
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) is a core feature of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are commonly referred to as drones. In emerging smart logistics, drones are expected to play an increasingly important role as mobile platforms. Therefore, research on last-mile delivery using drones is on the rise. There is a growing trend toward providing drone delivery services, particularly among retailers that handle small and lightweight items. However, there is still a lack of research on a structural definition of the VTOL drone flight model for multi-point delivery service. This paper describes a VTOL drone flight route structure for a multi-drone delivery service using rotary-wing type VTOL drones. First, we briefly explore the factors to be considered when providing drone delivery services. Second, a VTOL drone flight route model is introduced using the idea of the nested graph. Based on the proposed model, we describe various time-related attributes for delivery services using drones and present corresponding calculation methods. Additionally, as an application of the drone route model and the time attributes, we comprehensively describe a simple example of the multi-drone delivery for first-come-first-served (FCFS) services.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on the path planning algorithm for large-scale autonomous delivery using drones and robots in urban environments. When generating delivery routes in urban environments, it is essential that avoid obstacles such as buildings, parking lots, or any other obstacles that could cause property damage. A commonly used method for obstacle avoidance is the grid-based A* algorithm. However, in large-scale urban environments, it is not feasible to set the resolution of the grid too high. If the grid cells are not sufficiently small during path planning, inefficient paths might be generated when avoiding obstacles, and smaller obstacles might be overlooked. To solve these issues, this study proposes a method that initially creates a low-resolution wide-area grid and then progressively reduces the grid cell size in areas containing registered obstacles to maintain real-time efficiency in generating paths. To implement this, obstacles in the operational area must first be registered on the map. When obstacle information is updated, the cells containing obstacles are processed as a primary subdivision, and cells closer to the obstacles are processed as a secondary subdivision. This approach is validated in a simulation environment and compared with the previous research according to the computing time and the path distance.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on the development of a Last-Mile delivery service using unmanned vehicles to deliver goods directly to the end consumer utilizing drones to perform autonomous delivery missions and an image-based precision landing algorithm for handoff to a robot in an intermediate facility. As the logistics market continues to grow rapidly, parcel volumes increase exponentially each year. However, due to low delivery fees, the workload of delivery personnel is increasing, resulting in a decrease in the quality of delivery services. To address this issue, the research team conducted a study on a Last-Mile delivery service using unmanned vehicles and conducted research on the necessary technologies for drone-based goods transportation in this paper. The flight scenario begins with the drone carrying the goods from a pickup location to the rooftop of a building where the final delivery destination is located. There is a handoff facility on the rooftop of the building, and a marker on the roof must be accurately landed upon. The mission is complete once the goods are delivered and the drone returns to its original location. The research team developed a mission planning algorithm to perform the above scenario automatically and constructed an algorithm to recognize the marker through a camera sensor and achieve a precision landing. The performance of the developed system has been verified through multiple trial operations within ETRI.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 식품 및 화장품 원료로 널리 사용되는 천연 다당류의 분자 구조, 분자량, 점도, 친수성, 팽창, 습윤 및 보습 특성을 이용하여 도로 분진 방지제를 제조하였다. 다양한 분진 제어 효과가 확인되었으며 단순한 물 분사 및 시험 대조군인 합성PVA보다 우수한 결과를 얻었다. 또한 수분 증발 비교, 비산 저감율, 공사현장 테스트 및 물벼룩 급성 독성 시험 등의 영향을 연구하고 토양 및 수질의 안전성을 연구하여 도로 분진 방지제의 유용성을 확인하였다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the mechanical characteristics with micro structure were analyzed on the butt joint of AZ60 magnesium material extruded by GMAW and GTAW processes. As the result of tensile test, the fracture in the welding joint area happened at both processes and seemed to be brittle fracture. The yield strength of GMAW was 84.29% and GTAW was 60.43% as compared with base metal. The yield strength of GMAW was higher 23.86% than that of GTAW. The result of decreased micro hardness was indicated at both processes. The value of minimum micro hardness in FZ at GMAW was Hv 46.7 and GTAW was Hv 43.6 as compared with base metal. The value of minimum micro hardness at GMAW process was higher 5.64 % than that at GTAW process. The size of grain boundary at GMAW process in HAZ is smaller than that at GTAW process. GMAW process is more superior than GTAW process from the productivity and quality in case of automatic welding for magnesium alloy such as the automobile seat frame.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        분리막(Separation membrane)을 이용하여 기체 또는 액체상태로 존재하는 분자들을 선택적으로 분리하는 기술은 화학, 생물, 제약, 석유화학 등의 산업에서 매우 다양하게 응용되고 있으며 산업적으로 매우 큰 비중을 차지하고 있다. Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) 막은 nanochannel의 직경, nanochannel 간의 거리 및 원통형 nanochannel의 길이 등을 정밀하게 조절 할 수 있어 AAO 막을 이용하여 혼합분자를 효과적으로 분리하려는 다양한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 양 말단이 열려있어 through-hole 구조로 다양한 직경의 nanochannel을 가지는 AAO 막을 제작하였으며, 이것을 이용하여 용매에 녹아 있는 고분자 사슬의 수력학적 부피에 따른 선택적 투과를 관찰하였다. Nanochannel을 투과한 고분자 사슬의 회전반지름과 nanochannel의 직경 사이에 정량적인 관계가 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 AAO 막의 nanochannel을 흐르는 고분자 용액의 유동 률(flow rate)이 Hagen-Poiseuille 관계식으로 정확하게 설명될 수 있음을 확인하여 AAO 내에 존재하는 원통형태의 nanochannel 내에서 흐르는 용액의 나노흐름(nanoflow)에 대한 이론적 해석이 가능함을 증명하였다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The amount of waste water generated from the domestic sources is consistently increasing in proportion to economic growth, and the conventional activated sludge process is widely being used for general waste water treatment. But the ministry of environment becomes stringthent treatment standards of N and P (less than 20mg/L of N, 2mg/L of P) to prevent the eutrophication of lake water, and therefore highly advanced treatment technology is required not only in the existing treatment plants where the activated sludge process is being used, but also in newly constructed treatment plants for the treatment of N and P. This study is aimed at highly operating the engineering technology method was developed by domestic to eliminate N and P at the same time. Experiments were conducted in the treatment plant located in Yong In city. The bioreactor was started from the principal equipment for the elimination of N and P and the elimination of organic compounds. It consists of an internal recycle piping from the end of the aerobic tank to the anoxic tank and external recycle piping from the final settling basin to the denitrification tank. By experiment of 4 types separate inflow of waste water to the denitrification tank and the anaerobic tank, and changes in staying time at the anoxic tank and the aerobic tank, the elimination of organic compounds in each type and the relationship in the efficiency between the elimination of N and P were researched.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Glycol ethers는 페인트에 흔히 사용되는 ethylene glycol의 alkyl ethers에 기반을 둔 용제들이다. 이 용제들은 일반적으로 저분자량 에테르와 알코올의 용제 친화적 성질과 더불어 더 높은 비등점을 가지고 있다. Union Carbide Corp.는 "Glycol ethers"를 하나의 미국 상표로 등록했으며, 이는 제약, 자외선차단제, 화장품, 잉크, 염료 및 수성페인트에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 반면 glycol ethers는 그리스 제거제, 세제, 에어로졸 페인트와 접착제에서도 발견된다. 대부분의 glycol ethers는 수용성, 생분해성이며, 아주 적은 수의 glycol ethers만이 유독성이라고 여겨진다. 그러므로 glycol ethers는 환경에 부작용을 낳을 것 같지는 않다. 최근 연구는 glycol ethers에 작업상 노출되는 것이 남성 정자의 저 운동성과 연관이 되어 있다고 제시했지만, 이는 다른 이들에 의해 반박되어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 3가지 종류의 glycol ethers의 피부침투성에 관해 용제와 세제의 조합을 사용하여 시험관을 통해 연구한다. Methyl glycol ethers, ethyl glycol ethers and butyl glycol ethers의 흡수는 쥐의 피부를 통해 시험관에서 측정되었다. Epidermal membranes는 Franz diffusion cells에 세워졌으며, 그들의 PBS 침투율은 glycol ethers가 epidermal surface에 적용되기 전, 피부의 보전을 위해 처리하였다. 개별 glycol ethers의 흡수율은 최대 흡수 파장(λmax)에서 흡광도를 측정하여 결정하였으며, 침투율의 측정은 esters와의 접촉을 이유로 장벽 기능 내 불가역 변화를 정량화하였다. 시험관 실험 결과 glycol ethers의 종류는 methyl glycol ethers 〉 ethyl glycol ethers 〉 butyl glycol ethers의 순에 따라 빠르게 나타났다. 피부침투는 저분자량 피부침투, 친수성과 같은 화학적구조의 차이에서 유익했다. 이는 분배계수와 용해 방법 및 수동확산이 전달이 고려되는 곳에서 속도를 올렸기 때문이다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        약물 전달 시스템은 약물의 방출 프로파일, 흡수, 분배 및 제품의 효율성과 안전성, 환자의 편의성과 협조를 향상시키기 위한 제거를 개선하는 명백하게 보호화된 공식화 기술이다. 가장 일반적으로 쓰이는 transdermal 시스템은 다양한 종류의 기술을 사용하는 skin patch다. 다른 투약 방법과 달리, transdermal 시스템은 장기간 사용이 가능하다. 또한, 부작용이 생길 경우, 약물 투약의 중단이 가능하다. karaya gum and locust bean gum(LBG)/water-soluble chitosan oligomer(WSCO)과 같은 Polysaccharide를 TDS의 기본 물질로 선택하였다. 또한, 이 polymers들은 tacrine 물질, 강화제로 규정되어진다. 이러한 polysaccharide 중에서, karaya gum matrix의 침투율은 lipophilic drug in vitro 와 같은 tacrine 내에서 가장 빠르다. 우리는 glycerin, PEG 400, and PEG 800를 강화제로 사용하였다. 그러므로, transdermal의 tacrine 흡수율은 vehicle 구성을 바꿈으로써, 혹은 침투 강화제를 사용함으로써 향상되었을 것이다. 특히, vehicle이 스스로의 효과를 강화하는 것과 더불어, vehicle에 강화제를 첨가함으로써 높은 침투 효율이 얻어질 것으로 기대된다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Water quality has been deteriorated by the increasing amount of industrial waste water that is due to the better standard of living. In order to lessen the polluted water and substantially reutilize it at factories, a new method is needed. The plasma generator, which uses discharge current below 1,500 voltage and processes at extremely low temperature, has more strong oxidization than current method and an advantage of miniaturizing the apparatus in dealing with waster water by producing carrier gas at room temperature. This study were measured on the 3 kinds of waster water to the plasma generator for 120 minutes. As results, COD was almost decreased and removed in 15 minutes. The results suggest that the plasma generator can be used reduce COD and removal of color for various waster water, which can be reutilized as industrial water, It would be of benefit to the country like Korea in which qualified water is deficient.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dual-actions are the most recently used delivery system in drug study. Dual-action agents are unique chemical entities comprised of two different type of antibacterial compounds covalently linked together in a single molecule in such a way that both components are able to exert their bactericidal properties. Crosslinked sulfadiazine-sulfanilamide such as antibiotics is synthesized by synthetic handle with glutaraldehyde. As a result, New synthetic antibacterial agent exhibited the broad antibacterial activities against gram(+) and gram(-) of 4 strains and a long durability supposing that the stomach and blood.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PVA blend films were prepared by solution blending method for the purpose of useful antibiotic polymers. Characteristics properties of blending films such as elongation and tensile strength were determined. Tensile strength and elongation were rapidly reduced as increasing the blending ratio of natural polymer. Blend films were found that phase separation was occured as more than 25wt% increasing the blend ratio of chitosan. Also, The antibiotics of blend films were examined against gram(+) and gram(-) by disk susceptibility test. As a result, kind of blending films to show the highest antibiotics was chitosan 20wt% and the selectivity of mold strain was observed.
        2000.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Drug delivery system(DDS) have been actively studied for the past twenty years. Dual action agents are unique chemical entities comprised of two different types of antibacterial compounds covalently linked together in a single molecule in such a way that both components are able to exert their bactericidal properties. In spite of the advent of the antibacterial agent the sulfa agents are the most widely used antibacterial agent today. In this study, new antibacterials derivative was synthesized using glutaraldehyde such as crosslinking agent for the purpose of dual-action as DDS study. Antibacterial activity of these new synthetic derivative between their structures and activities were examined by disc diffusion method. As a result, new synthetic derivative exhibited the broad antibacterial activities against Gram(+) and Gram(-) bacilli. Especially, the antibacterial effect of new synthetic derivative against Gram negative(Esherichia. coli) was much stronger than that against Gram positive.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Biodegradable films were prepared by solution blending method in the weight ratio of Chitosan and Algin for the purpose of useful bioimplants. The possibility of bioimplants, which prepared from natural polymers as a akin substitute and food wrapping materials were evaluated by measuring the biodegradability. these biodegradable films were inserted in the back of rats and their biodegradability was investigated by hematological change as a function of time. Rats study showed that low-Chitosan induced increments of monocyte and basophil after 48 hours of implantation. And medium-Chitosan showed increase of lymphocyte and decreased neutrophil counts after 48hours of implantation. Low, medium Chitosan showed high hemoglobin contents, medium and high Chitosan showed high hematocrit value after 48 hours of implantation. As a result, medium, high-Chitosan induced potential incompatibility in the tissue after 48 hours, but there was little effects to the akin inflammation. The values of biodegradable films, which prepared from natural polymers measured in this study were some satisfiable results at short period with those of ideal akin bioimplants and artificial skin.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In spite of various applications of chitin derivatives from waste marine sources, commercial use of chitin has been limited due to resistance to chemicals and the absense of proper solvents. We prepared chitin through decalcification, bleaching and deproteination from protunus trituberculatus shells by the application of Hackman's method. Structural and chemical properties of chitin were investigated to have proper specific surface area and particle size by IR, BET and PSA. The amount of absorbed water of chitin reached equilibrium by stirring about 15 minutes. The amount of absored water of the prepared chitin were large than the commercial chitin. When prepared chitin tested on dyeing wastewater, they showed better treatment efficiency in COD, suspended solid, and color tests than the commercial chitin. The adsorption capacity increased with decreasing particle size for the prepared chitin. Treatment efficiency for color was increased as the sitirring rate increased. Results show the possibility of the prepared chitin from waste marine sources as a treatment system for dyeing wastewater.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수산계 폐기물로부터 chitin 유도체의 다양한 응용에도 불구하고 chitin의 상업적 이용은 적절한 용매의 부재와 화학적 저항성으로 인하여 제한적으로 이용되었다. 그러므로 Mima의 방법을 응요하여 NaOH 농도, 반응시간, 온도 등을 조절하여 탈아세틸화반응에 의한 다양한 점도가 다른 chitosan을 제조하였으며, 2종의 가교제를 이용하여 가교결합에 의한 결정성을 증가시킨 가교 chitosan을 제조하였다. 제조한 점도가 다른 chitosan과 가교 chitosan유도체를 다양한 분석기기를 이용하여 측정하였다. chitosan을 제조시 반응시간을 높이거나 반응온도를 높이면 탈아세틸화는 높아지나 분자사슬의 크기, 즉 점도와 분자량은 감소하였다. 반응온도, 반응시간과 알칼리농도에 따라 활용분야에 맞는 chitosan을 제조할 수 있다.
        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        감응물질로 제4급 암모늄염을 사용하여 PVC를 지지체로 과염소산이온의 농도 10-6M까지 측정가능한 이온 선택성 전극을 제작하였다. 감응물질의 화학적 구조와 함량, 가소제의 종류 및 막 두께에 따른 선형응답 범위와 Nernst의 기울기 등 전극특성을 검토하여, 최적 막조건을 구한 다음 측정가능 pH범위와 여러 방해이온에 대한 선택계수를 비교 검토하였다. 과염소산 이온선택성 전극에서 감응물질의 화학적 구조 즉, 알킬기의 탄소고리수가 증가할수록 선형응답 범위 등 전극 특성은 Aliquat 336P, TOAP, TDAP 및 TDDAP의 순서로 좋아졌다. 가소제는 DBP가 가장 좋았고, 감응물질의 양은 최적 함량 이상에서 적을수록 좋았다. 최적 막 조성은 TDDAP 9.09, PVC 30.3 및 DBP 60.61wt%이었고, 막두께 0.45mm이었다. 이 조건에서 선형응답 범위 10-1~1.2 × 10-6M, 검출한계 5.1×10-7M 및 Nernst기울기 57mV/pClO4이었다. 막전위는 pH 4~11 범위에서 pH의 영향을 받지 않았으며, 선택계수 서열은 다음과 같았다. SCN->I->NO3->Br->ClO3->F->Cl->SO42-
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