derived from previous researches attempt to investigate the relationship between value co-creation experience and online service quality. We also tried to investigate the relationship between value co-creation experience and online service quality, customer equity, and online word of mouth. To do this, social platform services are divided into open sns and closed sns. Open SNS was targeted to Facebook, Twitter, and Pintrest users. Closed sns were targeted to Instagram, Cyworld, Band, and KakaoTalk users. In this study, it was confirmed that the relationship between online service quality, customer equity, and online word of mouth is significant through value co - creation experience. In the future, companies that design social platforms will be asked to do what they should do to co-create with customers, and provide suggestions for how to operate the platform in order to continuously activate value co-creative experiences.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fashion products are believed that reinforce the inequities, exploit workers, spur resource use, increase environmental impact, and generate waste. Sustainability has been recognized as a major concern worldwide, and this also increases considerations regarding the challenges to business need to be faced in the fashion industry. When the fashion industry aims to promote sustainability, the main change factors have been linked to environmental and ethical issues in production. This paper aims to exploring an index for measuring sustainable performance of fashion company based on customer’s perception. The index measurement system is built from the basic dimensions of sustainability: economic, environment and social and the key influencing items in fashion industry: culture. Culture acts an important role in fashion consumption since it gives effects to customer’s behaviou and customer self-identity. Based on these four dimensions the this study designs a model related with customer’s perception and expectation to measure the evaluation of fashion company’s sustainable performance. Based on the result of index this paper studies how the customer’s evaluation upon sustainable performance works on customer’s loyalty. This index is designed for evaluating the sustainable performance of fashion company and give a direction to the managers in fashion industry that what the advantage is and weakness is in the sustainability strategy. It is efficiency for the managers to improve the sustainability strategy to match customer’s needs for engaging long-term benefit from fashion customers.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Internet technology now allows products and services to be purchased through online or mobile shopping. Many firms open online and mobile stores or establish social network services to meet changing customer desires. Despite the convenience of online shopping, customers are often uncertain about product quality because they cannot see or touch products. Consequently, firms may use various certifications that assure product quality such as KC in the Republic of Korea, CE in Europe, and UL in the United States. In addition, consumers are becoming increasingly concerned that the fashion industry presents threats to the environment and well-being. In response, fashion manufacturers are turning to the use of organic, eco-friendly, sustainable fabrics. Most studies about organic manufacturing have focused on the food industry, but we contend that clothing is similar to the organic food industry in the importance of certification that guarantees whether products are produced organically. In this study, we focus on how consumers rely on certification when they search for information and purchase organic clothes for infants. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of our results.
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