
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 지역특별기상센터-동경 태풍 센터에서 제공하는 태풍의 최적 경로 자료와 미국 국립 환경예측센터/미국 국립 대기연구센터의 재분석 자료를 이용하여 6월 북대서양 진동 지수와 7, 8월 총 북서태평양 태풍발생빈도 사이에 강한 양의 상관관계가 있음이 분석되었다. 이러한 관계의 가능한 원인을 알아보기 위해 엘니뇨, 라니냐 해를 포함한 경우와 포함 하지 않은 경우로 구분하여 가장 높은 양의 북대서양 진동 해와 가장 낮은 음의 북대서양 진동 해 사이의 평균 차를 분석하였다. 엘니뇨 해와 라니냐 해를 포함한 경우 양의 북대서양 진동 해에는 태풍이 열대 및 아열대 서태평양의 북서쪽에서 주로 발생하였으며, 필리핀 북동쪽 해상으로부터 동중국해를 지나 동아시아 중위도 지역으로 이동하는 패턴을 나타냈다. 반면, 음의 북대서양 진동 해에는 태풍이 열대 및 아열대 서태평양의 남동쪽에서 주로 발생하였으며, 필리핀 남동쪽 해상으로부터 남중국해를 지나 중국 남부해안 및 인도차이나 반도를 향해 서진하는 패턴을 나타냈다. 이러한 두 해의 태풍 이동 패턴은 태풍의 전향위치에도 영향을 주어 양의 북대서양 진동 해에 태풍 전향이 평균적으로 좀 더 북동쪽에 이루어지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 두 해의 태풍 이동 패턴은 태풍의 강도에도 영향을 주어 동아시아 중위도에 북상하는 동안 바다로부터 충분한 에너지를 공급받을 수 있는 양의 북대서양 진동 해의 태풍의 강도가 음의 북대서양 진동 해의 태풍들보다 더 강했다. 음의 북대서양 진동 해에 태풍은 중국 남부해안 및 인도차이나 반도에 상륙하면서 강도가 약해지거나 바로 소멸되어 약한 강도를 나타내었다. 한편 위의 모든 분석의 결과는 엘니뇨, 리니냐 해를 포함하지 않은 경우에도 비슷하게 나타나 6월 북대서양 진동 지수가 7, 8월 총 북서태평양 태풍발생빈도를 예측하는데 좋은 예측인자가 될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        가강수량과 구름물량의 시공간적 분포와 특성을 분석하기 위해 청주, 합천, 대관령에서 마이크로웨이브 라디오미터의 관측을 수행하였다. 각 지역에서 관측된 가강수량을 검증하기 위해 고층자료에서 산출된 가강수량과 비교하였으며 그 결과 상관계수가 0.8 이상으로 좋은 상관도를 보인다. 청주, 합천, 대관령 지역의 가강수량의 계절적인 변동과 일변화는 유사하게 나타났으며 일반적으로 1000 LST부터 증가하기 시작하여 1900 LST에 극대 값을 보인다. 반면에 구름물량은 지역적으로 계절적인 차이를 보인다. 이는 평지에 위치한 청주, 소백산맥으로 인한 편서풍 구름 차폐가 발생하기 쉬운 합천, 안개 및 구름이 잦은 대관령(834 m 해발고도) 등 각기 다른 지형 및 지리적 영향에 기인한 것으로 사료된다.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To characterize testing bags for the interior parts and components of new vehicles, three types kinds of bags (Tedlar bag, Polyester Al bag, and PET bag) were selected and investigated.. All testing bags were initially purged with 5 L of pure nitrogen gas. Then, they were heated consecutively for four times in a chamber at 60 and 100℃ at hourlys intervals. Changes in background concentration levels of VOCs and HCHO were then measured. After the 4th heat treatment at 100℃, the background concentrations in PET bag were lower by 5 times than the ftrst time treatment. The results of PET bags were superior to the other bags under the same treatment conditions. Even without heat treatment test, the background concentrations of PET bag was also lower than the others by 2 to 6 times. Based on our results, it can be concluded that the PET bag is the most suitable for sample tests as it is physically the most stable along with the lowest background of all 3 sample bags with the least bias.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Semi-automatic cryogenic-preconcentrator is constructed with time controlling function in preconcentration and desorption stage. GC-FPD and cryogenic-preconcentrator were to analyze gaseous sulfur compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide) in ppbv level. The objective of this study was to offer reliable methods for sulfur gas analysis in all procedures (keeping, concentration, desorption, and detection). The cryo-concentrator was able to concentrate 4 L gas sample of 40 % relative humidity. The recovery rate of the system was in the range of 92~100 % at 30 seconds of pre-heating time, and method detection limits were shown up 0.16~0.20 ng which is able to quantify 1 ppbv level with 0.5 L gas sample. The storage time of 5 ppbv sample in polyethylene bag led to serious loss (e.g; H₂S: loss of 30% after storage 3 days). It was estimated that the analytical bias was affected more sensitively by storage time after sampling than by cryo-injection procedures in the analysis of hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we improved the water-based condensation particle counter in Atmospheric Research Aircraft NARA and investigated the condensation particle number concentration over the Korean peninsula. Pump and set point information were changed to improve the instrument used by aircraft for observation. Ground-based observational result showed that the error between two instruments, which are water-based condensation particle counter and butanol-based condensation particle counter, was 4.7%. Aerial observational result revealed that the number concentration before improvement indicate large variation with unstable condition, whereas the number concentration after improvement indicate a reasonable variation. After improvement, the number concentration was 706±499 particle/㎤ in the West Sea and 257±80 particle/㎤ in Gangwon-do, and these are similar to the concentration range reported in previous studies. Notably, this is the first attempt to use aerial observation with water-based condensation particle counter to investigate condensation particle number concentration.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we investigated the characteristics of the meteorological and environmental conditions for a cloud seeding experiment over the Korean peninsula and estimated the available days for the same. The conditions of available days appropriate for a cloud seeding experiment were classified according to four purposes: water resources, drought relief, forest fire prevention, and air quality improvement. The average number of available days for a cloud seeding experiment were 91.27 (water resources), 45.93–51.11 (drought relief), 40.28–46.00 (forest fire prevention), and 42.19–44.60 days/year (air quality improvement). If six experiments were carried out per available day for a cloud seeding experiment, the number of times cloud seeding experiments could be conducted per year in a continuously operating system were estimated as 547.62 (water resources), 275.58–306.66 (drought relief), 241.68–276.00 (forest fire prevention), and 253.14–267.60 times/year (air quality improvement). From this result, it was possible to determine the appropriate meteorological and environmental conditions and statistically estimate the available days for a cloud seeding experiment. The data on the available days for a cloud seeding experiment might be useful for preparing and performing such an experiment.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we investigated the optimal meteorological conditions for cloud seeding using aircraft over the Korean Peninsula. The weather conditions were analyzed using various data sources such as a weather chart, upper air observation, aircraft observation, and a numerical model for cloud seeding experiments conducted from 2018 to 2019 by the National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Korea Meteorological Administration. Cloud seeding experiments were performed in the seasons of autumn (37.0%) and winter (40.7%) in the West Sea and Gangwon-do. Silver iodide (70.4%) and calcium chloride (29.6%) were used as cloud seeding materials for the experiments. The cloud seeding experiments used silver iodide in cold clouds. Aircraft observation revealed relatively low temperatures, low liquid water content, and strong wind speeds in clouds with a weak updraft. In warm clouds, the cloud seeding experiments used calcium chloride. Observations included relatively high temperatures, high liquid water content, and weak wind speeds in clouds with a weak updraft. Based upon these results, we determined the comprehensive meteorological conditions for cloud seeding experiments using aircraft over the Korean Peninsula. The understanding of optimal weather conditions for cloud seeding gained from this study provide information critical for performing successful cloud seeding and rain enhancement.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The statistical characteristics of aerosol–cloud interactions over East Asia were investigated using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite data. The long-term relationship between various aerosol and cloud parameters was estimated using correlation analysis, principle component analysis, and Aerosol Indirect Effect (AIE) estimation. In correlation analysis, Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) was positively Correlated with Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Cloud Fraction (CF), but negatively correlated with Cloud Top Temperature (CTT) and Cloud Top Pressure (CTP). Fine Mode Fraction (FMF) and CCN were positively correlated over the ocean because of sea spray. In principle component analysis, AOD and FMF were influenced by water vapor. In particular, AOD was positively influenced by CF, and negatively by CTT and CTP over the ocean. In AIE estimation, the AIE value in each cloud layer and type was mostly negative (Twomey effect) but sometimes positive (anti-Twomey effect). This is related to regional, environmental, seasonal, and meteorological effects. Rigorous and extensive studies on aerosol–cloud interactions over East Asia should be conducted via micro- and macro-scale investigations, to determine chemical characteristics using various meteorological instruments.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper proposes a wearable and motorized crutch control system for the patients using the conventional crutches. The conventional crutches have a few disadvantages such as the inconvenience caused by the direct contact between the ground and the armpit of the patients, and unstable gait patterns. In order to resolve these problems, the motorized crutch is designed as a wearable type on an injured lower limb. In other words, the crutch makes the lower limb to be moved forward while supporting the body weight, protecting the lower limb with frames, and rotating a roller equipped on the bottom of the frames. Also the crutch is controlled using the electromyography and two force sensing resistor (FSR) sensors. The electromyography is used to extract the walking intention from the patient and the FSR sensors to classify the stance and swing phases while walking. As a result, the developed crutch makes the patients walk enabling both hands to be free, as if normal people do.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the present study, changes in the activities of typhoons in the early typhoon season (April-June) in relation to the intensity of Siberian anticyclones and large scaled atmospheric circulations that cause those changes were analyzed. In years of positive Siberian anticyclones, typhoons occurred in the western waters of the subtropical western Pacific and went through the South China Sea to move toward the ashore to the southern coast of China or came north from the deep sea on the southeast of Philippines, changed directions and moved to the deep sea on the east of Japan. In years of negative Siberian anticyclones, typhoons occurred in the western waters of the subtropical western Pacific, went through the East China Sea and changed directions to move toward Korea and Japan. These differences between the two years were identified through stream flow differences at 850 hPa and 500 hPa between the year of positive Siberian anticyclones and the year of negative Siberian anticyclones. In both analyses, the cold northeasterly anomalies formed because anticyclonic circulation anomalies were centered on the Sea of Okhotsk and cyclonic circulation anomalies were center on the middle-latitude waters of the northwestern Pacific affected the Republic of Korea and Japan. Therefore, the cold northeasterly anomalies played the role of steering flows to prevent typhoons occurred in the subtropical western Pacific from moving toward Korea and Japan in years of positive Siberian anticyclone indexes. In particular, according to the analysis of stream flow at 850 hPa, cyclonic circulation anomalies were reinforced in the western waters of 140°E in the subtropical western Pacific and anticyclonic circulation anomalies were reinforced in the eastern waters of 140°E in the subtropical western Pacific and thus the former waters provided good environments for the occurrence of typhoons in years of positive Siberian anticyclone indexes and the latter waters provided good environments for the occurrence of typhoons in years of negative Siberian anticyclone indexes.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the cause of rapid intensity change of typhoon Nakri(0208) in view of point of a trough-typhoon interaction using diagnostic methods was examined based on 6-hourly GDAPS data from 10 to 13 July, 2002. At 0000 UTC 13 July, high PV(Potential Vorticity) region moved southeastward, reaching to the western edge of the Korean peninsula and near typhoon center at surface and there shows an increasing value of EFC(Eddy Momentum Flux Convergence). Also, as the trough and typhoon approach one another at the same time, the vertical shear(850-200 hPa) increases to more than 15 m/s. Thus, it might be concluded that the trough-typhoon interaction made intensified significantly, providing the fact that typhoon Nakri(0208) underwent substantial weakening while moving northward to around Jeju island.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To compare the effects of two external forcing on track of typhoon, TWRF(Typhoon WRF) based ensemble experiments are carried out in the case of Typhoon Morako which is the 8th typhoon at Northwest Pacific region in 2009. The two forcing are tropical SST and topography induced thermal and mechanical forcing, respectively. According to the result of numerical experiment for five-day forecast, the effect of mechanical forcing is about two times stronger than thermal forcing on the track error of the typhoon. More case study for other typhoon will be done as a next paper.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 기상청에서 실시간으로 생산하고 있는 레이더-AWS 강우강도(RAR) 자료의 유출모의 적용성을 평가하고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 춘천댐 상류유역(4859.73 )을 대상유역으로 선정하고 5개소유역에 대한시단위 AWS와 RAR 유역평균강우량을 산정하였다. 미계측 유역에서는 AWS와 RAR의 상관성이 낮고 계측유역에서는 높은 것으로 나타났다. 시단위 AWS와 RAR 유역평균 강우량은 강우분포형태에 따라차이가 크게 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. 두 자