
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have examined the effect of NO donor, S-nitl‘ oso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine(SNAP) on heme oxygenase-1 (HQ-l) ex pression in human oral immortalized & malignant keratinocytes, and investigated in the control of keratinocyte proliferation evidence tha t HO-1 cou ld be involved in a low dose of NO, NO inhibitor, HOinducer, and HO inhibitor medi ated cytoprotect ion against cytotoxi city induced by a high dose of NO Oral keratinocyte growth inhibitory or anti-proliferative effects were exerted by with SNAP and hemin in a dose- and cul tivation time dependent manner The level of HQ-1 protein was increased in all cell types after exposure hernin dose, and the hemin induced HQ-1 protein achieved at higher maximum level by 12 hrs in all kind of cells , The pretreatment of cells with 0, 2 μ M SNAP reduced 1 mM SNAP-induced death in IHOK and HN4 cells , These cytoprotective effects on high dose of NO induced HQ-1 expresion and cell ular toxicity were blocked by low dose of SNAP, HCB, and ZnPP IX supporting the involvement of HQ-1 in high dose NO induced growth arrest or cell death, But these cytoprotection pattern is different from immortalized and malignant keratinocytes , These results indirectly demonstrate that HQ-1 could be involved in cytoprotection by NO priming against high dose NO induced cytotoxicity in immortalized and maigla nt oral keratinocytes, Thus, HQ-1 might be an important cellular target of NO donor, with clinical implications for the pre vention of inJlammatory di seases and anti-tumor immunity
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We studi ed the difTerential elTect of vitamins A, C, U. and E on normal human 이 al keratinocyte(NHOK) , HPV-16 E6E7 immor talized human oral keratinocyte(1HOK) , Oncogene transfected HPV-16 immortalized ce1ls(OTOK) , and two ol'al sq ua mous cell line(HNSCC30‘ HNSCC31) according to carcinogenesis stage. The vitamin effect was evaluated by morphology. ce ll viabi lity. a nd orgnaotypic culture Vitamin A has a greater negative effect on growth for all NHOK IHOK HNSCC. es pec ially N-Ras t rans fected IHOK, Vitamin D & E revealed no significant cell activity on NHOK lHOK, ad OTOK Vitamin C was found increased cell viability to IHOK and OTOK 1n primary oral squmaous cell ca rcino ma (HN30 ). vitam in 0 and C showing increased cell growth , but vitamin E showing no effect 1n metastatic oral squamous cell ca rcinoma(HN31), vitamin C has prol iferative effect , but vitamin 0 & E has anti-proliferative effect Vitamin A t reated normal a nd ma lignant ce1ls by organotypic cu lt ure. showed reduction of epithelial layer and in vasion to connective tissue. , especia lly in 1HOK & oncogene-transfected 1HOK, 1n conclusion. three-dimensional culture sys tem may be useful as a model to acess the efficiency of agents such as a1l trans retinoic acid can preventing progression of these premaligant lesion to maligant oral carcinoma(ch emopreventive agent) .