
대한구강악안면병리학회지 KCI 등재 The Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

이 간행물 논문 검색


제31권 제6호 (2007년 12월) 6

2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Fibro-osseous lesion(FOL) has been known a lesion that normal bone is replaced by cellular fibrous connective ti ssue and nonfunctional bone, FOL has been classified and revised by several investigators and World Health Organization(WHO) , For correct diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to classify FOL precisely, Compared to the class ificat ion by WHO in 1992‘ the new version of 2005 makes it simpler to classify , Therefore, the aim of this study is classifying FOL by the WHO classification in 1992 and compare it with the new ve1'sion in 2005 The material was 1'e tl‘ ieved f l'om the cases which were diagnosed as FOL from 1992 to 2005 in the Department of Oral Pathology, Yonsei University College of Dentistl'Y, Clinical, rad iological and pathological observations were conducted for this study Comparing WHO classifi cation in 1992 with the one in 2005, there were no differences regarding clini cal, radiological a nd hi s tological f indings in each classified disease entity of both osteogenic neoplasm and non neoplastic bone lesion , Hence, the new classification by WHO in 2005 would be a useful yardstick for correct diagnosis and treatment , For the differential diagnos is between osteogenic neoplasm and non neoplastic bone lesion, it is important to observe the degree of cell ularity microscopi cally and definiteness of the border radiographically,
2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The human ELAV(embryonic lethal abnormal vision)-like protein HuR stabilizes a certain group of cellul ar mHNAs that contain AU- rich elements in their 3’ - untranslated region , To test the significance of HuR in carcinogenesis of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas(HNSCCs), we have investigated HuH expression from 32 benign epithelial lesions , 14 prema lignant epitheli al lesions and 80 HNSCCs, There were two different staining patterns of HuR in HNSCCs : nuclear expression was seen in 78 7% (63 of 80) 01' cases; and an additional cyto plasmic expression was seen in 28, 7%(23 of 80) 01 cases, Nuclear expression of HuR was s ignificantly increased in premalignant lesions and HNSCCs, whereas increased cytoplasπli c expression of HuR was only observed in HNSCCs Cytoplasmic HuR expression was significantly increased in pa tients of HNSCC younger than 60 yea rs , Al though there was no significant correlation between a natomic s ites of HNSCCs and HuR express ion , cyto plasmic HuR expression was highly increased in HNSCCs of larynx, There was no significant co rrela tion between HuR expression and other clinicopathological parameters such as histological type‘ tumor s ize‘ 0 1' n odal s tatus , ln conclusion, this study s uggests that overexpression of HuR in HNSCCs may be part of a regula tory pathway tha t co ntro ls the mHNA stability 0 1' several important targets in carcinogenesis of HNSCCs
2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
AJthough salivary gland adenocarcinoma accounts for third prevalence rate of all salivary gland tumors. it is one of the most aggressive solid tumors. Current therapy does not s ignificantly improve survival rates. Thus‘ investigating new therape utic modali t ies aga inst sali va ry gland adenocarcinoma is necessary. Manumycin A. a natural product o{ Streptα7Jyces parvuJus‘ inhi bits farn esy l- transferase by competition with farnesyl pyrophosphate groups . Manumycin has shown antitumor activity in several ex per‘ imental systems through identifying the regulatory pathway of apoptosis. The hi erarchical relationship of caspase-8 to caspase-3 and caspase-9 in the drug-induced a poptosis pathway in antitumol effect is not clear. The hi erarchical relations hip between cytochrome c and the caspases and provided evidence to support the hypothesis that the release of cytochrome c was upstream of caspase activation in the enhanced apoptosis induced by manumycin A Manumycin A has not been examined extensively in human salivary gland tumor and has not yet been clarified. The purpose of this study were to investigate mRNA and protein expression of Bc l- 2 、Bax, Cytochrome C‘ caspase- 3 , 一8 and -9 in SGT cell line by RT-PCR and immunoslot blotting, and to a pply its results to exami ne iLs chemoprevention for salivary gland adenocarcinoma. MTI assay showed about 50% cellular viability of SGT cell line treated by 50μM manunycin A Bcl-2. Bax‘ and caspase-8 mRNA expression in SGT cell line were unchangeable after 50μM manu nycin A Cytochrome C‘ caspase-3 and -9 showed about 1.5-5 folds higher mRNA expression in SGT cell line than that of control a nd DMSO- t reated group a fter 50M manunycin A. Bcl-2, Bax, and caspase-8 protein expression in SGT ce ll line were unchangcable after 50μM manunycin A. Cy Lochrorne C, caspase-3 and -9 showed about 2-7 fo lds higher protein express ion in SGT cell line than that of control and DMSO-treated group after 50μM manunycin A. mRNA expression was assoc iated with protein expression in SGT cell line after 50μM manunycin A. It suggested that manumycin A would induce poptotic effect on SGT cell line by caspase-3 and - 9 activation through cytochrorne c release. And man umycin A will be a useful chemoprevention drug for human salivary gland carcinoma in future.
2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
( - ) -epigall ocatechin - 3 -ga ll ate(EGCG) 는 녹차에서 추출되는 주된 성분으로 항산화. 세포 증식 억제 및 세 포 자멸사를 유도힌다 고 알려져 있다‘ 현 재 끼지의 여러 연구에 의하띤 EGCG는 세 포 성장을 억제하고 나아가서는 apoptoS1S까지도 유발한다. 한편 일부 연구는 EGCG가 오히려 apo ptosi s를 억 제 하고, 세 포 증식을 촉진한다고 보고하고 있다. 저자들은 EGCG가 이러한 상반된 효과틀을 보이게 되 는 기전과 그에 관련된 물질들을 파악하고지 하였다, EGCG를 세포에 처리시 초기에는 세포 생존에 관여힌다고 알려진 인 산화된 Akt 단백이 증가함이 관찰되었다 그 외에도 인산화된 Erk 단백 등의 증가로 EGCG가 세포 생존을 지속시키 는 역할을 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다‘ 이러한 현상은 COS7 과 A549 세 포 에서 관찰되었으며 Hela 세포에서는 관찰되지 않아 세 포외부에서 EGCG가 결합하게 되 는 물질 혹은 세 포내 물질 등의 차이에 의해 세 포 미다 EGCG에 대한 반응이 다른 것으로 추측된다 24시간 이상 처리된 경우 ECCG가 세 포 생존에 관린된 인자들을 감소시키는 것으로 보아 EGCG에 처음에는 세 포 생존을 유도하지만 장시간 처리 시 세 포 증식 및 생존을 억제하는 물질 임 을 확인하였다.
2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Cyto kinc production by epiclerma l keratinocytes has been investiga ted ext ensive ly cluring the past decacle in the skm Furthermore‘ cyto kines produced by pidermal kerat inocytes may be regar decl as important regulators in inflammation, 1 nunune responses‘ and during wound healing, The associa tion of specific cytokine patterns in proliferative a ncl/or infl ammatory related cha nges in the s kin suggests a role in the pathogenesis of certain skin diseases, Although it is conceiva b1e that the pa ttern of cytokine express ion in o1'al kera tinocytes might be sirnilar t o tha t of epidermal origin, the1'e a re only sparse reports that have s hown t his experi menta lly, In addition, there is s ome evidence that there may be differe n ces in the proliferative capacity of oral versus epidermal keratinocytes, Since t his may be crucial for better un clerstanding the biologica l processes in the oral mucosa and how they may differ from the e pidennis, we a na lyzed the cyto kine expression pat tern of human oral kera tinocy tes, The purpose of this study were to investigate mRNA & protein express ion 0 1' va rious cy tokines between NHOK and NHEK by RT-PCR & immunoslot blotting, and to apply its results 1‘0 1' bet ter understancling t he pathological processes in the o1'al mucosal d1seases Cultured NHEK showecl larger a rea of cel lula r s tratil'icat ion tha n cul tu ++ 1'ed NHOK in 0 05mM Ca concentra tion, 1L - 1α , IL- 6 mRNA expression 0 1' cult ured NHOK we1'e hi gher than that of NHEK, TNF- mRNA expression of NHEK was about 1, 2 folds than that 0 1' NHOK, ICAM- 1 mRNA expression of NHOK was a bout 13 folds t han that of NHOK, while NHEK was weakly detected, 1L- 1a , IL-6 pro tein expression of cul tured NHOK were hi gher t han t ha t of NHEK TNF-a protein expression of NHEK was about 1, 2 fo lds than that of NHOK, 1CAM- 1 protein expression of NHOK was about 40 folcls than that of NHOK, whil e NHEK was weakly detectecl , mRNA express ion was associa ted wi th prot ein expression in cul tured NHOK ancl NHEK, It s uggestecl that lL- 1a ‘ 11-6 and ICAM-1 mRNA and protein be highl y expressecl in cultured NHOK, Especially, ICAM- 1 would be a useful ma rker for the pathogenesis of oral mucosal di sease,
2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Traumatic eosinoph ilic gra nul oma(TEG) of the oral mucosa is considered to be a reactive benign lesion, which commonly ma nifests as an ulcer with eleva ted and indurated borders Clinically. this lesion simulates a maligna nt tumor Hi s to logy shows a diffut;e‘ dense. polymorphic. and eosinophil-rich cellular infiltrate. which extends deeply into the un derl ying soft ti ss ues‘ A major constituent of infïltrates is a population of mitotically active, large. atypical monol1 uclear cell s . Immunohi stologic eval uation of the large atypical cells has suggested a myofibroblastic 0 1' histi ocyti c origi 1γ However ‘ recent reports have shown that these cells are positive for CD30 antigen. We have descr ibed a case of ora l mucosal lesions with featu res of TEG that had a CD68 posite atypical cells. The large cells showed s trong pos itive for CD68‘ but negative for CD30. The sma ll Iymphocy tic cells exprerssed CD3. This case was interpreted as an atypical histiocytic g ran uloma .