In this study, the ventilation of duct is simulated by CFD and thermal changes on the seat surface are measured experimentally. These models are the improved duct and the existing one installed at the real seat in order to test the thermal change 1 minute later. The seat with the existing duct has the temperatures of 26℃ and 25℃ on lumber and femoral parts respectively. However, the seat with the improved duct has the temperature of 1℃ lower than the seat with the existing duct. This result contributes to develop the improved duct. Hereafter, the methods used in this study are expected to be useful at checking the flow resistance loss of the ventilation seat duct and assessing the flow channel design
Britsh StandardBS 7991)에 명시된 DCB 시험편을 본 연구에 맞게 수정 후 두께 25mm, 35mm, 45mm, 55mm, 그리고 65mm의 DCB시험편을 제작하였다. 이 후 시험편을 Single-lap 방식으로 접착한 후 정적실험에서 도출된 최대 전단력을 각 시험편에 10Hz로 피로하중을 가하였다. 실험 결과값에 대한 수치해석적 검증을 하고자 상용 해석 프로그램인 ANSYS를 통해 실험과 동일한 시험편과 조건 하에 해석을 수행하였다. 접착력 해석을 하기 위해서 Mesh의 절점(node)들의 관계가 매우 중요하기 때문에 접착된 부분의 모든 절점들은 동일 선상에 있게 Mesh를 형성하였다. 실험 결과와 해석 결과를 비교해 본 결과 피로하중이 약 200cycle 반복되었을 때 최대 등가응력이 발생 하였고, 이때 전단방향으로 변위가 약 11mm 진전 된 것을 볼 수 있었다. 이후 4000cycle가량 피로하중이 반복 될 동안 변위는 일정하게 점점 증가한 후 피로하중이 약 4800cycle 반복 되었을 때 실험과 해석 데이터 모두 접착계면에서 완전한 전단 파괴가 일어난 것을 볼 수 있었다. 이때 변위는 약 20mm 진행 되었다. 해석을 통해 실험 데이터를 검증해 본 결과 두 결과 값은 완전 하게 같지는 않지만 유한요소법 해석 결과에 대한 신뢰를 확보 할 수 있었다. 이는 실제 구조물에 실험 없이 간단한 재료 물성치만으로도 해석을 통하여 구조적 안전성을 알아 볼 수 있는 한 방법이 될 수 있을 것이라고 사료된다.
Adhesive joint method has been used instead of welding, reveted joint, bolt and nut in various industry fields recently. Aluminum foam has hole or crack on adhesive interface which is different from common composite material. To investigate shear characteristic of adhesive interface between aluminum foams, double cantilever beams(DCB) with thicknesses of 25mm, 45mm and 65mm bonded with single-lab joints are designed. The relation between nodes at finite element model is important to investigate adhesive strength in this study. All meshes are generated and some nodes are located on adhesive zone along collinear axis. As reaction force obtained by static experiment is applied, fatigue analysis is carried with 10Hz. In advance, adhesive property is obtained by preliminary experiment for applying adhesive strength to input into simulation analysis. With these conditions, the analysis results show that 2.97MPa, 3.10MPa and 4.2MPa of maximum equivalent stresses are shown respectively in case model thicknesses are 25mm, 45mm and 65mm. By use of the simulation result at this study, it is possible to find adhesive behavior of aluminum foam and be applied to real adhesive joint structure without experiment by sparing experimental cost and time
In this study, the property of crack growth in structural steel is investigated according to length and angle of crack at the analysis result of model. Strain energy, deformation and stress obtained by finite element analysis are compared with various configuration of crack. Stress intensity factors as fracture toughness are calculated by the basis of strain energy, deformation and stress. As there are almost no errors by comparing stress intensity factors with those from the standard formula, these calculated factors can be confirmed in order to be applied at real structure. In case cracks or holes at structure are existed, the fatigue damage possibility can be examined by use of this study result.
In this study, simulation analyses on the impact property of aluminum foam are carried and verified by experimental results. When aluminum foams with thicknesses of 25mm and 35mm are applied by impact energy of 14J, impact energy and deformation happened at aluminum foam are investigated by comparing experimental and analysis results. Experimental and analysis results of deformations or absorbed impact energy become similar each other. After verifying these simulation results with experimental results, impact properties of aluminum foams with thicknesses of 45mm and 55mm are also investigated by simulation results. As impact properties of aluminum foam can be studied effectively through only simulation results, it is thought to spare much time and cost by investigating various impact properties of aluminum foams with simulation analysis.
This study aims to evaluate structural safety through FEM on the hollow shaft and the shaft filled with aluminum foam as the impact beam made of high tensile strength steel, Force reactions of impact beams are investigated when the forced displacement of 50mm is applied equally on two beams. When impact velocity of 80km/h is applied onto impact beams equally with the limit velocity of automobile on national road, how much impact energies can be absorbed by beams are also investigated. As study result, impact beams without aluminum foam and with aluminum foam show the maximum reaction forces of 15.53kN and 20.34kN respectively in case of the forced displacement of 50mm. As impact analysis result, impact beams without aluminum foam and with aluminum foam can absorb impact energies of 560J and 820J respectively. As impact beam with aluminum foam has reaction force and impact energy more than 23% and 30% than without aluminum foam, impact beam with aluminum foam has more safety than without aluminum foam.
알루미늄 폼을 볼트나 너트를 이용하여 체결한다면 경량성이 감소되므로 접착제로 접합하는 것이 가 장 효율적이다. 이런 알루미늄 폼 접착 구조물에 대한 충격 피로 특성과 접착 합면에 대한 파괴인성 연 구는 매우 부족하며 또한 중요하다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 알루미늄 폼으로 만들어진 DCB모델을 접 착제로 접합한 후 두께를 변수로 하여 25mm 부터 45mm까지 10mm차이를 두어 실험과 컴퓨터 시뮬레 이션을 통하여 수행하였다. 실험은 MTS사의 인장 시험기를 사용하여 강제 변위 100mm를 주어 변위에 따른 전단력을 알아보았고, 실험과 똑같은 조건하에 ANSYS를 이용하여 유한요소해석을 수행하였다. 실험과 유한요소해석 값을 비교하여 접착제로 접합된 알루미늄 폼 구조물의 접착 합면에 대한 파괴인성을 고찰하였다.
Aluminum foam has many superb properties such as light weight, impact absorption and thermal resistance by comparing with original metallic materials. Composite materials made of aluminum foam have used at various fields as automotive bumper, shock absorption, vessel and aircraft. But it is inefficient to join aluminum foam with bolt and nut because of the property of light weight. In this study, this approach is investigated by joining aluminum foam with adhesive. Impact fatigue and failure toughness at the commissure of adhesive structure are studied by simulation analysis. This study aims to investigate the shear strength evaluation at shear mode of adhesively bonded joint with double cantilever beam(DCB) made of aluminum foam.
New material which absorbs impact energy effectively and has excellent mechanical property is developed. The used amount is increased at automobile field day by day. Aluminum foam with various air sell lattices within is one of representative porosity metals which are used at many automobile parts because it has the excellent lightness and impact energy absorption function. For this reason, aluminum foam is used widely as a component among composite materials. This study aims to investigate systematically the mechanical property of foam through computer simulation. In order to obtain the property of aluminum foam, aluminum foam is designed as the dimension of 100mm × 100mm × 25mm and the striker that has the diameter of 12.5mm is supposed to impact aluminum foam with impact energies of 6J, 10J, and 14J. Aluminum foam is not penetrated when striker given by energy of 6J or 10J impacts into it, but aluminum foam is penetrated by striker in case of impact energy of 14J. The result can provide the basic data in order to develop the advanced composite material.
Among the various parts of automobile, automotive seat is the most fundamental item that ride comfort can be evaluated as the part contacted at human body. Dynamic stabilities on 3 kinds of models are analysed according to inside beam configuration of rear seat frame in this study. Model 1 has the basic design of straight beam. Model 2 has the beam that is curved slightly from model 1 configuration and model 3 has honeycomb structure. Total deformations and equivalent stresses are investigated when these models are crushed at side. Total deformations due to frequencies are also obtained and critical frequencies on these frequency responses are investigated. By comparing total deformation configurations of model 1,2 and 3, model 1 and 2 apply the damage to passengers but model 3 absorbs the damage. Model 1, 2 and 3 show total deformations of 482.7, 178.9 and 151.62 mm at the critical frequencies of 180, 200 and 150Hz respectively. Because model 3 does not apply the damage to passengers and the total deformation at critical frequency becomes minimum among three models on frequency response, this model becomes most stable among 3 kinds of models when crushed at side.