
대한구강악안면병리학회지 KCI 등재 The Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

이 간행물 논문 검색


제31권 제3호 (2007년 6월) 6

2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We have examined the effect of NO donor, S-nitl‘ oso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine(SNAP) on heme oxygenase-1 (HQ-l) ex pression in human oral immortalized & malignant keratinocytes, and investigated in the control of keratinocyte proliferation evidence tha t HO-1 cou ld be involved in a low dose of NO, NO inhibitor, HOinducer, and HO inhibitor medi ated cytoprotect ion against cytotoxi city induced by a high dose of NO Oral keratinocyte growth inhibitory or anti-proliferative effects were exerted by with SNAP and hemin in a dose- and cul tivation time dependent manner The level of HQ-1 protein was increased in all cell types after exposure hernin dose, and the hemin induced HQ-1 protein achieved at higher maximum level by 12 hrs in all kind of cells , The pretreatment of cells with 0, 2 μ M SNAP reduced 1 mM SNAP-induced death in IHOK and HN4 cells , These cytoprotective effects on high dose of NO induced HQ-1 expresion and cell ular toxicity were blocked by low dose of SNAP, HCB, and ZnPP IX supporting the involvement of HQ-1 in high dose NO induced growth arrest or cell death, But these cytoprotection pattern is different from immortalized and malignant keratinocytes , These results indirectly demonstrate that HQ-1 could be involved in cytoprotection by NO priming against high dose NO induced cytotoxicity in immortalized and maigla nt oral keratinocytes, Thus, HQ-1 might be an important cellular target of NO donor, with clinical implications for the pre vention of inJlammatory di seases and anti-tumor immunity
2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This r esearch was designed to find the specific and economic methods of diagnosis about malignant melanoma For this study, we selected a typical case that was ambiguous in diagnosis between malignant melanoma and simple mela notic pigmentation, Tissue sections was st ained by H&E method, and immunohistochemical analyses was performed about 8-100 protein and MART-1 molecule, This research showed that MART-l had a more specificity for melanocytes than 8-100 protein , Patterns of MART-1 molecule distribution was more helpful in estimation of malignancies than 8-100 protein distribution patterns, On the basis of diagnostic usefulness and economical aspects, 8-100 protein and MART-1 molecule showed synergis tic and complementary relationship in confirming of tumor origin and they would be much useful for accurate diagnosis of malignant melanoma
2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The process 0 1' wound healing needs the deposition of collagen and non-collagenous compounds, followed by the remodelling of extracellul ar matrix Recently, it has known that LEDs irradiation can help wound healing to accelerate the cell proliferation. But its mec hanism is not elucidated yot. The purpose of the present study is to observe the expression level of extracellular matrix by 635nm LEDs ir radiation. Human gingival fibroblasts were primary cultured, treated arac hidonic acid (때 and followed by LEDs irradiation. To observe the mRNA expression of extracellular matrix, cDNA mlcroarray was ca n‘ ied out 1n present study, 3 experimental groups were categorized into control, AA-treated group, and AA-treated with LEDs irradiation group. The differential expressions of MMP-1, -2, -3, - 10, - 11, -14, -16, - 17, -25 and TIMP-1, -2, -3. -4 were observed. Especially, mRNA expression of T1MP-3 was 10 fold decreased in arach idonic acid -treated with 635nm LEDs irradiation group. Finally, LEDs irradation can affect the expression level of MMPs and TIMPs, which lead to prolifer ation of gingival fibroblasts and result in would healing
2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The human meta pneumovirus(hMPV) is a recently identified Paramyxovi rus associated with acute respiratory tract infect ions(ARIs) ranging from upper ARIs to severe bronchiolitis and pneumonia in humans. We studied the prevalence of this new virus in Seoul from 2005 to 2006 A total of 757 specimens were collected by nasopharyngeal swab from ARI patients and were tested fo1' the presence of hMPV by reverse transcription-PCR. Of these‘ 28 were detected the L gene of hMPV. The age range of the patients with hMPV infection was 1 months to 67 years with similar numbers of females (59 .3%) and males(40.7%) . The main symptoms were cough(100%) , fever (82 .1%) , nasal mucus(67.8%) ‘ vomit(25%) . diarrhoea( 21. 4%). and difficult breathing(21. 4%) and the main diagnosis we1'e pneumonia, bronchioli tis, nasoharyngiti ts, and rhmJtls Virus activity peaked in March and May. Phylogenetic analysis of the N gene confirmed the existence and si multaneous circulation within one epidemic season of hMPV isolates belonging to two genetic lineages.
2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
One hundred isola tes of Staphylococcus aureus were obtained from feces samples of patients with food poisoning. The a ntibiotic susceptibility against vari ous antibiotics was examined by disc diffusion test . The S. aureus isolates had 92% resista nce to peni cillin. They also had 30% resistance to ampicillin and erythromycin. respect ively. The percentage of re sistance to oxacillin was 14%. Three vancomycin resistant isolates were also found. The minimal inhibitory co ncen tra ti on(MIC)s of antibiotics were examll1ed Antibiotics-intermediate S a ureus isolates were not det ected by disc dif fu sion t est
2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Oral fo cal mucinosis(OFM) is a tumor-Iike mass which is considered to be the oral counterpart of cutaneous focal mucinos is 01' a cutaneous myxoid cyst. Although all OFM havebeen reported to appear in the oral soft tissues, we describe a case of OFM with alveo lar bone involvement and review of thc prcvious reports. Histology revealed a localized area of myxomatous connective tissue surrounded by dense fibrous tlssue 8tromal mucins (alcian blue pH 2.5) and met achromasia( toluidine bl Lle pH 3) were obserγed in the tissue sectlOns Neither periodic acid-8chiff reaction nor retic Ll lin fiber nor 8-100 protein was observed. It is unclear whether the primary soft tissue lesion exte11ded into the cent1'al le Si011 or primari ly the lesion arose in the alveolar b011e 01' periodontal ligament.