
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제해사기구(IMO)는 해상인명안전협약(SOLAS)에 2002년 7월 1일부터 신조되는 총톤수 500톤 이상의 모든 선박에 자동선박추적장치(ATA)를 탑재시키도록 규정하였으나, 이SOLAS 협약에 적용되지 않는 현재 운항중인 10,000톤 미만의 현존선은 ATA의 비탑재로 인하여 충돌사고가 빈발하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 ATA의 일부 요소기술이 국산화되어 있으나 가장 핵심적인 자동추적 알고리즘 개발은 아직 미비한 실정에 있으므로 자동추적 알고리즘의 핵심요소기술의 연구개발을 통하여 ATA를 국산화하여 연안에서 항해하는 중소형 선박에 보급함으로서 충돌사고 둥을 미연에 방지하고자 한다.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        인천항에서는 인천대교 건설을 계기로 남외항 건설을 추진함과 더불어 인천 내항 등의 기능 재배치가 추진되고 있다. 본 논문은 기능 재배치 계획에 따라 2011년과 2015년의 해상교통량을 추정하고, 내항의 갑문 운용에 따른 선박의 대기시간을 항만운용 시뮬레이션에 의하여 분석하여 내항에 기항하는 선박들의 체선 체화비용을 산정 분석하고자 하였으며, 최종적으로 2011년부터 2015년까지 내항에 기항하던 컨테이너선들의 남항/남외항으로의 이전에 따른 경제적 효과를 평가하고자 한다. 주요한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 갑문 이용율이 약 7~8%P 낮아졌다. (2) 갑문 대기시간 및 체선 체화비용이 약 25%P 절감되는 효과가 나타났다. (3) 자문 이용료와 선석 이전에 따른 항로 단축 편익 등을 제외하고 갑문 운용에 따라 발생되는 체선 체화비용은 연간 약 8억원의 절감효과가 있었다.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        인천항의 송도 신도시와 영종도 인천국제공항을 이어주는 제2연륙교 건설사업이 1999년 민간제안사업으로 정부에 제안되어 3차례에 걸친 통항 안전성 연구에도 불구하고 적정 교각폭이 결정되지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인천항의 제2연륙교 설치시 왕복통항이가능한 교각폭으로 설계한 경우를 대비하여 10,000G/T이상 선박이 일방통항으로 항로폭을 설계할 경우의 항만운용효율 변화 및 경제성을 분석 하고자 한다. 연구결과, 제2연륙교 항로의 왕복통항대비 10,000G/T 이상 일방통항시 제2연륙교 주경간 항로에서의 총대기시간은 2011년도에 20,362시간, 2020년에는 24,544시간으로 평가되었다. 따라서 10,000G/T이상 선박의 일방통항에 따른 체선·체화비용으로 2011년에 약 197억원, 2020년에는 약 233억원이 될 것으로 추정되므로 제2연륙교가 완공될 2008년부터 2040년까지의 33년간의 총 체선·체화비용은 약 7,689억원으로 평가되었다.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        인천항의 송도 신도시와 영종도 인천국제공항을 이어주는 제2연륙교 건설사업이 1999년 민간제안사업으로 정부에 제안되어 3차례에 걸쳐 실시된 선박의 통항 안전성에 관한 연구에도 불구하고 적정 교각폭이 결정되지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인천항의 장래 교통량의 측면과 최대선형의 선박 조종성 측면에서 소요 교각폭을 산정함을 목적으로 하고 있다. 연구결과, 제2연륙교 주경간 항로는 교통량 수용을 위하여 기본적으로 왕복항로 설계가 필요하며, 2020년 교통량 수용을 위한 소요 교각폭은 1,005m, 최대선형의 왕복통항을 위한 소요 교각폭은 990m로 산정되어 1,000m 교각폭이 장래 교통량 수용 및 최대선형의 안전한 왕복통항이 가능한 것으로 평가되었고, 700m 교각폭은 최대선형의 일방통항은 가능하나 최대선형과 일반 중·소형선박과의 왕복통항은 안전성이 확보되지 아니한 것으로 평가되었다.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        인턴항의 내항에는 10K 덴 50K 갑문중 10KT 갑문의 내측문짝만이 1련만 설치되어 있는 관계로 매 3년마다 시행되는 문짝의 정기 수리 기간중 10KT 사용이 전면 중단되고 있으므로, 정부에서는 갑문운영의 효율성을 증대시키기 위하여 10KT 갑문의 내측문짝을 1련 증설하는 공사를 시행중에 있다. 본 논문에서는 이들 갑문의 현재 및 장래 운영 수준을 평가함을 목적으로 하였다. 연구결과, 갑문의 1998년도 운영 수준은 10KT는 0.2119, 50KT는 0.2061이며, 이는 10KT의 정기수리로 매3년 46.5일간 폐쇄를 고려한 것이다. 2006년의 운영수준은 0.2246(10KT), 0.2539(50KT)이며, 2011년은 0.2241(10KT), 0.2560(50KT)로 추정되었으며, 특히 50KT 갑문의 운영수준이 2011년도에 1998년도보다 24.5%가지 더욱 급격히 증가될 것으로 평가되었다.
        2000.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In Pusan Harbour, new port development projects are implemented such as the Extended Terminal adjacent to the Gamman Terminal, Pusan New Port, the Navy ○○ piers, etc. which will require new marine traffic environments in the Passage I of Pusan Harbour. Specially, the turning basin of the Extended Terminal adjacent to the Gamman Terminal has been designed to overlay the Passage I of Pusan Harbour, which will interrupt the inbound traffic flow and the results will be worried to decrease the efficiency of port operation. Therefore, this paper will be aimed to evaluate the traffic congestion in the Pusan Passage I due to the opening of new ports within Pusan Harbour in 2006 and 2011 by using computer simulation based the queueing theory.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        When designing new marine traffic routes, it is desirable that the congestion due to traffic volume is evaluated by theoretical traffic capacity or by traffic simulation. Most of these techniques are applied to single server which is not considered channel width. Over-taking or paralle sailing of two or more vessels is allowalbe in Dover, Uraga, Gaduk-sudo, etc under their traffic capacity. In this paper, the Bumper Model is introduced to multiple severs in narrow channel and applied to Uraga Channel in Japan. The minimum width of Uraga Channel is 1, 400 m and its design traffic capacity is evaluated 19.26 ~ 19.52% of the basic traffic capacity. The traffic capacity on Gaduk Channel according to Busan New Port Development in 2011 will be estimated 3.59 % of maximum density and equal to 18.6% of that on Uraga Channel in 1992. The channel width Gaduk-sudo is designed 1, 600~2, 460 m and evaluated safe enough.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, the Track Control System which was separated from the Course Control System so-called Auto-Pilot has been developed for track-keeping in coastal area. From this year, the NAV Sub-committee in IMO commenced to consider the Performance Standard for the Track Control System vigorously. This system will be integrated with ECDIS and IBS so that captain/officers should analysis ship's motion characteristics accurately in the route planning using the electronic nautical charts. In this paper, a new Route Analysis Algorithm using fuzzy reasoning in route planning was proposed for 2, 700 TEU container ship. In order to verify the track-keeping, the author established a ship mathematical model and executed the simulation of the Route Analysis Algorithm at on-line condition with Pentium PC. The results of ship trajectories of the Route Analysis Algorithm were found to be effective to get track control automatically.
        1994.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        On developing port system, the performance tests of system in relation to ship maneuver generally consists of the three parts: the channel transit, the manoeuvring in a turning basin and the docking/undocking. The quantifications of risk of an accident has priviously been difficult due to the low occurrence of accidents relative to the number of transits. Additionally, accident statistics could not be related port system because of the large number of factors contributing to the accident. such as human error, equipment failure, visibility, light, traffic. etc. In case of the channel transit, "Relative Risk Factor(RRF)" or "Relative Risk Factor for Meeting Traffic" was proposed as the as the measures derived to quantify the relative risk of accident by M.W.Smith. This factor measure the tracking performance, the turning performance and the passing performance at meeting traffic. On the other hand, the safety of berthing maneuver is not measured with a few evaluating factors as controlled due to complex controllabilites such as steering, engine, side thrusters or tugs. This work, therefore, aims to propose the evaluating measure by the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). Six experimental scenarios were establised under the various environmental conditions as independent variables. In every simulation, the difficulty of maneuver was scored by captain and compared with AHP scores. The results show almost same and from which the weights of eight evaluating factors could be fixed. Additionally, the limit value of relative factor in berthing safety to six scenarios could be estimated to 0.11.e estimated to 0.11.
        1994.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Studies on the ship's automatic navigation & berthing control have been continued by way of solving the ship's mathematical model, but the results of such studies have not reached to our satisfactory level due to its non-linear characteristics at low speed. In this paper, the authors propose a new berthing control system which can evaluate as closely as cap-tain's decision-making by using the FNN(Fuzzy Neural Network) controller which can simulate captain's knowledge. This berthing controller consists of the navigation subsystem FNN controller and the berthing subsystem FNN controller. The learning data are drawn from Ship Handling Simulator (NavSim NMS-90 MK Ⅲ) and represent the ship motion characteristics internally. According to learning procedure, both FNN controllers can tune membership functions and identify fuzzy control rules automatically. The verified results show the FNN controllers effective to incorporate captain's knowledge and experience of berthing.
        1993.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Studies on the ship's automatic navigation & berthing control have been continued by way of solving the ship's mathematical model, but the results of such studies have not reached to our satisfactory level due to its non-linear characteristics at low speed. In this paper, the authors propose a new control system which can evaluate as closely as captain's decision-making by using the FNN(Fuzzy Neural Network) controller which can simulate captain's knowledge. This controller contains the concept of safety according to channel width. The learning data are drawn from ship Handling simulator(NavSim NMS-90 MK III) and represent the ship motion characteristics internally. According to learning procedure, the FNN controller can tune membership functions and identify fuzzy control rules automatically. The verified results show that the FNN controller is effective to incorporate captain's knowledge and experience of manoeuvrability in channel.
        1993.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Gel consistancy의 재배환경에 따른 변이정도를 밝히기 위하여 국내 재배품종과 육성 중인 계통을 1988년부터 1992년 걸쳐 재배시기를 달리하거나 질소비료수준을 달리하여 재배, 수확한 뒤 gel consistency를 조사하였다. 1. 품종간 gel consistency의 변이정도는 상당히 켰고 공시 품종수의 85%정도가 60-100mm의 gel길이 를 보여 soft에 속하였다. 2. 자포니카 품종의 gel길이 평균치가 통일형 품종의 평균치보다 켰으며 공시한 찰벼 품종의 gel 길이는 모두 최대 값인 100mm에 가까왔다. 3. 연차변이가 작게 나타나는 품종과 크게 나타나는 품종들이 있으나 이것이 품종간 차이를 크게 뒤 바꾸지는 않았다. 4. Gel길이가 아주 길거나 아주 짧은 품종은 파종기에 따른 변이가 거의 없었으나 일부 인디카형품종은 파종기가 늦어 질수록 gel길이가 다소 짧아졌다. 5. 재배품종과 육성중인 계통의 gel consistency 는 질소시비량 따른 큰 변이를 보이지 않았으나 일부 품종은 질소시비량이 많아질수록 gel 길이가 다소 짧아졌다.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Navigational System is the Fundamental System of Port Transportation System and comprises 3 Subsystems, say, the Waterway System, the Shiphandling System and the Support System. The Waterway System of Navigational System is the important and fundamental System for Traffic Safety inside the Port like a Car Road System on Land. This study aims to make a Guideline for the Optimal Waterway System of Port Development and Safety. The Conclusion of this Paper are drawn : 1) The complicated Shiphandling Operations should be avoided for the period of Physical night Time for eliminating the Human Errors. 2) For the Maneuverability and all-weather Combined Piloting the Inside Turn Point Buoy and Begin the-turn Buoy should be mounted with Racon(T) and Radar Reflector for foggy and bad weathers. 3) The Seabuoy located in the Approaching Area for Pilot Station and making Landfall should be mounted with Racon(G) and Morese A Light for giving a Hint of Pilot Station to the Captain on the Bridge, and these Equipments of Racon and Light should be operated normally and effectively even in a Heavy and stormy weathers. 4) A Basic Practical Expression, 1/2 L sin D, for calculating the Extra Width of Cutoff Turn Regions was derived Originally from the Viewpoint of Turn Maneuvers and Maneuverability of the Ship.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Waterway System for the Very Large Ships is One of the Important System connected between Marine Transport System and Exclusive Terminal. This study analyzed the Turning Configurations and Placement of Fairway Buoys in Waterway at the Port of Kwangyang to make Optimal Suggestion of for Ship's Safe Navigation. The following Conclusions are drawn : 1) In Area Section A, Starboard hand Buoy No14 should be changed its Location and Light Rhythms, and Buoy Nos.13 '||'&'||' 16 are required their Light Rhythms to be changed. 2) Especially in Area Section B located before the Turning Basin, The Location and Light Rhythms of Nos.20 '||'&'||' 22 buoys at Starboard Hand should be changed, Port Hand No.21 also should be done, and East Cardinal Buoy located between Nos.21and 23 should be changed its Light Rhythms, or removed if possible. 3) Buoy no.19 of Lateral Port Hand in Section B should be changed "Preferred Channel to Startboard" to distinguish Main Channel from Secondary One.
        1988.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        From the point of view of safety of life and property at sea and the protection of the marine environment, the Vessel Traffic Management System along the Korea coastal waterway is inevitably introduced. But the establishing priority per area must be evaluated under the restricted budget. In this case, the estimated traffic flow has a major effect on priority evaluation. In the former paper <I>, an algorithm was proposed for estimating the trip distribution between each pair of zones such as harbours and straits. This paper aims to formulate a simulation model for estimating the dynamic traffic flow per area in the Korea coastal waterway. The model consists of the algorithm constrined by the statistical movement of ships and the observed data, the regression analysis and the traffic network evaluations. The processed results of traffic flow except fishing vessel are summarized as follows ; 1) In 2000, the traffic congestions per area are estimated, in proportion of ship's number (tonnage), as Busan area 22.3%(44.5%), Yeosu area 19.8%(11.2%), Wando-Jeju area18.1%(6.8%), Mokpo area 14.9%(9.9%), Gunsan area 9.1%(9.3%), Inchon area 8.1%(7.7%), Pohang area 5.5%(8.5%), and Donghae area 2.2%(2.1%). 2) For example in Busan area, the increment of traffic volume per annum is estimated 4, 102 ships (23 million tons) and the traffic flow in 2000 is evaluated 158, 793 ships (687 million tons). 3) consequently, the increment of traffic volume in Busan area is found the largest and followed by Yeosu, Wando-Jeju area. Also, the traffic flow per area in 2000 has the same order.
        1987.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Trip distribution plays an important role in the analysis and network evaluation phases of the transportation and the traffic planing process. In this paper, the authors propose an algorithm for estimating the trip distribution between each pair of zones such as harbours and straits. The algorithm is formulated by using the observed data and introducing the concept of entropy when observed data between harbours were not existed. In order to examine the feasbility , the proposed algorithm is applied to ships on traffic route in Hanryu Sudo and in Korea costal waterway. And also, its validity is examined by comparing another algorithm through statistical test.