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        검색결과 11

        2023.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        담도 스텐트가 인접한 담도 주위 혈관에 손상을 주어 혈액 담즙증을 유발하거나 스텐트 제거 시 손상으로 발생할 수 있다고 드물게 보고된다. 스텐트 제거 시 활력징후가 불안정 해질 정도의 혈액 담즙증이 생기는 경우, 혈관조영술을 시행 하기 전 구조 요법으로 피막형 팽창성 금속 스텐트의 압박 효과를 통한 지혈을 기대하고 삽입할 수 있다. 본 두 증례는 간문부 담관암 환자에서 간문부 폐색에 대해 삽입한 담도 스텐트 그리고 간세포암종 환자에서 간동맥 화학색전술 이후 동반된 간농양의 내배액 목적으로 삽입한 담도 스텐트를 각각 교체 목적으로 제거 후 급격히 악화된 대량의 혈액 담즙증을 피막형 팽창성 금속 스텐트를 삽입하여 성공적으로 치료된 사례이다. 한편, 해당 상황에선 정확한 출혈 위치를 알기 어려워 예상되는 출혈 위치를 포함할 수 있을 만큼 높은 위치에 스텐트를 삽입해야 하며 적절한 위치에 삽입되었더라도 지혈이 되지 않을 수 있기에 일시적인 방안이며 스텐트 자체의 한계점들도 있다. 따라서, 기존의 스텐트 제거 시 혈액 담즙증이 발생할 수 있음을 인지하고, 그중 출혈의 위험성이 높은 환자에서는 제거 전 영상 검사를 고려해야 하며 출혈이 발생한 뒤 스텐트를 통해 성공적으로 지혈을 시행했더라도 출혈 및 가성동맥류와 같은 혈관 기형의 확인을 위한 영상 검사를 고려해야한다.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper suggests a procedure to define business process improvement (BPI) projects with analysis results based on the cause-and-effect chain. The procedure developed in this paper focuses on eliminating root causes of business problems resulted from abnormal events occurred in business process executions. First, we develop three criteria used to make clusters of the root causes where a cluster of root causes will be eliminated together by a BPI project defined based on the cluster. Second, we develop a method to formulate desired expectations from the BPI project. Also, we suggest a method to calculate the relative importance of the BPI projects that help a BPI organization determine priorities of them. We illustrate the procedure and the methods with some examples for the domestic mail delivery process in the postal service industry.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we develop a method for analyzing business process based on the event-driven process chain (EPC) model. The method consists of five stages such as identifying abnormal events, finding causes for the abnormal events and problems caused by the abnormal events, making cause-and-effect chains, drawing root-cause map, and defining improvement areas. We illustrate how to apply the method with some examples for the domestic registered mail delivery process.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we develop a methodology for business process improvement (BPI) based on the event-driven process chain (EPC) model. The methodology consists of six stages for BPI such as identifying abnormal events, finding causes for the abnormal events and problems caused by the abnormal events, making cause and effect chains, drawing root-cause map, scoping business processes for improvement, and defining process improvement projects. We illustrate how to apply the methodology with some examples for the domestic registered mail delivery process.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Finding the critical path (or the longest path) on acyclic directed graphs, which is well-known as PERT/CPM, the ambiguity of each acr’s length can be modeled as a range or an interval, in which the actual length of arc may realize. In this case, the min-
        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Finding the critical path (or the longest path) on acyclic directed graphs, which is well-known as PERT/CPM, the ambiguity of each acr's length can be modeled as a range or an interval, in which the actual length of arc may realize. In this case, the min-max regret criterion, which is widely used in the decision making under uncertainty, can be applied to find the critical path minimizing the maximum regret in the worst case. Since the min-max regret critical path problem with the interval arc's lengths is known as NP-hard, this paper proposes a heuristic algorithm to diminish the maximum regret and the computational experiments shows the proposed algorithm contributes to the improvement of solution compared with the existing heuristic algorithms.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Finding the critical path (or the longest path) on acyclic directed graphs, which is well-known as PERT/CPM, the ambiguity of each acr's length can be modeled as a range or an interval, in which the actual length of arc may realize. In this case, the min-max regret criterion, which is widely used in the decision making under uncertainty, can be applied to find the critical path minimizing the maximum regret in the worst case. Since the min-max regret critical path problem with the interval arc's lengths is known as NP-hard, this paper proposes a heuristic algorithm to diminish the maximum regret and the computational experiments shows the proposed algorithm contributes to the improvement of solution compared with the existing heuristic algorithms.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Disassembly of products at their end-of-life (EOL) is a prerequisite for recycling of remanufacturing, since most products should be disassembled before being recycled of remanufactured as secondary parts or materials In disassembly sequence planning of E