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        검색결과 399

        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chitin deacetylases (CDAs) are chitin-modifying enzymes that deacetylate chitin to form chitosan. In insects, this modification may contribute to the affinity and/or cross-linking of chitin/chitosan-like polysaccharides for a variety of structural proteins that may lead to diverse mechanical properties of the cuticle. DmCDA1 (serpentine) and DmCDA2 (vermiform) from Drosophila melanogaster play roles in development and morphology of embryonic tracheal tubes. We previously reported the functional importance of TcCDA1 and TcCDA2 orthologs to DmCDA1 and DmCDA2 from Tribolium castaneum, in molting, morphology of cuticle, and movement of legs. In this study, we further analyze ultrastructural defects of the cuticles and leg joints in TcCDA1- and TcCDA2-deficient insects. Loss of function of TcCDA1 and TcCDA2 causes disorganized chitinous horizontal laminae and vertical pore canals of rigid adult cuticle (e.g. elytron). Both proteins are also required for laminal organization in soft cuticle (e.g. hindwing). Morphological analysis of TcCDA1- and TcCDA2A-deficient adult revealed that ruptured tendons between femur and tibia cause the defects in movement of the leg joint. This work was supported by NRF (NRF-2015R1A2A2A01006614).
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pigmentation or melanization is an important physiological event in insects and is involved in cuticle tanning, wound healing and encapsulation as a defensive response. Dopachrome-conversion enzyme (DCE, Yellow) significantly accelerates the melanization of the chorion in mosquito eggs. In this study, we demonstrated functional importance of two ovary-specific yellow genes, AalY-g and AalY-g2, in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. The transcripts of both genes were detected in the ovary of adult females only 48-72 h after blood feeding. RNAi for AalY-g or AalY-g2 had no effect on fecundity. However, the outermost colorless exochorion of the eggs was fragile and partially peeled off, and initial melanization of the endochorion was significantly delayed. Eggs from control females exhibited high desiccation resistance, whereas those from dsAalY-g- or dsAalY-g2-treated females were collapsed (50-80%) under the air-dry condition. Ultrastructural analysis revealed abnormal morphology of the endochorion and vitelline membrane in the AalY-g and AalY-g2-deficient eggshell. These results indicate that AalY-g and AalY-g2 are critical for integrity and desiccation resistance of the Ae. albopictus eggs. This work was supported by NRFs (NRF-2015R1A6A3A04060323).
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the different communication messages behind African women’s hairstyles, and to compare young and old African women’s hairstyles. The contents of this research are: the hairstyle as communication media, the types of African women’s hairstyles, and the difference between young and old women’s hairstyles. We used a review of literature and an empirical study as the research methods for this study. For the literature review, we used papers on African hairstyles, and we linked hairstyles to corresponding communication. For the empirical study, we took a database of 240 pictures (120 pictures of young women and 120 pictures of old women) from websites related to African hairstyles and we analyzed the pictures to differentiate between young and old African women’s hairstyles. The results of this study reveal that African women’s hairstyles express messages of power, ceremony, and status and identification communication. Within the 240 pictures, we found out which hairstyles are preferred by young and old women. Young African women prefer long, straight hairstyles and artificial hair (wigs), while old women keep short, natural hairstyles. The result of this research will be useful for understanding African women’s hairstyles as well as contribute to the field of hair design.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibacterial effect of the low temperature atmospheric plasma device with needle tip designed for easy approach to the oral cavity and root canal against Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans. The antibacterial activities evaluated by measuring clear zone of agar plate smeared with each bacteria after plasma treatment. To quantify antibacterial effects, dilution plate method was used. In addition, scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used for observation of changes in bacterial morphology. As treatment time of plasma increased, the clear zone was enlarged. The death rate was more than 99%. The SEM results showed that the globular shape of bacteria was distorted. These results suggest that needle tip plasma could be an innovative device for prevention of dental caries, and treatment of apical infection and soft tissue diseases.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경기도 8개 지역에서 2010년부터 2012년 동안 식균성인 노랑무당벌레의 발생기주를 조사한 결과, 흰가루병에 감염된 12종의 식물에서 관찰 이 되었다. 특히 가장 밀도가 높았던 배과원에서 노랑무당벌레는 7월 상순부터 11월 상순까지 발견되었다. 식균성인 노랑무당벌레의 장내에서는 흰가루병 균사나 포자 외에 다른 먹이의 흔적이 발견되지 않았고, 알과 번데기를 제외한 전 발육단계에서 균을 섭식하는 특성을 볼 때 절대적 식균성 곤충으로 생각된다. 25℃에서 오이 흰가루병균을 섭식한 노랑무당벌레의 발육기간은 알, 유충, 번데기, 성충이 각각 3.9, 10.4, 4.1, 37.7일 이었고, 발육단계별 오이 흰가루병 섭식량은 45.6, 144.4, 372.2, 628.1, 473.7 mm 2로 4령, 성충, 3령, 2령, 1령 순으로 많았다. 본 연구를 통해 노랑무당벌 레의 오이 흰가루병에 대한 섭식능력을 바탕으로 향후 유용 토착천적으로써 대량사육기술, 저독성 약제 선발 등 작물 흰가루병 종합방제기술(IPM) 에 대한 연구가 필요하리라 사료된다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bees of the genus Osmia are cavity-nesting solitary species that play important roles as pollinators. Nest traps are one of the most common methods to study Osmia bees. To elucidate the optimal environmental conditions of nesting sites, we investigated the effects of location, direction, altitude, and sites of nest traps on the rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. During the collection period, the average rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. collected within 90 days after the installation of traps was 17.0±20.0%. This percentage was 2.7-fold higher than that of trap-nesting bees in 30 days after the installation of traps. The Jeongseon location exhibited the highest rates of trap-nesting Osmia spp. collected in 30 and 90 days, representing 11.1 ±17.6% and 23.2±22.5%, respectively. The direction of the nest traps did not affect the rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. The altitude ranges of the traps were 0-199 m, 200-399 m, 400-599 m, 600-799 m and over 800 m. Interestingly, the altitude range of 600-799 m showed the highest rate of trap-nesting bees, which was 40.4±3.9%. Higher altitudes seemed to correspond to higher rates of trap-nesting bees. With regards to the sites where the nests were placed, the rate of trap-nesting bees in a mud wall of an old house was 45.1±25.2%, which was 3-fold higher than that of a nest in an apple orchard. The flowering plants collected at different locations during the trap-nesting activity of Osmia bees belonged to 18 families and 34 species. In conclusion, the rates of trap nests colonized by Osmia spp. were affected by altitude, site, and plant diversity.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Climate change by global warming is predicted to affect on public health including increasing incidence of vector borne diseases. Vector borne diseases are transmitted by arthropod vectors, such as mosquitoes, chigger mites and ticks, and are highly sensitive to climate changes. The surveillance and R&D of infectious disease vectors are becoming important for climate change preparedness in Korea. So far, 10 regional vector surveillance centers (Incheon, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, and Jeju) have been established to monitor vectors and their pathogens against endemic diseases (japanese encephalitis, malaria, scrub typhus and SFTS) and imported diseases (dengue fever, west nile fever and yellow fever). The information on geographical distribution as well as real-time monitoring of vectors and their pathogens will be presented by this surveillance system, ‘VectorNet’. The R&D plan on vectors and their pathogens is now discussing in government-wide R&D committee on infectious diseases. The R&D areas will be included: 1) establishment of nationwide monitoring system, 2) study on biological and molecular characteristics, 3) development of vector identification and pathogen diagnosis methods, 4) development of vector control techniques, 5) management and conservation of vector resources.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present research investigated copper and cadmium stress-induced differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using annealing control primers (ACP) with the differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction technique in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Vernal) leaves. Alfalfa leaves were subjected to 250 μM of copper and cadmium treatment for a period of 6 h. A total of 120 ACPs was used. During copper and cadmium treatment, 6 DEGs were found to be up or down regulated. During copper stress treatment, 1 DEG was up-regulated, and 3 novel genes were discovered. Similarly, during cadmium stress treatment, 1 DEG was up-regulated and 5 novel genes were identified. Among all 6 DEGs, DEG-4 was identified as the gene for trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase, DEG-5 was identified as the gene for senescence-associated protein DIN1 and DEG-6 was identified for caffeic acid O-methyltransferase. All the up-regulated genes may play a role in copper and cadmium stress tolerance in alfalfa.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        More than sixty percent of highways in Korea were constructed with concrete pavement to carry the heavy traffic loads due to the economic development of this country. The service life of some pavements are close to the end, therefore, they requires the maintenances, rehabilitations and reconstructions to improve their structural performances.According to the similarity of material properties to the concrete pavement, bonded concrete overlay isa good rehabilitation technique used steadily in Korea. However, it is recently reported that the bonded concrete overlays in some highways expose the early distresses and it is assumed that the poor bonding is a cause of this problem. Additionally, the poor bonding of bonded concrete overlay is caused by the bond strength that is less than the bond strength criterion. The pre-investigation of various concrete overlays is conducted in laboratory to determine the possible influence factors reducing the bond strength and it indicates that there are two possible factors affecting the bond strength: the concrete overlay types and the substrate conditions. The study investigates the vulnerable factor between the two factors based on theevaluation of the in-situ bond strength data of bonded concrete overlay gathered from some highways in Korea. The bond strength data is collected from two different application areas: the new constructionand the rehabilitation projects. The new construction and the rehabilitation projects used Latex-modified Concrete (LMC) and Ultra-rapid Hardening Latex-modified concrete (URH-LMC), respectively as the concrete overlay. The evaluation of in-situ bond strength is to determine the percentage of unacceptable bond strength in each projectto study the effect of different types of concrete overlay. Moreover, the percentage of bonding failure modes having the bond strengths less than the criterion is also measured to study the effect of substrate condition.As a result, substrate condition is the vulnerable factor affecting the poor bonding and causing the early distresses in bonded concrete overlay.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We study the physical and chemical properties of the molecular clump hosting a young stellar cluster, IRAS 20160+3636, which is believed to have formed via the “collect and collapse” process. Physical parameters of the UC Hii region associated with the embedded cluster are measured from the radio continuum observations. This source is found to be a typical Galactic UC Hii region, with a B0.5 type exciting star, if it is ionized by a single star. We derive a CN/HCN abundance ratio larger than 1 over this region, which may suggest that this clump is being affected by the UV radiation from the Hii region.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The ectoparasitic honey bee mites was originally confined to the Asian honey bee(Apis cerana etc.), mites had become widely established in the world and have continued to cause extensive bee colony deaths. Mites attach to adults and developing brood, where they feed on their blood. If left untreated, mites can deform bees and eventually kill the colony. Varroa destructor and Tropilaelaps clareae has plagued European honey bees, Apis mellifera. Differences in mite tolerance are reported between two honey bee species A. mellifera and A. cerana. We were counted number of mites(V. destructor and T. clareae) form 20 colonies. V. destructor and T. clareae has very similar behavior in honeybee colony. When behaviorally close, two competing species may populational interfere, and thereby affect their population dynamics. We tested for populational interference (PI) between two populational competing honeybee mites, V. destructor and T. clareae, by investigating their population dynamics when they competed on the same colony.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Porcine parvovirus (PPV), a member of the genus Parvovirus, family Parvoviridae, is a significant causative agent in porcine reproductive failure, causing serious economic losses in the swine industry. PPV is a non-enveloped virus and its capsid is assembled from three viral proteins (VP1, VP2, and VP3). The major capsid protein, VP2 is the main target for neutralizing antibodies in PPV. When VP2 was expressed in large amounts, it assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) similar in size and morphology to the original virions. In this study, we generated the recombinant Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) to express the VP2 protein. Expression of the VP2 protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The recombinant VP2 protein of approximately 64 kDa was detected by both analyses. The formation of VLP by recombinant VP2 was confirmed through transmission electron microscopy examination. The purified VP2 protein assembled into spherical particles with diameters ranging from 20 to 22 nm.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In insect exoskeleton/cuticle, structural cuticular proteins (CPs) and the polysaccharide chitin are the major components of the procuticle. CPs are cross-linked by quinones or quinone methides produced by the laccase2 (Lac2)- mediated oxidation of N-acylcatechols. We reported that two major CPs, TcCPR27 and TcCPR18, belong to the CPR family that contain the RR-2 consensus motif (Rebers & Riddiford), are essential for formation and stabilization of the rigid cuticle of Tribolium castaneum adults. In this study, we characterized and investigated functions of the third most abundant protein, TcCP30, in extracts of elytra. TcCP30 cDNA encodes a protein with 171 amino acid residues containing a putative signal peptide. Unlike TcCPR27 and TcCPR18, TcCP30 mature protein lacks an RR motif, with a very unique amino composition, 36% Glu, 21% His, 20% Arg and 16% Gly. TcCP30 gene is highly expressed right before and after eclosion (in 5 d-old pupae and 0 d-old adults). Immunohistochemical studies revealed that TcCP30 protein was present in rigid cuticle such as elytra and ventral abdomen but not soft cuticle such as hindwings and dorsal abdomen of adult T. castaneum. Injection of dsRNA for TcCP30 into late instar larvae had no affect on larval and pupal growth and development. However, the subsequent pupal-adult molt, more than 50% adults were unable to shed their exuvium and died entrapped in their pupal cuticle. In addition, the resulting adults exhibited wrinkled, warped and split elytra. TcCP30-deficient adults could not fold their hindwings properly because probably due to the malformed elytra. These results indicate that TcCP30 is critical for formation of rigid adult cuticle as well as development and growth of T. castaneum.