
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 27

        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objectives of this study are to analyze the current status of pothole during a rainy season and to suggest a future pavement maintenance method via pothole analysis. METHODS: Potholes are caused by moisture submerged in pavement. The pore pressure caused by traffic and environmental loads causes failure between the aggregate and asphalt binder. Thus, heavy rain is a primary pothole creator, especially in aged pavement. To prevent accidents on roadways, Gyeonggi-do has initiated a fast pothole repair program. However, the number of potholes increase every year. In this study, the current status of potholes and maintenance methods are analyzed. Based on these results, a future pavement maintenance method is suggested. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Gyeonggi-do’s pothole situation is worse than Seoul’s. Problems were founded, as follows. The amount of potholes was large, and the number increased annually. Pothole management is done at a basic level, because there is no long-term plan. Potholes occur frequently at the same site because of the poor quality of emergency repair. Finally, there is no systematic and comprehensive pavement management. Thus, pothole prevention measures are ill-prepared. Therefore, to reduce potholes and to manage high quality pavement, it is necessary to make a long-term pavement management plan.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the properties of eco-friendly waterproofing materials for bridge decks. METHODS: Various waterproofing materials and construction methods that are widely used in Korea were evaluated. Then, the problems in field application were identified. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to improve constructability and stability. Thus, the properties of heating waterproofing membranes and waterproofing systems using recycling additives were evaluated. In addition, a field test was conducted to ensure the construct-ability and stability. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Waterproofing materials were developed using waste tires and carbon black the results of the softening point test, tensile adhesion test, and shear adhesion test. A new sheet system, which consists of mesh and vinyl, was also determined from the sheet test. The properties of waterproofing materials were better than those developed under the "A Asphalt Concrete Pavement Construction Guidelines" according to the results of laboratory tests and the report of the authorized testing agency. Finally, the field test showed that the materials met quality standards. In future research, it will be necessary to conduct continuous field tests and follow-up inspections.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES:The objectives of this study are to evaluate moisture sensitivity of various asphalt mixtures and to suggest an alternate method for the dynamic immersion test, which is used to determine the application of anti-stripping agent, by analyzing bond strength.METHODS:The bond strength of various asphalt mixtures such as hot mix asphalt, warm mix asphalt, and polymer-modified asphalt was evaluated by the ABS test. In order to characterize moisture sensitivity at different temperatures of the mixtures, the ABS test was conducted at -10°C, 5°C, 20°C, 40°C, and 54°C under both dry and wet conditions. The concept of the bond strength ratio was applied for objective moisture sensitivity analysis. Moreover, the bond strength characteristic was compared to the dynamic immersion test to suggest an alternate method to determine the application of anti-stripping agent.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS :Overall, the polymer-modified asphalt demonstrates the highest bond strength characteristic regardless of moisture condition and temperature. The bond strength characteristic displays a highly reliable linear relationship from 5°C to 40°C, and the relationship could be used to predict bond strength at any intermediate temperature. Based on the analysis of bond strength and retained asphalt ratio, the bond strength value of 1254 kPa could be applied as a criterion for anti-stripping agent.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES:The objectives of this study are to develop a new cold-applied crack sealant and to evaluate its properties and field applicability by comparing with other conventionally used crack sealants.METHODS :A new cold-applied crack sealant was developed by using neoprene latex to improve material properties. The fundamental properties such as viscosity, residue %, penetration, and softening point of the developed crack sealant were tested by TxDOT criteria to evaluate crack sealing capability. Moreover, the performance of the developed cold-applied crack sealant was evaluated under both laboratory and field conditions. In the laboratory, the bond property was evaluated using the developed cold-applied crack sealant and conventional hotapplied crack sealant by the bond-properties test standardized under ASTM D 6690. In the field, test sections were constructed on three areas: a trunk road, bus-only lane, and motorway, with the developed crack sealant and three conventional crack sealants. After construction, early field-inspection was performed on the test sections.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS :Overall, the developed cold-applied crack sealant demonstrates reasonable storage stability, durability, and bond property compared to conventional hot-applied crack sealants. From the test sections, it was established that the developed cold-applied crack sealant does not pose construction issues. Moreover, the early performance was verified through field inspection. However, as the field inspection was conducted a week after the construction, it is necessary to conduct an inspection of performance from a long-term point of view.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of the dynamic immersion test (DIT) through digital image analysis (DIA). METHODS : The asphalt binder retained post DIT was inspected visually by more than three investigators. However, because visual observations can be subjective, depending on the inspector’s skills and knowledge, DIA was also performed. The threshold value for the DIA was determined by a mesh analysis, in which the digital image to be analyzed is divided into very small meshes. In addition, the bitumen bond strength (BBS) test was also performed to the compare the visual results with the mechanical values. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Depending on the materials used, various methods can be used to predict the behavior of retained asphalt. However, the increasing ratio in the trend of retained asphalt shows different behaviors among the evaluation methods. In this study, the results of the visual observations were significantly different from those of the DIA, the mesh analysis, and the BBS tests. Thus, DIA is an appropriate method for evaluating the results of the DIT. However, in order to use this technique in the field, it is necessary to determine a more reasonable threshold value by performing DIA on various materials.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        URPOSES: The objective of this study was to develop an impact resonance (IR) test procedure for thin disk-shaped specimens in order to determine the ⎢E*⎢ and phase angle values of various asphalt mixtures. METHODS: An IR test procedure was developed for evaluating thin disk-shaped specimens, in order to determine the dynamic modulus (⎢E*⎢) of various asphalt mixtures. The IR test method that was developed to determine the elastic modulus values of Portland cement concrete was evaluated, which method uses axisymmetric flexural vibration proposed by Leming et al. (1996). The IR tests were performed on three different mixtures of New York with varying nominal maximum aggregate sizes (NY9.5, NY19, and NY25) at six different temperatures (10 - 60℃). The ⎢E*⎢ values obtained from the IR tests were compared with those determined by the commonly used AASHTO T342-11 test. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : The IR test method was employed to determine the ⎢E*⎢ values of thin-disk-shaped specimens of various asphalt mixtures. It was found that the IR test method when used with thin disk-like specimens is a simple, practical, and cheap tool for determining the ⎢E*⎢ values of field cores. Further, it was found the ⎢E*⎢ values obtained from the IR tests using thin disk-like specimens were almost similar to those obtained using the AASHTO T342-11 test.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        현재 아스팔트 포장 분야는 최근의 이상기후(집중호우 및 폭설)로 인하여 수분으로 인한 파손(점착력 약화로 인한 박리 및 포트홀)이 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 국토교통부에서는 『아스팔트 혼합물 생산 및 시공 지침(2014)』의 재료 선정 과정에서 동적수침 시험을 통하여 피복잔류율이 50% 미만이면 박리방 지 재료를 사용토록 규정하고 있다. EN 12697-11에 규정되어있는 동적수침 시험은 골재와 아스팔트 사 이의 박리 저항성 평가하고 이 결과를 통해 아스팔트 혼합물의 수분 저항성을 평가하는 시험법으로, 피복 잔류율 평가는 검사자의 주관적인 육안 평가를 통해 이루어지기 때문에 시험결과의 객관성 및 신뢰성이 부족하다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 동적수침시험의 객관성 및 신뢰성 향상을 위하여, Digital Image Analysis(DIA)를 도입하였으며, Mesh Analysis를 통하여 DIA의 기준값을 선정하였다. Mesh Analysis 를 위하여 시험 후 건조된 시료를 동일한 조건에서 스캔하여 총 400(20×20) 개의 mesh로 나누어 각 셀 에 대한 피복율을 육안조사를 통하여 총 5 단계의 가중치를 적용하여 계산하였다. DIA는 이미지 파일을 화소(Pixel) 값을 기반으로 처리하는 기법으로, Mesh Analysis에 이용된 25비트 컬러 이미지 파일을 그 레이 이미지(화소값 0(검정색)~255(흰색))로 변환한 후 기준값을 바탕으로 변환된 흑백의 이미지를 이용 하여 피복율을 계산하는 분석방법이다. 보다 객관적인 피복율 비교를 위하여 BBS 시험을 수행하여 얻어 진 점착력을 피복율과 비교하였다. Fig. 1(a)는 피복율과 점착력의 비교결과, Fig. 1(b)는 AP-3를 기준으 로 계산된 피복율과 점착력의 재료에 따른 변동비율 결과를 보여준다. Fig. 1에서 육안평가 결과의 경향은 다른 평가방법과 다른 경향을 나타냈으며 즉, 육안평가는 시료 종 류에 따른 피복율 경향 파악에는 적합한 방법이 될 수는 있으나, 객관적인 피복율 평가에는 미흡한 것으 로 판단된다. 반면에 DIA는 Mesh Analysis 및 BBS 결과와 비교적 유사한 경향을 보였으며, 동적수침시 험의 피복율 평가에 DIA를 적용하는 것은 결과의 신뢰성 및 객관성 측면에서 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The national highways and expressways in Korea constitute a total length of 17,951 km. Of this total length of pavement, the asphalt pavement has significantly deteriorated, having been in service for over 10 years. Currently, hot in-place recycling (HIR) is used as the rehabilitation method for the distressed asphalt pavement. The deteriorated pavement becomes over-heated, however, owing to uncontrolled heating capacity during the pre-heating process of HIR in the field. METHODS: In order to determine the appropriate heating method and capacity of the pre-heater at the HIR process, the heating temperature of asphalt pavement is numerically simulated with the finite element software ABAQUS. Furthermore, the heating transfer effects are simulated in order to determine the inner temperature as a function of the heating system (IR and wire). This temperature is ascertained at 300 ℃, 400℃, 500℃, 600℃, 700°℃, and 800℃ from a slab asphalt specimen prepared in the laboratory. The inner temperature of this specimen is measured at the surface and five different depths (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm) by using a data logger. RESULTS: The numerical simulation results of the asphalt pavement heating temperature indicate that this temperature is extremely sensitive to increases in the heating temperature. Moreover, after 10 min of heating, the pavement temperature is 36%~38% and 8%~10% of the target temperature at depths of 25 mm and 50 mm, respectively, from the surface. Therefore, in order to achieve the target temperature at a depth of 50 mm in the slab asphalt specimen, greater heating is required of the IR system compared to that of the gas. CONCLUSIONS : Numerical simulation, via the finite element method, can be readily used to analyze the appropriate heating method and theoretical basis of the HIR method. The IR system would provide the best heating method and capacity of HIR heating processes in the field.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to investigate the properties of recycled asphalt binders with five different rejuvenators, in order to evaluate the applicability of the recycled asphalt binders compared with the original asphalt binder. METHODS: In order to simulate recycled asphalt binders, fresh asphalt binders are aged by various Superpave aging procedures, such as the rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) and the pressure aging vessel (PAV). Then, selected rejuvenators are added to the aged asphalt binders in the amount of 5%, 10%, and 15%. The asphalt binder properties are evaluated by the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), the rotational viscometer (RV), and the bending beam rheometer (BBR). In this study, AP-5 (penetration grade 60-80, PG 64-16) asphalt binder is used. A total of five types of rejuvenators are employed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : When considering aged asphalt without a new asphalt binder, it seems that the percentage of rejuvenator used in Korea is a bit too low, and that it fails to possess the characteristics of the original binder. From the current practice of evaluating the properties of recycled binder based on penetration ratio only, the amount of rejuvenator required is similar for the long-term-aged binder, but is excessive for the longest-term aged binder, causing deterioration of workability and stiffness of the recycled binder.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to evaluate the early adhesive characteristic of asphalt emulsions, including polymer-modified emulsions, for chip seals using the surface energy concept, the bitumen bond strength (BBS) test, and the Vialit test. METHODS : Two general methods, the BBS test and Vialit test, were applied to investigate the bond strength and the aggregate loss, respectively. A new theory, the surface free energy (SFE) theory, was used to evaluate the adhesive characteristic between the emulsion and the aggregate. Based on the theory, the contact angles were measured, and then the surface energy components were calculated. Using those components, the work of adhesion (Wa) was calculated for each emulsion. To ensure reliable results, all the tests were performed under the same conditions, i.e., at 25 ℃ for 240 minutes of curing time. For the materials, three emulsions (CRS-2, CRS-2L, and CRS-2P) and one aggregate type (granite) were employed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Under the same conditions, the modified emulsions showed better adhesive characteristics and curing behaviors than the unmodified emulsions. In addition, there was no significant difference between the various modified emulsions. One of the important findings is that the analysis by Wa presents more sensitive results than other methods. The results of the Wa showed that the CRS-2P emulsion has the best adhesive characteristics. Consequently, the use of modified emulsions for chip seals could prevent aggregate loss and allow open traffic earlier.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 기후변화로 인한 집중호우의 강도와 빈도가 증가하면서 아스팔트 포장의 포트홀 발생이 급격히 증가하고 있다. 포트홀은 아스팔트 포장에 침투된 수분이 교통하중과 함께 간극수압을 야기하여 아스팔트 포장의 골재 표면과 아스팔트 바인더 사이의 점착력을 약화시켜 박리가 발생하여 포장이 파손되는 것을 말한다. 이로 인해 아스팔트 포장체의 조기 파손이 발생하게 되면 아스팔트 포장의 공용성을 감소시키고 유지·보수비용을 증가시키므로 사용재료에 대한 점착력 특성을 파악하는 작업이 반드시 필요하다. 본 연 구에서는 아스팔트 포장시공에 많이 사용되는 3가지 종류의 아스팔트 바인더(PG58-22, PG64-22, PG76-22)를 선정해서 동적수침시험(Dynamic Immersion Test)과 바인더 점착력 시험(Bitumen Bond Strength, BBS Test)을 수행하여 각 아스팔트 바인더의 점착력을 평가하였다. 동적수침시험은 EN 12697-11 기준에 의해 수행되었으며, 주관적인 결과분석방법(육안평가)의 개선을 위해 DIA(Digital Image Analysis)를 통해 객관적인 평가를 수행하였다. 각 시편은 기존에 적용되던 육안조사와 무게변화 의 방법을 수행하는 동시에 객관적인 평가를 위해 Mesh Analysis 방법을 적용하였다. 각 시편을 동일한 조건에서 스캔하여 얻어진 이미지 파일을 총 400(20×20)개의 mesh로 나뉘어 각 cell에 대한 피복율을 5 단계의 가중치를 적용하여 계산하였다(Equation 1). Mesh Analysis의 결과를 적용하여 얻어진 기준값 (Threshold Value) 36을 기준으로 DIA를 수행하여 최종 점착력을 비교 ․ 분석하였다. Fig. 1은 동적수침 시험과 BBS Test로 얻어지는 수분민감성과 상온에서의 점착력결과를 나타낸 것이다. 본 연구에서는 DIT의 각 평가 방법을 비교하였고, 그 결과를 BBS 시험과 비교하여 아스팔트 바인더의 점착력을 평가하였으며, 도출된 결론은 다음과 같다. 기존의 DIT 육안평가 방법은 평가자 간의 차이가 크 기 때문에 주관적인 결과를 도출할 가능성이 있으며, DIA를 이용하여 보다 객관적인 평가를 수행할 수 있 을 것으로 판단된다. BBS 시험결과 PG등급이 높을수록 상온에서의 점착력이 좋다는 것을 확인할 수 있 었고, DIT 시험결과 또한 동일한 경향을 보이는 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to evaluate the SDAR (solvent deasphaltene residue), which is obtained from the solvent deasphalting (SDA) process, as a pavement material. METHODS : The physical properties of the SDAR were evaluated based on its chemical composition, and asphalt mixtures with the SDAR were fabricated and used for the evaluation of mechanical properties. Firstly, the chemical composition of SARA (saturate, aromatic, resin and asphaltene) was analyzed using the TLC-FID (thin-layer chromatography-flame ionization detector). Moreover, the basic material properties of the asphalt binder with the SDAR were evaluated by the penetration test, softening point test, ductility test, and PG (performance grade) grade test. The rheological properties of the asphalt binder with the SDAR were evaluated by the dynamic shear modulus (G*) obtained using the time-temperature superposition (TTS) principle. Secondly, the mechanical properties of the asphalt mixtures with the SDAR were evaluated. The compactibility was evaluated using the gyratory compacter. Moreover, the tensile strength ratio (TSR) was used for evaluating the moisture susceptibility of the asphalt mixtures (i.e., susceptibility to pothole damage). The dynamic modulus E*, which is a fundamental property of the asphalt mixture, obtained at different temperatures and loading cycles, was used to evaluate the mechanical properties of the asphalt mixtures. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION : The SDAR shows stiffer and more brittle behavior than the conventional asphalt binder. As the application of the SDAR directly in the field may cause early failures, such as cracks on pavements, it should be applied with modifiers that can favorably modify the brittleness property of the SDAR. Therefore, if appropriate additives are applied on the SDAR, it can be used as a pavement material because of its low cost and strong resistance to rutting.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance properties of chip seals and fog seals with polymer-modified emulsions. METHODS : The performance of chip seals and fog seals was evaluated on the basis of common issues in surface treatments. Granite aggregate and four types of asphalt emulsions (one of the unmodified and three of the modified emulsions) were used considering the usage in field. A Vialit test was performed to determine the aggregate retention, and the MMLS3 (Third Scale Model Mobile Load Simulator) test was conducted to determine the aggregate retention, bleeding, and rutting. In addition, the fog seal specimens were tested by the BPT (British Pendulum Test) to evaluate skid resistance. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Overall, the polymer-modified emulsions (PMEs) showed better aggregate retention and bleeding resistance for both chip seals and fog seals. When comparing the performance of the PMEs, the difference was not considerable. In addition, PMEs present significantly better rutting resistance than unmodified emulsions. For skid resistance, if the recommended mix design is applied, the specimens do not cause issues with skid resistance. Although all of the fog seal specimens were over the criteria for skid resistance, the specimen fabricated by the high emulsion application rate (EAR) of the unmodified emulsion was nearly equivalent to the skid value criteria. Therefore, the use of an unmodified emulsion with a high EAR should be carefully applied in the field.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objectives of this study were to develop a new polymer-modified emulsion for application to tack coats and to evaluate its properties by comparing it with other types of asphalt emulsions, with the goal of providing an enhanced tack coat material for use in construction. METHODS: Modified asphalt binders were developed from using SBS and SBR latex in the laboratory, and their fundamental properties, such as their penetration index and PG grade, were evaluated. Based on the properties, a new tack coat material was developed. To evaluate the newly developed asphalt emulsion, the bonding strength between the two layers of HMA was measured by applying a uniaxial tensile test and shear test. For the tests, a total of four different conditions were applied to the specimens, including the developed asphalt emulsion, latex modified asphalt emulsion, conventional asphalt emulsion, and non-tack coating. RESULTSAND CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the developed asphalt emulsion exhibits the best bonding strength behavior among all of the three types. Also, the two types of polymer-modified emulsions were found to be better for application for use as a tack coat than a conventional emulsion. Especially, at a high temperature (50℃), the conventional asphalt emulsion no longer acts as a tack coating material. Therefore, the polymer-modified emulsion should be considered for application to tack coat construction during the summer.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to compare the densities of asphalt pavements measured both in the field and in the laboratory, and also to evaluate the applicability of field density measuring equipment, such as the pavement quality indicator (PQI), by using statistical analysis. METHODS: For the statistical analysis of the density measured from asphalt pavement, student t-tests and a coefficient of correlation are investigated. In order to compare the measured densities, two test sections are prepared, with a base layer and an intermediate layer constructed. Each test section consists of 9 smaller sections. During construction, the field densities are measured for both layers (base and intermediate) in each section. Core samples are extracted from similar regions in each section, and moved to the laboratory for density measurements. All the measured densities from both the field and laboratory observations are analyzed using the selected statistical analysis methods. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION : Based on an analysis of measured densities, analysis using a correlation coefficient is found to be more accurate than analysis using a student t-test. The correlation coefficient (R) between the field density and the core density is found to be very low with a confidence interval less than 0.5. This may be the result of inappropriate calibration of the measuring equipment. Additionally, the correlation coefficient for the base layer is higher than for the intermediate layer. Finally, we observe that prior to using the density measuring equipment in the field, a calibration process should be performed to ensure the reliability of measured field densities..
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to develop new pothole repair materials using polyurethane-modified asphalt binder, and to evaluate them relative to current pothole repair materials in order to improve the performance of repaired asphalt pavement. METHODS : In the laboratory, polyurethane-modified asphalt binder is developed, and then asphalt binder is added to produce pothole repair materials. In order to evaluate the properties of this new pothole repair material, both an indirect tension strength test and a direct tension strength test are performed to measure the material strength and bond strength, respectively. Additionally, the basic material properties are evaluated using the asphalt cold mix manual. The strength characteristics based on curing times are evaluated using a total of 7 types of materials (3 types of current materials, 2 types of new materials, and 2 types of moisture conditioned new materials). The indirect tension strength tests are conducted at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 days of curing time. The bond strength between current HMA(Hot Mix Asphalt) and the new materials is evaluated by the direct tension strength test. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Overall, the new materials show better properties than current materials. Based on the test results, the new materials demonstrate less susceptibility to moisture, faster curing times, and an improved bond strength between HMA and the new materials. Therefore, the use of the new materials reported in this study may lead to enhanced performance of repairs made to asphalt pavement potholes.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to evaluate the curing and adhesive behavior of asphalt emulsions including polymer-modified emulsions for chip seals and fog seals. METHODS : For the laboratory testing, the evaporation test, the bitumen bond strength (BBS) test, and the Vialit test are used. Also, the rolling ball test and the damping test are employed to evaluate the curing properties of the fog seal emulsions. In order to conduct all the tests in controled condition, all test procedures are performed in the environmental chamber. The CRS-2L and the SBS CRS-2P emulsions are used as a polymer-modified emulsion, and then unmodified emulsion, the CRS-2, is compared for the evaluation of chip seal performance. For the fog seal performance evaluation, two types of polymer-modified emulsions (FPME-1 and FPME-2) and one of unmodified emulsion, the CSS-1H, are employed. All the tests are performed at different curing times and temperatures. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Overall, PMEs show better curing and adhesive behavior than non-PMEs regardless of treatments types. Especially, the curing and adhesive behavior of PMEs is much better than non-PMEs before 120 minutes of curing time. Since all the test results indicate that after 120 minutes of curing time the curing adhesive behavior of emulsions, the early curing time, i.e., 120 minutes, plays an important role in the performance of chip seals and fog seals.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to evaluate the bond strength of asphalt emulsions including polymer-modified emulsions for chip seals and fog seals using the bitumen bond strength (BBS) test. METHODS : For the laboratory testing, the Pneumatic Adhesion tensile Testing Instrument(PATTI) device is used to measure the bond strength between the asphalt emulsion and aggregate substrate based on the AASHTO TP-91. In order to conduct all the tests in controled condition, all test procedures are performed in the environmental chamber. The CRS-2L and the SBS CRS-2P emulsions are used as a polymermodified emulsion, and then unmodified emulsion, the CRS-2, is compared for the evaluation of chip seal performance. For the fog seal performance evaluation, two types of polymer-modified emulsions and one of unmodified emulsion, the CSS-1H, are employed. For chip seal study, the BBS tests are performed at 30, 60, 120, and 240 minutes of curing times with curing and testing temperatures of 15℃, 25℃, and 35℃. The fog seal tests are conducted at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes, and 24 hours with curing and testing temperatures of 25℃, 30℃, and 35℃. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Overall, chip seal emulsions and fog seal emulsions show the similar bond strength trend. At the same testing condition, polymer-modified emulsions show better bond strength than unmodified emulsions. Also, there is no significant difference between polymer-modified emulsions. One of important findings is that the most bond strength reaches their final bond strength within one hour of curing time. Therefore, the early curing time plays a vital role in the performance of chip seals and fog seals.
        2014.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        현재 아스팔트 도로 분야에서 신규건설 수요는 점차 감소되고 있으며, 기존 공용중인 도로의 사용기간 이 증가함에 따라 도로포장의 파손이 증가하기 때문에 도로의 재포장 및 유지보수의 수요가 증가하는 실 정이다. 기존 도로의 유지보수 적용 시 교통통제가 야기하는 도로 사용자의 불편 및 경제적 손실을 고려 해야하며, 또한 유지보수를 위한 비용을 시공 후 공용성과 비교하여 고려해야 한다. 미국 주 교통국에서 는 이러한 문제점들을 고려하여 현장 상황에 적합한 유지보수 공법을 선정하여 적용하고 있으며, 칩실과 포그실로 대표되는 아스팔트 표면처리공법(Asphalt Surface Treatments)의 사용이 증가하고 있다. 칩실 은 여러 유지보수 공법 중 경제적이고 효과적인 공법으로 시공 후 3~4시간 후에 교통을 개방한다. 때문 에 칩실의 초기 양생시간(3~4시간)이 칩실의 충분한 공용성 발현에 중요한 역할을 한다. 본 연구에서는 칩실의 초기 공용성을 평가하기 위하여 CRS-2 일반 유화아스팔트와 5 종의 폴리머 개질 유화아스팔트 (PME-A, -B, -C, -D, -E)를 사용하여 칩실 시편을 제작한 후 증발 시험(Evaporation Test), 점착력 시험(Bitumen Bond Strength, BBS Test), Vialit Test, MMLS3 골재 탈리 시험을 통하여 칩실의 초기 골재 부착력 특성을 평가하였다. 그림 1에서 Vialit Test의 골재 탈리 결과와 BBS Test로 얻어지는 각 유 화아스팔트의 점착력을 비교하였고, 미국 알래스카 주 교통국에서 칩실의 공용성 판단 요소로 제시한 10% 골재 탈리율 기준을 MMLS3 시험 결과와 Vialit Test 시험결과 사이의 관계식을 통하여 13%로 수정 하여 실험 결과에 적용하여 평가하였다
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