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        검색결과 370

        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Even though plant protections using chemical pesticides have several advantages, non-specific toxicities to other beneficial insects and humans and rapid development of tolerance and/or resistance of target pests to chemicals are major disadvantages. Recent researches suggested that using double stranded RNA (dsRNA) could be species specific and environmental friendly pest management protocols. However, efficiency of dsRNA treatments are known to be variable according to its application methods. For example, injections of dsRNAs to pests were known to be effective in all species. However, efficiencies of oral application of dsRNAs were known to be dependent on species. Thus, development of tools that could enhance the efficacy of orally treated dsRNAs are utmost important for widening usages of dsRNAs in plant protection. Recently, we found that the efficacy of oral treated dsRNAs to target pests could be enhanced by nano-technologies. I will show how applying nano-technology to dsRNAs enhance the efficiency of dsRNAs. (This work was carried out with the support of the Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: Studies for biological characteristics of and control methods against the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, Project No: PJ011630042016), Rural Development Administration).
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) causes acute diarrhea and dehydration in pigs with high mortality. PEDV is belong to Coronavirus, enveloped, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus. PEDV particles were composed of four structure proteins such as a glycosylated peplomer (spike, S) protein, envelope (E), glycosylated membrane (M) protein, and unglycosylated RNA-binding nucleocapsid (N) protein. Many of previous studies talk about this four structure proteins have a great potential to diagnosis and prevent PEDV. In this study we investigated expression of these structure proteins using the bacterial and baculovirus expression system. In bacterial expression system, our results showed that structure proteins fused polyhedrin and intein gene were expressed higher than non-fusion structure proteins. The expressed fusion proteins were used to immune mice for generating a polyclonal antibodies. In baculovirus expression system, co-infection of insect cells with these four recombinant baculoviruses led to self-assembly of virus-like particles as demonstrated by Transmission electron microscopy. They were confirmed by western blot analysis using pre-made polyclonal antibodies. Finding in this study may provide important information for vaccine and diagnostic development.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insects are among the most diverse groups of animals on the planet, representing more than half of all known living organisms. These insects are found in nearly every environment. Although humans regard certain insects as pests and attempt to control them using insecticides, most insects perform complex ecological functions, and provide either direct or indirect economic benefits to humans. Recently, the importance of insects used as food sources or as pets has increased in many countries, including Korea. In addition, several insects have a strong influence on people's emotion. Insect-mediated mental healthcare program is designed to help people who have disorders with physical, behavior and development. Children who have mental disorder, the experimental group that was provided with an insect-mediated mental healthcare program over a total of 8 sections, one section per week, 60 minutes per section, followed by pre-test and post-test. They responded to therapeutic effect after the completion of the program. Further research on the basis of this study is expected to help children with emotional therapy in other areas.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The population of managed honey bees has been dramatically declining the recent past in worldwide. The one of most common disease of bees is nosemosis, the nosemosis is caused by microsporidia in the genus Nosema. Nosema apis and N. ceranae have been described as honeybee pathogens. These microsporidia are highly evoloved fungi with an obligately intracellular parasitic lifstyle. The disease causes significant detriment to honey production and results in economic losses. In our knowledge, Fumagillin is the only antibiotic approved for control of nosemosis in honey bees, however this antibiotic may have unintended effects on the honey bee host, ultimately contributing to increased prevalence and pathogenicity of Nosema. Therefore, we screened anti-Nosema substances from entomopathogenic fungal culture filtrates using in vitro polar tube germination assay. These fungal metabolites are employed as antibiotic agents. As results, Total 3 samples (23% of 13 total samples) showing the germinating inhibition against N. ceranae. This screening method may be useful for the detection of anti-Nosema substances from various samples and selected samples in this study may be a good feature to be used in the development of a new biocontrol method of nosemosis.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We study the physical and chemical properties of the molecular clump hosting a young stellar cluster, IRAS 20160+3636, which is believed to have formed via the “collect and collapse” process. Physical parameters of the UC Hii region associated with the embedded cluster are measured from the radio continuum observations. This source is found to be a typical Galactic UC Hii region, with a B0.5 type exciting star, if it is ionized by a single star. We derive a CN/HCN abundance ratio larger than 1 over this region, which may suggest that this clump is being affected by the UV radiation from the Hii region.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Porcine parvovirus (PPV), a member of the genus Parvovirus, family Parvoviridae, is a significant causative agent in porcine reproductive failure, causing serious economic losses in the swine industry. PPV is a non-enveloped virus and its capsid is assembled from three viral proteins (VP1, VP2, and VP3). The major capsid protein, VP2 is the main target for neutralizing antibodies in PPV. When VP2 was expressed in large amounts, it assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) similar in size and morphology to the original virions. In this study, we generated the recombinant Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) to express the VP2 protein. Expression of the VP2 protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The recombinant VP2 protein of approximately 64 kDa was detected by both analyses. The formation of VLP by recombinant VP2 was confirmed through transmission electron microscopy examination. The purified VP2 protein assembled into spherical particles with diameters ranging from 20 to 22 nm.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In insect exoskeleton/cuticle, structural cuticular proteins (CPs) and the polysaccharide chitin are the major components of the procuticle. CPs are cross-linked by quinones or quinone methides produced by the laccase2 (Lac2)- mediated oxidation of N-acylcatechols. We reported that two major CPs, TcCPR27 and TcCPR18, belong to the CPR family that contain the RR-2 consensus motif (Rebers & Riddiford), are essential for formation and stabilization of the rigid cuticle of Tribolium castaneum adults. In this study, we characterized and investigated functions of the third most abundant protein, TcCP30, in extracts of elytra. TcCP30 cDNA encodes a protein with 171 amino acid residues containing a putative signal peptide. Unlike TcCPR27 and TcCPR18, TcCP30 mature protein lacks an RR motif, with a very unique amino composition, 36% Glu, 21% His, 20% Arg and 16% Gly. TcCP30 gene is highly expressed right before and after eclosion (in 5 d-old pupae and 0 d-old adults). Immunohistochemical studies revealed that TcCP30 protein was present in rigid cuticle such as elytra and ventral abdomen but not soft cuticle such as hindwings and dorsal abdomen of adult T. castaneum. Injection of dsRNA for TcCP30 into late instar larvae had no affect on larval and pupal growth and development. However, the subsequent pupal-adult molt, more than 50% adults were unable to shed their exuvium and died entrapped in their pupal cuticle. In addition, the resulting adults exhibited wrinkled, warped and split elytra. TcCP30-deficient adults could not fold their hindwings properly because probably due to the malformed elytra. These results indicate that TcCP30 is critical for formation of rigid adult cuticle as well as development and growth of T. castaneum.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 304 stainless steel powders were prepared by high energy ball milling and subsequently sintered byspark plasma sintering, and the microstructural characteristics and micro-hardness were investigated. The initial size ofthe irregular shaped 304 stainless steel powders was approximately 42 µm. After high energy ball milling at 800 rpmfor 5h, the powders became spherical with a size of approximately 2 µm, and without formation of reaction compounds.From TEM analysis, it was confirmed that the as-milled powders consisted of the aggregates of the nano-sized particles.As the sintering temperature increased from 1073K to 1573K, the relative density and micro-hardness of sintered sampleincreased. The sample sintered at 1573K showed the highest relative density of approximately 95% and a micro-hard-ness of 550 Hv.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect constitute the largest and most diverse group of animals on world and also serve as the hosts or nutrient sources. In addition, several insects have a strong influence on people's emotion. To utilize the preference and interest of insects in the field of mental healthcare, a survey study was conducted with individual living in Korea. As results, the most people had a high preference and interest of insect, but some were disagreeable to the insect itself. The preference and interest of insect were high on male, adult and practician experienced insect-related events than female, student and non-practician, respectively. The most favored insects were familiar or pet insects such as Papilio xuthus, Lucanus maculifemoratus, Allomyrina dichotoma and Lampyridae. These results may be useful to develop a healing program for mental healthcare using insects. Further research is needed to determine the effects of these insect in the mental therapy for this purpose.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most traditional genome sequencing projects involving infectious viruses include culturing and purification of the virus. This can present difficulties as an analysis of multiple populations from multiple locations may be required to acquire sufficient amount of high-quality DNA for sequence analysis. The electrophoretic method provides a strategy whereby the genomic DNA sequences of the Korean isolate of Pieris rapae granulovirus (PiraGV-K) were analyzed by purifying it from host DNA by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, thus simplifying sampling and labor time. The genomic DNA of infected P. rapae was embedded in agarose plugs, digested with a restriction nuclease and methylase, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to separate PiraGV-K DNA from the DNA of P. rapae, followed by mapping of fosmid clones of the separated viral DNA. The double-stranded circular genome of PiraGV-K encodes 120 open reading frames (ORFs), covering 92% of the sequenced genome. BLAST and ORF arrangement showed the presence of 78 homologs to other genes in the database. The mean overall amino acid identity of PiraGV-K ORFs was highest with the Chinese isolate of PiraGV (~99%), followed up with Choristoneura occidentalis ORFs at 58%. PiraGV-K ORFs were grouped, according to function, into 10 genes involved in transcription, 11 involved in replication, 25 structural protein genes, and 15 auxiliary genes. Genes for Chitinase (ORF 10) and cathepsin (ORF11), involved in the liquefaction of the host, were found in the genome. The recovery of PiraGV-K DNA genome by pulse-field electrophoretic separation from host genomic DNA had several advantages, compared with its isolation from particles harvested as virions or inclusions from the P. rapae host. We have sequenced and analyzed the 108,658 bp PiraGV-K genome purified by the pulsed field electrophoretic method. The method appears to be applicable to the analysis of genomes of large viruses. The chitinase, identified by PiraGV-K genome sequence, was functionally characterized by quantitative PCR, Western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Apolipophorin III (apoLp-III) is a well-known hemolymph protein having a functional role in lipid transport and immune response of insects. We cloned full-length cDNA encoding putative apoLp-III from larvae of the coleopteran beetle, Tenebrio molitor (TmapoLp-III), by identification of clones corresponding to the partial sequence of TmapoLp-III, subsequently followed with full length sequencing by a clone-by-clone primer walking method. The complete cDNA consists of 890 nucleotides, including an ORF encoding 196 amino acid residues. Excluding a putative signal peptide of the first 20 amino acid residues, the 176-residue mature apoLp-III has a calculated molecular mass of 19,146 Da. Genomic sequence analysis with respect to its cDNA showed that TmapoLp-III was organized into four exons interrupted by three introns. Several immune-related transcription factor binding sites were discovered in the putative 5’-flanking region. BLAST and phylogenetic analysis reveals that TmapoLp-III has high sequence identity (88%) with Tribolium castaneum apoLp-III but shares little sequence homologies (<26%) with other apoLp-IIIs. Homology modeling of Tm apoLp-III shows a bundle of five amphipathic helices, including a short helix 3’. The ‘helix-short helix-helix’ motif was predicted to be implicated in lipid binding interactions, through reversible conformational changes and accommodating the hydrophobic residues to the exterior for stability. Highest level of TmapoLp-III mRNA was detected at late pupal stages, albeit it is expressed in the larval and adult stages at lower levels. The tissue specific expression of the transcripts showed significantly higher numbers in larval fat body and adult integument. In addition, TmapoLp-III mRNA was found to be highly up-regulated in late stages of L. monocytogenes or E. coli challenge. These results indicate that TmapoLp-III may play an important role in innate immune responses against bacterial pathogens in T. molitor.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cuticular proteins (CPs) and the polysaccharide chitin are the major components of the exo- and endocuticular layers or procuticle. CPs contain a conserved sequence known as the Rebers & Riddiford (R&R) motif, which may function as a chitin-binding domain that helps to coordinate the interaction between chitin fibers and the protein network. We identified two highly abundant RR-2 CPs, TcCPR18 and TcCPR27, in protein samples extracted from elytra (rigid cuticle) of Tribolium castaneum adults and determined that these two CPs are required for rigid cuticle morphology. In this study, we identified the third most abundant protein (TcCP30) extracted from the elytra, and cloned a full-length cDNA. It encodes a very unusual 171 amino acid residue protein of which 36% of the residues of the mature protein are Glu, 21% are His, 19% are Arg, and 16% are Gly, organized in a regular pattern but not R&R consensus motif. TcCPR18 and TcCPR27 genes are expressed at 4 d-old pupae, while TcCP30 is highly expressed at 5 d-old pupae (last pupal stage) and 0 d-old adults. Immunohistochemical studies revealed the presence of TcCP30 in rigid adult cuticle (e.g. elytron, pronotum and ventral abdomen) but not soft cuticle (e.g. hindwing and dorsal abdomen). Injection of dsRNA for TcCP30 into late instar larvae had no affect on larval and pupal growth and development. The subsequent pupal-adult molt, however, more than 50% adults were unable to shed their exuvium and died. In addition, the resulting adults exhibited wrinkled, warped and split elytra. TcCP30-deficient adults could not fold their hindwings properly. These results indicate that TcCP30 may play critical roles in rigid adult cuticle formation, development and insect growth and survival. This work was supported by NRF (NRF-2012R1A2A1A01006467).
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The distribution patterns of estuarine copepods were investigated in the Seomjin River estuary of southern Korea after heavy rains in August 2006. Tidal influence extended 16 km from the estuary mouth. Each estuary zone (Oligohaline salinity< 5, mesohaline salinity 5~18, polyhaline salinity >18) changed within a range of about 5~6 km between low and high tides. A total of ten species were recorded, of which Pseudodiaptomus koreanus, Sinocalanus tenellus, and Tortanus dextrilobatus were predominant in the oligohaline zone; Acartia ohtsukai and Acartia forticrusa in the mesohaline zone; and A. erythraea, Calanus sinicus, Centropages dorsispinatus, Labidocera rotunda and Paracalanus parvus s. l. in the polyhaline zone. Their density was fastly reduced in the other zones. In particular, the oligohaline species migrated and aggregated into deeper water during ebb tides in order to retain their populations, while the same tendency was weaker for polyhaline species, suggesting that evolutionary traits primarily control population retention behaviors in estuarine environments.