‘조평’은 고품질 조생종 품종육성을 위하여 2000/2001동계에 국립식량과학원 벼맥류부에서 조생종이면서 내냉성인 HR16683-46-3-1를 모본으로 하고 중만생종으로 줄무늬잎마름병과 흰잎마름병에 저항성인 HR18129-B-16-1-4를 부본으로 인공교배하여 F3이후부터는 계통육종법에 준하여 육성 선발하면서 주요 병해충, 내냉성 및 미질검정 등을 실시하였다. 2006년부터 2007년까지 생산력검정을 실시한 결과 조생종이면서 줄무늬잎마름병과 흰잎마름병에 저항성이고, 직립이면서 숙색이 좋은 ‘HR22799-66-3-2-5-2’ 계통을 선발하여 ‘운봉42호’로 계통명을 부여하고 2008년부터 2010년까지 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 도열병, 줄무늬잎마름병 및 흰잎마름병에 강한 조생, 고품질 계통으로 우수성이 인정되어 2010년 12월 농촌진흥청의 농작물 직무육성 신품종 선정 심의회에서 특색 있는 품종으로 결정 조생종으로 평야지적응성이 있다는 의미로 ‘조평’으로 명명하여 중북부 평야지, 중산간지 및 남고냉지(경기, 강원, 경북, 충북, 전북)에 적응하는 품종으로 보급하게 되었다. 출수기는 북부평야지 및 중산간지, 남부고냉지, 동북부해안지에서는 평균 출수기가 7월 28일로 ‘오대벼’와 비슷한 조생종이다. 간장은 67 cm로 ‘오대벼’ 보다 약간 작다. 주당수수와 수당립수는 14개와 84개이다. 등숙비율이 94%로 높은 편이며, 현미천립중은 22.6 g으로 중소립종이다. 재배기간 동안에 위조는 나타나지 않았으며 성숙기 하엽노화가 늦다. 불시출수와 수발아는 ‘오대벼’ 보다 약간 잘되는 편이고, 춘천 내냉성 검정 결과 ‘오대벼’에 비해 적고는 비슷하고, 출수지연일수는 짧으나, 임실율은 낮은 편이다. 재배 포장의 도복은 ‘오대벼’와 비슷하다. 도열병, 흰잎마름병(K1 ~ K3)과 줄무늬잎마름병에는 저항성이나 오갈병 및 검은줄오갈병에는 약하며, 벼멸구 및 애멸구에 대한 저항성은 없다. 쌀은 심복백이 없이 맑고 투명하며, 아밀로스 함량은 19.9%로 ‘오대벼’ 보다 낮으나 단백질 함량은 6.5%로 ‘오대벼’ 보다 높다. 도정율과 밥맛은 ‘오대벼’와 거의 비슷하다. 쌀수량성은 9개소의 보통기 보비재배에서 평균 쌀수량이 5.67 MT/ha으로 ‘오대벼’에 비하여 8% 증수되었고, 소득후작재배에서는 평균 쌀수량이 4.88 MT/ha으로 ‘금오벼’에 비하여 25% 증수되었다.
Heumgyeonggaknu is a water-hammering type automatic water clock which was made by Jang Yeong-Sil in 1438. The water clock that is located in Heumgyeonggaknu consists of Suho which is equipped with 2-stage overflow. Constant water wheel power is generated by supplying a fixed amount of water of Suho to Sususang, and this power is transferred to each floor at the same time. The 1st floor rotation wheel of Gasan consists of the operation structure which has the shape of umbrella ribs. The 2nd floor rotation wheel is made so that the 12 hour signal, Gyeong-Jeom signal, and Jujeon constitute a systematic configuration. The 3rd floor rotation wheel is made so that the signal and rotation of Ongnyeo and four gods can be accomplished. Based on the above conceptual design, this paper analyzed the internal signal generation and power transmission of Heumgyeonggaknu.
Acinetobacter baumannii is usually considered an opportunistic pathogen that it responsible for a variety of nosocomial infections, such as, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, meningitis, endocarditis, peritonitis, skin and soft tissue infections, and urinary tract infections. However, over the years, the organism has developed substantial antimicrobial resistance, and thus, the management of infections has become more difficult. The less common infective endocarditis is one of the more serious consequences of nosocomial bacteremia. Here, we report the successful treatment of the first case of multidrug-resistant A. baumannii endocarditis in a 33-year-old patient.
‘중모1008호’는 내냉성이 강한 조생종 품종육성을 위하여 1999/2000 동계에 국립식량과학원 벼맥류부에서 줄무늬잎마름병에 저항성이면서 밥맛이 좋은 ‘익산451호’를 모본으로 하고 조생종이면서 내냉성인 ‘상주21호’를 부본으로 인공교배하여 계통육종법에 따라 육성하였다. ‘중모1008호’는 북부평야지 및 중산간지, 남부고랭지, 동해안 북부해안지 보통기 보비재배에서 평균 출수기가 7월 27일로 ‘오대벼’보다 3일정도 빠른 조생종이다. 간장은 73 cm로 ‘오대벼’보다 약간 크며, 주당수수는 13개이고 수당립수는 ‘오대벼’에 비해 많으며 등숙비율이 91.1%로 높고, 현미천립중은 23.0 g이다. 노화묘 늦심기에서 위조현상이 나타나지 않았으며 성숙기 하엽노화가 늦고 수발아는 ‘오대벼’보다 잘되는 편이다. 유묘기 내냉성은 ‘오대벼’와 비슷하나 임실률은 다소 떨어지는 편이다. ‘중모1008호’는 도열병과 줄무늬잎마름병에 강한 반응을 보이나 흰잎마름병(K1~K3)과 바이러스병에 약하고 벼멸구, 애멸구 등 해충에 대한 저항성은 없었다. ‘중모1008호’의 쌀은 심복백이 거의 없고 투명하며 외관 품위가 양호하고, 쌀수량은 보통기 보비재배에서 5.60 MT/ha로 ‘오대벼’보다 3% 증수되었다.
Compared to wide ranges of genetic variation of natural populations, very limited Miscanthus cultivar has been released. This study was the first report on the development of Miscanthus cultivar by means of radiation breeding. Seeds of M. sinensis were initially exposed to gamma rays of 250 Gy for 24 h, generated from a 60Co gamma-irradiator. The irradiated seeds were sown and then the highly tiller-producing mutants were selected for this study. Biomass-related parameters including tiller number, plant height, stem diameter, and leaf number were measured. Ploidy level and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) were investigated to characterize the mutants compared to wild type (WT) Miscanthus. Plant height and tiller number were negatively related, where multi-tillering mutants were relatively short after 4 month growth. However stem diameter and leaf number were greater in mutants. All the materials used in this study were diploid, implying that the mutants with greater tiller numbers and stem diameter were not likely related to polyploidization. Based on the sequence of ITS regions, the mutants demonstrated base changes from the gamma irradiation where G+C content (%) was decreased in the ITS1, but increased in ITS2 when compared to WT sequence. ITS2 region was more variable than in ITS1 in the mutants, which collectively allows identification of the mutants from WT. Those mutants having enhanced tillers and allelic variations might be used as breeding materials for enhanced biomass-producing Miscanthus cultivars.
Herb extracts commercially used in Korea were screened for PPAR-γ agonist test and α-glucosidase inhibition assay. Total 16 herb plants had a PPAR-γ agonist activity. Specially, Alisma orientale Juz (108.41%), Ephedra sinica (98.22%), Sasa japonica Makino var. purpurascens Nakai (140.68%), Astragalus membranaceus Bunge (106.79%) and Cnidium officinale Makino (113.00%) showed high PPAR-γ agonist activity rate compared with rosiglitazone's (167.46%). And Cornus officinalis S. et Z. (90.3%), Cinnamomum cassia Blume (89.2%), Psoralea corylifolia L. (89.8%), Paeonia japonica (Makino) Miyabe (92.4%) and Paeonia suffruticosa Andr (93.2%), showed high α-glucosidase inhibition rates. These results support previous reports of the efficacy of Oriental medicinal plants used for diabetes mellitus.
Astronomical Observations at Chungbuk National University Observatory (CBNUO) with an 1 m telescope have begun since April 2008, and Near-Earth Space Survey observations also have been started since November 2010, with a 0.6 m wide field telescope developed by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute. To improve observational efficiency, we developed a weather monitoring system enabling automatic monitoring for the weather conditions and checking the status of the observational circumstances, such as dome status. We hope this weather monitoring system can be helpful to more than 100 Korean domestic observatories, including public outreach facilities. In this paper, we present the statistic analysis of the weather conditions collected at CBNUO for 3 years (2009- 2011) and comparisons were made for clear nights between using only humidity data and both humidity and cloud data.
In this study, the transient second or third layer on the topside of the Martian ionosphere were investigated with the most recently released Mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionospheric sounding/Mars Express data obtained from January 2010 to September 2011 to study the correlation between these topside additional layers and surface magnetic fields, solar zenith angle and solar activities. When examining the zones where the topside layer appeared, the occurrence rate of the topside layer was low at the areas with a strong Martian crustal magnetic field as observed by the Mars global surveyor. The occurrence rate of additional layers on the Martian topside ionosphere decreases as the solar zenith angle increases. However, these layers appeared significantly near the terminator of which solar zenith angle is 90°. In comparison between F10.7 which is the index of solar activities and the occurrence rate of the topside layer by date, its occurrence rate was higher in 2011 than in 2010 with less solar activities. The result of this study will contribute to better understanding of the environments in the topside of the ionosphere through the correlation between the various conditions regarding the Martian ionosphere and the transient layer.
Plant biomass is a huge carbon-complex that has potential as a nutrient. Therefore we extracted and separated useful materials for plant growth from tea leaf and stem. The pre-treatment process including high temperature (200 °C) and pressure (20-40 kgf/cm2) was treated for several minutes and extracted at 120 °C for 30-60 minutes. After that the chemical compositions and ingredients were analyzed from that plantnutrient.
As a result of mineral contents, calcium and magnesium concentrations are higher than other minerals. Also the result of carbohydrates analyses has shown that the sugar oligomer consists of xylose(95.3%) and glucose(4.7%), and the sugar monomer consists in the order of xylose (52.7%) > manose (22.8%) > arabinose (10.8%) > galactose (10.2%) > glucose (3.5%). Before applied to field, in vitro plant growth system and formulation were examined. To evaluate the effect of the nutrients, both strawberry green-house and persimmon fields were used in this test. The treated persimmons were heavier than controls scored at 13-22%. In addition, the storageperiod was extended in the treated strawberries. Interestingly in the treated strawberry, the contents of polyphenols were increased (38-57%). These results suggest that the plant-nutrient can afford to help for plant growth and storage, and it can be substituted for other commercial nutrients. In conclusion, this plant-nutrient may help to extend eco-friendly or organic farming in Hadong-gun area.